Noah: House of Wilkshire ― Erotic Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance

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Noah: House of Wilkshire ― Erotic Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance Page 16

by Kathi S. Barton

  “All right.” She turned to look at him, and he could see the confusion on her face. “Did you expect me to tell you no? We talked about this, having children, and the dragons won’t be hatched for a while yet. And even after they’re hatchlings, they don’t need much care from us. Just some fresh meat until they can hunt for themselves.”

  “What about humans? Will they try and have them for a tasty meal?” He shook his head and told her that humans weren’t all that tasty. “I was going to ask you how you knew that, but I don’t think I want to know.”

  “I don’t know. Not really. My parents might—they’ve been around for a very long time.” She asked him if he’d found their garden. “Yes. Snow and William took me to it yesterday.”

  “And so, we have to wait for one of the eggs to hatch before they come see us?” He said that he honestly didn’t know. “Before I forget, again, Mom and Grandma are all moved into their home now. They want us to come to dinner one night. I assured them that we would. And since I forgot to tell you about it, we’re going tonight. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s fine. I didn’t have any plans anyway. When do we get to go see this little girl? And when is it she can be released from the hospital?” She said they had time to go now if he wanted. “I can see that you really want to do this. Let me lock up here and we’ll head there. Who else knows about this?”

  “I didn’t tell anyone in case you didn’t want to bring a child into our home just yet. I mean, we’ve already moved out my family, which I hate and love too.” Noah laughed, saying that he understood. They were close enough should she want to see them, and far enough away when she didn’t. “We’re going to have to go shopping for stuff if they let us take her home today. We don’t have a stick of children’s furniture, and not even a big enough car should we need to put a car seat in it.”

  “Snow and William can help us with the house. I mean, look what they did for my office. And I think they’d be thrilled beyond words to have an infant in the house. Babies give off a certain kind of magic all their own.”

  They were getting into his car when he realized she was right about the car. All they had was this little two-seater, and when they needed to be someplace different at the same time, one of them would have to walk. It was time that they both got them something reliable, as well as large enough to carry their child in—as well as groceries and such.

  They made their way to the hospital while talking about the child. She was human, which didn’t matter to either of them, and she might have problems. None too big, Bryce had been told, but issues all the same.

  “We can fix that. You know that, right? I mean, whatever the effects of the drugs were on her little system, we can use a little of our magic to make whatever is wrong gone.” Bryce asked him if he’d let her do that. Noah thought she had been thinking of it but had been slightly insecure about it. “Yes, that would be wonderful. It’ll be hard enough growing up with dragons as siblings. Anything that we can do to give her a head start is fine by me.”

  The hospital nursery was busy. Sixteen babies had been born in the last week, and they were trying to keep them all fed and changed. When they were asked to have a seat in one of the rooms, he could tell that this was going to be epic. And when the nurse came in, pushing the little cart, he stood up at the same time Bryce did.

  “She’s had her bottle but will need another in an hour or so. I’ve done as you asked, missus, and have only been feeding her when she’s hungry and not on a schedule. So many parents use the timing method these days.” Bryce told her that her mom said to do that. “Well, she’s a good person then. The child has no name, not even a last name as yet. The doctor has cleared her to be released today. Just need a little more paperwork and she’s yours.”

  “Can we hold her?” The nurse flushed and told them they could. She’d forgotten that part in trying to remember the other things. “Marquess Wakefield, he said that he called and gave you our information?”

  They’d told Devon only that they were thinking of adopting a newborn, and that the hospital required a reference for it. Devon and his family contributed a great deal to this hospital, so his was the only reference that they needed.

  “Yes, yes, the doctor knows Lord Devon as well. All right then, here you go. Your daughter, should you want her.”

  Bryce was first, and as soon as she started crying, Noah knew they were leaving with this child, even if he had any reservations about it.

  He didn’t. With one look down at the beautiful face that stared back up at them, he fell head over heels in love with her. Bryce asked him what his mother’s name was.

  “That’s lovely. I love it. Lily. Her name is Lily Stafford Farley.” Bryce looked at the nurse and repeated the name, telling them that was the baby’s name as well. “That’s about the best news I’ve heard in a very, very long time. Let’s take her home, shall we?”

  It wasn’t as easy as that; they had a lot of stuff to get done now. But having a child, their child, with them was going to be so much better. He was glad now that they’d stopped to pick up a new SUV before making their way here. Thankfully, the hospital gave them enough supplies, including a car seat, to start out with. Noah wanted to shout to the world that he was a dad.

  Chapter 13

  Bea was waiting on them when they returned. She had some things to tell them, and she wanted to tell them the first thing when they got home. But when they pulled out that little car seat, everything in her head seemed to have flittered away. My goodness, she thought. I’m a great grandma.

  “Oh, look at that face, will you? Such chubby little cheeks.” Bea touched her fingers to her face even before they got her out of the car seat. “Laura, just look at that little girl. I swear, you and I are going to have some fun now.”

  She knew that the child wasn’t healthy. Giving her just a little magic would help, but she also knew that Bryce was stronger and would help the little mite along. Drugs—her little body was as full of them as an addict’s. Bea asked what her name was.

