Bridge Quest

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Bridge Quest Page 27

by Pdmac

  “That’s torture and cruel,” Kendra chided.

  “Damn right it is,” he countered. “The question was, what would I do to someone who hurt my family, or someone I love?” He narrowed his gaze at her, “and that includes you.”

  Kendra blinked as she absorbed the revelation. Part of her was repulsed by the acts of torture while another wondered if she would act the same way. Yet another larger part reveled in this declaration of his love. Her response was thwarted when Raquel interrupted.

  “Now that we’ve satisfied the quest, it’s time to move on. Everyone get your gear ready to move out.”

  Once inside the castle, while the others headed to their quarters, Raquel grabbed Annabeth by the elbow and guided her up the stairs.

  “We need to check on a certain Viking.”

  When they entered Gwen’s apartment, Manas was still there, his sour demeanor telling them he was not happy about something.

  “I’m so glad you’re here,” Gwen sweetly said as the two women entered. “I think that it’s important you hear it directly from him.”

  “Hear what?” Raquel asked, masking her alarm.

  There was a pause before Karl quietly said, “I’ve decided to stay.”

  “You’re what?” Annabeth exclaimed, her jaw dropping.

  “I’m staying,” Karl replied with a nonchalant shrug.

  Nonplused, Annabeth wordlessly stared at him, until Raquel reached over and gently pushed her jaw up to close her mouth.

  “What are you going to do?” Raquel asked.

  “He’s going to rule with me,” Gwen answered for him.

  “What about the bridge and the next island?” Annabeth demanded. “What about the team, our team?”

  “You’ll just have to move on without him,” Gwen said.

  “How about letting him answer the questions,” Annabeth sourly complained.

  “Like she said,” he again shrugged. “You’ll just have to get along without me.”

  “This is crazy,” Annabeth blurted. “You just can’t –”

  “We’re happy for you,” Raquel interrupted.

  “What?” Annabeth jerked her head around to glare at her friend.

  “We’re happy for them, aren’t we,” Raquel repeated, giving Annabeth a ‘just-play-along-with-me’ look.

  “Uh, sure, I suppose,” Annabeth unconvincingly replied.

  “C’mon then,” Raquel said. “We better start packing. We’re leaving in a day or two.” She turned to Gwen. “Do you mind if we come back later tonight or tomorrow morning to say our goodbyes?”

  “Of course not,” Gwen sweetly smiled in triumph.

  “You bring the wine?” Raquel returned the smile.

  “I have a special bottle I’ve been saving,” Gwen answered.

  Once outside the suite and out of earshot, Annabeth leaned in and whispered, “What’s your plan?”

  “We need to see a certain sorceress,” Raquel said.

  “Kamdyn? We don’t have time and besides, how are we going to ever find her? I haven’t a clue where she lives.”

  “I’m a ranger, remember?” Raquel grinned. “I paid attention the time Manas took us to see her.”

  “We never got past the columns,” Annabeth replied, vaguely remembering the location, “when Manas changed his mind or something like that and we returned back to the castle. I was rather disappointed because I had wanted her to teach me how to use my magic.”

  “Maybe she’ll give you some pointers now,” Raquel replied, leading them along the same path that Manas had followed. In short order they stood before the door in the wall. Opening the door, they slipped past and descended the snaking path to the set of broken Corinthian columns.

  Imitating Manas, Raquel walked in between the two top halves and paused by the right pillar, pressing her palm against the cold stone.

  A moment later, a voice crooned, “Welcome Lady Ranger and Sorceress Annabeth. I’ve been expecting you. Please come in.”

  Stepping through the empty space between the pillars, the two women disappeared, emerging on the pathway leading to a Kamdyn’s beautiful two story home of white granite. Ignoring the surrounding gardens and fountains, Raquel led the way to the front door where the necromancer stood in the doorway.

  “Welcome, my friends.” Kamdyn wore the same flowing dress of black silk, undulating in sensual billows, emphasizing her voluptuous body.

