Bridge Quest

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Bridge Quest Page 35

by Pdmac

  Defeated, Raquel glanced around at the rest of the group then back to Karl, controlling her anger while squelching her feeling of hopelessness.

  Annabeth uttered a pained sigh. “Would you release him so that we can at least say goodbye?”

  Mavie relented with a sympathetic smile. “Of course.” Flipping her hand, Karl’s immobility vanished and he blinked and frowned.

  “What’s going on?”

  “We’re saying goodbye,” Annabeth said.

  “Wait a minute.” Karl’s face tightened. Gazing intently at Mavie he decided to take a gamble. “Cirissa in Berismo sends her regards.”

  Mavie snorted a laugh as she demurely glided away to sit on the divan. Narrowing her gaze on Karl, she said, “Let me guess. She sent you here to kill me so the curse will be lifted from Berismo.” Seeing Karl’s undisguised look, she smirked and shook her head. “She’s been singing that silly song for years. Works her magic on unsuspecting strangers who come here and attempt to carry out her twisted desires. I’ve had to eliminate one who got surprisingly close to accomplishing her objective.”

  Seeing his disbelieving face, she explained, “There is no curse on Berismo. It’s a simple result of economics. The town died because Cyril foolishly decided to halt the trade between the two domains.”

  “If she’s so intent on killing you, why not beat her to the punch and eliminate her?” Raquel asked.

  Mavie’s face softened. “It’s not that easy?”

  “Why not?” Raquel persisted. “You know where she is and you are certainly more powerful.”

  “I can’t,” Mavie slowly replied, “because she’s my mother.”

  “Your mother?” Annabeth’s mouth gaped open.

  “Yes.” Mavie straightened the fabric on her dress. “She’s not in her right mind anymore. She thinks her children are out to kill her and to make her penniless. I imagine you’ve seen the hoard she has hidden in her house.”

  Karl nodded with a chuckle, remembering the accumulation.

  “Still,” Raquel said, “why isn’t she here so she can be looked after?”

  “It’s safer to keep her there. My sisters and I have placed a spell so that she cannot leave the town. She knows that. She also knows that should one of us die, the spell weakens. One has already perished because of that imbecile Cyril. One more death and she has enough strength to break the spell. As I am the closest, I am the easier target.”

  “I always thought she was a little wacko,” Conrad said, circling his finger by his ear.

  “Now you’ve being very uncharitable,” Mavie chastised. “She is still my mother.”

  “Even though she wants to kill you,” Raquel pointed out.

  As Mavie talked about her mother’s decent into madness, Karl called up Mavie’s stats and uttered a soft whistle. She was more powerful than Gwen.

  Lady Mavie, Level 22, sorceress of Tal Olca and spiritual counsellor to Cyril. Sister to Queen Briet and of the royal house of Bale.

  Strength: 25 points

  Speech: 25 points

  Magic: 55 points

  Healing: 65 points

  Health: 50 points

  Mana: 50 points

  Combat: 12 points

  Leadership: 40 points

  Reputation: 35 points

  He paused when he noticed the silence. Shutting his screen down, he saw them all staring at him.


  “She said those who want to go to the bridge can leave whenever we want to and that she would provide an escort to the bridge,” Raquel answered. “Those who want to stay here are welcome to do so and that she would see that Gwen leaves them alone.”

  “Excellent,” Karl ticked his head and smiled.

  “There’s one little problem,” Annabeth added.

  Letting out a slow breath, he replied, “Yeah. I know. I gotta stay here and wait for Gwen.”

  “So what do we do?” Annabeth moaned.

  “The way I see it,” Karl calmly answered, “is that we have a couple of options. The first is that we have to admit the new queen and her sister here are too strong for us to defeat. Isn’t that true, Lady Mavie?”

  Mavie flashed a confident smile. “Not unless you have some god protecting you.”

  “Hey,” Conrad interrupted. “What about – ouch!” Lifting his leg and rubbing his ankle, he shot Raquel a ‘what-was-that-for’ look, receiving a cold glare in return.

  “You were about to say?” Mavie prompted.

