Guilty as Charged

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Guilty as Charged Page 14

by Harlow James

  His hand grips his dick while he strokes himself and I feel myself start to drool at the sight. I watch him for a few moments before he grabs my hand and takes me over to the couch, positioning me so I’m bent over the arm of the dark brown leather.

  “Don’t move.” He walks away, leaving me perplexed until I see him retrieve a condom from his wallet and make his way back over to me. The telltale tear of foil builds even more anticipation as I look over my shoulder and watch him roll the condom down his length.

  “God, this ass,” he growls while grabbing both of my cheeks and squeezing them hard. And then he slaps me, startling me with a sharp pain that morphs into pleasure as it subsides.

  “Did you like that, Princess?”

  “Yes …”

  “Have you ever been spanked before?”

  “No …”

  “Do you want me to do it again?”

  I nod, unable to speak anymore as I feel wetness drip down my legs. My God, I’m in trouble. This man is exactly what I needed, what I’ve been missing, and I don’t think one time with him will be enough.

  Javier grabs a fistful of my hair, yanking me gently back toward him so my ass is still perched over the arm of the couch, but my back is bowed slightly.

  “Look at me when I fuck you, Princess. Watch me smack your ass and fill your pussy with my cock.”

  “God, please.” I’m begging, desperate to feel him inside of me.

  Javier smacks my ass once more with his free hand before lining himself up to my entrance and pushing forward.

  “Fuck, you’re tight,” he growls before pulling out and pushing in again even further.

  “Yes … more, Javi.”

  Smack! “Don’t forget who’s in control here, Princess.” He pulls all the way out, making me groan in frustration.

  “Please … I need it. I need you to fuck me. Own me, Javi. Fucking own me!” I plead just as Javier thrusts forward and fills me completely.

  “Shit!” he barks, before pulling back out and barreling forward once more, hitting deep inside of me, making me scream out in pleasure.

  “Is that what you wanted, Sydney?” he asks, as he thrusts harder and harder with each tilt of his hips.

  “God, yes!”

  He turns my face back to him so we can stare in each other’s eyes as he continues to move in and out of me, the sound of our bodies smacking against each other echoing in the room.

  His lips find my neck as he drags his tongue up the column, bringing goosebumps to the surface of my skin and making my body come undone from his touch.

  Dear God, I needed this.

  This raw, animalistic fucking.

  This brazen comfort to ask him for what I desire.

  This out of mind experience that is allowing me to focus on nothing but the sensations cascading all over my body.

  My nipples are hard, my pussy is drenched, and my legs are shaking, but I don’t want this to end.

  Javier lets go of my hair and pushes me forward so my torso is resting on the couch again, but he never breaks his pace. His hands find my hips now and grip me tightly as he continues to slam into me. And then I feel his finger again moving against my asshole and excitement builds in me as I wait for him to cross the barrier once more.

  I never thought it would feel as good as it does, or it would develop a sense of empowerment in me to know that the perfect girl I am on the outside actually likes to be a little naughty behind closed doors. But fuck if it doesn’t make me question what else I’ve been missing out on.

  “Yes, do it,” I say as I look back at Javier again, marveling in the way his muscles are tightening as he moves, the sweat that’s dripping off his forehead and hitting my ass, and the clench of his jaw as he watches where the two of us are joined while he keeps sliding in and out of me.

  With no warning, he breaks through the rim of my ass and moves his thumb in time with his dick, bringing my orgasm forward so fast, I barely have time to catch my breath.

  “I’m gonna come, Javi!” I shout in warning, but that’s all I can get out before the tremors of pleasure rock through my body and I scream out in pleasure.

  “Fuck!” he yells, throwing his head back as I feel him pound into me a few more times and then still, the pulsing in his dick twitching inside of me.

  We’re both breathless, sweaty, and physically drained, but as my body begins to relax, I can’t fight the smile that stretches across my lips, knowing that asking for what I wanted finally paid off.

