Rising Moon: The Awakened Trilogy #2

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Rising Moon: The Awakened Trilogy #2 Page 19

by Amanda Carol

  “But it’s a one-way!” Declan shouts.

  Yeah, I know it’s a one-way, but it’s the quickest way.

  “Declan, if you don’t turn left here, I swear to God—” I threaten as he curses and turns left.

  “Bloody hell!” Grace yells from the back seat as we race down the road.

  Finally, I can see the gates to Lafayette cemetery.

  “Stop here, Declan,” Zayne commands.

  Declan slams on the brakes and pulls next to the curb. I throw the quiver of arrows around my back and grab the bow, and we all get out of the car, rushing toward the gate.

  “I’ve got it!” Abby shouts from behind me, using the air element to break the gate open.

  The rest of us keep running and stop just as we get inside the cemetery. I look around, an idea sparks to life. I turn as Abby catches up to us.

  “I need to get higher.” I look up at the top of the crypts, then to Declan and Zayne. “Can you guys give me a lift?”

  They nod, walking over leaning their backs up against the crypt. I place one foot in Declan’s hand and grab his shoulder. I push off the ground, placing my other foot in Zayne’s hand, and they lift me to the top of the crypt.

  “Wait, let me up too.” Grace comes over, and they lift her up next to me.

  I glance down. “Let’s do this.”

  I run and leap from crypt to crypt, and I can hear the wolves fighting. Grace and I reach them first, and it’s a bloody fucking mess. My eyes land on Hunter, who’s lying still on the ground. I’m relieved to see the slow rise and fall of his chest, but that’s gone as soon as I see a female vampire approaching him from the shadows.

  “You mutts never give up, do you? You should, because you’re stuck in here with us,” the vamp says just before she drops her fangs.

  I quickly grab an arrow and line it up.

  “You’re wrong!” I shout.

  The vampire looks up, startled to see me.

  I release the arrow straight into her heart. “You guys are stuck in here with us.”

  Declan, Zayne, and Abby round the corner and start to fight hand-to-hand combat.

  “Abby!” I yell as I reach into my back pocket and pull out my silver dagger.

  She glances up as I toss it at her, then uses the air element to drag it to her before it can be intercepted. She catches it and stabs a vampire just before it can sink its teeth in her. Blaine’s black wolf leaps over and rips its head off as Abby pulls the dagger out. Declan is deep in his element, fighting vampires. He will stab one, and Bennett will rip its head off.

  I look at Grace, who has her eyes closed and her palms facing up. She’s searching for water. Zayne is using the fire element to help take down vamps and I’m shooting arrows into their hearts.

  Blaine yelps as three vamps jump on him, sinking their teeth into his skin. A fourth comes over, and right before he sinks his teeth into Blaine’s neck, I shoot an arrow right between his eyes. Blaine’s glowing eyes meet mine; he nods once, then attacks the other two vamps before he rips the head off the one I shot the arrow in.

  Just then, the ground starts to shake, and I lose my balance, falling to my knees. Water shoots up into the air and Grace steps forward. She waves her hands and the water follows, piercing every single vamp in the chest, effectively giving them the sensation of drowning. One by one, the vamps run off.

  We may have won the battle this time, but we still haven’t won the war.

  Grace and I jump down from the crypt just as the guys shift back into human form.

  “Grace?” Knox whispers.

  Grace rushes straight into his arms.

  “Please don’t be upset. I wanted to help,” she mumbles into his chest.

  “I’m not upset. I’m just surprised, is all. Honestly, I’m just happy you’re okay.” He kisses the top of her head.

  I run over and kneel down next to Hunter, and Bennett comes up beside me.

  “A vamp snapped his neck. He’s alive, but he’ll be out for a few—” Bennett starts to say.

  He’s cut off by Hunter springing up. Hunter growls, baring his teeth as he takes in his surroundings.

  “Hunter, it’s okay,” I say calmly as everyone stands still.

  Hunter’s glowing bright blue eyes glance around at everyone before they land on me. He creeps forward, lowering his head. When he reaches me, he nuzzles his head into my neck. Then he shifts, and I wrap my arms around him. He kisses my neck before pulling away and resting his forehead against mine.

