Alpha's Ultimatum

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Alpha's Ultimatum Page 7

by Charlee Garden

  He still looked like a veritable sex symbol, but dark circles were prevalent under his eyes. He looked drawn and exhausted as tears made their way down his cheeks. It was strange, seeing Sam cry. He was always the strong and silent type that endured everything and managed to handle it no matter what.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, my voice soft as I wiped away an errant tear.

  “Alex,” was all he managed to get out before he started to sob.



  I can’t believe I cried--how fucking embarrassing! The last time I’d cried in front of someone was when my mom died and that was almost sixteen years ago.

  Terror for my brother, anxiety over the future of my pack, fear at the thought of losing Lily for good. It was all too much and I finally broke. I lost my shit and sobbed like a child while my love held me. After I let it all out, I found my voice. I told her that my brother had almost died, glossing over anything involving wolves.

  “That’s horrible. Why would anyone want to hurt Alex?”

  “I can’t tell you. It has to do with my family’s secret.”

  “Are you guys like in a gang or something?”

  “No, nothing like that... well kind of... but nothing illegal. It’s hard to explain. It’s like we’re in a turf war with another... group... and they attacked us. I can’t really explain any more than that,” I said, rubbing at my neck anxiously. “I don’t want to lie to you Lily. I’ll talk to my dad and do what I have to do to get permission to show you.”

  “Show me?” her voice peaked with her curiosity.

  “Just be patient, Lil.”

  “Fine,” she sighed heavily. “You hungry?”

  “Not if you’re cooking,” I smirked.

  She threw her hands up in frustration and huffed as she stood, “I’m not that bad of a cook.”

  I cocked an eyebrow as I looked up at her before I rose to my feet as well, “Yes, you are. I’ll order a pizza.”

  We spent the night laughing and joking, catching up with one another and demolishing way too much food. It was nice. It felt right--being with her. My wolf and I hadn’t been so at peace since she moved away. Leaving after dinner sucked, every part of me wanted to stay, but I had responsibilities.

  After a tentative, on her end, kiss good-bye, I left with a smile on my face. Alex was going to be alright and Liliana had given me another chance--things were definitely looking up.

  When I returned home, I checked in with the wolves on patrol before making my way to the training grounds. I had to work in the morning but that didn’t mean I could just go off to bed. Training was a vital part of winning the war. If I wanted to protect Lily, I had to stay sharp.

  “This is fucking stupid. I don’t want a guard just because I’m a woman,” a voice snapped, causing a smile to form on my face.

  “Erin, quit yelling. It’s alpha’s orders,” Seth replied.

  “Oh, so now I need a guard who tells me what volume I can speak at?” she snapped.

  A chuckle escaped me as I joined them, “If you can best me, you can walk around with no guard.”

  Erin whipped around and met my eyes, a gleeful glint in her eye. “Human or wolf?”

  “Both. Human until submission and then wolf--same rules,” I responded, before heading toward an open area in the training field. I emptied my pockets and kicked off my socks and shoes. Even in human form, I felt most comfortable when I was in contact with the earth itself with no barrier between us.

  After whipping off my t-shirt, because the female wolf would use the loose fabric against me, I stood to face her. She fell into the fighting stance I had taught her before she had learned to call upon her wolf and had to defend herself as a human.

  Erin was a late bloomer. Most shifters gained full control over their animal by fifteen. She hadn’t completed her first full shift until after she had turned eighteen. The girl was the closest thing I had to a baby sister and I had made sure she was strong--though she still had no shot in hell at besting me.

  “Go!” she shouted as she launched herself at me, aiming for a headshot. I ducked, avoiding the blow, and countered by grabbing at her legs. I flipped my arm, causing her to somersault in the air and land on her back, hard. She didn’t even hesitate before swiping at my legs in an attempt to disrupt my footing. I stumbled. The small misstep was enough of an opening for her to take out my knee, sending me to the ground. She’d gotten better at combat, definitely, but her mistake came when she tried grappling with me. Erin was small and fast which had its advantages but when it came to fighting on the ground--she just wasn’t strong enough to earn the submission.

  The fight ended shortly after. I got her in an arm bar and she tapped out.

  “That hurt asshole!” She yelled as she rubbed her shoulder.

  “You think you fracturing my knee cap tickled?” I retorted. “Shift.”

  After we were both in our wolf form, I circled her. She followed me, turning in her spot so she didn’t expose her back to me.

  She crouched low, fangs bared as she prepared to launch herself at me. The muscles in her hind legs bunched but before she could lunge, she was taken down from behind.

  A russet wolf hovered over her, teeth latched onto her throat. Erin whimpered as she shifted back into human form.

  I followed her transition, speaking once the change was completed. “That’s why you need a guard with you.”

  I turned to the russet wolf, “Thanks for helping drive the point home, Chelsea.”

  The wolf nodded before running off on her patrol, Harry following behind her closely.

  “That was unfair!” Erin shouted, surging to her feet.

