Big Deck

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Big Deck Page 6

by Jagger Cole

  Sean laughs. “I bet you do. Alright, I’m out. You want some help on this tomorrow to finish it up?”

  I shake my head. “Nah, I think I’ve got it. I’ll holler if I do.” I frown. “Hey, Sean, if you could…”

  “My mouth is shut, man,” he growls. “I don’t talk about other people’s shit, period.”

  “Thanks, bro. I appreciate it.”

  “And I’ll appreciate you making sure whatever this is doesn’t come back to hurt the business I’ve poured my blood and sweat into.”

  I grin and shake his hand. “Deal.”

  Sean sighs and shakes his head at me.


  “I’m trying to imagine your jarhead ass on a red carpet.”

  “Fuck off, Sean.”

  He laughs as he heads back around the side of the house to his truck. But he leaves me with a head full of thoughts. What is this thing with Heather? It’s not a fling—not to me at least, and I think I can read her well enough to know it’s the same for her. But what happens next? Where do we go from here? I try to imagine my ass on a red carpet next to her, and the idea is so fucking preposterous I have to shake my head.

  But, that’s her world. Or at least it is part of the time. So where do I fit in there? Shit, does she even want me to fit in to that world?


  I startle from my thoughts. I turn to see Heather standing in the open sliding glass doors back into the house. She’s in that sundress again, barefoot with her hair down. And damn is she fucking beautiful. She’s like my country mountain dream girl.


  I grin with a very purposefully dirty look on my face. Heather blushes deeply. “Oh you’re incorrigible,” she purrs. “I was talking about dinner.”

  “So am I,” I growl. “And dessert, and midnight snack, and breakfast tomorrow. You want me to keep going?”

  She runs her tongue over her lips, and her eyes spark when they meet mine. “Yes please.”


  She shrieks when I drop my hammer and bolt across the half-finished deck towards her. She dashes through the house, giggling her head off. But I catch her and bring her to the floor on the rug in the living room. And when I shove that sundress up to find her wet, glistening, and without panties, she’s not laughing anymore.

  She’s moaning.



  A day later, I’ve entered a fantasy world. It’s like I’m playing house, but also in the middle of every romance novel fantasy ever. The day is basically watching Hollis while trying to get things done like call my agent about scripts. But then I just get distracted, he catches me staring, and suddenly we’re fucking like bunnies over the sofa, or on the half-built deck, or the hood of his truck. Or the kitchen floor, the bathroom floor, or the bedroom floor.

  I’ve got a lot of floors in my house.

  I’m in my home office staring out the window at Hollis. It’s second day in a row waking up to him, and this time, in his arms. I smile at the memory of his huge arms circling me so tight with his bare, hard body pressed against me as we slowly woke up this morning. And it didn’t take long for waking up to turn into making love.

  I watch him outside in the late afternoon sun: shirtless and bronzed. His muscles are slick and gleaming and tight, and here I am getting turned on again.

  Before I give in to yet another desire and get absolutely no work done, I pull my head out of the gutter and dial my agent, Scarlett’s, number. The FaceTime ringtone chimes until she picks up.

  “Hey girl,” my sassy agent drawls with her not-quite-gone southern accent. Her face and big blonde hair fill the screen.

  “Hey, Scar.”

  “So how’s playing cowgirl going?” She grins at me.

  I smile. “It’s good, thanks.”

  “Please tell me this call is about you wanting to get back in the game?”


  “You’re killing me, Heather!” She jokes with a groan and a sarcastic cringe.

  I laugh. I know Scarlett is on my side, and she understands that I hate the Hollywood game I was forced into. I’ve been playing the pretty face and being turned down for serious rolls because of my looks for a long damn time, and it’s one of the reasons I had to escape to Colorado for a while. Except now that I’ve met Hollis, I have to admit… I don’t know if my temporary escape out here is so temporary anymore.

  But my friend and agent also knows that you just have to play the hand you’re given sometimes.

  “Scarlett, I was serious. No more fluff.”