  “We named her after Noah’s mother. Lily Stafford Farley. It seems only fitting, since she knew that we were coming together.” Bea didn’t even feel jealous. There would be more children, and a few of them would be named for her, she was sure. “We’ve got our name on a list now that says that we’ll be willing to take any newborn they have come in that’s been abandoned. And children, from time to time, that just need a little extra care and love.”

  “Lily. What a lovely name. Oh, and such a beautiful child.” They’d taken off her blanket and sleeper to look her over. Bea had never been so satisfied in her life. The little girl was perfect. “You didn’t let us know. I should be upset, but I can’t be.”

  Them letting Laura hold her first had nearly made her mad, but Laura was a new grandma. But Bea didn’t go very far, looking at her watch every few minutes to try and be reasonable about how much longer she had to wait. It was much better, she supposed, than just snatching the child from her arms and running off with her. But she had company, and—

  “Oh my goodness. Your parents are here.” Both Noah and Bryce looked at her. “They’re over at our home—they came about an hour ago. I completely forgot. Let me go and get them.” Noah said that he would, if she didn’t mind. “No, no. You go on ahead and I’ll be here. I cannot believe that I forgot them. But then it’s not every day someone becomes a great grandma. Laura, honey. I’ve tried to be nice, but if I don’t get my hands on that little girl soon, I’m going to bust.”

  Laura handed the baby to her. “I did wonder how much longer you were going to wait. You lasted a bit longer than I would have, I think.”

  Bea just waved her off as she peeled the little blanket off her very first great grandchild. Lily stared at her like she was just as curious of her as Bea was of Lily.

  “Well, you’re beautiful, aren’t you? And such long fingers. Before you know it, Grannie is going to have you casting spells all over the place.” She looked at Laura. “You and I have
some major shopping to do, I think. Is this blanket from the hospital?”

  “Everything we have is from there. We did stop and get a new car though. But the car seat, and even that small diaper bag, was given to us. Noah and I were hoping that we could pick up a few things on the way back, but we just wanted to come here and show her off.” Laura said that she was so happy for them both. “Oh, you should have seen us when they handed her over. It was like my heart had just been waiting to be filled up by her.”

  Bea thought that was the sweetest way she’d ever heard to describe having a child around. They did fill up a person’s heart and, most of the time anyway, became the center of attention. But there were others, like this little girl’s biological beings, that needed to have been shown the error of their ways. But they did have little Lily out of it, so she would be all right with them still being alive. For the moment, anyway.

  Bea thought about Noah’s parents. She’d had a nice long conversation with them before the kids got back. She wanted to see what sort of people they were, what they thought of him marrying a witch. They were much nicer than she’d thought.

  People had children all the time that were very different than each other. She knew of one couple that had five boys, all so different from each other—not only in looks, but temperament—that she’d often wondered if their mother had had affairs. Even if she hadn’t, it mattered little to them. They raised their children up to be kind, loving, and careful. All but two of the boys did as they’d been taught.

  The oldest boy was about nineteen when he decided to try and outrun an arrest. He and a couple of his buddies robbed a store at gunpoint and ended up killing one of his friends as well as the worker. The police chase had ended badly. Two others were killed, one of them the officer, when the boy had rammed another car and killed a mother of three.

  She didn’t know where the second boy had fallen in the family, but he was far worse than his older brother—murdered his parents and siblings when he’d not gotten what he’d wanted for his birthday. She didn’t remember what it was, but it hadn’t been that much.

  The baby yawned, and she looked down at her. “You are getting into the best family, I hope you know that. You and I are going to have such fun.” She closed her eyes a little longer each time she blinked. “My precious little baby girl. I’m so happy that you’re here. I already love you to pieces.”

  When Bryce sat down next to her with a bottle, she handed her over. How could she love something so tiny so quickly? Bea wondered. When Bryce put the bottle into her little mouth, she knew that it was a distraction. The child was sound asleep and not taking any of the formula.

  “Do you suppose they’ll like me?” Bea asked her who. “His parents. Noah has been gone a long time. Maybe they’re telling him to get rid of me or something.”

  “Bryce Frost. Where on earth did that come from?” She shrugged, and tears filled her eyes. “Honey, I’m sorry. But they already love you. I talked to them before you got home. I cannot believe that I forgot about them. Anywho, I talked to them and they are very nice people. And since the faeries were watching over them, they already knew about you. They don’t know about the baby.”

  “They told us, in a letter, that they’d come when their first grandchild came. I’m wondering if that was why they came now.” Bea told her that it was because their son was so happy. “I hope you’re right. I’m worried.”

  “You shouldn’t be, honey. They really do love you. And if they don’t, then I’ll take care of them for you. Dragons or not, they will not do a thing to my granddaughter that gives her one second of grief.” Bryce laid her head on her shoulder and told her that she loved her. “I love you so very much, Bryce. You make me prouder with every breath you take. And I will forever be happy with this baby.”