  “He was going to say what about using the same method on you that we did on Gwen,” Raquel smoothly replied.

  “Why not let him answer?” Mavie said, smiling with only her lips.

  “That’s what I was going to say,” Conrad agreed, rubbing his leg a bit more, “but then I realized we did it once and it won’t work again.”

  “What’re the other options, Boss?” Dieter asked, torn between staying here with Elena or crossing the bridge and discovering too late that she was unable to cross.

  “The other option is that you continue on without me.”

  “I don’t want to do that,” Annabeth moped.

  Karl cast a glance at Mavie. “Would you mind if I had a private word with my team?”

  “Of course not,” she pleasantly agreed, standing and gracefully moving to the door. “I’ll just be outside.”

  Once she was gone, Karl beckoned everyone closer, looking each one in the eye. “Those who are going to stay, you might as well leave now. No hard feelings, but I want you to leave now so that what I have to say to the rest will be for their ears only so if she or anyone asks you, you can truthfully say you don’t know.”

  There was a momentary hesitation before Conrad stepped back. Avoiding looking at Raquel and Annabeth, he spoke. “I’m sorry you guys, but I’m not ready to move on yet. I won’t speak for the others, but I’m happy right now with me and Kendra sharing a bit of happiness together right here. I’m really sorry.”

  “No problems, my friend,” Karl soothed. “You were hesitant from the beginning yet still were there when we needed you, so go in peace.”

  Conrad held his hand out to Kendra when Wendell said, “That goes for me and Tina too.”

  “I understand,” Karl said. “You all need to do what’s best for you. Anyone else?”

  When no one moved, Karl gave the dwarves a warm smile. “I hope to see you again in the future. Good luck to you all.”

  There were tears in Tina’s eyes when she was led to the door. Before she had a chance to change her mind, Wendell ushered her out. As the door swung shut, Karl heard Mavie.

  “So you all are staying?”

  The closed door clipped off their reply.

  Karl turned to the others. “Let’s face it; I ain’t getting out of here at the moment. Gwen is either going to come in person or will send a sufficient force to compel me to go back.”

  “We can take them,” Dieter argued.

  “I’m not so sure,” Annabeth countered. “Remember what she said about orgies of elves and dwarves? And with the two of them together, we don’t have a chance.”

  “What about your goddess?” Raquel asked.

  “That’s pretty much my plan,” he nodded. “But if you all hang around, someone’s going to get suspicious. So, I think our best course of action is for you to head across the bridge to the first town and wait for me there. Or if you decide to move on, leave word with someone so I’ll know.”

  “We’re not leaving without you,” Dieter stubbornly stated.

  Karl gazed at him and placed a hand on his arm. “Thanks for the support, my friend, but in this instance, if we want to succeed we’re gonna have to have some faith. If you stay here, she’s gonna suspect we’re up to something. We need for her to have her defenses down. The only way we can do that is for you all to head across the bridge. Like I said, head to the first town and hang tight. Relax, enjoy the town. If everything goes right, I’ll be there soon enough.”

  Dieter swallowed and shifted a wor
ried glance at Elena. Karl immediately understood the big man’s fear.

  “The only way you’re going to find out is to do it,” Karl soothed. “In fact, why not send her across with someone else while you stay on this side of the bridge. If she can’t go across, you’ll still be here. If she can cross, then you’ll know.”

  “But if I stay here…” he looked at Karl, his dilemma unspoken.

  “How about we worry about that when or if the time comes,” Karl reassured him. “In the meantime, you all go ahead and cross over then get a lay out of the land. Raquel is in charge until I get there.”

  “How long should we wait?” Annabeth asked, not liking leaving Karl behind.

  “I leave that to you,” he replied.

  The door opened and Mavie reentered, exuding a confident smile. “Time’s up,” she cheerily announced. In smooth graceful steps, she stopped before Raquel and placed a gentle hand on her cheek then behind her head, drawing her forward for a deep kiss.

  Annabeth watched in anger as Raquel responded. “Stop it,” she snapped. “Leave her alone.”

  Mavie stepped back, leaving Raquel touching her lips, a puzzled frown creasing her brow. Turning to Annabeth, Mavie grinned with wicked intent. “You’re next.”

