Guilty as Charged

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Guilty as Charged Page 19

by Harlow James

“And you do?”

  “Better than you. We were wrong about her. At least, I was. And yes, our arrangement leaves space for someone to misconstrue the point of it, but I’m not going to sit here and let you tell me how to live my life.”

  Selena nods and then drops her hand. “Does she know? About your time in prison?”

  I shake my head slowly before running my hand through my hair. “No. And I don’t think she needs to. That’s something personal and we don’t venture across that line.”

  “Not now, but it’s bound to come up. Javi, I just want you to be happy, you know that, right?”

  “Well, getting my dick wet at night makes me happy, so leave me the fuck alone,” I reply sarcastically as Andre chuckles on the couch still.

  “Gross,” Selena grits through her teeth and then takes a deep breath. “But okay. I guess I have to accept it.”

  “Yeah, you do. And if she goes to your salon, you’d better be nice to her. She doesn’t deserve your nastiness. She hasn’t done anything to you.” I point my finger in her direction again.

  She throws her hands up in surrender. “Fair enough. I can give the girl a shot. But now that that’s over, I came by to tell you that Mom called earlier. Her and Emilio are going to be in town in a few weeks and want to have dinner and stuff. You know how those two are. They’re going to stay for the weekend, so I wanted to have them use the guesthouse. Are you okay with that?”

  My mother remarried about five years ago to a man named Emilio. He was a business owner that kept flirting with her every time he went in to the laundromat where she worked. He owned a chain of restaurants and would bring in his suits to get cleaned almost every day just to see her. After flirting relentlessly, she finally caved and agreed to go on a date with him, and the rest is history. Emilio retired a few years ago and now they live in Florida during the winter, and he has a place in Montana that they use in the summer. When they come back to Texas to visit, they always stay for a few weeks to visit their friends, us, and Emilio’s kids as well.

  Seeing my mother happy again after losing my father made me realize how lonely she was. Maybe she hid her grief from us because she suddenly had to figure out how to keep the roof over our heads with one less income and two bratty pre-teens on her hands. But the way she came back to life after Emilio came into the picture was a wake-up call to how sad she truly was. Selena and I love Emilio too and couldn’t have asked for a better man for our mom to be with.

  “Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll just sleep in your guest room.”


  “You know you could have texted me all of this … you didn’t have to come back here and bang on my door.”

  Selena smiles and then pinches my cheek. “I know, but I saw the car and wanted to know who the hell was here. I was being your annoying little sister. It’s what I’m good at.”

  I smack her hand away as she laughs and her and Andre prepare to leave. “Yup. You’re a goddamn pro.”

  “Love you, Javi,” she calls over her shoulder and then proceeds to walk back to the house as Andre stays back.

  He turns to me with a narrow gaze and then smiles mischievously. “It’s more than sex, isn’t it?”

  I stand there frozen, unsure how to respond. His question is the same one I’ve been asking myself after every meetup between Sydney and I, every text message conversation, every glance in each other’s direction.

  “That’s what I thought.” He chuckles.

  “I didn’t say anything,” I counter defensively.

  “You didn’t have to. I like her for you, Javi, for what it’s worth. Your sister might not see it, but I know what you need. You need a woman like her.”

  “A woman like what?”

  “Confident, stable, beautiful. Someone who can tease you and remind you to have fun. You can’t go through life just working and not living. Even if it’s just sex, I can tell you’ve been more at ease lately, less irritated, and you’re smiling more. That means something.” He nods once and then walks through the door, leaving me speechless in my house when I realize that he’s right.

  She might not be who I envisioned to bring me out of the hole I’ve been living in, but maybe she is exactly who I needed to do that.

  Chapter 19


  “Hey, Sydney. The usual today?” Hattie greets me behind the deli counter of Russo’s once I make it to the front of the line.

  “Yes, please. Vegetarian sub, extra dressing.” My mouth is salivating just knowing I’m about to sink my teeth into the fresh baked bread and mountains of veggies.