  Annabeth felt a sudden surge of lust and she startled at the emotion, shaking her head in a vain attempt to clear her thoughts. Then just as quickly, the growing lust faded and she felt like herself once again.

  Kamdyn smiled mischievously at Annabeth. “Sorry. It’s become a habit, though you look like you could be fun, as do you,” she added, staring intently at Raquel.

  Raquel felt suddenly exposed and cleared her throat. “We need your help.”

  “Yes, I know,” she chuckled. She stood to the side and waved them in, following behind them as the door closed by itself.

  Kamdyn led the way through the foyer and into a large reception room. A couch and two chairs facing the couch were positioned close to the windows. In between the couch and chairs facing the windows was a low table with trays of food and wine.

  “Please sit,” Kamdyn said. Her voice was soft, though sensual.

  As Raquel and Annabeth sat on the chairs, Kamdyn positioned herself on the couch, tucking her long legs beneath her. Reaching for a sweet roll, she smiled seductively at them. “Please help yourselves. I’d hate to see all this food go to waste.”

  Annabeth reached for the carafe of wine and filled the three crystal glasses. “Like Raquel said, we need your help.” She stood up and handed a glass of wine to Kamdyn.

  “Your Viking is too enchanted with the lady of the castle?” Kamdyn casually declared.

  “Yes. How did you know?” Annabeth sat down and picked up a sweet roll.

  “I know everything that goes on in the castle,” she replied. “For instance, I know your precious Viking has decided to remain here in Westhaven, at least for the time being until Gwen decides to relocate to Durness where she will rule as queen.”

  Raquel noted a hint of envy in Kamdyn’s reply. “Will you continue to live here?”

  “I have no choice,” she answered. Her mask of amiability momentarily vanished.

  “Why not?” Annabeth asked.

  “It’s complicated,” Kamdyn replied. When the two women simply stared at her, waiting, she explained, “I’m a known necromancer. You can imagine how people react when they learn who I am.”

  As Raquel nodded in empathy, Annabeth blurted, “What’s the real reason?”

  Kamdyn flashed a hard stare at her then relaxed. “I’ve been banished here.”

  “By whom?”

  “By the former king.”

  “Why?” Raquel asked, her interest rising.

  Kamdyn paused. “Because I’m a succubus.”

  “Just like Gwen?” Annabeth intoned.

  Kamdyn smiled. “Yes, just like Gwen.”

  Silence settled as Raquel studied the sorceress. Leaning back, she sipped her wine, staring at Kamdyn over the rim of the glass. “You all are related, aren’t you, Gwen, you, and the woman who was queen. Sisters or cousins, right?”

  “Very good,” Kamdyn nodded in recognition. “We are sisters.”

  “Then why are you stuck here?” Annabeth asked.

  “A long story,” Kamdyn sighed, “but I’ll give you the short version. Yes, we are three sisters. Briet was the oldest then Gwen then me. We were all born succubi with powers to induce desire at will. Mine are the strongest. However, father kept our powers secret, especially when time came to find a bride for the king’s son. As Briet was the oldest, she was the designee to woo Coirthan. Obviously she was successful and became queen. Father and Briet then managed to get Coirthan to name Gwen as viceroy for Westhaven.”

  “I can imagine how that happened,” Annabeth chuckled.

  Kamdyn smiled in return. “Men ar
e so easy.”

  “Then what happened?” Raquel interrupted.

  “Once Gwen was appointed as viceroy, father set about finding a position for me, not only to add family influence, but to counterbalance Cyril. Unfortunately, Coirthan discovered our secret.”

  “How?” Annabeth asked, intrigued.

  Kamdyn waved away the question. “That’s another story for another time. The result was that when he learned that I had the strongest powers, he threatened to ruin us. Father then threatened to expose certain, um, royal secrets that Briet had coaxed out of Coirthan. The bottom line was that in exchange for exiling me to this place,” she waved her hand at the surroundings, “Briet would stay as queen and Gwen would remain as viceroy.”

  “Leaving you stuck here while they enjoyed life,” Raquel observed, noting the subtle resentment.


