Dragon’s Secret: Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book Fourteen

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Dragon’s Secret: Red Planet Dragons of Tajss Book Fourteen Page 14

by Martin, Miranda

  And I will be happy—so happy—to give him as many dragonlings as my body can make.



  I come back from patrol, making my way towards my quarters. I do not know what the Elders are planning, but they are holding back for now. Keeping their own counsel. Perhaps my meeting with the Commander was helpful. I do not know. I am going to have to think about—

  My head jerks up as I hear an odd sound ahead. It is coming from my quarters. Rushing forward, I pull back the curtain and step inside.

  It’s Samil, one of the younger members of the Tribe, rifling through my belongings. He dares?

  My bijass rushes to the surface, a tinge of red coating my vision as I take a step forward and grab him by the scruff of his neck, fiery rage burning in my gut.

  His eyes are wide with shock at the abrupt attack. Their training is weak.

  "What are you doing?" I snarl.

  Not waiting for an answer, I grab him as he turns and throw him against the wall. He hits with a satisfying thud and is momentarily stunned. Shaking it off, he raises his fists to defend himself.

  He’s young and his clumsy defense tells me he’s not well trained. He swings but I dodge it easily, striking his arm as it passes me, attacking the meaty muscle. I know well the effect of such a blow. Numbing, painful, and as I expect he cries out and his arm drops to his side.

  He doesn’t stop, to his credit, swinging his tail at my feet while punching with his good arm. It’s clumsy but brave. Jumping over his tail I twist, intending to stun his remaining arm with another strike. Somehow he sees my move and his fist changes directions, connecting with my jaw.

  Pain explodes with his contact and my bijass roars as I stumble back from the blow.

  I hear cries from outside, and know the battle is no longer a secret, but I do not care. The bijass has a firm hold of me as I grab my lochaber from where I dropped it upon entering. Bringing it up and over in a single sweeping motion I lower it between us, ready to run him through.

  He wipes at the blood dripping from his mouth. His lochaber is across the cave. I see his eyes dart towards it as I near him. I’ll cut him down well before he reaches it. I grip my weapon. I know exactly where I will swing, how hard the blow must be to be fatal.

  "Archion! No!"

  I pause. The other dragon uses the instant to dive and roll for his lochaber, coming to his feet gripping it in an awkwardly--

  The voice is Nora's. The only voice that could possibly cut through the bijass like this. The panic in it snaps me back to my senses, my duty and training swiftly rising to the fore once more, helping me beat the bijass back down. I take a step back from my opponent, my chest heaving as I forcefully calm myself down.

  I look to the entrance. Nora stands there, her eyes wide as she looks from me to Samil.

  "Archion," she whispers hoarsely, horrified. Her eyes are worried.

  And then I know exactly why. In the next instant, other Zmaj rush in, the commotion loud around me. I stand there calmly, allowing them to divest me of my lochaber, my eyes still on Nora. I understand their desire to restrain me.

  "The Elders will deal with him," Padraig mutters.

  I never move my gaze from Nora. I speak to her without ever opening my mouth, telling her I will return. They will not keep me away from her. The slight nod she gives me lets me know that she understands, and that she has no doubt that I will be back.

  I have to break our silent communication when I am dragged out of my quarters, out to the common area where much of the Tribe watches. Their gazes vary from suspicious, to angry, to concerned.

  I am taken to that same cavern where I spoke to the Elders before. Kalessin and Falkosh are already waiting, their faces tense.

  "You dare attack one of the Tribe while you are here under our hospitality?" Kalessin begins, his voice too loud, too brash.

  "If your hospitality includes searching my things, you do not know what hospitality means."

  I make sure to keep my voice calm, measured. I cannot allow them to rattle me. Not when I just regained control.

  "You do not give us any answers!" Falkosh returns, frustration infusing his voice. "How do you expect us to trust you if you do not trust us enough to provide us with the answers we need?"

  "There are things I cannot speak of," I say simply.

  That does not appease them.

  "You must tell us where you are from. You must tell us who your people are," Kalessin orders, his voice grating on the ears.

  I remain silent. I will not speak a word of the Order. I would need to report back, ask permission before I ever could. I will take my own life before I say anything, if they force me to.

  The Order survives because the hearts of the dragons who are members are among the most noble in the land. An undying, secret tradition. Worth more than my life alone.

  "If you do not answer us, we will be forced to assume that you are an enemy," Kalessin tries, changing his tact.

  "If you were more open, we would not look through your belongings," Falkosh repeats once more. "Do you not see, do you not understand that we need to know more?"

  "We must protect our people!"

  "I understand that." I pause, meeting each of their eyes. "Because I must also protect my own."

  That gives them pause. But they still continue on with the questions, their frustration growing.

  Still, I am not even remotely swayed from my original position. I will not give them any information no matter what.

  Eventually, they tire of grilling me, the anger and frustration marking their faces harshly.

  "Padraig, take him to his room. Have guards placed in front." Kalessin turns to me as Padraig nods, gesturing to the Zmaj apparently waiting for that order. "As we are not yet certain you are not a threat to us, we are going to ask you not to leave."

