Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology

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Christmas Wishes: A Christmas Romance Anthology Page 23

by Creative Anthologies

“Savannah, where have you been?” my dad asked as I walked towards him and his eyes narrowed on my loose sweater, sweatpants, and thick scarf.

  “I was in a final. It’s just finished.”

  My mom turned to face me and winced.

  “Dressed like that? Oh my Lord. You are such a mess.”

  “I am not. I’m fine, but I have another exam to take. I’m just back to get my books and things to go study.”

  “Okay. We’re just here for the day. Your dad surprised me with a trip to New York for Christmas and we wanted to come see you, but if you’re busy…”

  I began to feel guilty and my dad was glaring at me as though it was my fault they’d showed up unannounced.

  “It’s fine. Come on in. My roommate, Alyssa, is already away for the holidays.”

  “So, it’s just you here for two weeks? I don’t like that idea at all. You can get your stuff and come home with us. I’ll book you a seat.”

  My dad was smiling triumphantly, and I rolled my eyes as I walked into my room, shutting the door on him. No way was I going home. We’d already been through it. I wasn’t playing along.

  My tuition was a scholarship, and although my parents paid a little towards it, I could go without it.

  I quickly texted Damon and Serena telling them I’d be late, and I messaged Hunter telling him I had to push seeing him to eight thirty.

  He responded with only a thumbs-up and I tossed my cell and my book bag onto my bed as I rifled through my closet.

  My exam schedule was pinned to my door and I quickly took it down, tossing it into my desk as I threw a few books around.

  I decided to lie and say I had Theory of Economics that afternoon. There was a final for it, but it was because the class was too big and had to be split into two groups and I’d been in the first group a few days before.

  I went back out and my mom was staring at my dad as he stared at the exam schedule that Alyssa had pinned to the door. She’d circled her finals.

  “It doesn’t look like you have a final today. Are you lying to us?” my dad asked with narrowed eyes and I wanted to scream at him.

  “I’m not lying. That’s Alyssa’s schedule, not mine. Look, there’s my final right there. Now can we go…”

  My mom nodded at me, but she was still sniffling, and I walked them across campus.

  “You wanna get a coffee with me? My final’s not till three, so I have time.”

  My dad nodded and we walked into the coffee shop. My eyes quickly scanned the room and my heart flipped when I saw Hunter sitting near the cash register sipping on a coffee.

  He looked totally different to how he’d looked in Florida and his long sweater covered his tattoos, plus he had glasses and a beanie on.

  He lifted his hand as though he was about to wave at me when something made him frown and he picked up his book and covered his face with it.

  My dad and I went into the line for the coffees, and while we were being served, I messaged Hunter.

  My parents showed up. They don’t trust me. It’s driving me nuts.

  He didn’t message back straight away, and when he did, my order was called, so I couldn’t check, but as I passed his table, his hand skimmed my leg sending a jolt of longing through me and making my hands shake.

  Chapter 2


  God she was so beautiful. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t come back to see her before now, but with classes and settling into New York, I didn’t have time. Plus, I wanted to make sure that it was safe for me to visit her. I didn’t want my past messing up her future.

  I watched her walk away from me as my fingers tingled from touching her. I couldn’t believe it when she walked in here, but then I saw her parents and I hid. I didn’t want to, but I knew if they saw me, I’d never get to see her that night.

  I hated it when she ran from me earlier and I just hoped I wasn’t too late. I had to stop myself texting her on a daily basis, but I wanted to give her a chance at a normal college life.

  My message back to her had been to ditch her parents and my cell chimed with a response.

  Ha-ha funny. Can’t ditch them yet, but I have a plan.

  My heart soared and I glanced over and caught her eye, grinning at her. Her wide smile back to me had her dad glancing around, but I was hidden behind my book once more.

  Almost busted there, princess.