  “You got it.”

  I watch Hattie assemble my sandwich, adding extra pickles and tomatoes since she knows they’re my favorite, and then I meet her at the register to pay. Just as I hand her my debit card, a familiar voice pulls my attention to the right.

  “Seems you and I had the same idea for lunch today.”

  My head twists in the direction of the voice, and I’m taken by surprise when I see Javier in his construction uniform, sitting all alone eating his sandwich. His jet black hair is hidden beneath his bandana and his sculpted arms are hidden beneath a long-sleeve orange t-shirt. Except I know what those arms look like underneath, and the thought instantly makes me hot.

  “Hey. Yeah, I guess great minds do think alike.” On a tilt of my head, I stare at him as I feel the corners of my mouth start to rise into a pleased smile. I didn’t anticipate seeing Javier today, but now that I have, the butterflies flying around in my stomach are making me giddy.

  “Here you go, Sydney,” Hattie says, pulling my attention back to her as she hands me my debit card and my order.

  “Thanks, Hattie. See you next week.” I grab my tray and turn to find a seat as Javier makes the decision for me.

  “Come sit.” He waves me over as I close the distance between us on shaky legs. He’s inviting me to share a meal with him out in public, which is both alarming and confusing.

  Isn’t this clearly against the rules of our arrangement? Won’t the two of us being seen together start to raise suspicion from people all over town? My family is very well known, and I can’t speak for Javi, but something tells me this meal we’re about to share could become juicy gossip.

  Standing in front of his table, staring down at him, I ask, “Are you sure? Why are you alone anyway? Don’t your co-workers usually join you for lunch?” My heads twists on my neck trying to search out his friends.

  “Sit down, Sydney.” The harshness of his reply almost makes me want to turn him down just to spite him, but the woman inside of me who is starting to yearn for this man in more ways than one listens and sits down softly in the chair across from him.

  The customers in Russo’s Deli continue to mill around us while I ruminate on how my day has turned around drastically. Javier stares at me from across the table, finishing his bite before he finally responds.

  “Trilch and Cory wanted to go to Max’s Cantina down the road for burritos. I wasn’t feeling Mexican food today, so I came here.”

  “Oh. Well, I’m always in the mood for Russo’s, so you can never go wrong with that choice,” I agree as I start to unwrap my sandwich. “I have to ask though,” I whisper now while leaning in closer over the table, “isn’t us being seen together in public against the rules?”

  Javi lifts one brow as he purses his lips. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. We’re just two old friends who are sharing a meal.”

  “Oh. Okay then.” I fight my smile as I take a bite of my sandwich and let out an audible moan.

  “But if you’re going to continue to eat your sandwich like that, I’m gonna make you pay for it later.” The insinuation behind his words has me clenching my thighs together under the table. God, will I ever stop reacting to this man in that way?

  “I’ll try to behave myself.”

  “That’s all I’m asking.” His stoic face continues to focus on me and then his eyes dip down to my sandwich. “Are you eating a vegetarian sub?”

  I finish chewing and then answer. “Yes. It’s my favorite thing on the menu. Sometimes I’m just not in the mood for meat.”

  “I don’t think that’s true.” Javi’s mischievous grin flashes across our table as my core begins to throb at the thought of his meat.

  “Is this entire lunch going to be filled with sexual innuendos?”

  “You’re just making it too easy, Princess. But no. I can try to keep it PG if you insist.” He reaches for his drink, quenching his thirst as I watch his lips curl around his straw. Damn him and that mouth. I know exactly what that mouth is capable of.

  Needing to change the subject to distract myself, I clear my throat and then ask, “So where are you working today?” I pop a salt and vinegar potato chip in my mouth, hoping that Javi will engage in conversation with me and not just sit here in silence.

  “Down off Main Street. There’s a new row of shops going in and Gibson Construction won the bid, so we’re trying to knock those out between waiting on inspections on the houses we’re putting up in the Ashwood community.”

