A Love Like Nun Other (Game Winner Book 1)

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A Love Like Nun Other (Game Winner Book 1) Page 6

by Angela Nicole

  Me? I’m a mess, with my hair piled on top of my head, dirty scrubs, and coffee breath. I really can’t sit here in my car long without Leo getting suspicious.

  “Hi, Leo,” I say as I climb out of my two-door white sedan.

  “Good morning, Sophia.”

  The way he says my name makes me want to kiss him and never stop.

  “I know we weren’t supposed to see each other until Wednesday night”—he smiles—“but I just couldn’t wait.”

  I look at how sexy he is, then my gaze travels down my own body.

  “You look beautiful.” His husky voice brings my eyes back to him.

  “Leo! I’m a mess.” I laugh. “I’ve been up for almost twenty hours. I have morning breath, and dirty hair. And I’m pretty sure I have vomit on my scrubs.”

  “All of those things don’t matter. I see you.”

  OK, this man is going to make me do things I shouldn’t want to do. It’s just a matter of how long I’ll be able to hold out.

  “I brought us breakfast,” Leo says, holding up a paper bag.

  As if my stomach heard him, it lets out a loud growl.

  “I guess you have perfect timing.” I giggle.

  As Leo follows me into my place, the closeness of his body to mine puts me on high-alert.

  Trying to ignore the buzz I’m feeling, I decide to shower before eating.

  “If you want to make yourself some coffee, go ahead. I’m going to take a quick shower.”

  Leo clears his throat, making me giggle. He turns quickly to the kitchen counter, fiddling with the coffee maker.

  I smile as I make my way to the bathroom.


  Sophia doesn’t seem irritated I just showed up this morning. In fact, I’d say she looks somewhat happy.

  As I fix the coffee, plate the two breakfast sandwiches, and pour some O.J., my mind wanders to Sophia in the shower. The image of her wet, curvy body, as the soap slides down her breasts, makes me hard as a rock. Perhaps wearing these shorts was not the best idea.

  I actually never intended on coming here when I went out for my ride, but somehow my bicycle knew the way. Besides, the Pinellas Trail runs between my place and hers, so it was pretty easy.

  I can hear the water still running in the bathroom, so I decide to put our sandwiches in her microwave to warm up a bit.

  Standing in front of her refrigerator, I notice she has a card taped to the side. I know I shouldn’t be nosy, but it looks like a birthday card.

  I lean over to read it. It’s from a woman named Vincenza and she’s wishing Sophia a happy birthday.

  Shit! When was her birthday?

  Looking around, I don’t see any other clues as to when her birthday was.

  “I feel one hundred percent better.”

  I jump at the sound of Sophia’s voice. I turn around and nearly swallow my tongue.

  Sophia is wearing a pink tank top and a pair of matching shorts that barely cover her ass cheeks. I feel my dick move. Just great. She’s going to see how hard I am for her.

  “Something smells delicious.”

  Something looks delicious…you.

  “I, um, stopped at a place around the corner and picked up some breakfast sandwiches. I really didn’t know if you liked to eat before you went to bed for the day. But I took a chance,” I say, clearing my throat again.

  Sophia moves over to me while I take breakfast out of the microwave. Her closeness, especially in her pj’s, is going to be the end of my self-control.

  “I do like to eat a little before I sleep. But no coffee for me. I’ll take the orange juice. So, Leo, what brought you over this way at seven in the morning? And with a fractured foot no less.” she asks with a raised eyebrow.

  “I really wanted to run, but since my foot has been healing quickly over the last month, I didn’t want to jinx it. So, I figured riding my bike was better.”

  “And you just ended up at my place?”

  “It’s funny, isn’t it? My bike must’ve been on autopilot and found its way here.” I give her my best smile.

  “Fine, I guess that sounds plausible.” She takes a bite of her egg and cheese muffin, then moans. “Oh, this is really delicious, Leo.”

  Once again, my dick responds so I shift in my seat.

  I ate my sandwich in three bites, but after I take a sip of my coffee, I decide to ask her about her birthday card.