  Chapter 15


  The crisp, sweet flavors of my mimosa hit my lips as I take a sip, waiting for Ally to arrive for our brunch date Sunday morning. It appears that ten o’clock is when most twenty-somethings find the courage to roll out of bed and nurse their hangovers with the eclectic food of The Rustic, an up and coming restaurant just outside downtown Dallas.

  “Sorry, I’m late.” Ally plops down in the chair across from me, blowing her hair out of her face and removing the few strands that got stuck to her lip gloss.

  “Damn, Mommas. You look nice.” I survey my friend, beaming from how gorgeous she looks right now.

  “I would only go through all of this trouble for you, bestie.”

  “Not even Collin gets this treatment?”

  She laughs. “Nope. He’s lucky if my legs are shaved at this point.”

  “So romantic.”

  Ally glances at the mimosa that I ordered for her and immediately moves to drink it. With a smack of her lips, she studies the orange liquid and then sighs in pleasure. “The drive was worth it just for that.”

  “Not to see your best friend?”

  “Well, I guess that’s important too,” she says with a wink. “So, how is everything going? I feel like we barely got to talk Wednesday between shuffling my kids around so we could get our pubic hairs ripped out. What’s happened since then?”

  My eyes veer to the side as I fight the smile trying to form on my lips. In fact, my cheeks have been stinging ever since Friday night when I left Javier’s house thoroughly satisfied.

  “What’s that grin about?” She points a finger at me and then narrows her eyes. “Wait. Something’s different. You seem … more relaxed, maybe? Your skin looks brighter. You look lighter …” she keeps going as I take another sip of my mimosa again, hiding my smile behind my glass.

  “Are you going to tell me, or do I have to keep guessing?” She crosses her arms over her chest just as our waiter arrives.

  “Good morning, ladies.”

  “Jared?” Ally blurts out as I look up and see a familiar face staring down at us.

  “Hey, Mrs. Murphy. Sydney. How are you two doing today?”

  Ally and I widen our eyes at each other before I clear my throat and speak. “We’re doing great. How about you?”

  “Yeah. When did you start working here?” Ally adds.

  “The same week I came home from school. The ice cream man gig is nice, but it doesn’t pay the bills. This place is poppin’ on the weekends, so it definitely helps with the cash flow.” Jared looks over at me and flashes that boyish grin I recall making me warm from the inside out.

  But today, it does nothing.

  “Well, that’s nice then,” Ally says before glancing back at me and shrugging.

  “Are you two ready to order?”

  “What would you recommend, Jared?” Ally bats her eyelashes at him now, upping her flirting game. That or the mimosa has gone straight to her head.

  “The sampler seems to be the most popular item on the weekends. It has a little bit of everything sweet and savory we have to offer.”

  “Perfect. We’ll take two then. And two coffees with cream too, please,” I declare.

  Jared clicks the buttons on his iPad as he enters our order in his palm and then nods. “Sounds good. Be right back.”

  As I watch him saunter off, Ally shakes her head in amusement. “Small world, huh?”

  “You can say that again.”

  “So, don’t
think you’re off the hook since Jared came along and interrupted us. I know something’s going on with you. You’d better spill.”

  Another waitress comes by to deliver our coffees, but I avoid Ally’s eyes while I stir some cream and sugar into mine.

  “Well, I do need to tell you something, but you have to promise not to make a scene in this restaurant.” I glance around the room, assessing the increase in customers since I arrived. The last thing I want is for the wrong person to overhear my confession.

  Ally nods, bringing her coffee to her lips. “I can do that,” she states, feigning confidence because I know once I tell her about my Friday night, she’s going to want to scream.

  The hot coffee hits my tongue as I delay speaking a few seconds longer. “So, Friday night was the Chamber of Commerce mixer.”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “And I had a hell of a day leading up to it. By the time I arrived, I was irritated beyond belief and then my mother started chastising my outfit.”

  Ally snickers and then motions for me to continue.

  “So, I escape her only to be cornered by Andrew.”

