Gay For My Bae

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Gay For My Bae Page 5

by Keeshia K



  I was extremely nervous. Tonight, Bronco’s and my parents were coming over for dinner. This was an event that has never happened before. I mean, they were all together at our wedding of course, but never alone with just Bronco and me and since Bronco’s father was somewhat of a loose cannon and was liable to say and do anything, I didn’t know what to expect.

  What also had me so shook is that our parents are the complete opposites of each other. And the only thing they have in common is that their children married one another. Who some people may say are also the opposite of each other, considering everything that had been happening lately.

  This may not end too well. I thought.

  “Damn, baby, what smells so fire?” Bronco said walking through the door. He just got in from work and I was relieved he was on time. Earlier he told me he may have to stay late but he wanted me to still cook for our parents if he did. What I wasn’t interested in doing was having to entertain both of our parents alone.

  “I’m so glad you here,” I told him as I put down the spoon I stirred the pasta with and ran into his open arms. “I don’t think I would have been able to do this without you.”

  “What you mean?” He asked wrapping his arms around my waist. “They just our folks, bae.”

  “I know, and I love my parents, you know I do but they tend to overdue it in the affection department. I just hope they don’t make your mom and dad feel weird.” I lied.

  The truth was I never knew what was liable to come out of Bronco’s father’s mouth. He could be so rude at times it was gross. Not just to strangers but mainly to his own wife.

  “Tae, don’t trip, baby. It’s gonna be all good. Your folks ain’t fixing to start fucking on the dining room table or nothing, are they?” Bronco asked me. “I mean they can contain themselves long enough for a meal right?”

  “Of course not,” I laughed, hitting his arm. “Don’t be stupid.”

  “Then we straight.” He said smacking my ass. “I’ma go grab a shower right fast. They’ll be here shortly.”

  “Ok.” I said turning away from him. I walked back to the stove. I know he said we were good but something told me I should start drinking now. I don’t care what Bronco says; I think someone may get their feelings hurt tonight. As a matter of fact I was sure of it.


  “Baby, this shrimp pasta is amazing.” My father said to me across the dinner table. “Is this a new recipe?” He asked. “If so you have to share it with your mother.”

  “Yep, daddy. I normally make it with spicy turkey sausage. But since everyone doesn’t eat meat I threw in the shrimp instead.” I explained. “I’m glad you like it though.”

  We all sat at the table eating and just like I thought; something was going on between Bronco and Mr. Lawson. He never told me that him and his father had some sort of beef, so I was curious to find out what was up. The way he treated him made everybody uncomfortable.

  “It’s aight, a little too fishy for me,” Mr. Lawson said. “I would have preferred to have the sausage if I’m being totally honest.” He shrugged. “But to each his own.”

  “Well, pop. You ain’t gotta eat nothing you don’t want to. I promise, our feelings won’t be hurt.” Bronco replied defending my dinner. “You ain’t got to eat ever again if you really feeling that way.”

  Mr. Lawson sucked food out of his teeth and after making the sucking noise for what seemed like forever he used his extra long pinky fingernail to dig in between them. He finally got the food out but then he sucked it back into his mouth from under his nail and started chewing it. He was so disgusting.

  “I think it tastes very good, Taevonne,” Bronco’s mother said to me. “You must share this recipe. Maybe I can try my hand at it later. I mean, it won’t be as good as yours but I’ll try.”

  “Please don’t, Taevonne.” Mr. Lawson said referring to Bronco’s mother, his own wife. “She don’t need to be cooking no more pasta.” He looked over at her. “She done got fat enough as is. What you need to find are some good salad recipes. If you spread across the bed any wider, you may be sleeping on the floor because I’m not fucking with you.” He continued while he stabbed at his dinner.

  “Pop!” Bronco yelled out.

  I looked away from Mrs. Lawson. I was too embarrassed to keep eye contact with her. Instead I cut my eyes over towards my mother. She was chewing her pasta while she side eyed my dad.

  “Pop what?” Mr. Lawson asked Bronco. “You know I ain’t lying. And that outfit she got on tonight don’t do nothing but make it worse.” He paused. “I mean look at her.”

  “Come on, Phil. Don’t you think you being a little harsh, man?” My father said to Bronco’s father. Oh shit, the drama has started and we didn’t even get a chance to have dessert.

  “Say, brother, this here is my wife. I can talk about her any way I damn well please. Don’t you worry ‘bout how harsh you think I am.” Mr. Lawson continued. “Ain’t nobody talking to you no way.”

