A Lovely Nightmare: A Paranormal Romance Novel

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A Lovely Nightmare: A Paranormal Romance Novel Page 21

by Wendy Cole

  I stood silent, frozen, waiting for him to calm. Guilt filled me. I’d done this. This was my fault. If I’d only believed him, then none of this would have happened. If I’d never made that call. If I’d listened to him after he’d saved me the first time, or the second. If I hadn’t been so stubborn.

  When he turned back, his eyes zeroed in on me, back to black but piercing like a knife. He locked me in that dark gaze as he closed the gap between us, and I couldn’t think to move away. I didn’t want to move away.

  He stopped in front of me. “I have to contact some people,” his voice was harsh. He lowered himself and palmed my face. “Are you okay?”

  I heaved a sigh. “I’m fine. Are you?”

  His laugh was humorless. “I’ve been better,” he paused, “but, I could also be much worse.” His eyes softened, roaming over my face. In a sudden move, he pulled me closer. “God. You scared me to death.”

  I clung to him. “I’m sorry. They said—”

  “I don’t want to hear what they said,” he cut me off. “No more.” He pulled away, gripping my shoulders. “I almost lost you. No more, Amelia. You either believe me, or you don’t. Which is it?”

  A flicker of doubt spread across his face, furrowing his brow. I lifted a hand to smooth away the crease. “I believe you. I’m sorry.” I needed to fix it, to make it right. Something about seeing his hurt, knowing I’d caused it, hit me in the deepest part of my soul. It hurt, more than any bruise or scrape, more than any foul name or taunt. In that moment, I’d give anything to make it go away. “I accept you,” I said.

  Brady’s eyes flashed, that brilliant blue flooding in to linger just along the edges of his irises. “What do you mean?” he asked slowly. He seemed frozen, not a muscle moving as he stared intently at my face, waiting. He didn’t blink, didn’t breathe.

  “I accept you,” I repeated. My whole face grew hot, then my ears, and my neck. I swallowed hard and took a breath. “I believe everything you said, and I accept it. All of it.” Please don’t make me say it. I don’t want to say it out loud.

  “The bond?” His voice was rougher, and the pull between us pulsed at the mention of strengthening it. “You’ll accept that too?” His gaze drifted down to my waist, and his hand had just begun to drift out when he bit his lip and pulled it back. His eyes found mine again.

  “I–uh–yeah.” I swallowed hard as electric neon blue exploded into his eyes, burning brighter than I’d ever seen it.

  Brady’s hands closed into white-knuckled fists, held tightly at his sides. His eyes drifted, and his bottom lip was once again pulled between his teeth. “You would say that now.” His voice was strained.

  I watched him struggle, completely confused by his reaction. “That’s what you want, right?”

  Brady groaned. “You have no idea.”

  “Okay?” I took a step forward, but Brady jumped back.

  He held out a hand. “We really can’t at this moment, and if you come any closer, we will anyway.”

  “Why can’t we?” I asked. We were alone. The setting couldn’t be more perfect. I’d almost died, almost lost him forever.

  “Because I have to kill someone.” The mention seemed to be enough to help him focus. “And if I don’t do it now, it will be much harder to.”

  “You’re leaving?” I couldn’t hide my disappointment.

  “No. I’m not going anywhere. He can come to me.”

  “How are you going to do that?”

  Brady held up a hand. “I have to get in touch with some people.” His eyes drifted to the bed. “Sit.” It was a command, a compulsion, and no sooner did he utter the word, I complied. He stared at me for a long drawn out moment, before his jaw clenched and he hurried inside.

  I sat in silence, listening to his murmured and aggressive tone, too low for me to distinguish any clear words. A moment later, a burst of orange light appeared on the beach, leaving in its wake a man I’d never seen before. He was tall and large, not quite as tall as Brady but more muscular. His hair was lighter too, almost blonde, and the only excuse I had for my sudden comparison between the two, was his smirk.

  It was far too similar, and his eyes seemed to dance in that familiar way as he climbed the steps towards me.