  Ally’s face scrunches up in disgust. “Ew.”

  “Yeah.” I sigh. “It’s not like he’s not a decent looking guy. But the way he told me to basically get over myself because we are destined to be together brought on severe nausea.”

  “I’m getting it right now just listening to you.”

  I nod in agreement and then keep talking. “So, we sit down to dinner where my dad plays the doting father, bragging about his kids and chatting with a few of the other judges and business owners, you know, the usual…”

  “Uh huh …”

  “And then Andrew asks me to have a drink with him in front of everyone so I can’t say no.”

  “I wanna punch this guy in the junk so hard right now.”

  I chuckle and take another drink of my coffee. Jared comes by at that moment and delivers our meals, two giant platters that cover the entire table, causing us to shift things around.

  “Jesus, Jared. You could have told us to just order one,” Ally reprimands. “This is a ton of food.”

  Jared just shrugs. “You can always take home what you don’t eat. And this way you don’t have to share.” He winks in her direction and then places a condiment basket on the table. “Enjoy and let me know if you need anything.”

  “Will do.” I smile up at him and then stare back down at the meal that could feed a small army.

  Chicken fried steak, cornbread, scrambled eggs, avocado toast, bacon, sausage, French toast, and pastries of every kind cover the wooden plates the food was served on.

  “I will bringing home food to Collin and the kids for sure,” Ally mumbles around a bite of a cinnamon roll. “Okay, so get back to the story. Andrew laid on the charm and took you from the table …”

  I finish chewing a bite of chicken fried steak and then answer. “Yes. He took me outside where I reprimanded him for doing that, but then he pleaded for me to just give him a chance.”

  “And so you did?”

  I look down at the ground beside me, avoiding her eyes until I can prepare to tell her what happened next.

  “Sydney … You didn’t!”

  My head flies up almost immediately. “What? No!” I shake my head. “Nothing happened with Andrew. He offered to get me a drink from the bar, but I ended up faking having to go to the bathroom and ran out a side door to my car.”

  Ally smiles proudly across the table at me. “Nice. So that’s your story?” She shoves another bite of food in her mouth and then studies me while she chews.

  I bite my bottom lip, nervous for her reaction to my secret. “No, but remember what I said. Please don’t freak out.”

  Ally rolls her eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Now get on with it, woman.”

  I take in a deep breath and then continue. “When I left, I drove past Gibson Brewery. Apparently they opened up a tasting room in Newberry and the place was packed. I decided to stop in and check it out, not having anything else to do and needing another drink to calm down after my frustrating day and night. But I ran into someone …”

  Ally perches up on the edge of her seat. “Who?” Her eyes widen and I swear she looks like she’s drooling.


  Her smile stretches as her mouth falls open slightly, clearly intrigued by the turn in my story.

  “And …” She reaches over and takes another bite of food.

  I inhale and then get it out as quickly as I can, not able to contain my secret any longer. “He came over to give me shit, as usual. I told him to knock it off and stop being an ass, and then asked him to teach me how to lay tile. So he took me back to his place where we did not lay tile. Nope. We had life-altering, dirty, sweaty, panty-melting sex in which he made me come twice, and now I want to do it again.”

  Ally’s jaw falls open and her food comes tumbling out.

  “Ew, Ally! Get a hold of yourself.”

  She scrambles to clean off her lap and the table beneath her and then settles her sight back on me—eyes wide, smile huge, hands resting firmly on the table. “You had sex with Javier Montes?”

  “Lower your voice,” I warn. “But yes, I did. And it was …” I sigh, fighting the cheek burning smile from coming back.

  “Laying tile, huh? Is that what you kids are calling it these days?” Ally laughs and then empties her mimosa.

  “I helped him pick out tile for his kitchen on Monday when he picked me up in the rain.”

  “I feel like I’m missing so many details.” And she is, so I fill her in on the Home Depot incident.

  I bite my lip again, waiting for more of a reaction from her. “Well, is that all you have to say?”