  “Do you really hate the fluff that bad?”


  “Fluff bought you that lodge you’re playing getaway in, you know?”

  “I know,” I mutter.

  “And this very nice little pad in the Hollywood hills you were nice enough to let your favorite agent house-sit.” She pans the camera over my modestly sized house in the Hills.

  I grin. “How is it?”

  “Girl, I don’t know how I’ve lived without a hot tub before. I really don’t.”

  I laugh. “So, you wanted to talk scripts?”


  “No fluff, Scarlett,” I say quietly. “I really mean it. I want to act, not smile like a doll.”

  She sighs. “I know, hon. Listen, I’ve got a few, okay?”

  “That’s great!”

  “I’m going to warn you, they’re long shots. The other people tapped for the parts are like, legit actresses, Heather.”

  “Well fuck you too,” I mutter. “You know I’m a ‘real’ actress, right?”

  She laughs. “Heather, you know what I mean. I’m not going to say names, but one rhymes with ‘Rargot Mobbie’, and the other won best actress for that singing moving about LA with Ryan Gosling.”

  My face falls. “Well, fuck!”

  “Told you,” she grumbles.

  “Okay, well, book me anyways.”


  “Book it, Scarlett. Please. Let me worry about actually making the cut. I gotta show up to have a chance though.”

  She sighs. “Alright, alright. I hear you, girl. You know what? I like this new peppy you.”

  I smile. “Thanks, I think? New peppy me?”

  “Yeah, you’re peppy now. I was worried about, you know. The news about Michael and—”

  “Cunt face?”

  She laughs. “Yeah, her.”

  I shrug. “I was. But it is what it is. Trust me, Scar, I’m fine.” And I really honestly am. I never thought Michael was “the one,” which sounds terrible since I did marry him all those years ago. But there was never that spark that you see in the movies I act in. I always pushed it aside as just “Hollywood bullshit.” But then I met Hollis, and I realize now that the spark is real. I just hadn’t found it yet.

  “Well, I’m glad.”

  “Thanks. Being out here is a big help, too.” I turn the phone to show her the view out through my office window of the mountains.

  “Uh, wait,” Scarlett says suddenly.


  “Go back. What was that?”

  “The mountains?”

  “Girl,” she drawls. “I’m not talking about nature. I’m talking about that hunky piece of hotness shirtless in your backyard?”

  I glance back out the window, and I can feel my face turning red with embarrassment. Outside, there’s a clear shot of Hollis working on the deck, and looking yummy, if I do say so myself.

  “Oh, that,” I say quickly. “I’m having some work done.”

  “I can see that,” she says pointedly. “I just didn’t know Chippendales did deck construction.”

  I blush and laugh.

  “I guess I’d be in a great mood too if I was staring at that all day,” she murmurs. “Hey, does your LA place need a deck too?”

  I laugh. “Scarlett, I’m hanging up now.”

  I glance out the window, and I frown a little when I realize I can’t
see Hollis anymore. But suddenly, I hear the sound of heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. My body reacts instantly. My pulse beats a little quicker, and my panties start to dampen, like my body knows exactly what I’m in store for when Hollis gets up here. It’s like a sexual Pavlovian response.

  “Scar, I need to go,” I say quickly.

  “Wait, hang on! I just need to run by one last script idea.”

  My office door swings open. I swallow and suck my lip between my teeth as I look up over my desktop computer and lock eyes with Hollis. He’s standing shirtless, filling my doorway, and the reason he’s up here is written all over this face. It’s also written all over the huge bulge in his jeans. I’m soaking wet instantly.

  “Scarlett, one sec. Be right back.”

  I put the call on mute and place the phone face down on the desk. With a soft moan, we’re on each other in seconds. Purring like a cat in heat, I throw myself into him. He grunts and scoops me into his arms, kissing me hard as I moan for more.

  “Fuck, I want you,” I gasp. Hollis growls, and his thick erection pulses against me through his jeans.