  “Sophia, I noticed the birthday card on your refrigerator. Did I miss it?”

  She laughs as she wipes her lips with a napkin. “No, you didn’t miss it. It’s next Saturday but my Aunt Vincenza lives in Italy, so she sends it a month ahead of time to make sure I get it.”

  Her birthday is next Saturday. Noted.

  I’m relieved I didn’t miss it, but now the pressure is on to find something fun to do.

  “What’s your work schedule next weekend? Are you off?” I ask as I throw my garbage in her trash.

  Sophia sits back in her chair, lifting one leg up to rest her foot on her chair. I’m trying really hard not to sneak a look.

  “I’m off all next weekend, starting Friday morning.”

  I lean back against her counter. “Well, I’d like to do something for your big day.”

  Sophia smiles. “I have dinner plans with my parents Sunday evening but other than that, I’m free.”

  “Good, leave the planning to me,” I tell her as she yawns. That’s my cue.

  I push off of the counter and hold my hand out to her.

  She takes it and I pull her out of her chair. Her body lands against mine; she fits perfectly.

  God, I want this woman. No, I need her.

  “Thank you for bringing me breakfast,” she says as she looks up at me.

  Her eyes move down to my lips. I know what she wants…it’s the same thing I want.

  I rub her bottom lip with my thumb. Sophia lets out a sigh, so I move in. I’m gentle at first, seeking permission with my mouth, permission to take over her mind for a minute or two.

  Sophia opens for me and her tongue licks my lips. It’s a sexy move, one I’m surprised she makes. It’s then I realize Sophia is like an unexploded bomb just waiting to go off.

  I take her face in my hands and deepen the kiss. She’s tentative with her hands, so I lean back just enough to speak to her.

  “You can touch me wherever you want, sweetheart. Don’t be afraid.”


  “But I’m afraid, Leo,” I say as I pull my hands back. “I’m afraid to want the things I want.”

  “Wanting to touch me isn’t a bad thing, Sophia. It’s a normal desire. You’re a young, beautiful woman, who I think is attracted to me,” Leo says with a laugh. “Touching is part of getting to know each other. Give me your hands, Sophia.”

  Leo holds his hands out to me and I take them. “Where do you want to feel me?”

  All over. And I want you to feel all of me.

  Oh God. I can feel my own dampness in my underwear. It’d be so easy to have Leo be my first. When I’m not working, it’s all I think about—all I dream about.


  “Your chest, Leo. I want to touch your chest.”

  Leo brings my hands up to his chest, then lets go. My hands are still an inch from him, but I can feel his heat. Looking up, my breath hitches as I lay my hands against him.

  His chest is hard and muscular. I feel his heart beating quickly as I move over his pecs. His breathing becomes faster, and so does mine.

  I look into his gorgeous green eyes. He smiles, letting me know I’m safe.

  My hands move up to his shoulders, then down his arms. I rest my hands on his biceps, which like his chest, are hard.

  I knew his legs were muscular since he plays soccer, and well, he is wearing shorts. But I’m surprised how fit his upper body is. I like it a lot.

  Moving my hands all the way down, I reach his hand. Leo hasn’t taken his eyes off me the entire time, and he links his fingers with mine.

that wasn’t scary, was it?” he asks, right before I crash my lips to his.

  I’m like a mad woman.

  Leo moans into my mouth as I claim his.

  I don’t know what’s come over me, except that I have a sweet, sexy man in my kitchen. And for the first time in my life, I don’t care if what I’m doing is considered a sin.

  I want Leo.

  His hands move to my lower back, where he pulls me against him again.

  My mind is telling me to stop, but my heart and other areas—wink, wink—are cheering me on.

  Just as I’m about to move my hands to his, what I can only assume is just as hard, butt, Leo pulls away, panting.

  “Sophia,” he barely gets out.

  “What’s wrong? Don’t you like this?” I ask, confused.

  “Are you kidding me?” He runs his hands through his hair. “All I can think about is touching you like you’re touching me. It drives me insane.”

