A Lovely Nightmare: A Paranormal Romance Novel

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A Lovely Nightmare: A Paranormal Romance Novel Page 28

by Wendy Cole

  I smiled against his mouth. “We need rings.”

  Brady waved a hand, both producing a ring on each of our wedding fingers, and also doing away with Father Bayshore. “That’s better,” he purred. “But I can’t have you yet.”

  The world shifted before I could ask why. Electric neon blue. Within the span of a breath, we stood inside an enormous banquet hall, filled with any and every expense, and rivaling a royal wedding reception.

  “Brady,” I breathed, taking it all in. A few familiar faces filled the space, Red and Rick, my mother, even the distant family I hadn’t seen in years. Then others, who I assumed, were friends and family of Brady.

  “You said I couldn’t use too much magic on the wedding. You didn’t say anything about that reception.”

  “You shouldn’t have,” I said seriously.

  “Trust me. I’ve done a lot of things I shouldn’t have, this isn’t one of them.” He led me out onto a dance floor, then pulled me close as he swayed our bodies to the music.

  Around us other couples joined in, eyes fixed on us as if we were the main event. I didn’t feel awkward from the attention, not with Brady so close to me, holding me, officially my husband. I didn’t care what they thought. It didn’t matter. Nobody mattered but him.

  I looked over to my left and saw Red dancing with Rick. Something about the way she was looking at him made me smile. I’d never suspected it, but then again, I hadn’t exactly been around a lot. I made a mental note to spend some girl time with her soon.

  “She’s annoying, but I’m glad she makes you happy.”

  I looked back up at Brady’s words. “That’s sweet. She takes some getting used to, but you grow to love her. She defended me, you know?”

  “I do. She’s the one who told me where to find you. She called me a loser when I couldn’t make it past the gate.” His expression turned wry when I bit back a laugh. “Her eagerness to save you made me let it slide.”

  “How gracious.”

  “I know. I’m that kind of guy—”

  Brady’s words cut short as voices rose up around us. I heard a growl, much like the snarling sounds Brady made when he was angry, and my head whipped in the direction it had come from just in time to see Damion.

  He hit Rick hard in the center of his face, and the much weaker, much smaller boy flew backward. “Don’t touch her!” It was a barely intelligible growl that caused my pulse to jump.

  Red pushed herself in between the two men, arms lifting up in a defensive stance. “Hey! Who do you think—”

  “Come here.”

  I knew the tone, that compelling, magical sound, and for once, Red complied. I watched in shock as she immediately stepped forward. “Brady. Help her.”

  He grimaced but did as I asked. But no sooner did he make it to Damion, the other man snarled at him. “This doesn’t concern you! Back off!”

  Brady held his hands up. “This isn’t the way, Damion.”

  Damion didn’t listen. He turned his back and jerked Red into him. A burst of orange filled the air, taking with it my best friend.

  Brady stiffly turned away and stormed over to me with a flat expression. “It’s okay.”

  “It’s not okay! He took her. You have to get her back.”

  “Sweetheart,” Brady said, taking my hand and inducing me with calming magic. “I think she’s his mate.”


  Cool night breeze, starry sky. Chaise lounge with room for two and enough pillows for a village. Down below, gondolas worked their way down watery passages, and music drifted from somewhere in the distance.

  Venice, Italy was beautiful during the day, but at night, it came to life.

  For two days, I’d been a wife, and for both of those days, Brady hadn’t let me out of his sight. I loved it, but at the same time, it made me nervous.

  It put me on edge because, no matter how much he tried to make it seem like it was simply his desire to be with me, I saw the way he’d stiffen with each new location we arrived at, and the way his grip on me wouldn’t loosen until he’d had a moment to feel out our surroundings. Then he’d relax, make some joke to distract me, and when that didn’t work, he’d do other more distracting things.

  Everything was right, perfect, but the underlying current of danger wouldn’t allow me to truly relax and enjoy it.

  As if my thoughts had been loud enough to wake him, Brady suddenly rushed out to find me. “Sweetheart.” He heaved a sigh, then settled himself down beside me and pulled me into his chest. “Don’t just take off like that. You scared the shit out of me.”

  “Brady. I walked five feet.”

  “Still.” He paused, caressing my hair and looking out at the view below us. “Five feet is too far.”

  I pushed away to lean against the cushion, creating a gap between us. “Why won’t you tell me what’s going on? Why the hell are you so on guard? I feel like there’s a ticking bomb somewhere, and it’s going to explode at any moment.”

  Brady turned to look at me. “There’s no bomb, Sweetheart.”

  “What are you protecting me from then?”