  I looked at my father with pleading eyes not to say anything else. I didn’t want this situation to get more out of hand than it already was. I knew this night would be a bust.

  My father looked at my mother and then at me. He winked and nodded his head. “You absolutely right, Phil. That is your wife…why she’s your wife I’m sure I don’t know.” My father continued. “But still she is.”

  Mr. Lawson put his fork down and his nose flared while he stared at my father. “Ain’t none of your motherfucking business why she my wife, brother.” He yelled across the table with food flying out of his mouth. “Now you making me think you feeling some way about her.”

  My father put his fork down now and looked at Mr. Lawson. But before he could shoot back, my mother put her hand on his knee. He looked at her and took a deep breath. Then he wiped his mouth with his napkin and took a sip from his wine glass.

  Mrs. Lawson kept her head down in her plate. She hadn’t looked up once since her husband unleashed on her.

  Bronco shook his head and downed his beer not saying a word. Mr. Lawson continued to suck food out of his teeth while he looked at my father and smirked.

  I felt a headache starting to form in the front of my head and took a large gulp of wine from my glass.

  We all ate the rest of the meal in silence.


  Dinner was over, Thank God and our parents were about to leave. I was in the kitchen loading the dishwasher when my father approached me. “Baby, thank you again for inviting us over for that great meal. Your mother and I really appreciated it.” He said grabbing me into a warm hug.

  “No problem, daddy.” I kissed his cheek. “I’m sorry about Mr. Lawson, but thank you for not escalating the situation more.” I sighed. “It was so hard to watch.”

  “Baby, don’t apologize for a grown man. That’s not on you. But I do want you to think about something.” He told me as he stared into my eyes. “You need to be careful about Bronco. A man is a reflection of his parents. And a son is a copy of his father. What you witnessed tonight may be in your near future if you aren’t careful.” He finished and kissed me on the forehead.

  When he walked out my kitchen I immediately thought about how Bronco made me bring a woman into our marriage. Could this be the start of him turning into Mr. Lawson? I hope for my sake that my daddy gets this one wrong. To be honest I’m praying it’s not the case.



  “Let me get that for you, beautiful.” I told my wife as we approached Club Deuce. “Looking as sexy as you are you shouldn’t have to open your own door.” I licked my lips and winked.

  I told Tae I wanted to take her out on a date to celebrate being Mr. and Mrs. and she was so sised and couldn’t wait to step out with a nigga. But truth be told, it had been a week since our little threesome and I needed more of that. If I played my cards right tonight we could have a lot of fun.

  “Thank you, husband.” Tae said to
me walking through the door wearing my favorite dress. Whenever she put it on, I knew she wanted to have a long night of fucking. Little did she know that was exactly what I had in store for us.

  When we got inside, I slipped the bouncer a hundo for VIP seating. He put us in a nice spot too with the perfect view. Not too far from the dance floor and the bar.

  “This is so nice, Bronco.” She looked around the small piece of real estate we owned for the night. “Thank you for taking me out and showing me a good time.” She smiled. “I’m excited.”

  “I love seeing you smile. You know that?” I asked Tae getting her right where I wanted her. She cheesed harder. “It lets me know everything gonna be good with us.”

  “I love seeing you smile too, baby.” She said before taking a sip of champagne.

  “You do huh?” I asked. “Well, being honest, I haven’t really smiled since we had our first threesome. And if you really want to know, I’m ready to smile again.” I told her. “Understand what I’m saying?”

  “Oh…Ok, do you want me to contact Siena and have her come join us again?” Tae asked me. “I’m sure she wouldn’t mind. She had a lot of fun with us the last time and—”

  “Naw, I mean I know we said we’d let her come through again but not yet.” I touched the side of her face. “I wanna try something new out now.” I looked out into the club. “See what else lands.”

  She was quiet. Her eyes rolled over me and then down into the drink that sat between her hands. “Oh, that’s what you mean.” She sighed “I…I don’t know if—”

  “Listen, I’m right here with you. All I wanna do is watch you come on to about three broads. As sexy as you are you should be able to get a least one to come home with us tonight.” I told her as I licked my lips and took a swig of champagne. “I mean look at you.”

  “You want me to come…on…to…three women?” She looked around the club. “In here…tonight?” She asked surprised. “Bronco, this ain’t even a gay club. What if I make a fool of myself?”

  “But what if you don’t?” I said to her.

  “But…How? I don’t know what to do.” She asked me looking like she was on the verge of tears. “I…I barely knew what to do with Siena.”