  “Yes, it was,” I agreed. “But if you think for one second that Jameson and his pack are going to fight fair--you’re wrong. They have no honor. They came at A.K. from behind. If Alex wasn’t there, the enemy would have gone unnoticed. He could have taken Alara and Selena without anyone ever knowing what happened. You need a partner to watch your back and you have to watch theirs. Until this threat is eradicated, no one goes anywhere alone,” I projected my voice, imbuing it with my beta power to make sure I was obeyed by all of the surrounding wolves. My father had made the decree known for women not to travel alone, but I wanted the rest of the pack to follow the same directive as a safety precaution.

  Erin glared at me, stomping off. She paused, my order not giving her a choice, as she waited for Seth to join her. I let out a huff of laughter as she stormed away, earning me a middle finger.

  She might be pissed but I hoped the sparring match helped drive home how serious this war was. Jameson had attacked first and caught us unaware. This was no longer a territory dispute. It was a fight to the death.



  Spending time with Sam had seemed like a dream that ended too soon. I floated around my apartment the following morning. I was gearing up for my first day of work at a brand new company and all I could think of was the searing hot kiss the night before. Instead of preparing myself to impress my new boss, I was wondering when I would see Sam next.

  I felt like a schoolgirl again—bubbly and full of hope. It was strange how the hurt I had experienced over the years faded with that kiss. It was still there, along with mass amounts of insecurities, but if I didn’t think about it—I just felt happy.

  Before I knew it, my car was parked in the lot beside the building I’d be working in. I barely recalled the drive.

  I shook my head to clear it, laughing at myself as I got out of the car. Travel mug of coffee in hand, I pasted a smile on my face and entered the building.

  “Hello,” the receptionist, a stunning blonde bombshell that was the epitome of business casual, said. “Welcome to Ferguson’s. How can I help you?”

  “My name is Liliana Moretti. I’m the new office manager.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m Kera,” she looked me up and down, eyes lingering on my lavender hair as if it would somehow magically change into a natural colo

  “Nice to meet you as well.”

  “You can have a seat over there. The receiving manager will be right with you. He’s going to be the one showing you the ropes.”

  I thanked her before heading to the lounge she indicated. The Sam induced grin pasted on my face had yet to fade. Thoughts of Sam and the date he had suggested we have the upcoming weekend had my happiness level turned up to ten—on a scale of five.

  “Well you look happy,” a familiar voice whispered in my ear from behind, “what are you thinking about?”

  I whipped my head to the side to look at him, my jaw dropping, “What are you doing here?”

  He reached out his hand after walking around to stand in front of me, “Hi. Sam Hernandez. I’m the receiving manager who will be training you.”

  He winked at me as I stared at him in shock, “You work here?”

  “That I do. Don’t worry though—there is no policy against fraternization since we’re both supervisors.”

  I stood and grasped his hand in mine, giving it a firm professional shake before dropping it.

  “Liliana Moretti,” I said, playing along while simultaneously ignoring his comment about fraternizing with coworkers.

  “Well Liliana, right this way. I’ll show you to your office.”

  Following behind, my eyes drifted over Sam. While I was dressed in a pencil skirt and blouse with a sensible heel, he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt that cling to his broad shoulders. Every one of his back muscles seemed to be on display, the fabric stretched tight and clingy to his defined biceps. Holy fuck, he’s hot.

  I found myself imagining him naked as we walked, his fitted jeans the perfect showcase for his firm ass. High school Sam had been a string bean but adult Sam was muscular--and he had me thinking dirty things.

  He led me into my office, seemingly oblivious to my eye-fucking as he shut the door behind me.

  At least, I thought I was being discrete—until he turned and grabbed me as soon as the door was closed off from the rest of the office. He pulled me tight against his firm chest and claimed my mouth in a searing—and entirely too short—kiss.

  “I’m not going to be able to work if you keep looking at me like that, Lily,” he said, his lips brushing against mine as he spoke.

  I was lost in a haze for a moment before I realized we were at work. Jumping back from him, I swatted his arm as I hissed. “What if someone saw us?”

  He laughed as he gestured to the door behind him and the blinds that were closed, covering the large picture windows that looked out on the office. “Relax. No one can see us. Besides, if you think I’m going to hide the fact that you’re mine—you’re crazy.”

  I ignored the shiver of desire that ran up my spine as he claimed me as his and crossed my arms. Mustering up the sternest look I could manage, I replied. “That’s exactly what we’re going to do. I earned this job on my own. I’m not going to have people think I got it because I’m sleeping with you.”

  A wide smile spread across his face as he grasped my hips, his large hands making me feel small, and pulled me against him once more. “All I heard you say was you’re sleeping with me. If people are gonna think it anyway, why not make it true?”

  I slapped his bicep as I huffed, “Stop playing around and train me. Here we are coworkers so hands to yourself. Outside of work... well...”

  His smile changed from playful to sexy as his eyes smoldered. He leaned in and kissed me again before pulling away.

  “We'll do it your way for now but you are mine, Lily.”