  She didn’t reply straight away and I knew her dad was on edge because he passed my table a few times, but a few preppy guys had asked to sit with me and I was sure he didn’t see me or maybe he didn’t recognize me since I wasn’t wearing my usual leather jacket and I had a hoodie on. The coffee shop was filling up, so I nodded at them as I tried to read one of my prescribed texts for my comparative literature classes that was starting in January. The flowery language and elegant prose didn’t hold my attention and my mind kept drifting back to my girl. Much cell chimed and I glanced down to see her reply.

  I’m going now. See you at eight thirty.

  My eyes shot up, but she was gone, and although I wanted nothing more than to follow her, I had to be cool. I just hoped she’d want to come with me and spend the next few weeks with me in the log cabin I’d booked for us in Vermont.

  Her parents were too, and I decided to give up my reading as a bad job and go grab some groceries for us for our trip. I passed the time shopping and picking up little knickknacks for Savannah and my roommates. One of the guys, Ollie, had become my best friend, but I was still wary over how much I said to him.

  He was from Nevada though, so he knew from my tattoos that I was in a club, but I didn’t tell him any more than that or anything about where I was from or who I rode with. He was a good guy though and was the one who encouraged me to book a cabin for Sav and me when I told him how much I was missing her.

  By the time it was eight, I was on edge because I hadn’t heard from her. I was back sitting in the coffee shop when she walked in with some guys.

  One of the guys had his arm draped around her and my temper started to bubble under the surface. I stayed still and watched as she ordered a coffee, giggled and then smiled up at him in a way that almost ripped my heart out.

  It was the way she had smiled at me and I hated seeing her look at someone else like that. She hadn’t noticed me, and I sat watching as they joked around. Her jacket was open, and she was wearing a tight red top and a pair of dark blue jeans. Her face had some makeup on it, and she had dangly Christmas-themed earrings in.

  She ordered a donut and ended up covered in icing sugar when she ate it which he proceeded to clean off her lips with his thumb. She smirked at him and took a small step back from him as my heart dropped out of my chest. My hands tightened on the table and I wanted to leave but leaving meant passing them and there was no way I could do that.

  I watched as he leaned down and kissed her, but she froze up and stepped away from him, putting her hands on his chest. My blood roared in my ears and fury raced through me, but then she turned, and her eyes met mine.

  Her face paled as she took in my expression and I watched her speak to the guy in a low voice. He turned towards me and swallowed before the idiot began to move towards me. I wanted to rip his head off, but I didn’t need to cause a scene.

  “So,” he said as he stood before me and I glowered at him, “you’re the reason I can’t tap that fine piece of ass…”

  His smirk, his tone, and his arrogance set my temper off, but I saw Sav looking at me and I knew that he was testing me. He obviously knew something about me and was trying to push me to respond, but I wouldn’t. I had too much to lose and I swore to Sav in Florida that I wasn’t that guy anymore.

  “One, Savannah isn’t a piece of ass for you or anyone else; two, the reason she doesn’t want you has nothing to do with me and everything to do with her; and three, if you value your face, get it the fuck out of mine…”

  He started laughing and I swallowed against the rage that was building inside of me, clenching my shaking hands to k
eep from swinging for him.

  “You’re funny… Do you really think you can take me? Ha-ha that’s good. That’s fucking hilarious. You see those three guys?” He pointed to where Sav was standing and I could see two other guys standing there, watching me.

  Savannah was watching me with wide eyes, and I wanted to go to her, but the douchebag was still standing in front of me. I stood up and shoved my cell, iPod, and textbooks into my book bag, stepping forward until I was toe to toe with this guy.

  “Don’t tempt me, asshole. Now get the fuck outta my way.”

  He stepped into my space and I growled. I wasn’t in the mood for his shit. Seeing his hands over my girl had sent me over the edge and I was about ready to kick the shit out of the pompous little prick.

  “Or what?” he sneered, and I was about to show him exactly what was about to happen when Savannah pushed her way between us. Her scent invaded my nostrils, and my stomach did a feeble flip, but the rage was too intense and my fists clenched even tighter when she spoke to him first.

