Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology

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Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology Page 10

by Creative Anthologies

  “I don’t like to dance.”

  What is wrong with me? Seriously. I have this hot guy comforting me and wanting to cheer me up without expecting anything, and I’m being a moody bitch.

  “Neither do I, but I’m not letting you wallow in self-pity in your office.”

  Taking my hand and lacing our fingers together, he leads me back out. A couple of people look at me, snickering, but most give me sympathetic looks and supportive smiles. I guess it’s better than them looking at me with pity or all of them laughing at me and mocking me. It’s still so embarrassing how this night went. I was hoping it would go smoothly. It was supposed to be cheerful and fun and bring my Christmas spirit back. Instead, it was the complete opposite. A total nightmare and it reinforced my hatred of Christmas.

  Chapter 7

  December 24

  Warmth radiates through me and it feels like its wrapped around me. I try to kick off the covers as I’m way too warm, but a muscular arm snakes its way around my waist, pulling me closer to the heat source, which I don’t want to get away from.

  “Good morning, Elisa.” I honestly could get used to this. His soft voice is sending shivers through my body.

  “Good morning, Daniel.”

  “Merry Christmas Eve.” His soft neck kisses are doing things to me. On top of what his naked body and his sexy morning voice do to me, I’m fucked.

  “Merry Christmas Eve.” Who knew this would be happening? Not me, that’s for sure. For someone who started as my nemesis a couple of weeks ago, things sure have changed, and for the best. Last night was mind-blowing. Turning around in his arms, I’m met with the bluest eyes and the most tempting lips I’ve ever seen.

  “Where did you go just now?” The pad of his thumb brushes over my lower lip, making me smile.

  “Only got lost in my thoughts. It happens a lot.”

  “I know.” The amusement in his voice is pretty sweet.

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I walk past your office daily, and more than once I’ve caught you daydreaming.” His soft laugh is adorable. I’ve gone from hating everything this man does to not being able to get enough of it.

  “Oh, shit.” Fuck my life! This is not professional in the slightest, and I just can imagine the dumb look on my face when I daydream.

  “Don’t worry, it’s cute.”

  “It’s mortifying. I didn’t realise I was doing it at work that much!”

  “At least once a week I see you lost in your thoughts with a soft smile playing on your lips. Lips I enjoyed kissing last night, a lot.” The warmth of his hand caressing my cheek sends a wave down my body. I don’t know what this man did to me last night, but I’m not complaining. I’ve enjoyed every single second of it.

  “Just the lips?” I’ve grown to enjoy teasing him back on the few occasions it’s happened.

  “Oh, baby, I’ve enjoyed kissing all of you.” As if to prove a point, kisses start raining down my neck as he rolls us over, pinning me down under his body.

  “I did too.” A traitorous moan escapes my lips.

  “I’m glad you did, and I hope there will be a lot more of it.”

  Is he serious or is he just enjoying the fact that he was right about making me moan his name?

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Can it wait? I’m kind of in the middle of something.” His head rises from between my boobs, looking at me displeased but amused.

  “I mean, it could, but I’d like to know before this goes any further.” I’d love nothing more than to give in, but there are just some chats that need to happen before we get into any form of relationship.

  “Babe, we went all the way last night. Was it not that memorable?” I can’t tell if he’s worried or amused by the situation.

  “Eh, I’d give it a seven out of ten.”

  “Really?” Bless him, he sounds really offended, and now I feel bad.

  “I’m sorry, it was perfect. I was just teasing you.”

  “No, you weren’t.” Damn it! I feel really bad because he looks hurt. “I promise, I was. It was the first time I had an orgasm with a partner, so that should be telling.” I’m mortified to admit that, but sadly, it’s the truth.

  “That makes me happy.” I can tell it does. The smirk on his face was enough, he didn’t have to say anything. His soft lips crash onto mine, capturing them in another heated kiss. I’ll never get tired of those. “I don’t know how any of your exes never spent time trying to make you come. It’s literally the best to see your woman lose herself because of you.”

  “That’s probably because they were all self-centred assholes.”

  “That sounds about right. What did you want to ask me?”

  “I know we briefly talked about it, but why did you hate me and now, all of a sudden, I’m in your bed, naked, and we’re making out? Not that I’m complaining about it.”

  I’m not, I’m glad it’s happened.

  “I never hated you. I didn’t like the fact that your ideas were better and more creative than mine. I’ve always been the number one in every company I’ve worked for, and now I was second, and it hurt my ego.” I’m liking this new and more open Daniel. It’s refreshing.

  “Are you for real?”

  “Yes. I was one of those self-centred assholes before.”

  “Somehow, I have no doubt about that. You were so cocky when you first started working at the company. I couldn’t stand you.” All the shit I talked about him to the girls. If they knew where I was now, they’d be laughing.

  “What made you change your mind?” A soft smile is playing on his lips as he brushes a strand of hair away from my face.