  “Are you afraid of me, Leo?”


  “I’m afraid you’ll move too fast and end up hating me,” I blurt out. “And if I don’t leave now and let you get some sleep, I’ll want to stay and sleep the day away with you.”

  Sophia swallows hard. I watch her throat as she processes what I said.

  “Is that what you want, Sophia? Do you want me in your bed today?”

  I know the answer, but I want her to make that choice. It will always be about her choice.

  “I won’t lie to you, Leo. I’ve thought about it, but no. I’m not ready for that.”

  Hugging her close, I kiss her on top of her head. She smells like coconut and heaven.

  “If and when you are ready for that, Sophia, just know I’ll take good care of you.”

  She nods against my chest, yet I can’t help but feel as if she isn’t OK with it.

  An hour later, I arrive at the Rebels’ practice field. Chris and the other guys are goofing around, and I want to be out there with them. A few more weeks and I will be, the doctor assured me.

  It does ache today, probably because I went on a longer bike ride than I should have. But I was so close to Sophia’s house, I had to go all the way.

  “Hey, Cam,” Coach says as he comes up behind me.


  “How’s the foot?”

  I look down. “Getting better every day. I should be good to go when we start official practice.”

  Coach slaps me on my back, nods, and heads off to his office.

  “What’s up?” Chris asks, running over to me.

  I shake my head. “Nothing. Just wanted to stop by and see what was going on. Make sure you survived your night with Cheyenne.”

  Chris coughs.

  “Jesus. Now what?”

  “Well, let’s just say I didn’t go home with Cheyenne.”

  “Wow, I’m proud of you for staying strong.” I laugh.

  “I’m not sure you’d say that if you knew what did happen.”


  I didn’t get much sleep today. After Leo left, I tossed and turned until about noon, which means I’ll be working on about five hours of sleep. So, with lots of coffee, I make my way to work.

  Brenda texted me earlier, asking if she could bring me dinner on my break at ten. She does that sometimes when she’s wide awake and needs to talk. I’m assuming Ricky did or didn’t do something, and she needs to vent.

  The first half of my shift went just as I thought it would. In a word? It was crazy.

  I haven’t heard from Leo since he left this morning. I’ve wanted to text him several times but I talked myself out of it. The last thing I want is to appear desperate to talk to him. Well, maybe it’s the second to last. The last thing I want is for him to get tired of waiting for me.

  Let’s face it. Women are attracted to Leo Cameron, and why wouldn’t they be? He’s tall, athletic, sweet, and sexy. He won’t wait long for me to be ready to have sex with him. Hell, I’m surprised we even have a second date.

  Just as I begin to tumble into a negative spiral of thoughts, Brenda shows up with my favorite…chicken salad.

  “Are you ready for your break?” Brenda asks as she approaches where I’m standing at the nurse’s station.

  “Hey, yeah. Let me just go get cleaned up and I’ll meet you out in the pavilion.”

  The hospital has a nice outside area for their workers to relax while on break. It’s much larger than a gazebo; hence, a pavilion.

  After I clean up, I head out to meet Brenda. When I see her, I can immediately tell something is bothering her. It could be the pacing she’s doing.

  “Brenda,” I call out as I enter. “Wanna tell me what’s going on with you?”

  I straddle the bench seat so I can watch her as she paces.

  “Oh God, Sophia, you’re going to freak the hell out.”

  I laugh a little because if I know Brenda, she’s about to tell me about her latest conquest. So, I remain calm and take sip of my water.

  “I slept with Leo’s friend, Chris,” she blurts out and then grows quiet, waiting for my reaction and reply. Water comes out my nose, and I burst out laughing.

  As soon as I’m able to wipe the water from my face, I collect my thoughts, which takes a minute. Usually, I admonish her for sleeping with some guy, but now this is someone I’ve met. Chris is close to Leo so I need to tread carefully.

  “Alright, so can you stop pacing for a minute and tell me what happened?”