  “Dude, I know we heal fast, but with a snapped neck, wolves don’t wake for a few hours,” Bennett whispers.

  I glance around at everyone else. Declan is going around and healing everyone, so no one is paying any attention to us. I look up at Hunter, and he nods. No words are needed.

  “We will tell you later,” I whisper.

  Bennett nods.

  “As happy as I am to see you, baby, why are you here?” Hunter asks as we stand up.

  “I called for her. We needed help, man, and I didn’t want to get the Alpha involved,” Bennett answers. “Plus, you did tell us to call for help.”

  “Hunter, please don’t be mad—” I start to say.

  “Baby, I’m not mad,” Hunter cuts me off. “I’m actually glad that he called for you. I would have done it myself if I wasn’t…well, you know.”

  We walk over to where everyone else is gathered.

  “I’ve never seen vampires in groups of that size before,” Jasper says as Declan finishes healing him. “Something isn’t right, brother.”

  “You’re right,” Hunter replies. “I think this might have something to do with Ronan and Isabella. They must be creating more vampires.”

  “What does that mean?” Kai asks as Declan places his palm over his forehead to heal a wound.

  “It means we need to prepare for war,” I answer.

  We were warned that a war was coming. I have a bad feeling that Isabella is planning something far worse than what we think. Especially since the gods are getting involved.

  “We should get back to the Compound and regroup,” Knox pulls Grace tighter to him.

  We quickly make our way back to the cars. Grace ends up leaving with Knox, and Hunter rides with us. Abby, Zayne, and I sit in the back seat, while Hunter sits up front with Declan. The ride back to the Compound is quiet. When we pull back into our parking spot at the Compound, no one makes a move to get out.

  Abby glances at me. “I think we should talk to my mom. Tonight.”

  “I agree,” I whisper.

  Hunter turns in his seat. “What?”

  “You said it yourself, Hunter. My mom will tell you anything you want to know after she talks to me. After tonight, I don’t think we have much of a choice anymore,” Abby explains.

  “I’ll be with her,” I add.

  Hunter sighs. “We’ll all be with her. Let’s go talk to Luna.”

  We get out and head over to the old cellar, and I use my powers to stop the flow of the acid rain. Luna looks up, her eyes looking at the five of us before they land on Abby. She stands and slowly walks over to the bars, careful not to touch them as she leans forward.

  “I’ll tell you everything you want to know, but I need to tell you a little story first,” she starts.

  “I’m listening.” Abby says, taking my hand.

  I feel Hunter take a step closer to me. Declan and Zayne are listening by the doorway.

  “First, I need you to know that I had no idea that Isabella was going to capture you, Aria. I was only supposed to let the wards down and deliver the blood that I had been collecting in your sleep. She must have seized the opportunity and taken you when you went out. I’d been collecting Declan’s blood first since he was just easier to get to.” Luna looks down, guilt written all over her face. “I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt. If I didn’t do what she said, then Abby’s life would have been in danger. Honestly, her life will always be in some sort of danger.”

  “What do you mean?�
� Abby asks, her voice barely above a whisper. “Mom?”

  I squeeze her hand as Zayne comes over to her. He and I both share a worried look.

  “I was trying to keep you safe. Your father and I both were,” Luna steps into the light. The shadows cast an eerie glow across her cheekbones.

  “What does Dad have to do with this?” Abby tries to take a step closer to the bars, but Zayne and I hold her back.

  Luna inhales sharply and looks at her daughter intently. “Henry is not your father, Abby. I met him when I came to town, already pregnant with you. I made him believe you were his in order to protect you.”

  Abby gasps and my eyes widen. I look over at my best friend and see her face drain of all color. I can feel her start to tremble, so I squeeze her hand once more.

  “Abby, my darling girl, I never wanted this for you, but I guess I need to tell you the truth. I’m not a witch.” Luna pauses as she watches Abby take this in.

  Abby stops trembling and becomes very still, but nods for her mother to continue.

  “My real name is Leuce, and I’m the daughter of the Titan, Oceanus. I’m a god, not a witch.”

  “What?” Abby rasps out. “If Henry isn’t my father, then who is?”

  “Hades,” Luna responds.

  Now I’m the one staring at her. What the hell?