  “Say when and where, sweetness,” he grunts. I gasp as his mouth kisses my neck and his big hands slide down to cup my ass. I moan as he starts to pull my skirt up over my ass, and his hand slips under my thong. He pushes a finger deeper between my legs to stroke my pussy from behind, and I whimper.

  “Wait, wait!” I gasp. “Hang on, I just need to finish this call. But then,” I purr. My hand slips down the front of his chest and over his abs to cup his big dick through the denim. “But after, I want you to fuck the shit out of me with this big beautiful cock.”

  Hollis groans deeply. His jaw clenches tight as he growls against my neck. “You better make it a fast call or I’m gonna fuck you whether you’re done or not.” He slips out of my arms and turns for the door. He gives me a salacious wink before he steps out.

  My whole body is tingling and throbbing with desire. I stumble back to my desk and pick up the phone.

  “Sorry, I had to…”

  I trail off at the eager grin on Scarlett’s face.

  “Oh, you dirty bitch!” She cackles.

  The color drains from my face. “What?” I whisper.

  “Yeah, you didn’t actually mute me, hon.”

  Humiliation crushes down on me. I groan and I drop into my chair. But Scarlett just giggles.

  “So, I’m gonna let you go,” she laughs. “And you go have fun with that ‘big beautiful cock,’ okay?”

  I turn a shade of crimson, and I cringe in front of my friend and agent.


  “Hey, first of all, you deserve it,” she says sharply. “And I mean that. Secondly, I’m jealous as fuck.”

  My face burns like the sun, but my friend just cracks up all over again.

  “Good luck laying that wood,” she quips.

  I groan. “Goodbye, Scarlett.”



  I just made it, but barely.

  I told Heather I’d be done with the deck by the end of weekend, and at eight P.M. on Sunday night, I’m just about there. It still needs railings, and the staircase is barely framed out. And honestly, this girl needs a damn hot tub out here. The view is just too damn good to not. So, I’m going to talk to her about adding some additional framing and supports for that. But the deck part itself is done.

  When I pack some of my tools away, I slide open one of the big glass doors back into the house and step in. Immediately, the smell of some damn tasty smelling food has my stomach gurgling.

  “Damn,” I growl. Heather turns around quickly from the kitchen with a smile on her face as she hears my voice. “And she cooks?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Don’t get your hopes too high.”

  I laugh. “Darlin’ if it tastes half as good as it smells, I’m all in.” She does that thing I’ve realized I fucking love about her where she sucks her lip between her teeth. “I’ve got a surprise for you,” I growl.


  “Yeah, c’mere.” She walks towards me with a curious and intrigued look on her face. I step around behind her and put my hands over her eyes. “This way.” I gently lead her out through the sliding door and out onto the deck. “Okay, open them.”

  I pull my hands away, and Heather opens her eyes, Instantly, her jaw drops.

  “Oh my God, Hollis!” She gasps in awe. She turns herself in a semi-circle, taking in the full thing. “This is… this looks incredible!”

  I shrug sheepishly. “I mean, it’s not exactly done yet, but…”

  “Well, I may have played a little part in distracting you,” she says with a blush on her cheeks.

  I chuckle. “Yeah, a touch.”

  “This is seriously incredible, Hollis.”

  “You could use a hot tub out here, too.”

  “Oh yeah?” She looks at me with a mischievous spark in her eyes. “Big enough for two?”

  “Absolutely.” I growl, kissing her. Slowly, I pull away to look her in the eye. “This weekend has been… shit, Heather.” Words have never been my strong suit. Clearly.

  “Hollis,” she says quietly. Heather takes my big hands in her small ones. “I know,” she whispers. She leans in to kiss me, and my heart swells even bigger. “I wasn’t looking for you,” she says gently. “But there you were.”

  “And I wasn’t looking for you,” I growl back. “But damn if I’m ever going to let you go.”

  She pulls tight to me and leans up as I lower my mouth to hers. I don’t know how long I kiss her for, but we’re both short of breath when we pull apart.

  “I’m really glad you built my deck,” Heather says with a quiet giggle.