  “But if Gwen is now queen, shouldn’t that release you from here?” Annabeth said.

  “Yes, it should…”


  “There is more to this story than I am willing to reveal,” Kamdyn stated. “For now, suffice it to say that I am waiting for Gwen to move to Durness before I make my move. However, if I am to be successful, I can’t afford for her to have your Viking by her side. So, you see, we all benefit from his departure.”

  “So what do we do?” Annabeth asked.

  Kamdyn turned a discerning eye towards her. “You already have part of that capability as a sorceress.”

  “I do?” she blinked in surprise.

  “How many spells do you have?”

  Annabeth rolled her eyes. “Something like over 150 of them.”

  “Have you experimented with each one?”

  “Uh… not really. I’m still trying to figure out how to remember them all. Some of them make no sense, like an air bubble or mud ball. What’s the purpose of those?”

  “They have their place,” Kamdyn smiled. “For now though, you really ought to concentrate and practice those spells you think you will use. I can think of two in this instance that will help us. The first is Implant Idea.”

  Raquel leaned forward, her eyes bright. “What does that do?”

  “It places an idea into another character,” Annabeth answered, looking at Kamdyn. “But she’s a level 20, and what idea am I supposed to implant?”

  “It doesn’t matter if she is a level 20 or 50,” Kamdyn replied, “though the higher the level, the greater likelihood of resistance to the spell. And then if she has a resistance to suggestion spell, it would counter-balance the Implant spell.”

  “This gets us nowhere,” Annabeth complained. “Does she have a resistance to suggestion counter spell?”

  “Not that I know of,” Kamdyn slyly answered.

  “Oh,” Annabeth said. “So what idea do I implant?”

  “That she’s very very tired,” Kamdyn said, “followed by the second spell, Sleep. The two spells together will cause her to fall asleep right where she is. As an added precaution,” she held up a small vial containing an orange liquid, “add this to the wine. With the two spells and the sleep potion, she should remain asleep for at least six hours, enough time for you to put some distance between you.”

  “What about Karl?”

  “I suggest you put the potion into his drink also. Her sway over him is clouding his judgment and he will be reluctant to leave. Use that big barbarian named Dieter to help you carry Karl away. He’ll wake up far enough away to wonder why he was drugged in the first place and with a clearer mind.”

  “Perfect,” Annabeth chortled, standing. “C’mon,” she said to Raquel then abruptly frowned for Raquel had likewise stood, but was in the process of slowly unbuttoning her shirt, her eyes in a sensual gaze at Kamdyn. Annabeth looked at Kamdyn who was smiling at her.

  Raquel was midway spreading her shirt wide and exposing her breasts when Annabeth angrily exclaimed, “We don’t have time for this.”

  The spell broken, Raquel blinked then jerked her head down to see her exposed chest, quickly covering up. Her lips pursed, she seethed, “I can see now why you were exiled here.”

  “Oh don’t be angry with me,” Kamdyn teased. “I was just playing. Besides, you have a gorgeous body. Pity you’re leaving.”

  “We’re not leaving soon enough,” Raquel mumbled, buttoning up her shirt.

  Once outside on the path away from the house, Raquel complained, “Why didn’t you stop her when you saw what was happening?”

  “I didn’t even know it was happening,” Annabeth explained. “She was looking directly at me and the next thing I see is you unbuttoning your shirt. I wish I had that kind of power.”

  “What? Make people take their clothes off?” she sourly admonished.

  “Yes, I mean no, well, yes, in part,” Annabeth awkwardly replied. “I mean, to have the ability to focus on more than one person at the same time. Think about it. She was talking to me while she was manipulating you.”

  “Well maybe the next time you can be the one undressing,” Raquel said as they emerged between the columns.

  Annabeth thought for a moment then grinned. “That might be fun.”

  Raquel shot her a stern glare then abruptly laughed. “You are so bad. C’mon. We got a Viking to rescue.”

  Annabeth, Raquel, Karl and Gwen stood in the outer room of Gwen’s suite. Gwen held Karl’s hand with both of hers. A tray with a carafe of wine and four glasses sat on the low table by the hearth.