  “My friend, Ally, lives out there. It’s a really nice neighborhood, great for raising a family.”

  “Sure.” Javi takes another bite of his sandwich, halting the conversation. “So, how’s work going today?”

  A lengthy sigh leaves my lips as I lean back in my chair. “Today’s my long day. I stay late on Wednesdays to try to catch up on paperwork and prepare for Thursdays and Fridays. I have court tomorrow, so I need to make sure everything is ready to go.”

  “Does the stress of your job get to you? I couldn’t imagine being stuck at a desk all day or arguing with people nonstop. I would go insane.” Javier chuckles lightly and the sound makes me smile at him appreciatively.

  “Yes and no. There are days where I’m stuck inside, but that’s why I try to go out for lunch, so I can get a break. Then running back and forth between the courthouse makes some days go by in a blur. But when I’m on my game, when I’m checking off items with accuracy and helping people, it reminds me it’s all worth it.”

  “Your enthusiasm tells me you enjoy it.”

  “I truly do. But I also make sure to plan things to look forward to so I don’t feel like all I do is work. Life can get draining if that’s all you pour your energy into. You have to remember to enjoy life too. I learned that the hard way my first year out of law school. I worked myself to death, and my dad actually sat down with me and talked about the importance of balance.”

  Javier seams to perk up a bit at this turn in the conversation, adjusting himself in his seat. “So … what do you do for fun then? What does Sydney Matthews like to do in her spare time besides scream my name?” He smirks at me across the table and I can’t help but return the same knowing grin.

  “You lasted a whole three minutes without a dirty insinuation. I’m impressed,” I joke which makes him laugh again. “Well, that activity is a new hobby I’ve added to the list, so I’m still trying to figure out how to balance that. Usually though I will read, go dancing when the schedule with my best friend allows, or book a vacation somewhere far away where I can unplug and relax. But probably one of my favorite things to do on the weekends in the fall is watch football games at Ally’s house. She buys all the best junk food and we gorge, drink wine, and cheer on the Dallas Cowboys.”

  Javier’s face lights up as he crosses his arms over his chest. “Well, I’ll be damned, Princess. Seems we have something in common then.”

  “Really? What’s that?”

  “I just so happen to be a Dallas fan myself.”

  Knowing we share another fragment of our individualities builds a pleasant warmth in my chest. “Damn, Javi. You’d better be careful. Before you know it, you’re going to tell me that you like to get pedicures too, and then we’re going to have to go together to solidify this ‘friendship’ you claim we have.” I throw up quotations around the word, emphasizing it with a sarcastic tone.

  Javi claimed we’re friends-with-benefits, but I was under the impression that benefits was all he really wanted. The more we toy with the ‘friends’ part, the more confused my head and heart get.

  My eyes scour the restaurant again, noticing other couples sharing their lunch and it makes me wonder—would Javier and I ever get to the point where we’re sharing a meal because we want to? Not because we just ran into each other randomly on a Wednesday?

  No, don’t go there, Sydney. Don’t let yourself daydream because you’re only going to end up disappointed.

  “No one will be touching my feet, thank you.”

  “What about dancing? When are you going back to The Jameson?”

  He scoffs. “I never should have been there in the first place. Places like that aren’t my scene.”

  I chuckle softly. “Yeah, but if you hadn’t gone, we never would have bumped into each other.”

  His grin builds on one side of his mouth. “I’m pretty sure you bumped into me, Sydney.”

  I shrug, feigning innocence. “Don’t remember. The night was kind of fuzzy.”

  “Sure, whatever you say.”

  Javier and I finish our lunch discussing football stats and players, laughing at each other when we outsmart the other. By the time we finish, I can’t recall the last time I shared a meal with a man that made my face hurt from smiling.

  Once we make our way to the parking lot, I stand by my car, suddenly unsure of how we part.