  “She is beautiful, isn’t she?” Bea asked her about the drugs. “I’ve already taken care that they’re coming out of her system slowly. I don’t want her to be in pain by removing them all at once. She’ll have withdrawal symptoms, just like an adult.”

  Bea hadn’t thought of that and was glad that she’d not totally healed her. They heard the door open in the back of the house and she felt Bryce tense up. Patting her leg, she took Lily from her and drew a shadow around her. That way, if Noah hadn’t told them about the baby yet, then Bryce could hand her over to them. This sharing thing was going to make her insane before more children came along, Bea thought.

  Noah hadn’t told them. As soon as he introduced them to his parents, Thomas and Lily Farley, he then brought Bryce to meet them. Instead of waiting on Noah to do that, Lily grabbed Bryce up and hugged her like she’d missed her. In a way, Bea thought that they had. Missed their son finding his one and only love.

  Bea wondered when they were going to talk about the baby. Surely they would at some point. But when it became apparent that they were waiting for some sign, little Lily yawned again and let out a little cry. Letting go of the darkness around them, Bea laughed when both Noah’s parents just stared at the bundle in her arms.

  Standing up, Bea handed the baby to Noah. It was only proper, she thought, that he do this. And when he pulled Bryce to his side and handed her the child, Bea was as proud of him as she was her granddaughter.

  “Grandma and Grandpa Farley, I’d like for you to meet your first grandchild. This is our daughter, Lily Stafford Farley.” Noah’s mother started crying and reached out gently to touch the child. Bea stood by—if they hurt either of them, she really would end their lives, dragon or not. Bryce started crying as well and handed Thomas the baby. “She has a few issues, but we’re taking care of them slowly. I thought that was why you showed up today.”

  “Oh my, no. We could feel how happy Noah was, and we just had to come and see you. But this little thing, she was a complete surprise. You must have been planning this for weeks.” Noah told them that they’d gotten a call today and gone to get her. “She can’t be that old, is she? The little thing. I’m in love with her already.”

  “We are as well.”

  Thomas handed the baby to his wife, who sat in the rocker that hadn’t been there before. Bea had no idea who had put it there, but she was glad for it. And then she remembered that the baby had nothing to sleep in and nothing in the way of clothing.

  “Lily, my daughter, Laura, and I were just heading out to get some things for the baby. All they have are a few things from the hospital. They had no time to get anything of her own.” Lily looked up at her, hope written all over her face. “If you’d like to come with us, we’d surely be glad for it. I mean, since we’re going to be family now, we need to bond over shopping, don’t you think?”

  “I’d love that.” She kissed the baby on the cheek and handed her back to her husband. “I’ve not been shopping in a good long time. Do they still have department stores around?”

  “I thought we’d head to one of those baby specialty shops. They have everything under the sun for a child. And she’ll need diapers and such as well.” Laura was putting on her coat when she asked Bryce for a picture of the formula they were to get. In ten minutes they were all three loaded up in the car before Laura asked them to wait a moment.

  When she came back out of the house, she had Bryce with her. It had never even occurred to Bea to invite Bryce, thinking that she’d...well, she had no idea what she’d been thinking. But she was glad that she was coming too. They’d make an evening of it. Bryce even remembered to invite Kelly, who was so excited to be invited that she said she’d meet them at the store. This was going to be epic, Bea thought. All them women converging on a baby store with their credit cards out. They’d be lucky if they could fit everything in the car. Then she remembered that they had faeries that could help them out and doubled her mental list of things to get. Yes, Bea thought, this was going to be more fun than she ever dreamed, having a baby in the house.


  Noah sat with his dad while he rocked Lily. He didn’t say much to him—Dad wasn’t one to talk a great deal. But he
was having a nice one-sided conversation with the baby. Noah was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that he was a dad.

  “Dad, do you think that you will stick around, or will you go back? You know, wait for a dragon to be born.” He had no idea why he blurted that out, but his dad just smiled at him. “I’m slightly overwhelmed at the moment. We have two of the dragon eggs that you left us in the basement. Not sure what we’re to do about them hatching, but Snow has it under control, she told us.”

  “No, son, we’re here to stay. And Snow is a wonderful faerie. She’ll do right by you.” Noah nodded. “Would it be all right, you think, if we hung around here for a few days? I don’t know much about buying a house, but we wouldn’t want to crowd you two.”

  “You won’t stay here for good?” His dad laughed, and Noah realized that he’d squeaked a little with the question. “I’m sorry. But I’m sure that Bryce would love for you to live here with us. Her mom and grandma did for a little while, just until the faeries helped them with a home. They live behind us.”

  “I know. It’s a wonderful little house. Much like the one you had in town before coming here. It’s a good deal larger on the inside.” Noah told his dad that he’d shown them what magic to use to make that possible. “And the lovely things they have in there too. Bea said that the faeries have been very busy helping them out.”

  “They have been us as well. I’ll have to take you to my office downtown. By the way, I’m going to be mayor. Well, I am mayor, but only until election time. The past one—you remember him—was taken away in cuffs yesterday.” Dad told him that he was proud of him. “Thanks. Did you know that Bryce is the grand witch?”


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