  “It ain’t that hard, bae. When you see a chick that you know I would like, just do what you did to get Siena to come home with you.” I reminded her. “That was first round draft pick work you put in there, I don’t mind telling you. Just do it again.”

  She looked over at the bar and I followed her eyes and glanced where she was looking. At the moment there were two women who were sitting and drinking. A brown skin baddie and a redbone.

  I caught Tae’s eye and nodded in the direction of the brown skin chick. “Go get her.” I coached. “Start there.”

  Tae let out a deep breath and gulped down the remainder of her drink. Then she grabbed the bottle and filled her glass back up. When she was ready she stood up and walked away from our table.




  I cannot believe I was getting ready to approach this woman and try to convince her to come home with my husband and me. I tried to remain as calm as possible and not have a panic attack but I felt light on my feet. Almost like I was floating and about to pass out.

  Still I agreed to do this so I had to at least try. I took a deep breath and walked up next to where the woman sat and put my drink down on the bar. “Excuse me,” I started. “H-How you doing tonight?” I stuttered.

  “I’m good.” She said with an attitude. I cut my eyes across the way to Bronco who was staring daggers at me. I sighed and turned my attention back to the woman. “This is a nice club. It’s my first time here. You ever been—”

  “Look, I don’t know if you know, but this here is a straight club and I ain’t with no dyke shit! Now get the fuck up out my face.” She shouted before she swiveled around on her stool.

  I was humiliated. I started to go back to the table where Bronco was but as I headed back, he stood up and pointed toward the bar. I stopped walking and looked at him. I opened my hands and shrugged my shoulders trying to let him know it didn’t work. He didn’t care. He shook his head and pointed harder.

  I took another sigh in defeat. I pivoted back around with my head down and walked to a different part of the bar. There were a few more women on this side and I saw a couple that I figured Bronco would be attracted to.

  I decided to try a different approach this time.

  “What you drinking?” I asked the random woman I walked up to. She looked me up and down and busted out laughing. I turned my head to see if someone was behind me. There wasn’t, she was definitely laughing at me. She shook her head and continued dancing in her seat as if I wasn’t even standing there.

  Shamed and embarrassed again, I turned around and caught the eye of another attractive woman ordering a drink from the bar tender. When I got up enough nerve, which seemed like forever, I walked over and stood next to her. She looked over at me and grinned. Relieved she was probably nice, I grinned back. “You have a beautiful smile.” I told her.

  “Um, thank you.” She replied and looked over at the bar tender who was making her drink.

  “Would you like to get out of here?” I asked deciding to skip the pleasantries since they seemed not to work anyway. Plus I felt like it was just a matter of time before word got out that some lesbian was running around the club stalking women.

  “With who…you?” She asked. I nodded. Her smile disappeared and she looked like I spit in her face. “Bitch, I don’t do fish! I’m all about that beef and if you don’t get the fuck out my face I’m gonna cut that pussy licking tongue out your mouth!” She yelled.

  I took off running.




  I was in the bathroom stall crying my eyes out. Not only had three different women humiliated me, but also it was my husband who set me up for this embarrassment. I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to handle this situation with him wanting to be with other women. I mean, why couldn’t we just keep Siena?

  When I got myself together and walked out of the stall I was shocked to see a woman standing in front of it looking at me. She must have walked in when I was balling which would explain why I didn’t hear her. But I know she heard me. Great! Now I’m more embarrassed.

  “Are you ok?” The stranger asked. “I heard you crying when I walked in. I was waiting for you to come out to make sure everything was alright. And to see if there was anything I could do.”

  “Thank you. I think I’ll be fine. I just need to figure some things out that’s all.” I told her. I turned the water on and grabbed a paper towel to clean up my face. My make up was ruined.

  “Well, I’m not sure what’s going on, but I hate to see beautiful women crying.” She said. “And I know you don’t know me, but if there’s anything I can do to help, I will.” She touched my shoulder.

  My eyebrows rose and I stared at her in the mirror, finally paying attention to what she looked like. She wasn’t a complete dime but she was cute, put together well and smelled good. More importantly, she was attentive to me. Which at this point was the biggest part of it all. I needed attention and it was obvious my husband wasn’t with giving me any.

  I turned off the water, took a deep breath and moved toward her. “Maybe there is something you can do for me after all.”



  That shit worked! I knew if I put the press on Tae my night would end up lit just like this…knee deep in new pussy. The shawty that Tae brought back to the table wasn’t no knock out but I ain’t fucking her face. Well, maybe just a little bit. Still, she was definitely doable and for that I give my wife thumbs up.


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