  I opened my mouth to call for Brady, but the stranger held a hand up to stop me, literally. The moment he did it, my voice locked inside my chest, and no matter how hard I fought to, no sound would come.

  Brady was still talking with someone inside, seemingly unaware of our latest arrival. The new man’s eyes shot to the open door, then back to me. He held a finger to his lips. “Hello, lovely. Why does he have you all stuck here this way?” He sauntered forward to kneel down in front of me. “Who are you?”

  Brady suddenly appeared in the doorway, and when he saw the man before me, his eyes widened. Before I could blink, Brady disappeared, reappearing a second later to shove the new arrival away. “Back off Damion!” he growled.

  The new man laughed. “What? I wasn’t doing anything. I was just talking to her. Who is she?”

  Brady made a rumbling noise, then his eyes shot back to me. He seemed torn as to how to answer, and for a moment, his reluctance stung. Was it because I’m human? Was he ashamed?

  Brady must have read something in my face, because his eyes darkened and he turned away to face the man named Damion. “She’s my mate.”

  Damion’s eyes lit up with surprise. “Is that so?” He tried to get a better look at me, but Brady shoved him back, blocking the view with his massive form.

  “It’s so, and you won’t touch her.”

  Damion laughed. “I wasn’t touching. See?” He held his hands up. “No touching involved.”

  Brady growled. “I’m not kidding, Damion. I’ll fucking kill you if you—”

  Another laugh. “Fine!” He peeked around and shot me a wink. “Hear that, hon? He’s such a buzzkill.”

  I watched the two and wondered if they were brothers. It would make sense, and I made a mental note to ask Brady about it…when I could physically do so that is.

  “I called you to help, Damion. Not give me shit. This is serious.”

  I watched Damion’s hand pat Brady’s shoulder. “Alright. Fine. I’ll behave. What is it you so desperately need my assistance with?”

  Brady chanced a glance back at me before leading his friend inside, leaving me once again to sit literally glued to my spot, only now unable to speak.

  After ten minutes of sitting in said spot, I became angry. Why was I being left out? It was my monster, after all. It was me the thing wanted. And what was it with this sticking me somewhere and making me stay? Like a dog. Like magical chains. The more I thought about it, the more irritated I became. By the time the two men stepped back out, I was seething.

  Brady lifted a brow at my expression, and Damion let out a low laugh. “She’s mad at you, I think.”

  A dark look crossed Brady’s features, and he turned it on his friend. “You can go now.”

  Damion threw his hands up. “Yes. I understand. You’re welcome, by the way.” He shot me a wink. “I’ll see you later.”

  Brady’s jaw clenched, but a burst of orange lit up the darkness before he could respond. He stared at the spot, then took a breath and looked at me. “What’s wrong?”

  I literally couldn’t answer, so I tried to convey my annoyance through my eyes.

  Brady waved a hand, releasing me from my invisible chains. “What’s wrong?”

  “Stop doing that! If I want to sit, I’ll sit. If I want to speak, I’ll speak! No more crazy voice thing you always do!”

  His lips twitched. “Alright. I’m sorry.” He slowly walked forward, his whole demeanor changed. His eyes began to glow that neon blue, and each move was smooth and predatory, like a cat stalking its prey. “You know, that thing I needed to do?”

  I swallowed hard, my body heating up ten degrees each time his foot hit the wooden boards beneath us.

  He took a seat beside me, so close our thighs
touched. The back of his finger gently ran down my arm, painfully slow, sending those familiar tingles coursing across my skin. “It’s done.”


  “Already?” I shivered, my nerves jumping to attention.

  Brady studied me closely, his hand slowly moving up and down my arm, sending little pulses of electricity that both calmed and excited. “It’s not done yet, but I’ve done all I can at the moment. Damion will set everything into motion for me.” He leaned forward and pulled my face over to look at him. “Hey.” His voice was soft. “You don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for.”

  I watched his Adam’s apple bob as he waited for me to respond. His muscles corded along his neck, his expression guarded, but all of these things only adhered me to him more. I could wait. Even now, he’d wait for me, despite everything we’d been through.

  With a deep shuddering breath, I nodded.