  He took my hand, then focused his attention on my fingers, inspecting each one as if it were the most fascinating thing in existence. “You’re my mate. I protect you from everything.”

  I fought back a smile. “Recently?”

  Silence filled the space between us as he grew stoic. He once again stared down at the scene below us, face an unreadable mask, body still. “There’s no immediate threat. I’m just being cautious,” he finally said, voice deep and even. “I told you that our bonding caused panic among my people, and now with Damion also finding a human mate, things have only escalated.” He suddenly flipped over onto his stomach, draped an arm over my waist, and looked up at me. “I’m just making sure you’re safe. It doesn’t mean anything is going to happen.”

  I thought over his words. “Is Red safe?”

  Brady smirked. “I’m more worried about Damion.”

  “I wish you’d have just told me that. I’d like to know things.” I gave him a look. “You not telling me doesn’t make me not worry. It makes me worry more.”

  “Alright.” He hugged me tight then stilled, eyes darting downwards.

  “What is it?” I asked, taken back by his sudden change, and the way he was staring at me.

  Brady didn’t answer, but his hold on me loosened, and the next second he scooted further down until his head was level with my hip. He sucked in a breath, then slowly began to lift my shirt.

  I started to say something, to call him out for being insatiable, but my words died in my throat as he revealed the object of his attention.

  A deep purple light, no bigger than a golf ball, shone through my skin like a neon bulb. “Brady?” I swallowed hard. “What is that?”

  He stared down at it, eyes soft, mouth slightly ajar and lips curved. He touched the spot, laying his hand upon it and focusing before his eyes met mine. “That’s my son.” His voice was rough, full of emotion, and no sooner did he say it, he shot upwards to press his lips against mine.

  My chest inflated, awe consuming me, stealing my breath as I focused on my stomach, trying to feel him. A son. A little Brady. I was going to be a mother.

  Brady broke away and cupped my cheek, eyes locked with mine and shining. “You’ve given me more than I could ever return, Sweetheart. I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I said, my voice breathless as I looked back down.

  Brady lifted up so that I could see, then once again slid down, putting his face level with my abdomen. “He’s strong,” he said, kissing my skin. “I could feel his magic. That’s how I knew.”

  “You’re sure it’s a boy?” A little boy. A million pictures shot through my mind. What would he look like? Brady’s hair? My eyes?

  “I can feel him.” Brady once again laid his hand over the light.

  “How long? Can you tell how long?” I tried to sit up, but Brady held me still.

  “Don’t g
et up. You should rest. As a matter of fact, I’ll just carry you everywhere from now on.”

  I gaped at him. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m pregnant, not dying.”

  “You’re due next week.”

  “What!” My heart stuttered. Next week? I couldn’t. I wasn’t ready. Brady would make it not hurt, right? He could do that because he’s magical. Next week! I didn’t know anything about babies? “Brady! We need one of those books. The baby ones.” Each breath grew harsh as a million things popped into my head. I couldn’t mess this up. “I need instructions.”

  Brady laughed. “Calm.” The moment he said it, the word filtered out to relax me. “I’m just messing with you. You’ll carry the same as a human. You’re only a few weeks, Sweetheart.”

  “Then why is he so big?” I stared down at the size. “How big is he going to be?”

  Brady kissed my stomach. “He’s very small. That’s his aura. It’s glowing, Sweetheart.” He looked down again. “He’s so strong already.” His voice filled with pride. “He may even be stronger than me at this rate.”

  “Really?” I touched the spot.

  “Really.” Brady laid his face against me, ear down, his hands gripping my hips to hold the bulk of his weight. “He’s amazing.” He sat up and pulled himself back beside me, positioning us in a way that still allowed him a view.

  We sat in silence for a long moment, both of us lost in the sight of our child, and the longer my mind drifted, the more I began to worry. “Will he be safe? From the other jinn.”

  Brady gripped me tighter, kissing my temple. “You’re both safe. Now,” his voice changed. “Don’t worry.” He stroked my hair. “It’s not good for the baby. I’ll protect you, always.”

  The moment he said the word, all negative thoughts disappeared, and it was only him and the little boy glowing within me like a beacon of hope.


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  Here is a sample from another story you may enjoy:


  The creatures Lyzza, the Moon Goddess, released upon the world were of the wild. Only the most astute of the gods recognized the beasts within her creations, growing ever stronger as she turned them into her dedicated servants over the millennia.

  The other gods saw her seven children as a danger to their kind. But she refused to heed the warnings and sealed herself within the serenity of her realm to continue the upbringing of her offspring.

  When they were ready to give their pledges, she called them into the center of her realm, which was the great hall. One by one, they approached her with their pledges.