  “I always thought you were really handsome and hot. There’s no denying that. Your personality, however, that’s another story. It was awful. You were a twat to me all the time. It’s only over the Christmas party preparations that I warmed up to you and started to enjoy who you are and discovered another side of you. When you stood up for me last night, and when we danced, those moments made me realise that maybe I actually hated you because I liked you and didn’t want to admit it to myself. It was easier that way.”

  It’s way too early for this serious of a talk but I’m the one who brought it up, so I have to suck it up and open up. I’m done keeping my feelings to myself. That hasn’t done me any good in the past and I want things to change for the better.

  “That makes sense. I’m pretty loveable.”

  “Not when you’re cocky…”

  “But you loved my cock last night.” There’s so much passion in his gaze that I could self-combust.

  “I did, and I wouldn’t be against another round…”

  “You don’t have to ask twice.” I barely had the words out and he was on me.

  Chapter 8

  December 25

  This Christmas turned out to be a lot better than I ever imagined.

  Not only have I managed to throw a Christmas party, with some help, but I’ve also gotten some much needed action in my life. Maybe I should send a thank-you card to Jeremy. Without the stunt he pulled during the Christmas party, I don’t know if Daniel and I would have gotten this close at this point in our lives. Time with him has been amazing.

  Daniel asked me to accompany him to his family Christmas brunch, which I wasn’t too sure about in the first place. I’m sure his family is lovely, but we barely know each other, and I’m already being invited to a family gathering, and even more so, the Christmas one. It’s such a big deal. Even though I don’t like Christmas, I wasn’t going to say no. He looked so cute when he asked me, I couldn’t refuse. Besides, that might reconcile me with Christmas and bring back the spirit.

  The most surprising thing was when Daniel introduced me as his girlfriend. I didn’t expect it at all. I don’t know what I was expecting, to be honest. I thought he was going to introduce me as a co-worker or a friend, but not his girlfriend. I quite liked it though. It’s such a nice feeling. He sounded genuine when he said it.
And I can’t lie, it made my heart flutter. There’s nothing like a hot man claiming you to get you all worked up. I don’t know if he was just pretending for his family because he’s thirty-five and still single, or if it’s real, but I’ll just have to roll with it until I can ask him in private.

  His family don’t do things halfway when it comes to Christmas. They’ve opened presents and even had one for me, which was the second surprise of the day. They gave me a beautiful set of gloves, a hat, and a scarf. Daniel claimed that the gift he gave them was from the both of us which was a nice save as I didn’t have anything, but I do feel bad about it.

  We’ve had brunch already, and there was a beautiful spread of various food. I’m not picky with food, which was very dangerous. I had to refrain from taking too much of everything. I didn’t want them to think of me as a glutton. I know it’s Christmas, but if this is going to go anywhere with Daniel, I don’t want his family to get the wrong impression of me from the get-go.

  Now that food has been had, we’ve all gone back to our rooms to change into matching pyjamas his mum got for everyone to watch some Christmas movies and sing some songs around the fireplace.

  “Did you mean it when you introduced me as your girlfriend?” The door is barely closed when I question him. I’ve been dying to ask him for the past four hours, and since we haven’t had a minute to ourselves, I’m jumping on this opportunity.

  “Of course I did, babe. I stopped pretending there was nothing between us during our first kiss. Hell, even before, when we were hating each other, I knew there was something and that we would end up together. I’m sure everyone at the office knew something would eventually happen.” He sounds amused by the situation, and it is quite funny. From that night we were at the restaurant and he said I’d be moaning his name before the end of the year, he was right. And I kind of hate that he’s right. Not that I’m regretting the past two days, but I wish I could have waited until January first, just to prove a point.

  “What makes you say that?” I go to turn to the bathroom to change, but he’s seen me naked more than once, so it’s kind of pointless to go all shy on him like that.

  “Because of the tension there was between us. You can’t tell me you’ve never felt it. Do I have to remind you of the time you got stuck in the lift?”

  “Babe, it wasn’t sexual tension. It was me trying not to have a panic attack and give you ammunition to tease me about it later.” I wish I could erase that moment from my memory. I hate lifts, always did, but that time just made it worse. Especially when you consider the fact that I watched the movie Devil the night before it happened.

  “If there’s one thing you need to know about me, it’s that, yes, I can be an idiot and tease you or pick on you about little things, but I’ll never make fun of you, ever, especially not for one of your fears.”

  “That’ll make a nice change.”

  “Elisa, I’m not one of your exes. I know I can be a dick sometimes, but it never comes from bad intentions. I don’t have a filter and sometimes it can get me in trouble. Just tell me if I’m upsetting you. Don’t let it build up inside you. If we have an issue, we talk about it.” I like this side of him. He’s really intense, but he’s not afraid to share and show his feelings.

  “It’s all right,” I say absentmindedly as I check myself in the mirror. His mum has the best tastes in pyjamas. They are both flattering and so comfortable.

  “Hey, I promise I’ll never pick on you.” Standing behind me, he wraps his arms around me, nuzzling my neck.

  “Thank you.”

  “I don’t want to hurt your feelings. Others have done it enough before me.”

  “That’s an understatement.”