  “Sawyer, you’re drunk. Knock it off…”

  She pushed him firmly away in the direction of their friends before she turned to me with a sheepish expression. She couldn’t meet my eyes and I glared at Sawyer as he pushed against her. If he hurt her, I’d fucking end him, but Sav wasn’t impressed and when she spoke again there was a coldness in her tone that hadn’t been there before.

  “I mean it, Sawyer, back the fuck off…”

  She glanced over her shoulder and he shrugged, laughing as he walked back to his friends. I could barely see her through the rage and my whole body was shaking as I tried to taper my temper down.

  “Hunter, let’s go.”

  I stared past her, watching as he rejoined his friends and made them laugh. My ears were ringing, and my vision was blurring, but then Savannah touched my chest and I glanced down to see her staring up at me.

  “Hunter, please?”

  Her low voice and her hand that curled into mine as she linked our fingers made my heart pound in a totally different way and she began to lead us from the cafe. She had to explain to me what the fuck that was or I’d lose my fucking mind. I had to know why she’d let him kiss her, why she’d been flirting with him and why he came at me like that.

  We’d taken about four steps when an idea struck me and I tugged her into my chest, stroking her cheek as her breathing sped. Her light brown eyes danced as I lowered my mouth and captured her lips in a kiss that made my soul shake.

  She didn’t push me away, and as her hands wrapped around my neck, I heard a series of yells from the group near the door, but I was too caught up in her intoxicating kiss to care about what was happening around me.

  Her tongue tasted like tequila, sugar, and heaven and her body molded to mine like it was made for me. As the kiss deepened, my arm was yanked and I almost fell as Savannah was pulled from my arms by a girl I didn’t know. I began to go after her when she shook her head at me and nodded over my shoulder.

  As I slowly turned, I could hear her and her friend talking as they made their way further away from me. My shoulders stiffened and my whole body tensed when I saw two of the guys standing watching me. The guy from earlier was standing in front of me and the rage was palpable both from his face and his stance.

  “Leave her alone, cocksucker…”

  “Make me,” I seethed, and he swung for me. I heard his knuckles crack on my cheek, but the pain wasn’t that bad. I’d had worse. Fuck, when DJ and his goons got me, I’d been a train wreck, so this was fucking nothing.

  “Is that all you got, motherfucker?” I laughed at him and he bristled and swung for me again when I caught his fist and twisted, holding it tightly and making him yelp in pain, but I didn’t care.

  “I’m warning you to back the fuck off…”

  One of his friends tried to land one on me, but I ducked, and he cracked his fist against the pillar beside me.

  “So, what is it? Leave us alone? Or do I have to make you?” My voice was low and shook as I twisted his hand a little more.

  “Fine, you got it. I’ll leave…”

  I dropped his hand and was about to turn when I saw him move from the corner of my eye. He tried to pin me to the wall, but I twisted out of his grip and slammed him hard against the wall.

  “I’m leaving now. You touch my girl again or ever try to lay hands on me again and I’ll fucking end you… you feel me? Now stay the fuck down, asshole,” I whispered into his ear as he tried to get out of my hold. His face was going redder and I shoved him hard into the wall as I scanned the shop for Savannah.

  I couldn’t see her anywhere, but then I spotted her outside with one of his friends and another girl. She was arguing with them and I dropped the douchebag I was holding. He sat on the floor as I jogged outside just in time to hear an argument between Savannah and her friends.

  “I told you he wouldn’t have changed…” the guy told her in a carrying whisper and the girl beside him nodded.

  “Come on, Savannah. He’s dangerous,” the girl intoned and my back stiffened.

  “He is not. He didn’t say a word when Sawyer kissed me, which, Damon, was a low blow. It wasn’t until Sawyer started on him that he ever reacted.”

  My heart soared at hearing her stand up for me and as I made my way over to her I heard her friend say something that stopped me in my tracks.