  “We can’t stay long,” Raquel said. “Just wanted to say our goodbyes.”

  “Glad you’re not too upset,” Karl said.

  “We understand,” Raquel smiled. “You have a lot of potential right here. Might as well take advantage of it.”

  “Glad you see it that way.” Karl smiled.

  “We’ll miss you,” Gwen said with a sincere smile.

  “Is the wine poured?” Raquel asked.

  “Not yet,” Gwen replied.

  “I’ll do it,” Annabeth volunteered, walking over to the table and carefully pouring the wine into the four glasses.

  As Annabeth poured the wine into the fourth glass, Raquel turned her head away from Annabeth to stare at the tapestry on the opposite wall. “I don’t remember the colors in that tapestry being so vivid.”

  Gwen and Karl both turned their heads to gaze at the tapestry while Annabeth quickly poured the contents of the sleep potion into two wine glasses.

  “That was here before I arrived,” Gwen said, staring at the hunting scene of several ladies on horses giving chase to a fox. “It really doesn’t do much for me so I’ll be leaving it here when I, I mean when ‘we,’” she squeezed Karl’s hand, “move to Durness.”

  “Would you give me a hand here, Raquel,” Annabeth called out.

  Karl was about to walk over to help only to be restrained by Gwen, and Raquel cutting him off. As Annabeth handed two glasses to Raquel, she tapped the side of one with her forefinger and ticked her head at Karl and Gwen. At the same time, she cast the Implant Idea spell, noting with satisfaction Gwen’s yawn and the blinking of suddenly tired eyes.

  Raquel handed a glass to Gwen as Annabeth came up and gave a glass to Karl.

  “Here’s to the future,” Raquel said, holding up her glass in a toast.

  The four raised and clinked their glasses.

  “May you achieve what you desire,” Raquel again toasted, followed by another toast, and yet another.

  When the final toast was proposed, Annabeth cast the sleep spell just as Gwen took a deep swallow of wine.

  “Suddenly I’m really sleepy,” Gwen slurred.

  “Probably from all the excitement of these past days,” Raquel offered.

  “Most likely from all the activity in the bedroom,” Annabeth teased.

  Gwen replied with a weak grin, handed her wine glass to Raquel, and made a drunken bee line towards her bedroom door, completely ignoring everyone else in the room. Flinging the door open, she stumbled the last few meters to the bed, climbed up a
nd promptly flopped face first onto the pillows.

  Karl stood in place, mutely watching Gwen teeter away. Staring down at the remnants of wine at the bottom of his glass, he said, “Man, what’s in this stuff.” He started for the bedroom, glass in hand, then stopped and stared through the open door at the Queen of Montgrec sprawled on the bed. A sudden yawn overtook him and he resumed his march, ending up draped on the bed next to Gwen.

  Annabeth was already across the room to the suite’s door by the time Karl was asleep. Yanking the door open, she poked her head out to see Manas and Dieter amiably chatting with the rest of the team.

  “C’mon,” she urged.

  Manas closed and bolted the door behind them when the last one entered then joined Annabeth and Raquel in the bedroom next to the bed.

  “She’s going to be mad at you when she wakes up,” Raquel warned.

  “It had to be done,” he said.

  “What are you going to tell her?” Annabeth asked.

  “I’ll tell her the truth,” he firmly stated then slyly smiled, “that I was standing outside talking to the group when she fell asleep.”

  “And after that?”

  “I’ll have to think of something else,” he shrugged then handed her a folded parchment. “You better get going before she wakes up. Here’s a map of the rest of the kingdom. I don’t know what’s at the other end of Cyril’s domain, so you’re on your own after that. Stick to the main road and move quickly. I figure you should have a good half-day head start before she sends someone to drag him back. With luck, you should be beyond her reach by the time you leave the far borders.”

  “Thank you,” Annabeth said. “We need one last bit of help. Though we’ve been through the tunnel a bunch of times, I didn’t really pay attention to the doors and turns in the tunnel.”


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