  “Oh no you don’t.” Annabeth started back peddling only to be brought up short, her furious face morphing to serene contentment as she reversed course and walked up to Mavie.

  “Why are you doing this?” Karl demanded, his voice rising.

  “Because I can,” she shot back, “and to remind you to think twice before you try something foolish.”

  Her eyes staring hungrily at Mavie, Annabeth stood close to her when she abruptly turned to Raquel. Stepping towards her friend, she drew her close and they were soon in a deep passionate kiss, their arms wrapped around each other.

  “Stop it,” Karl exploded, forcibly trying to separate the two women who shook him off, ignoring him. Turning to Mavie, he angrily pleaded, “I already said I’d stay. Stop this.”

  “I’m rather enjoying it,” Mavie taunted.

  Raquel’s hands held Annabeth’s head as their mouths devoured each other when Karl stepped in between Mavie and the two women.

  “I asked you to stop,” he seethed. “Keep on and I will ensure Gwen knows about this.”

  Mavie snorted a derisive laugh. “You think that little witch is a match for me? She’ll be more than thankful that I allow her to have you. But,” she looked past Karl to see the two women, their bodies pressed against each other, lips locked in deep kiss, “I’ll grant you this little boon, this one time. But remember what I can do. Do not try my patience.”

  As she glided over to sit on the couch, the spell dissolved. Raquel was the first to react. Pulling her head back she stared into Annabeth’s still dreamy eyes then snapped her head to look around the room at everyone watching her.

  “What the hell?” She stutter stepped backwards, snapping her head to glare at Mavie. “You bitch.”

  As Raquel folded her arms across her chest, Annabeth’s recovery was slower. With a confused frown, she looked at Raquel then everyone else and realization permeated her confusion. Her lips pursed she inhaled a sharp breath.

  “That was uncalled for,” she huffed, giving Mavie a malevolent glare.

  “Oh don’t be so melodramatic,” Mavie replied, flipping a hand at her. “I was merely tapping into what you both want.”

  “You don’t know what we want,” Raquel shot back.

  “Apparently neither do you,” Mavie snorted.

  “Go to hell.”

  Mavie tilted her head back and barked a laugh. “You should have seen you two,” she mocked. “Why I didn’t have to do much of anything. Once you two got going, there was no stopping you. I was all set to have you start tearing each other’s clothes off if it hadn’t been for Mister Spoil-it-all. Pity. That would have been fun to watch.”

  Instead of responding, Raquel turned to the others. “We’re leaving.” She then turned to Karl, her face reddening. “If you ever get out of here, you know where to find us.”

  “I know,” he replied with a hint of sadness.

  “Don’t let us stop you,” Mavie interrupted. “Go already.”

  “Can we at least give him a kiss before we go?” Annabeth begged.

  Mavie cocked an eyebrow, studying the young sorceress. Relenting, she said, “A quick one. Then be on your way.”

  Annabeth turned to Raquel. “You first. Give him a good kiss.”

  Initially puzzled, Raquel stepped forward and laid a tender hand on his cheek before giving him a deep and passionate kiss.

  As their lips pressed together, Annabeth cast an Implant Idea into Karl; You have to leave Tal Olca immediately. You do not like Gwen or Mavie.

  Karl startled and pulled back from the kiss with Raquel. “We gotta go.” He rapidly surveyed the group. “Cmon.”

  “Not so fast,” Mavie called out, waving a hand then was shocked to see it have no effect for Karl was out the door, the rest of the team following behind him. “Come back here,” she shouted, chasing after them only to be tripped by Conrad who stepped in front of her as though bending to check the lace on his boots.

  “My God, I am so sorry,” he apologized, fumbling as he tried to help her up, causing her to stumble again.

  “Get out of my way, fool,” she snapped.

  By the time she was on her feet, Karl and what remained of his team disappeared down the hallway. “Guards! Stop them.”

  The halls filled with palace guards chasing down Karl and the others.

  As Karl and the others worked their way down the hallways, their pace began to slow as they battled more and more guards clogging up the corridor. Finally, surrounded on all sides with no possibility of escape, he commanded a halt.