  It was all the prompting Brady needed. His eyes flashed, neon blue swirling pools that sucked me in and wouldn’t let go. Each movement he made was slow and easy. He leaned forward, cupping my cheek, then pressed his lips to mine in the softest kiss.

  My body immediately responded, more forceful after our separation. I was a drug addict, finally granted a fix, and I lunged for it, craved it, gripping his shoulders and pulling him closer.

  Brady hummed. “You have to say it, Sweetheart. Out loud.” His lips found my neck, soft opened mouth kisses that he trailed down to my shoulder.

  I couldn’t speak when he did that. My mind wouldn’t work. I focused on the feel of his lips against my skin, his tongue each time it darted out to taste my skin, the warmth of his breath. My body thrummed with energy, desire blooming like spring, and with each new caress of his hand, each new touch of his lips, it pulsed and grew.

  “Amelia?” Brady gently bit down on the hollow of my shoulder. “Say it. Please.”

  “Please,” was my whispered plea. “Yes. I’m ready.”

  Brady sprung forward, forcing me to the mattress and positioning himself above me. One large hand ran along my head, tilting it back until I had to arch my neck to accommodate him. His mouth met mine, rough, demanding, a kiss so passionate it could only exist in fantasy.

  A soft mewling sound left my chest, and Brady let out a satisfied groan in response. He gripped my legs and lifted them, pinning me so tightly beneath him I could feel every last inch of his frame. His hips circled, grinding into me as the kiss deepened.

  I cried out, Brady broke away.

  His glowing eyes locked with mine, set in determination. “Do you want me to make love to you, Amelia?”

  “Yes.” My hands lifted to the back of his head, trying and failing to pull him back down.

  “You have to say it,” he said, holding firm. “If you don’t say it, I can’t. It won’t work.” He kissed me once again, rougher, animalistic, then pulled away. “I really want it to work, Sweetheart.”

  I stared into his eyes as the reality of what I was about to do set in. Am I really ready for this? Forever? A Brady loving zombie?

  His electric blue light swirled, a galaxy of stars, and every memory we’d shared, every word he’d said, the things he’d done for me, all flashed through my mind like a motion picture. Can I really say no?

  I didn’t want to. It was crazy. Insane. I felt like I barely knew him, and at the same time, like I’d known him forever. I felt terrified, and at the same time, excited. All of these things wrapped into one big ball of emotions, and I knew, it didn’t matter, because one thing was clear, even if the rest wasn’t.

  I never want to let this go.

  “Make love to me, Brady.”

  His eyes flashed, and I was suddenly surrounded in every square inch of the god-man that he was. His lips hit mine, hungry and desperate, and the electric current surged, evolving into lightning as it struck. It filled me, every vein, every limb, every inch of skin, a tidal wave of pulsing magic.

  Brady lifted just enough to yank the shirt over his head, then immediately dropped back down to kiss me again. “I’ve waited so long for this,” he groaned. “You’re so perfect. You’ve no idea what it’s been like for me.” He continued to kiss me, never giving me a chance to respond before once again sending me spiraling.

  I let my hands trail over his shoulders, down his chest, to his waist and lower still. I felt his muscles respond to my touch, rippling under my hands, tightening as if I could feel the similar sensations moving through him.

  When my exploring drifted too low, Brady grabbed my hand. “Not yet. I want to take my time with you.” His voice was deep, deeper than usual, and the smooth and sultry sound of it increased the pull inside my chest.

  His hands ran down my waist, then slowly lifted, bringing my shirt with them. Those eyes locked on the skin of my mid-drift, moving upwards as he uncovered more. His jaw tightened, and in a flash of movement, my shirt and bra both disappeared.

  I let out a yelp at the sudden exposure, but Brady silenced me with his mouth. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t wait.” He sat back to stare at me, his eyes glowing brighter.

  Instinctively, I lifted my hands in an attempt to cover myself.

  Brady made a low noise, and with a flick of his hand, my arms fell to my sides immobile. “I can’t let you do that right now,” he said, eyes never leaving my exposed skin. He lifted his fingers and slowly ran them from my neck, all the way down to my belly button.

