Alpha's Ultimatum

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Alpha's Ultimatum Page 15

by Charlee Garden

  I felt foolish. “I apologize for trying to punish you for another’s sins,” I said to her pack.

  Murmurs of forgiveness echoed from the group as Lily patted my shoulder gently before turning to Tess, “Will the magic that hides this place remain stable now that Ben is dead?”

  The witch nodded, “Yeah, he anchored it to the earth--not himself. It will remain until a witch dismantles it.”

  “Good,” she said as she squeezed my hand. “My mate and I have a lot to discuss. We need to figure out how to sustain a way of life for both packs. If you would like to leave, you’re free to go. If you would like to remain, I promise to be the best alpha I can be. I’ll return in a few days. Those of you who stay--we’ll have a meeting to see how you’d like to move forward as a pack. I want our pack to thrive as a whole--not individuals.”

  The wolves nodded and Ryan stepped forward, “Allow me to escort you, Alpha.”

  She smiled softly, “I’ll be fine, Beta.” The title startling the man. “Keep things peaceful while I’m gone. I’ll see you all soon--and if you leave, know that I wish you nothing but the best.”

  It was strange, seeing her step into the leadership role as a wolf so easily, but it made sense. When you shifted into your wolf for the first time, you knew if you were meant to be a leader or not. The human side had to be strong but the wolf spirit was the true deciding factor. If your wolf’s soul was that of an alpha then you could rule a pack. It was the reason I was beta even though Alex was older than me. Your position in the pack was always based on the strength of your wolf. There were sure to be other dominant wolves within Lily’s new pack but her wolf was strongest so the lines of magic that lead from each pack member latched onto her even though she’d just turned.

  “Let’s go home,” she said as she intertwined her fingers with mine. She looked to Tess and smiled softly as she nodded. The Witch gripped Lily’s bicep as Bael grabbed mine and, with a pop, the clearing disappeared.



  I sat on Sam’s couch staring out into space in shock.

  “What did you just say?” Sam asked for the third time, voice incredulous.

  Ember, Sam’s pack healer, sat on the loveseat across from us. “I said that I believe Liliana is pregnant. That’s the only reason I can come up with that would explain why she changed into a wolf instead of dying from the venom. If she is carrying a pup, her body would already have been exposed to the wolf gene so her antibodies wouldn’t have read the bite as a threat. I’d like to run some tests.”

  “I-I don’t understand,” Sam stammered.

  “Well when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much,” Tess chimed in.

  Sam glared at her as the healer stifled her laughter.

  “Let’s have Lily take a pregnancy test before we speculate any further,” Ember said in a soothing physician’s voice.

  I just continued to stare at the wall in shock. I couldn’t be pregnant. Sure I wanted kids one day but I’d always imagined I’d be settled in life first. Married, in my dream home, with a steady job. Instead, I was totally going to get fired from all the work I missed, Sam and I had only been back together for a few months, and I just became a werewolf--an alpha at that. I was so not ready to add mom to my resume.

  “Liliana,” the healer said my name as she touched my arm. “Can I draw a bit of blood? It’ll be more accurate than a urine test.”

  I nodded, silently, and held my arm out.

  She chuckled quietly, “I have to go get some supplies. I’ll be back and then we can get started. Tessa, would you help me please?”

  I shot what I hoped was a grateful smile at the woman. I could not deal with my best friend’s jokes at the moment. My brain was way too much of a hot mess.

  After Tess and Ember left, Sam turned to me. “How are you feeling?”

  “NervousConfusedIdon’tknow,” I said, my words a rapid fire, jumbled mess.

  “Relax, love. We’ll be alright.”

  “I don’t want to be pregnant, Sam. I don’t even know how I’m going to be able to handle being an Alpha. I haven’t adjusted to my wolf’s voice in my head. I haven’t had time to even process the fact that I am a werewolf, and now I might have a baby inside me too? I’m scared,” I leaned forward, elbows on my knees as I buried my face in my hands.

  “Your wolf’s voice?” Sam asked. Typical man. Picking up on the least important thing I said.

  “Yeah. My wolf spirit or whatever.”

  “Lily babe... We can’t hear our wolves. That’s... not normal.”

  “Great,” I exclaimed, shooting to my feet and beginning to pace. “So now I’m hearing voices I’m not supposed to. How am I going to be responsible for a little human--er--wolf baby thing.”

  “Little human wolf baby thing?” Sam said, barely concealed mirth in his voice. “Seriously?”

  “Shut up! I’m freaking out,” I snapped at him.

  “Well don’t. We’ll figure this all out. The packs, the voices in your head, the baby if there is one. We’ll handle everything together,” he tried to reassure me.

  “Voice. Just one voice,” I said as I squinted my eyes at him.

  He smiled and pulled me back down onto the couch, tucking me into his side. “We’ll be okay. There is nothing we can’t do together.”

  I sighed and snuggled into him, “I’m scared.”

  “It’ll be okay, love. Everything will work out in the end. I promise.”

  I knew that there was no way he’d be able to keep his promise but his words did help calm me down.

  We remained snuggled on the couch until Ember arrived, Tess blissfully absent from her side.

  “I thought you’d like some privacy,” the woman murmured as she began to pull items from her medical bag.

  I thanked her even as I stared at the needle she pulled out.

  “It’ll barely pinch,” she said.

  “Barely? That thing is huge!” I exclaimed.

  “Wolves heal quickly. The thicker the needle, the longer it’ll take for your flesh to heal and push it out.”

  “Alright,” I said hesitantly as she tied my arm off and wiped the disinfecting towelette on my arm.

  Sam rubbed my back in soothing circles as my blood was drawn. We sat in silence as she dropped my blood into the little window reader.

  After what felt like ages, the healer looked back up at us. “Congratulations. You’re going to be parents.”

  Pure and utter shock, that was all I could feel. I wasn’t ready. We weren’t ready. I had never even held a baby before.

  “It’ll be alright, mi reina. I promise,” Sam whispered into my hairline before he kissed my temple.

  Well I was officially a--most likely--unemployed, unmarried, pregnant, human turned alpha werewolf of a formerly murderous--against their will--pack, who just got back together with her baby daddy less than three months before being impregnated.

  My life was officially a fucking mess--but at least I had a pretty awesome guy by my side.


  I'd like to thank each and every person who has taken the time to read the beginning of Lily and Sam's story--and, subsequently, the beginning of my writing career as well. I appreciate you all.

  To my husband, Eddie: I'm so lucky to have someone who has my back the way you do, Love. From the time you spent helping me decide the details of my wolves' powers to the moments where I made you read what I wrote as I stood beside you and watched your reactions like a hawk--you never complained. You're an amazing man and I'm so lucky to have you in my life. You truly are my sunshine. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you!

  To Brittni Chenelle, Author Extraordinaire: I can honestly never thank you enough for all the support you've lent to me as a fledgling author. Without your guidance and motivation, I would have been lost and Lily's world would never have been found. You've been the best friend/writing partner/editor a girl could ask for. I guess I don't totally fucking hate you anymore, Baby Ki

  To my friends and family: I love all. Thanks for dealing with me ghosting you while I wrote and supporting me. Thank you for every encouraging word and comfort you gave when I was sad about Non passing away and didn't think I could finish. You were all right. Nana would have wanted me to finish this book and I'm so glad I had you all in my corner to help me realize it. I love you all.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for reading Alpha’s Ultimatum.

  Keep an eye out for Book Two to journey further into Lily and Sam’s world.

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  Alpha’s Compromise

  Coming June of 2020.




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