  The first child swore his loyalty to her, promising it would never waver for as long as he drew breath. The goddess challenged his pledge and gave him a greedy heart. If he could conquer the greed of the beast within him, he would be worthy to serve at her side. Until then, he would aimlessly wander the realm of humanity.

  The second child did as the first, swearing to Lyzza that his devotion would never be of question. The goddess challenged his pledge as well and brought upon him a hunger greater than any other being. If he could overcome the savage hunger before it consumed his sanity, he would be allowed to serve the Moon Goddess. Until he found a way to control it, he would endure a thousand harsh winters in the human realm.

  The third child devoted his strength to the goddess, vowing to never leave her defenseless. Lyzza tested his pledge by ordering him to patrol her serene realm without a moment of sleep. If he survived such a demanding task, she would allow him to be her protector.

  The fourth child was mesmerized by the goddess’ serene beauty and promised his heart to her without a moment’s hesitation. The goddess found his pledge insolent and cursed his heart with an eternal lust that would never be satisfied. However, she allowed him to serve as a guardian of both her realm and that of humanity.

  Instead of promising himself to the goddess, the fifth child chose to pledge his service to humanity and asked her for permission to protect their realm. Lyzza wasn’t pleased with his choice, but gave her approval in exchange for a sacrifice. He accepted this condition and chose to sacrifice his love for humanity. But in doing so, he lost his ability to love as well. So he walked the realm with an uncontrollable envy of what he could never experience. Such was the price the goddess issued.

  The sixth child pledged to serve the goddess and aid his four other brothers, no matter the price he had to pay for it. She admired his determination but issued him a challenge nonetheless. She told him that if his heart was ever to overflow with pride, she would banish him from her realm and never allow him to return to her side again. He humbly accepted her challenge and took it upon himself to guide his brothers who’d been sent to the human realm.

  Unlike the others before him, the seventh child offered no pledge of loyalty, devotion, or servitude. He didn’t bow down to the goddess in respect as he entered her home nor did he gaze at her in awe. He stepped forth and demanded for his freedom. The goddess rose up in fury at his insolence, but he didn’t waver and insisted upon his release instead. This angered Lyzza even more and she roared, letting her mighty rage echo throughout the realm. She then decided to punish him by sentencing him to eternal slavery.

  When the six children returned victorious from their respective trials, they found their goddess wounded by the seventh’s claws. He had escaped his prison and unleashed his wrath on her, staining the great hall with her blood. They searched the entire realm, but found no trace of him. Lyzza then sent them to the realm of humanity to find him and bring him to justice.

  The six children of the moon gave him a name so his crime would be remembered: Daciano.

  Several millennia later, the human realm had withstood numerous extinctions, bloodshed, and catastrophes. It has witnessed the rise and fall of ancient as well as modern civilizations.

  Then, a great cataclysm befell the said realm and it became overrun by beings with formidable powers that humans had never seen before. What was left of the world was destroyed even more by these fearsome creatures, and humans could do nothing but watch as complete chaos consumed their world. It was during this time that the stories of the seven children of the Moon Goddess were brought to their realm.

  As time passed, however, accounts of these immortal beings faded into oblivion. Handed down from generation to generation, tales of their awesome feats were downgraded to legends and myths until they became but a memory to the people they once swore to protect.

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  Sincerest thanks to my mother, Debra Mansell, for always thinking everything I do is great, even when it isn’t. Without your support, I may never have been brave enough to attempt this.

  Crystal Pratt Boyer, my very dearest friend and favorite beta reader, for telling me when it’s awful and never being nice about it.

  My children, for being so patient while mommy creates new worlds.

  And last but not the least, my husband, Bran Cole, for providing hilarious inspiration, and for secretly being proud of this even though you’ll never admit it. I saw the look in your eye. You think I’m smart. I love you almost as much as I love your beard.

thor’s Note

  Hey there!

  Thank you so much for reading A Lovely Nightmare! I can’t express how grateful I am for reading something that was once just a thought inside my head.

  I’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to email me at [email protected] and sign up at wendy-cole.awesomeauthors.org for freebies!

  One last thing: I’d love to hear your thoughts on the book. Please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads because I just love reading your comments and getting to know YOU!

  Whether that review is good or bad, I’d still love to hear it!

  Can’t wait to hear from you!

  Wendy Cole

  About the Author

  Wendy Cole has won multiple awards for her emotional, character-driven romances, and unique plot ideas. She’s known to create a connection between reader and character and has been commended for her ability to bring out true emotions in her audience. Her humble background allows her to connect to troubled characters in a way that’s both thought-provoking and eye-opening.




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