  “Ugh, I went to Lancaster’s with Ricky and Chris was there with some skank. Anyway, I didn’t know he was there at first,” she claims as she runs her hands through her long blonde hair. “But when I went to the bathroom, he was coming out of the men’s room.”

  She closes her eyes and pauses. Oh shit, this must be bad.

  “Brenda? What did you do?”

  “Chris asked me why I spend my time with a douchebag like Ricky. He told me that he watched the way he treated me when we were out before. Ya know, the time he and I made plans to set you and Leo up at the deli.”

  “Yes, I know. Now spill.”

  “I told Chris he didn’t have any right to question me when he was doing the same thing with the soccer groupie who was hanging all over him.”

  “Ouch, Brenda. So you were jealous, is that it?”

  “Of course I was jealous. Chris is so fucking hot. I mean, have you looked at him?”

  OK, yeah sure, Chris is cute. But Leo is the one I can’t stop thinking about.

  “Yes, Chris is cute, but you have to know, he’s probably a lot like Ricky when it comes to women.”

  “Oh, Sophia. I know. I’m such an idiot sometimes.” She’s still pacing, so I know there’s more.

  “Chris said he’d ditch his date as long as I did the same thing.”

  “Well, obviously that had to happen if you were going to sleep with him. So, what was your response?”

  “I, um, kind of pushed him up against the wall in the hallway and kissed him.”

  “Wow, that’s forward, even for you.” I laugh, hoping to make her relax. It doesn’t. “So, you kissed him in the hallway. Alright, so how did you end up in bed with him?”

  She says nothing.

  “Are you going to tell me or not?”

  “Well, let’s just say, we barely made it to my bedroom. Oh God, this is embarrassing. First, you know Chris and I have flirted each time we’ve seen each other. But that night, I had a little too much to drink, and although I was there with Ricky, I just couldn’t help myself when Chris said what he said. When I broke away from the kiss, which was the best kiss ever, I headed over to Ricky and told him I didn’t feel well and needed to go home. When I got home, I texted Chris, who sounded all too happy I ditched my night with Ricky.”

  “Wait, how did you know Chris’s number?”

  “We may have exchanged numbers the night I saw him out and we planned the surprise at the deli.” She looks guilty as she reminds me of the day she set us up. Of course, I didn’t hate it.

bsp; “Fine, go on with the story.” I wave my hand at her.

  Brenda blows out a breath. “So, he shows up at my place. And, Sophia, when I say he stalked me the way a lion stalks a gazelle, I wouldn’t be lying.” She laughs.

  I know the feeling.

  She continues. “It was crazy. We barely spoke to each other while we ripped our clothes off. It was as if speaking would’ve ruined it all.”

  “So, how did you leave it with Chris? Are you going to see him again?”

  I ask for two reasons. One, I’m genuinely interested in what’s going on with her life, and two, if Brenda and Chris start seeing each other, what does that mean for me and Leo?

  “I don’t think I’ll be seeing him again.”

  “Why? What happened?”

  Brenda overs her face with her hands. “I kicked him out after.”

  I choke on my chicken salad at her admission.

  “I know, I’m an evil person.”

  “You have casual sex all the time,” I state, once I take a drink and catch my breath. “You know I’d never judge you for that, but it’s not like you’ve ever kicked someone out. Did Chris do something wrong?”

  Brenda sits down, sighs, and shakes her head.

  “No, actually, he was perfect. That’s the problem. I could easily fall for him and that’s something that I don’t want…ever.”

  Brenda, I love her to pieces, but she avoids any type of relationship with a man that may become serious. Hence, her relationship with Ricky. She considers him safe because he doesn’t want any type of commitment from her. Still, I worry she’ll pass up the opportunity to meet a nice guy and settle down.

  “I hope you were nice about it when you kicked Chris out.”

  Brenda cringes. “I tried to be but let’s just say, he didn’t take it well.”

  For the next ten minutes, she describes the scene in too much detail. I now know more than I ever wanted to know about Chris’s anatomy and how well he uses it. So far, it seems pretty normal for Brenda.


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