  “So, if he’s not dangerous, then why haven’t you told him you don’t have plans for Christmas? Why did you lie to him?”

  I was a foot away and I saw Sav’s face pale as I heard her friends' words echoing around my head.

  “Hunter,” Savannah whispered, and her eyes met mine. I shook my head at her and turned to walk away from her. She lied to me. She said she was busy, and I was just hoping I could change her mind, but her friend was right, she lied to me. My head kept repeating that simple phrase over and over as I trudged through the snow to my truck.

  I stood at the door of my truck and hit it, wincing as the pain in my hand overtook the pain in my heart.

  “Hunter, wait, please?”

  Her voice sounded thick with tears and I turned to face her, hoping she’d say something, anything to make it better. She knew everything about me, and I hated that she’d felt as though she had to lie to me.

  Her face was red, and her eyes glistened in the moonlight. I watched as a tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly brushed it away.

  “I… I’m so sorry…” she said, her words were soft, and she wrapped her hands around her waist as I watched her wondering why. She was so beautiful standing there, and I was at a loss because I hadn’t dated before, not really anyway.

  “Why…?” I began in a hoarse voice that shook as I tried to speak to her. I cleared my throat and tucked my hands into the pockets of my sweater because I was starting to get cold.

  “Why did you lie to me, Sav?”

  “I uh… I… can we go inside your truck? I’m freaking freezing…”

  Her whole body was shaking, and I stared at her for a beat, before unlocking the door and opening the passenger side for her. I darted around the car and climbed in the cab, turning the heat up full and blasting us with it.

  After a few minutes of silence where I couldn’t think of a single thing to say, she twisted in her seat to face me.

  “I’m sorry, Hunter. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but I told my parents I was staying on campus. Things have been frosty with them since I came here, and I honestly didn’t think you’d show up.”

  I scanned her face and wished I could turn back the clock. I wish I’d applied to Yale because then we could have been together.

  I missed her so much, but she lied to me.

  “Yeah, okay. But why lie to me?”

  She opened her mouth to speak and then her cell began vibrating in her purse. For a moment she ignored it and then she sighed as she quickly took it out and saw her dad was calling her.

  Chapter 3


  My dad�
��s name flashed up on my cell and I rolled my eyes. Impeccable timing as usual.

  Hunter still looked devastated and I couldn’t blame him. He’d come all the way to see me and I told him I was busy. It sucked and I needed to tell him that my parents had threatened to withdraw their financial support if I was with him.

  We’d ended up arguing about it and I told my dad I wouldn’t be home at all since he didn’t trust me. Being with Hunter had broken my parents’ faith in me and I wasn’t sure I’d ever get it back.

  My cell continued ringing and I silenced it and pushed it back into my purse. My eyes scanned the truck and I saw the snacks and things in the back seat.

  “Taking a trip?” I asked Hunter in a small voice, wondering if he was going and if he was taking someone else.

  He ran his fingers through his hair and over his face before he looked back at me.

  “I was hoping to, but the only person I want to spend any time with has just lied to me, so I might just go back to New York.”

  My heart hammered at his words and I could see some gifts wrapped on the back seat.

  “Oh… you were going to ask me to go on a trip with you?”

  “Well, yeah… I missed you, so fucking much, but I guess it doesn’t matter now.”

  My head was spinning as the alcohol I’d consumed earlier and my hunger battled against my wanting to speak to him.

  “Can you take me back to my dorm?”

  I saw his face fall, but I was struggling to hold my liquor down, so I couldn’t say anything to him to comfort him.

  “Please, Hunter?” I asked as I leaned my head back against the headrest and tried to control my nausea. My head was spinning like a fairground ride and if I didn’t get back soon, I’d pass out. He stared at me for a moment and then nodded, putting the truck in drive as he drove towards the dorms across campus.

  “This one,” I told him as we reached it, but my stomach rolled, and I knew I had a few moments before I spewed. I threw the door open and jumped from his truck, slipping in the snow and landing on my knees before I vomited.


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