  All heads turn to me. Whoops. I didn’t mean to say that out loud.

  “Sorry.” I motion for her to continue and reach for Hunter.

  Hunter laces his fingers with mine and Declan steps closer to us, staring at her intently, as if he’s trying to work this out in his head.

  “Hades is your biological father, Abby. Zeus will kill any child of the gods if he knows they exist. He forbids two gods having children, which is why, when I found out I was pregnant, we both agreed to keep this quiet. So I left and lived life as a witch. I didn’t want you growing up without knowing the dangers of this world, so I raised you as a witch. I charmed that bracelet and bound all of your powers but one.”

  Abby releases my hand and grabs her charm bracelet.

  Oh, no. I turn, and my wide-eyed expression matches the same one my brother has. We already know the answer. Luna takes in a deep breath, and I can see Abby holding hers.

  “You’re not a witch, Abby. You’re a god.”

  Abby looks at Luna, and I’m pretty sure she stops breathing. I know how I felt when I was told that I was a demigod, but I can’t imagine how Abby must be feeling. She releases my hand, as well as Zayne’s, and takes a step back. Then another step, and then another.

  “You’re lying,” she breathes, her eyes filling up with tears.

  “No, sweetie. Isabella threatened to pray to Zeus, letting him know of your existence. If he ever found out, you would be sentenced to a fate much worse than death.” Luna starts to cry as she looks at her daughter. “Neither Hades nor I wanted that for you.”

  “Why would you hurt Aria and Declan?” Abby asks. “What does Isabella want with their blood?”

  “I didn’t want to; I would never do something to hurt you guys. Debora was my best friend and she asked me to keep you safe. That’s why I was taking your blood with the syringe. But Isabella forced me to take the wards down, and to do the enchantment to make the powers stick with her companion. I didn’t know she was planning on taking you, Aria. I wouldn’t have recommended that you wear the amulets if I had known,” Luna confesses.

  “Why should we believe any of this?” Hunter asks, taking a step forward in front of me.

  Luna looks directly at me. “You believed what Isabella told you about me. Why is it so hard to believe me?”

  She’s right; I did believe a vampire. But not at first. Not until I started putting all the pieces together.

  I narrow my eyes at Luna. “Prove it.”

  Luna takes a moment. Then, in one swift movement, she rips the handcuffs apart. There’s a spark, and the magic that was supposed to bind her powers is now broken. I grab onto Hunter’s shirt and pull him back toward me.

  “Well, there’s that, then,” Declan murmurs from behind me.

  “These handcuffs wouldn’t hold my magic. But I didn’t want to hurt anyone. I know what I did was wrong, and I accept the consequences for my actions. I wasn’t going to put up a fight. But before I told you anything, I needed to talk to Abby.” Luna’s gaze finds her daughter’s. “I needed to tell you everything, so you could fully understand that I only did this to protect you.”

  “What does Isabella want with our blood?” Declan asks, stepping forward and crossing his arms over his chest.

  Luna looks at him, and the blood drains from her face.

  “She never told me the plan,” she murmurs.

  She goes silent for a minute. But, just when I think we’ve hit a dead end, she continues.

  “But that doesn’t mean I didn’t figure it out. Isabella plans to release the Titans.”

  I’m pretty sure everyone in the room stops breathing.

  “The Titans? You mean the ones the gods trapped? Those Titans?” Declan runs a nervous hand through his hair.

  “I don’t think she’s talking about the football team, big brother,” I half joke, because I’m still not even sure I heard her right.

  Declan shoots me a look.

  “How can she release them?” Zayne asks. His arm is around Abby, who is staring blankly at the floor.

  “The gods trapped the Titans by using their own blood. But they didn’t want to make it that easy for someone to release them. In order to release the Titans, the blood of the demigods whose powers were awakened from each of the twelve Olympian gods is needed. The catch is, the demigods need to be alive, but all of their blood needs to be used.”

  “That’s why she used a bucket. She was collecting enough blood to fill a human body, but she was making sure I wasn’t going to die. That’s why she’s keeping us alive, isn’t it?” I whisper, my eyes growing wide as I look up at Hunter, who wraps his arms around me.