  I know it is not a request, so I say nothing. I am escorted back to my quarters. They close the curtain, and I hear them take up positions directly outside. They think to hold me prisoner here.

  Growling to myself, I finally allow myself to show my agitation, pacing around the small space. If they knew my rank, they would never dare such a thing. Of course, they do not. They know nothing.

  The Zmaj of the Tribe and the Zmaj of the city, all are veiled in ignorance.



  My stomach is in knots the next day when Archion is let back out into the communal area. This whole thing is such a mess, and I have no idea how to deal with any of it. It's what everybody's talking about right now, despite the everyday dangers that are always going on in the background. It's too juicy not to be the center of conversation. Doesn't mean it isn't still uncomfortable to be around.

  When Samil stands up at Archion's appearance, my heart starts to beat faster.

  "Why are you letting him out?" he asks, eyeing Archion warily.

  Archion does not lose his cool, though the temper flares in his eyes as he faces the dragon he fought earlier.

  "I was not the instigator," Archion points out. "Perhaps you should keep your hands to yourself rather than putting them upon other people's property."

  "What is it that you are trying to hide?" Samil retorts, stepping closer to Archion.

  Oh no. What is Samil doing?

  "That is none of your business," Archion growls, meeting him step for step.

  "I do not trust you. And I do not know why you are still allowed here behind the wall," Samil sneers. "We have been too soft with you."

  And then he punches Archion in the face.

  I watch in horror, my mouth hanging open in shock. What the hell!

  Triggered, Archion doesn't hold back. He grabs his opponent and the two grapple.

  Everyone cries out now, rushing forward to stop the fight. The dragons are torn apart by other Zmaj. Couldn't they have done that a little earlier?

  "He needs to be exiled!" Samil growls. "He is dangerous!"

  Inga has come and stood by her mate’s side, hol
ding his arm.

  "Perhaps Samil is right," Falkosh says, coming out with his fellow Elder at the noise. "We do not need a disruption such as this. Not now when threats loom on the horizon."

  "Really?!" I exclaim. When all of the shouts and voices quiet down, I realize I said that last bit out loud. But I'm so beyond frustrated at this point, I don't even care that all eyeballs are on me. I look out at the gathered crowd, at the Elders. "Don't cast Archion out for rightfully defending his belongings! He had a right to be angry. And he didn't instigate this confrontation right now either—Samil very publicly provoked him!"

  A beat of silence as everyone absorbs that.

  But the Elders don't address me.

  "What are you hiding?" Kalessin asks Archion, stepping forward.

  "That is the real question here," Falkosh agrees.

  From all over the common room come voices that back up that same sentiment. I stand there, unable to defend him on this point. He hasn't even told me anything, and I understand exactly how suspicious that looks.

  I look over at Archion, at a loss. I want to protect him, but I don't have any ammunition for this line of questioning. Archion looks angry, but it's back to a controlled anger now.

  "I have aided you," he responds into the tense silence. "You are well aware of that. That is all you need to know." There are some restless murmurs that arise at that. Archion continues after they settle down. "I will, however, have a word with Visidion. If he will entertain me."

  I've never seen anyone stand up to the Elders like this. I feel fear in my heart, even as I admire the boldness of his defiance. It's completely unprecedented, at least in my own experience.

  He's simply more committed to keeping his secrets than adhering to accepted behavior in the Tribe. I hold my breath along with everyone else, waiting to see how the Elders will react. Their desperation is clear in their answer.

  "Very well," Falkosh agrees, eyeing Archion. "We will grant you leave to go to the city. With an escort, of course."

  I swallow, my stomach still clenched with nerves. It’s as if they want to know what Archion is hiding more than they want food or water or a safe place to sleep. I just hope this resolves things somehow.

  How can Archion and I be together if he's not even welcome here? It's a question I don't have the answer to.



  My guard escorts me back to my quarters.

  I hope speaking with Visidion will settle this matter, but I am not at all certain. I think about how to approach the upcoming meeting with him while I gather my belongings.

  If the matter is not settled soon, the bad blood will only grow, as evidenced by the confrontation in the communal area today. No matter how much in the right I might be, I am certain the other members of the Tribe will not take kindly to me fighting with their own.

  Glancing over to ensure the curtain is still closed, I move over to the shadowed corner on one side, reaching behind the rock where I stored the scroll.

  After being here for so long, it just was not safe or practical to carry it around with me constantly, so I began to hide it in this corner. I take it out, giving it a quick once-over before I pack it away again. This was the reason why I was so enraged. I was so relieved when I found it safe its spot, undisturbed. They did not find it when they sent their spy.

  "Archion?" Nora is ducking in through the curtain, her eyes immediately going to the scroll in my hands. I do not hurry to hide it. She already saw it. I do decide to tuck it away again. The eyes of my beloved tell me that she will not speak a word of having glimpsed it. She understands me, is able to read my eyes and sense the scroll's importance. There is no female more suited for me than she. I put the scroll back in its hiding spot and rise to my feet.

  "Nora," I whisper, reaching out for her.