  My back arched as the invisible tether between us tightened. “Brady,” I urged, feeling as if I’d die if he didn’t help me, but unaware of what it was I needed him to do.

  He repeated the motion; only this time, both his hands traveled my length, stopping to caress each breast as he made his way down to grip my hips. He tugged me closer to him and leaned forward. I could feel him there, so close, pressing against the most sensitive part of me. “I’m going to spend eternity worshipping you.” His lips touched the corner of my mouth, then again on my jawline.

  I lifted my face and pressed my mouth to his. “Then stop torturing me.”

  Something about the command set him into motion. Brady made a noise, deep inside his chest, and his grip on my legs tightened. The air fizzled and cracked, and a moment later I felt his skin against mine.

  The blanket pulled back on its own, lifting over the top his back and cocooning our naked bodies in its soft embrace. Brady continued to kiss me, keeping the small gap between his hips and mine as his hands ran along every inch of my skin.

  It was too much. I needed him. My body was screaming for him to continue, and my brain was desperately in agreement. A whimper left my chest. “Brady. Please.”

  His lips twitched up into a satisfied smile. “I like you begging.”

  Was he serious? “Brady!”

  He let out a low husky laugh. “Alright, Sweetheart.” He leaned back to meet my gaze. “I can deny you nothing.” His expression fell serious as he lifted my hips, his arm wrapping around my back and holding me up to meet him.

  I felt him there, so close, and my body stiffened in anticipation.

  “Relax,” he murmured, softly staring down at me. “I would never let you feel pain.”

  My heart constricted, and I sensed it when he finally decided to move forward. His eyes held mine, the connection palpable, a signal being made, alerting us that this was right.

  The gravity between our souls had been leading us to this, ever since the first day I met him. That energy, that attraction. It’d always been there, I’d just never admitted it. I hadn’t understood it.

  Brady did, and the look on his face let me know just how much this moment meant to him.

  He leaned forward, still holding my waist. His lips met mine in another kiss, softer, gentler. “Wrap your legs around my waist, Sweetheart.”

  I did as he asked, my heart pounding, chest rising and falling heavily in anticipation.

  “Relax,” he murmured, sending his magic coursing through me and easing my muscles.

  The time had
come. It was really happening. Another moment, and I’d be joined to him in a way unlike any other.

  But a burst of orange light suddenly appeared like a glowing red stop sign. “Uh oh. What have we got here?”

  Brady jerked away and pulled the covers over my body like a shield. His eyes flashed red, zeroing in on the man standing only a few feet away. “Damion, if you don’t leave, I swear I’ll kill you. It’s not a joke. I’ll murder you where you stand.”

  Damion smirked, but he didn’t move away. “I’m sorry to interrupt. Truly. But you’ve got a problem.”

  “What is it?!”

  I jerked at his tone, and he ran his hand down my arm in that same calming way, before glaring at Damion once more.

  “Well, you said it was one guy, but I regret to inform you, that fucker has an army.”

  Brady’s eyes narrowed as the red tinge brightened. “An army?”

  “Yes. A large one. It appears you’re not as popular as you thought. Apparently, you’ve betrayed your people for a human.” He looked at the two of us pointedly, his eyes dancing with humor. “Who’d have thought. They like me better than you, Brady.”

  “How big?” Brady asked in a tight voice, ignoring Damion’s taunting.

  “Well, darling? Seems you’re more apt to answer that question than I am.”

  “Damion!” Brady made a move, both clothing himself and me in a simultaneous motion.

  Damion held his hands out in front of him. “Alright! I don’t know for sure, but it’s large. Hundreds at least.”

  Brady pulled himself up to sit on the edge of the bed and ran a hand down his face. “Find out what you can,” he said.

  Damion tilted his head. “Will you go to the council?”

  Brady’s jawbone flexed. “I have no choice.”


  “Go find out what you can. I need to know how many.”

  Damion nodded his head. “I guess I could do that since you asked so nicely.” He shot me a wink, then in a burst of orange, he disappeared.

  Silence hung heavy between us.


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