  “Yes, but she doesn’t know that I figured it out.” Luna grabs onto the bars and comes closer, the heat having no effect on her. “Do not underestimate her. If you do, it will be your greatest mistake.”

  Abby starts to breathe heavily, a panic attack setting in. She runs out of the cellar with Zayne close behind her.

  My tearful gaze locks with Luna’s.

  “Take care of my daughter,” she whispers.

  With that, I take off after them. I hear Hunter tell Luna to stay put, and he and Declan come rushing out after us. It’s raining when we get outside, and I see Sloane and another wolf approach.

  “This can’t be happening!” I hear Abby’s frantic voice coming from the clearing that we used to train with the bow and arrows.

  When we approach the clearing, the scene before me breaks my heart.

  “I hate her! It’s not true! It can’t be true!” Abby shouts, the rain trying to drown out her sobs.

  “It’s okay, babe,” Zayne reaches for her, but she steps away from him.

  I leave Hunter and Declan and make my way over to my best friend.

  “No, it’s not okay! It’s all a lie! My whole life has been a lie!” Abby looks at me as I get closer. “I hate her, Aria.”

  “No, you don’t, Abs,” I say.

  Her lip quivers. “She lied to me.”

  “I know. But she did it to protect you.” I reach for her, and she lets me wrap my arms around her.

  It starts to rain down harder on us, but I still hug her tightly. Abby is the opposite of me. Where I hold everything is, she lets it all out. But no matter what, we will always be there to catch each other when we fall and help each other put all the pieces back together. A soulmate doesn’t have to be a lover. Hunter is the love of my life, but Abby is my best friend, and she’s my version of a soulmate.

  “I’ve got you, Abs,” I murmur.

  I know, deep down, that she’s not finished getting it all out. And she proves me right by pushing me away and ripping the bracelet off her
wrist. She screams as she feels the full extent of her powers. She uses the air element against the trees, her magic stronger than ever as she knocks a few trees down. The thunderous sound makes Zayne and I jump. She’s crying and releasing her frustrations out. But then Abby’s arms catch on fire.

  “Abby!” Zayne and I shout together and run for her.

  Her whole body catches on fire, and Zayne and I are blown back from the intense heat.

  “Aria!” I hear Hunter and Declan shout my name as I land on the ground.

  Zayne gets up and tries to pull the flames to him and I try to use the water element to put out the flames but it’s no use.

  He looks at me, a look of pure pain on his face as his eyes find mine. “Her magic is too powerful. I’m not strong enough to pull the flame from her.”

  Then Declan and Hunter approach.

  “What do we do? Any longer and she will really burn,” Declan says, then looks at Hunter. “Hunter, can you use the link to call Knox and Grace? I have an idea, but I’m not sure how well this will work. We could use and extra water witch.”

  “Already done. They’re on their way,” Hunter responds as he watches Abby burning.

  Her screams are piercing the night, and it breaks my heart more than I thought was possible.

  “Aria, give me your hand. I’ve been doing research on magic. I think if we can combine our powers, we’ll be strong enough to draw the flames to us, and then Grace can use water to put it out as it reaches us, so her flames don’t burn us,” he explains.

  Declan holds out his hand, and I take it, no questions asked. We lift our opposite hands and focus in on Abby and her flames. I can feel Declan’s power flow through me, giving me the added strength to pull the flames to us.

  “It’s working. Keep going!” Zayne shouts as he and Hunter inch closer to Abby, who has now fallen to her knees on the ground.

  She hasn’t felt the effects of the fire yet, but she will soon if we don’t help her. Grace springs into action when she and Knox arrive, using the water element to put the fire out as it reaches me and Declan. The rain just isn’t enough to counteract this much fire.

  Finally, after a few long minutes, we pull the last of the flames from her and Zayne rushes forward and pulls her into his arms. When Declan and I release our hands, we both hunch over, exhausted from using all that power. I slowly stand and make my way over to my best friend, who is crying hard into Zayne’s chest. Hunter gives me a kiss on my head right before I drop down to my knees next to Abby. I lift her arm up and notice that we saved her just in time. Her arm is red, and it would have blistered if those flames had stayed on her any longer. I lay my head down on her lap and wrap her arm around me, lacing our fingers together as the rain finally lets up.


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