  I chuckle. “Now what would your movie star friends think about me?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t care.”

  I smile. “Sure you do.”

  But Heather frowns and shakes her head. “No, I really don’t.”

  “Look, Heather, out here, we know what this is. A little, I guess. But at some point….”

  I trail off, and she frowns. “What?”

  “You’re not out here forever, darlin’,” I growl.

  She sucks her lip again and looks into my eyes with conviction. “Maybe I am.”

  I want to follow that fantasy, but it’s not real, and I know we both know it. She’s escaping out here, but her life and her work, and her dreams, are back in LA.

  My face hardens. “You’re not, baby. At some point, you need to go do what you do. At some point, you need to get back to your passion and act, and that means Hollywood.”

  “Well pack a bag, mister,” she says fiercely. I smile, but Heather frowns. “You think I’m bullshitting you.”

  “No,” I growl. “But I don’t see Hollywood and me clicking too well. And maybe it’s more fun keeping me a secret.”

  Heather’s frown deepens. “Well, my agent knows.”

  I laugh. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah, I…” she blushes. “I kinda didn’t mute my call earlier when you came into my office.”

  I roar with laughter. “Could have been worse.”

  “Tell me about it!”

  “I could have just swept your desk clear and fucked you right there next to the phone.”

  Heather groans. “Yep, that would have been way, way worse.” She smiles up at me. “Look,” she prods my chest. “If I go back to LA, I’d want you to come with me. Or you could stay here, but I’d just be flying back to see you every night.”


  “Stop it,” she says fiercely, and she means it. I can see that. “I wasn’t looking for you,” she says quietly. “But I don’t see myself letting you go. Ever.”

  She moans as I close my arms around her and bring my lips to hers. I kiss her deeply, and our bodies grind together tightly as my pulse beats faster. With a growl, I sink to the ground with her in my lap.

  Her legs spread around my hips, and my hand moves between them. Heather gasps wh
en my fingers find her dripping wet and soaking through her panties under her skirt. I groan into her lips as I stroke her slit through the lace. I push her panties to the side, and she gasps when I sink two thick fingers deep in her perfect, slick pussy.

  I stroke my fingers in and out and kiss her heatedly. Her hands drop to my jeans, and I grunt when she undoes my belt and zipper. Her hands push inside to wrap around my dick, and I grunt into her lips as she strokes me. She pulls me free, letting my hard cock pulse in the moonlight between us.

  In seconds, I’m moving her over me. Her panties still to the side, she lowers herself eagerly onto me. My thick crown slips between her pouty pussy lips, and with a groan of pleasure, she starts to sink down onto me. I hiss, and my muscles clench as her molten heat surrounds me. She slides all the way down until I’m balls-deep in her. Heather moans sweetly into our kiss. My hands push her skirt up and grip her ass tightly. Then she starts to ride me.

  She moans as she raises up, only to sink back down onto my thick cock. Her long red hair cascades around both of our faces like a veil. I groan into her lips and push her dress top up over her tits. My hands cup her breasts and my fingers tease her nipples until they’re rock hard and her breath is panting.

  “Bounce on that cock, sweetness,” I growl. “Ride me, beautiful. Ride that big dick until you come for me.”

  Heather gasps, and she starts to move faster. Her hips rock, and her tight little pussy grips me so sweetly as she bounces on my dick. Both of my hands grip her ass tightly, guiding her up and down. My mouth drops to her tits and I suck a nipple between my lips. Her moans get louder, and her body begins to tighten around me. I grunt, thrusting up into her as she squeals in pleasure.

  “Fuck me!” She moans. “Oh God, Hollis, never stop fucking me!”

  “This pussy is all fucking mine,” I growl against her skin. “And this cock is all yours. And believe me, I’m never going to stop.”

  I kiss her deeply, thrusting up into her as she grips me tightly and starts to bounce even faster. Her ass clenches in my hands, and her pussy ripples like liquid silk over my length. We both moan into our kiss, rocking together faster and harder. Suddenly, Heather starts to come for me.


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