  She swallows, looking up at me with desperate eyes, the same desperation I feel. When I lift her up and brace her against the wall, she wraps her legs and arms around me, meeting my kiss with her own demands.

  The desire and the fear that we both feel permeates every touch. I try to shove away the fear, try to help her exorcise it as well. The future is uncertain, but we have now.

  She breaks the kiss, her hands cupping my face.

  "Archion, I'm afraid," she whispers.

  Her vulnerability hurts me. I wish I could protect her from all things that would scare and harm her.

  "Everything will be fine," I murmur, willing it to be so. "For now, we have each other."

  "Yes," she whispers, blinking back tears. She kisses me, channeling all of that raw emotion into the meeting of lips.

  I am undone. I do not take her to the pallet. That is not the kind of joining we need at this moment. Quickly, I take off her pants and mine, releasing my erection. I lift her back up and she wraps her legs around me. With one hand, I stroke her sweet girl fur, and between her folds, I find her wet and welcoming.

  Groaning in relief, I thrust into her heated sheath in the next instant. She cries out, arching against me.

  I kiss the beautiful curve of her neck, taking a deep breath at the sensation of her wrapped around me. I need this. For more than just now.

  I revel in our joining, but I am still fearful that it may just be this time. No. I push the thought aside. I refuse to think so negatively.

  I grip her jaw, tilting her face to kiss her again, the taste of her, the feel of her, a necessary reprieve.

  Nora is my mate, my home.

  I move inside her, her small cries, her moans urging me on. It is a bit rough, a bit raw. What we both need to ground us in all this uncertainty.

  When she reaches her pleasure, I push myself deeper into her, watching her face as my own overtakes me.

  She is flushed, her eyes closed tightly, her teeth sinking into her lower lip. Gorgeous. I have never seen a more beautiful sight.

  But I am not yet finished. I pull out of her, I help her get to her feet, and then I turn her around and brace her against the wall.

  "Archion?" she asks, looking over her shoulder, her eyes still dazed from pleasure.

  Tilting her hips, I sink back into her with my second cock. She gasps, pushing back against me, her head resting against my shoulder. I take her all over again.

  She is mine.

  No matter what happens, I will never let her go.



  Arawn and Padraig take us in the rover to the city. The damn thing bounces around so much I’m sure my spine is a mess. There’s not a lot of handholds and I keep bouncing up against Archion. As I’m smashed into him again, my breasts crushing against the hard muscles of his chest, my nipples betray me, hardening as last night drifts through my thoughts. He grabs onto me, holding me tight, and I wish, with all my heart, we were alone.

  I insisted on coming, refusing to allow them to take Archion anywhere alone. After everything that's happened, I guess I just don't trust anyone not to hurt him. Maybe I can't physically stop someone, but I'm hoping my presence is at least a deterrent.

  "Visidion is going to want to see you right away," Arawn comments, looking back to meet Archion's eyes. "I know you made a good impression on him earlier."

  Archion inclines his head. "Thank you. The Commander seemed to be a reasonable leader."

  Arawn smiles, facing forward once more.

  "That he is," he says.

  Padraig remains mostly silent, but Arawn continues to engage in sporadic conversation with both Archion and me. He is a lot less gruff than the others have been with Archion. After a few minutes, it's clear that he agrees with Archion about what has happened, that he sides with him, though he can't say as much.

  I agree. The Elders had no right to send someone to search through Archion's belongings. It was underhanded, disrespectful, and a clear show of distrust. How can they expect Archion to trust them with his secret if they couldn't even show enough restraint not to search his things?

  In my opinion, it was a terrible precedent to set if they
really wanted to build a potential alliance.

  As I listen to Arawn talk to Archion, I feel a bit of relief. I've been beside myself over what the other dragons might have planned for Archion. I saw the anger, saw the desire to push him back when he got into that second fight with Samil.

  Reason isn't in control with the Zmaj, not when their territorial natures are triggered. I was worried in the beginning when the Elders watched Archion with such a suspicion. Now everyone is walking on eggshells around Archion after the hubbub of the last day or two, though he doesn't seem to be moved by it all, showing no indication of his own emotions about the subject.

  I look over at his profile. In some ways, he's stoic to the core. Yeah, he's been soft and caring with me. But I see a much more practical side of him with others, and with situations in general.

  Honestly, seeing him not rattled sets me more at ease. It's nice to be around an energy that's calmer than my own. It helps me steady myself. The ride to the city seems both too long and too short at the same time. I don't like waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I also don't know what we're going to find in the city. Is it going to be more hostility? Are we just going from the pan into the fire? I have no idea.

  Luckily, when Padraig parks the rover and we get out to go into the city, it doesn't seem like anybody has it in for us at all. We're immediately led to our room. Together. Looks like news of Archion and me reached the city before us.

  But we don't have much time to sit in the room and wait. Arawn knocks on the door and ducks his head in.

  "Visidion is ready to see you," he announces.

  Archion nods, turning to me.

  "I will be back soon," he murmurs, leaning down to kiss me lightly.

  I nod. I clearly haven't been asked to join, which is all right with me. I don't know if I can help the situation.


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