  She reaches for my hand across the table. “I’m proud of you, Sydney. I think this is exactly what you needed. I don’t know that I would have recommended Javier for the job, but I think he got it done.”

  “I can’t even describe what it felt like, Ally. It was raw, but also comfortable. I didn’t feel self-conscious. I just felt … pleasured.”

  “That’s how it should feel when you let loose with someone. Now you know it’s out there.”

  “But I want more …”

  “Well, duh. Sex is amazing, and sex like that is even more so. What did Javier say about the evening though?”

  I stare off in the room, recalling how Javier acted once we were done. He cleaned himself up and then returned to me with a warm rag to do the same. We got dressed quietly before he walked me to the door and said he’d see me Tuesday at the self-defense class, kissing me goodbye on the cheek. It was at that moment that I realized we had sex but never kissed, which stirred up something I decided to shove back down.

  We didn’t talk about what happened at all, which is the number one thing making me so nervous because I don’t want to just experience that kind of sex once. I need it again.

  “Well, he told me that all he could offer me was sex before we went there. But we didn’t discuss where we go from here after.”

  Ally purses her lips before leaning back in her chair. “Are you sure you’d be okay with that? I mean, I know you, Sydney. We’ve been best friends for half of our lives now. You’re not exactly a one-night stand kind of girl, nor a friends-with-benefits kind of girl either.”

  I shrug as the level of discouragement rises within me. “I know. But this was exactly what I feel like I’ve been missing, Ally. And I got it with Javi, for crying out loud. I got the nerve to ask him for what I wanted. I commanded him to fuck me. I even got some kitchen counter action.”

  Ally smacks the table, excitement radiating out of her. “Yes, girl!”

  “Jesus Christ, Ally. Shut up!”

  She laughs, holding her arms across her stomach before relaxing and returns to eating. “Well, I say go for it then. What do you have to lose? I know it’s been hard for you to let go and feel comfortable standing up for yourself. Maybe getting railed by Javier a few times will knock some s
ense into you and then you can tell your father off.”

  I tilt my head at her, giving her an annoyed look. “You know it’s more complicated than that, Ally. He’s my dad. He means well, he just doesn’t like to listen.”

  “I know. And I love him, Sydney. He’s practically a second father to me. But you need to make him listen. For a judge, he sure is close-minded. Aren’t judges supposed to be all about looking at all of the facts before making a decision?”

  “Yes … what’s your point?”

  “My point is,” she says, directing her fork across the table at me, “that he doesn’t seem to want to listen to the fact that you don’t like Andrew and want to do things that you feel are in your best interest. So use this newfound freedom of yours to explore that and maybe it will give you the courage to demand to be heard once and for all.”

  I arch a brow at her, contemplating her words. “So you think that by screwing Javier a few more times, I’ll magically find some courage and get my father to listen to me.”

  She shrugs. “Maybe.”

  I can’t help but laugh as I shake my head at my friend. “Wow. The way your mind works sometimes …”

  “It’s a gift. In the meantime, enjoy some wild sex, Sydney, because I’m telling you, once you’re married, it’s a lot less frequent with kids around.”

  I leave brunch with my best friend feeling renewed in my decision. Asking Javier to fuck me was one of the most audacious things I’ve ever done. It felt emboldening. I lived in the moment for once and letting him have his way with me gave me a high that I don’t want to fade.

  I know he said that all he could offer me is sex, so why not take advantage of that? I’m a grown woman. I’m capable of casual sex—at least that’s what I try to convince myself of over the next two days until Tuesday arrives and it’s time for my next self-defense class, which is also the first time I’ve seen Javier since our night of steamy sex.

  When I walk into the gym, I look around for him but I don’t see him anywhere. Trying not to focus on the sudden wave of disappointment rolling through me, I head for the locker room and change my clothes before putting away my things. By the time I make it back out, the rest of the girls have arrived and Javier and Clay are standing in the front of the room with their arms crossed over their chests.


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