  I sat at the desk across from Lily as she filled out the paperwork necessary to add her to the company database. Her lavender hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders and framed her beautiful heart shaped face. Her bottom lip, swollen from the kisses I’d stolen, was caught between her teeth as she studiously read the documents she was signing. Every part of me wanted to toss her up on the desk, tangle my fingers in her purple locks, and reacquaint our bodies.

  Her emerald eyes flicked up, staring at me over the paper she held. “Don’t even think about it, Hernandez.”

  I feigned offense, holding my hand against my chest as I gasped. “Think about what? I wasn’t going to do anything.”

  “Bullshit. I know that look.”

  “What look?”

  “The ‘you’re going to try to have your way with me’ look,” she said, giving me an unamused look.

  “I was just making sure you were reading the document before you signed it!” I exclaimed, defending myself even though we both knew I was full of shit.

  “Like you used to just watch me study in high school, right?”

  “Not my fault you’re hot when you’re all studious.”

  She rolled her eyes before returning to her papers, “Stay on your side of the desk.”

  “You’re no fun,” I huffed.

  I opened my mouth to interrupt her again when my phone rang. It was my dad.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked.

  “We caught one of Jameson’s wolves.”

  Glancing at Lily, I flipped to Spanish--thankful that while her mother spoke Spanish, Lily had never picked it up.

  “They attacked again? Is everyone okay?” I questioned, my heart thudding furiously in my chest.

  “No attack. This one was on a scouting mission it seems. He bit his tongue off and bled out before I arrived to question him,” my dad’s voice held a hard menacing edge that I had never heard before.

  “Okay Pa,” I said, switching back to English, “I’m glad everything is alright. I’m training Lily right now. I’ll call you when I get off.”

  “Liliana? She works with you?” shock evident in his voice.

  “Sí, Pa. Es su primer dia.”

  “Ah pues,” he paused, “Wish her a happy first day from me.”

  “I will.”

  We hung up, my focus returning to the beautiful woman across from me, “My dad said to wish you a good first day.”

  “He’s so sweet,” she smiled before her gaze hardened, “and don’t think you’re slick. I know you started speaking Spanish because you were trying to hide something from me. It’s the only time you switch languages around me. I’m not an idiot. Not cool, Sam.”

  I gave her a sad half smile, “I’m sorry, Lily. I’ll tell you everything as soon as I can. Just give me a month or so. Things are... Complicated.”

  Her stare turned calculating as she surveyed me in silence for what seemed like an eternity before she nodded once. “A month or I’m out. I’m not going to waste my twenties on your bullshit like I did my teen years. You better not be playing me Sam or so help me...”

  Her sentence trailed off as she returned to her paperwork. Her words hit me right in the gut. I wanted to argue with her--to tell her she didn’t waste her teen years and that she wasn’t going to waste her twenties. I wanted to tell her we were meant to be, that my wolf and I had both chosen her--that she was my soul mate. I didn’t say any of that though. Any response I could manage would have sounded like false platitudes while I was still under my father’s orders. I needed him to lift his secrecy command before I could tell her anything.

  Still I couldn’t remain silent, “I’m not playing you, Lily. I’m serious about this--about us. One month and I’ll find a way to tell you everything, I promise.”

  She nodded, still not looking up from the forms she held up to block the majority of her face from my view.

  Sitting in silence, I pondered how I would tell her about being a wolf, about my pack and the impending war. It was a lot to drop on someone and odds are she wouldn’t believe me, but if I showed her… well I’d probably scare the shit out of her. It’d have to be a combination of words and actions, a delicate balance.

  Basically, I was fucked.



  After I’d finished filling out the new hire documents Sam supplied me with, he took me on a tour of the building. It was an easy
day, the corporate equivalent of a syllabus day in college. It went by quickly though a bit awkwardly. I wanted to forgive him, to give him another chance, but my head and my heart were on two entirely different pages.

  I loved him still. He was my first, and if we’re being honest, only love, but my brain continued to nag at me. My thoughts constantly circling back to his lies and secrets. I couldn’t keep on like this. I needed to either give him a chance or end things now--before we both were hurt even worse.

  “It’s quitting time,” Sam said, a yawn punctuating his words.

  I frowned, looking at the time. It was already five.

  “Wow. That went by quick.”

  “Well you did have some pretty stellar company today,” he said as he stood. “Wanna grab dinner?”

  I rolled my eyes, something I found myself doing far too often when he was around. “I can’t. Tessa is coming over soon. Tomorrow after work?”

  “Yeah, sure. Come on--I’ll walk you to your car.”

  We headed for the exit, Sam’s hand finding its way to the small of my back. The heat from his palm radiated through my blouse and sent tingles through my body. He was close, close enough that I inhaled his intoxicating cologne that smelled like pure sexy man--there was no other way to describe it. I felt my cheeks begin to flush as I made eye contact with Kera, the receptionist.

  She looked at us a little too closely for my comfort and I shifted away from Sam, “You’re going to start rumors.

  “Fuck’em,” he replied, eloquent as always.

  I groaned, looking up to the sky and saying a little prayer for patience--he was going to drive me insane.

  He smirked at my obvious agitation, reaching out to open my car door for me before I reached the vehicle.


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