  “Well, I’m glad we ran into each other, Princess. Seems the universe knew I needed to see your face today.”

  Why? Why does he have to say things like that which only confuse me further about what’s going on here?

  “Glad I could brighten up your day. This was nice.”

  “Definitely. But having you in my bed later would be nicer.” He travels closer to me, but still leaves enough space not to draw attention to our proximity.

  “I wish I could, but like I said, today is my late day and tomorrow evening I actually have an appointment with your sister to get my hair done.”

  Javier steps back as the shock registers on his face. “Is that so? I thought you were just making small talk with her the other night.”

  “I mean, I was. But I also really need my hair done.”

  He surveys my head as if a red flashing beacon will alert him to the issues going on with my mop that only a woman would understand. “Your hair looks fine to me.”

  “Yeah, you’re a guy so you don’t get it.”

  “Well, don’t be surprised if she pushes you for information or tries to be a hardass with you. She might be my little sister, but she’s also bossy as hell and puts her guard up with people.”

  “I wonder where she gets that from,” I tease as he steps closer to me again, his eyes trained on my lips. I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t desperately waiting for him to kiss me. It’s been almost a month of us fucking each other’s brains out, but not once have I felt this man’s lips on mine. By the way he’s eyeing my mouth right now, I’d say he’s starting to go insane with that thought too.

  “Let me know how it goes, okay?” He reaches up and places a lock of my hair behind my ear, waking up my entire body with his soft and gentle touch.

  I shouldn’t allow this game to continue—the fine line he’s skating along with each caress of his fingers against my cheek—especially since there’s nothing I can do about it for a few days. Between work and my brothers’ college graduation next weekend, I’m not sure when the next time will be when I’ll be able to quell the ache between my legs with the man in front of me.


  “Have a good day, Sydney.” He drops his hand from my face slowly, his eyes lingering on mine before he nods his head at me and turns on his heels to approach his work truck. I watch his jean-clad ass climb into the vehicle, and then he’s on his way, back to his job, completely oblivious to the jumbled mess he just left me in.

  Javier’s actions are certainly not matching up with his words, and I can’t decide if I
want to call him on it, or just let it be to refrain from ruining our set-up. Giving up sex with him right now is the last thing I want, so I choose to push it aside, bask in the fact that the man makes my body hum with need, and drive back to my office to focus on work and not how rattled Javier Montes is making me.

  Chapter 20


  “Thanks for fitting me in, Selena.” I’m trying to hide the shakiness of my hands as I secure my purse on the hook on the wall in front of me and take a seat in the chair at her station. I don’t think I was this nervous the other night when she and Andre showed up at Javi’s house, even though I was dressed in nothing but lingerie and a trench coat. I tried to make the best of the situation, and the look on Javi’s face made my easiness about it all the more entertaining.

  But now that I’m alone with his sister, I feel like the stakes are higher.

  A small part of me knows this is different because it’s just the two of us—us girls—and regardless of the fact that Javi and I are just having sex, a small part of me really wants Selena to like me. From our brief interactions so far, I get the feeling that she doesn’t. Maybe she had the same thoughts about me back in high school that Javi did, which means I have my work cut out for me—because if Javi was as standoffish as he was, I can only imagine how another woman may have perceived me.

  “Of course. I’m glad I could be of service. Plus, it will give us a chance to talk.” She flashes me a tight-lipped smile and then grabs a cape, draping it over the front of my body and securing the clasp behind my neck.

  Crap. That doesn’t sound like this will be a relaxing hair appointment at all.

  “So, what would you like to do to your hair?” Her fingers drag through my strands as she gets a feel for the texture and thickness.

  “Well, I definitely need a trim, and I was thinking of adding a few blonde highlights. Nothing drastic, but just enough to brighten it up for summer.”

  She nods, separating my hair along the part line. “We can do that. You want peek-a-boo highlights? The ones that don’t go up to the root? Your hair seems to grow pretty fast based on the new growth I see up here.”


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