  “So, are you going to admit that there was tension between us?” His chuckle resonates through my body.

  “I guess you’re right.” It hurts me to admit that.

  “You guess? Are you serious? You could cut it with a knife!” I love how animated he gets about it. It’s adorable.

  “Okay, okay. I surrender. You are right, there was sexual tension between us. I just didn’t want to admit it because I couldn’t stand you.”

  “Good girl.”

  “Really?” His expression changes to a more mischievous one when my eyes narrow at him through the mirror.

  “Admit it, you love it.” Grabbing my ass, he smirks.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  Two can play that game, mister.

  “Okay, I’ll stop. Elisa?”

  “Yes, Daniel?” I can’t help but smile at him. He’s so sweet and adorable.

  “Will you be my girlfriend?” Holding my hands in his, he takes a step closer to me.

  “Stop playing with me.” I still don’t know how serious he is about all of this.

  “Baby, I mean it. Will you be my girlfriend? It’d be the best Christmas present you could ever give me. I just need you in my life.” I can’t get over how different he is from the first impression I got of him.

  “Even better than the trip to the Maldives your parents got you?”

  “Yes, and if you say yes, you’re the one coming with me on the trip. Just saying.”

  I mean…

  “Yes, I’d like to be your girlfriend.”

  “You’re saying that just for the trip.” I can’t tell if he’s serious or if he’s just screwing with me.

  “Oh my God, I can’t believe you! Do you really think I’d do that?”

  “I’m joking, I’m joking. I know you’re not like that.”

  When he wraps his arms around me, I can feel his body shake from the laugh he’s holding back. The jerk.

  “Stop being a dick to me or I’m going to make your life a living hell.” I don’t usually threaten people, but it’s better to warn him not to push my limits too much.

  “I’d like to see you try and do that.”

  He has no idea of what he’s gotten himself into.

  “Don’t tempt me, Daniel.”

  “You’re the one tempting me, Elisa.”

  As if to prove a point, he grabs my ass and starts kissing my neck. He learned quickly that it’s one of my weaknesses, and that I can’t say no to neck kisses.

  “I like you a lot, Daniel.” A lot more than I’m willing to admit openly right now.

  “I like you a lot too, Elisa.”

  Who knew that I’d end up getting a boyfriend as a Christmas present? I guess someone up there is looking out for me.

  Christmas isn’t so bad after all. We’re going to have to figure out how to work things out between us, especially at work. I don’t want our possible fights at home to impact our professional life. It would be a nightmare. We both love working for the company, and it’d be awful if either one of us had to quit for whatever reason.

  We’ve even discussed joining forces and teaming up at work. That way, we’re doing joint proposals, which saves either of us getting our feelings hurt, and we’re sure to get the job done and get the best ideas for the clients. I couldn’t be any happier.

  About the Author


  Muriel Garcia is an indie author from Belgium.

  She started writing in 2005 but never published anything until 2015 when she decided to bite the bullet and just do it. She's grateful for all the amazing people she got to meet through her passion for writing.

  The 'Last Hangman MC Series' is the one that made people find out about her but since then she released a contemporary series - Love At Firsts - and a dark gory thriller trilogy - The Reaper Trilogy - which people have compared to Stephen King on crack — thing she's rather proud of.

  Some of her favourite things include snowy days, live music, horror movies, ghost stories, travelling and of course, a cosy day spent with a good book.

  Feel free to keep in touch with Muriel, she loves to hear from her readers.

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  Also By

  Last Hangman MC Series

  Saving Ayden

  Teaching Aleck

  Healing Gabe

  Trusting Nicole

  A Merry Last Hangman Christmas (Christmas Novella)

  Forgiving Nancy

  Stripping Callum

  Freeing Ryan

  Love At Firsts

  Love At First Glance

  Love At First Hate

  The Reaper Trilogy


  Pinehurst – An UrbanX Short Story

  Christmas Magic: A Series of Shorts

  A Christmas To Remember - JJ. Pits


  Coming home has always been a tedious task at times at Christmas, with the craziness of shopping and carol services and yearly traditions, there’s never time to breathe. This year I have an escape. Still a manic Christmas ahead, but love prevails...

  Chapter 1

  It’s finally the Christmas break and I’m heading home for two weeks. To spend time with my family and watch my best friend marry the love of her life.

  I really can’t wait to get home; I haven’t been back in so long. I moved to Newcastle five years ago to attend university. Then I got offered an amazing job just after I graduated, and I would have to be silly to turn it down.

  I’ve been in the job for over two years and I love it just as much as I did on my very first day. Making a difference to people is what I love, and helping families too is just the icing on the cake. My job is hard and sometimes upsetting, but it’s really rewarding as well and that’s what I love about it. Working in the valuable children’s unit is always something I wanted to do. I went to university to become a teacher, but things changed and working with families and children that need support and care is what I love doing. Being so far away from my family isn’t the easiest and at times so hard. Sometimes I just wish I could move back just to be close to them again, but at the moment I’m loving being in my job. I’m hoping to get a teaching job in the next couple of years and do what I've always wanted to do.


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