  Facing him was the guard captain, a tall broad-shouldered warrior twirling two falchions. Behind him were dozens more guards. Behind Karl were dozens more who blocked the hallway.

  “Let them go,” Karl ordered. “It’s me she wants. She already said they could go. You are to provide them with an escort to the bridge.”

  The captain looked beyond Karl’s shoulder to a guard behind him. “You, Fergan. Go see what the mistress desires.” Then casting a stern look at Karl and the others, he commanded, “Lay down your weapons.”

  “Can’t do that,” Karl lightly replied. “If she renigs on her promise, we’re going to chop our way out of here and we’ll take as many of you as we can. Isn’t that so Dieter?”

  “Damned right,” the berserker growled.

  Annabeth smiled at the captain and cast an Implant Idea spell. You like Karl and the others. You don’t want to hurt them. You will let them go.

  “Alright men,” the captain ordered those behind him. “Clear a space and let them pass.” He stepped aside. “Sorry to have bothered you.”

  “Are you sure, Cap’n?” a sergeant argued, surprised at the sudden reversal. “I don’t think the mistress wants them gone.”

  Karl was as surprised as the sergeant until he glanced at the smirking Annabeth. “Thanks. Appreciate it. Let’s go.”

  He started forward but stopped when confronted by the sergeant stepping in front of them.

  “What are you doing?” the captain demanded, frowning imperially at the sergeant. “I told you to let them go.”

  When the sergeant refused to back down, Karl spoke up.

  “Your captain ordered you to clear the way,” he said, hoping they would be gone before the other guard returned. His hopes were dashed when he heard a voice call out.

  “The mistress wants the Viking brought back right this minute. The others are commanded to be gone within the hour or their lives are forfeit. She said to tell you to give them an escort to the bridge. Make sure they cross it.”

  The captain gave Karl a ‘sorry-there’s-nothing-I-can-do-about-it’ shrug. “Will you proceed as the mistress commands?”

  “Yes.” Glancing around at the others, Karl smiled. “It was
a good try. Do like he said. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  Raquel grabbed his arm. “Be careful. She’s dangerous.”

  Patting her hand, he nodded. “I’ll do my best. Now go.” Without further words, he turned and pushed his way through the guards and headed to where a fuming Mavie waited. Passing the door guards, he stepped into her apartment.

  “You win,” he coldly stated. “I’m here.”

  Mavie glared at him a moment before flipping a hand at him. “Like I told your friend, don’t be so melodramatic. Come, sit beside me.”

  “I’m fine right here,” he replied, crossing his arms.

  “I said, come sit beside me.” Her face hardened into a scowl when he didn’t move. Softening, she tried a different tack. “I’m not going to bite,” she cooed and patted the seat next to her.

  “I said I’m fine.”

  Surprise flashed across her face and her scowl turned into a chuckle. “She’s good. She’s got that Implant Idea spell down quite well. I’ll have to remember that. Fortunately the spell doesn’t last more than an hour, unless she’s given it a boost, but if I remember right, she’s still a level 1 sorceress. So…” she merrily sighed, “suit yourself. Soon enough you’ll be cavorting cartwheels to my whim.”

  “What’s your point?” Karl responded. “Either way you look at it, you lose.”

  “How do you figure that?” she snapped then caught herself and relaxed.

  “First, Gwen is the queen and you’re still... whatever you are here. The way I figure it, that’ll last until I tell her that I don’t like you and want someone else to rule here. If it goes like I want, you’ll be exiled and imprisoned like Kamdyn.”

  Mavie’s eyes bolted wide. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Why not? What do I have to lose? I’ll be king of Montgrec and you’ll be in the way, so I need to ensure you’re permanently out of the way.” He chuckled as he languidly paced the room. “This actually works out well for me. From your perspective you not only lose your part of the kingdom, but right now at this moment, I am under your control and at any moment I will slip through your fingers and go to Gwen. It really doesn’t matter if I like you or not. The fact that I don’t like you, especially after what you did to Raquel and Annabeth, means that your tenure here is going to be very short.”


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