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Resented Page 31

by Amelia Rademaker

  Ezra sneezed. With heightened senses, Lawrence’s lack of scent bothered him. He fought the urge to growl at him.

  Ivy went over and picked up Lawrence’s clothes and stuffed them into her satchel. She turned around and looked at the brothers, “Which one of you is giving me a ride?”

  Ezekiel stepped forward. As a wolf, he came up to her stomach. Luckily, she was a small woman. Either of them would be able to carry her to the pit easily.

  Awkwardly, she climbed onto Ezekiel. After a little jostling, she leaned forward. She shifted her bag until it was squarely across her back.

  Ezekiel took lead. They both knew these woods well enough to navigate to the ravine. Ezra waited until Lawrence followed them before he brought up the rear.

  This early in the winter, the forest floor had yet to lean out. Ferns and small trees made their trek slow going. Icy cold rain still clung to everything, wetting their fur in an instant.

  None of them made a sound as they walked through the woods. Occasionally, Ivy glanced back to check on him and Lawrence. After the third time, she nearly lost her balance and Ezekiel chuffed at her.

  Twenty minutes into our hike Ivy spoke up, “Wait.” She got off of Ezekiel and walked over to a tree. She ran her hands over the bark, lost in thought. She looked back at them. “We’re getting closer.” Without another word, she hopped onto Ezekiel’s back again.

  They didn’t go very much further before Ezekiel stopped. Ivy got off slowly. Ezra shifted and followed her as she broke the tree line.

  Ivy stood on the edge of the hole. Years had eroded its edges. It had expanded to engulf some of the trees along the tree line. The slope down was gradual and lined with shrubs. There was a puddle of brown water settled at the bottom.

  “It looks different,” she murmured. There was a bleakness in her voice that he had never heard before.

  He put his hand on her shoulder. She took a deep breath but didn’t react beyond that. They both stared at the bottom of the hole.

  “Come on, let’s get this started,” Lawrence murmured.

  Ivy nodded solemnly. She pulled out their clothes. Ezra put on his pants.

  Ezekiel came to stand next to him. He looked down, “Stay up here. Keep a look out for anything that comes this way.” Ezekiel barked in agreement.

  “How’s the amulet reacting, Ivy?” Lawrence asked as she pulled his shirt on.

  She touched a spot over her heart. “It’s not. I think we’re okay.” She looked at Ezra. “Ready?”

  Ezra nodded and took a step down into the pit. He held out his hand. Together they made their way to the bottom of the hole. Lawrence was already down there when they slid to a stop.

  “Hand me the crystal and the journal. I’ll see if I can’t find where we should start digging,” Lawrence held out his hand.

  Ivy pulled the quartz out of her bag. Then she took out the journal. Lawrence wrapped the string around his palm and let the stone dangle from his open hand. He held the journal in his other hand.

  “Will it work without the candles?” Ezra asked quietly.

  Ivy nodded. “He’ll need to pump more energy into the spell but yeah, it should still work. We just won’t be able to search for too long.”

  Lawrence didn’t move from a long time. Finally, he began chanting, “Altar that I seek, reveal yourself to me. Wherever ye hide, I shall see. By my words, so mote it be.”

  The crystal twitched. Gently, it rose until there was slack in the string. The tip of the crystal turned left. Lawrence didn’t open his eyes but he took a step in the direction the crystal pointed. He never stopped chanting.

  Neither he nor Ivy moved. They watched as Lawrence slowly traced the outline of the bottom of the pit. When he reached the western most point of the hole the crystal dove towards the earth. Lawrence grunted as it pulled his hand down.

  He opened his eyes as he crouched. The crystal tugged and jumped the closer he got to the ground. It tried to bury itself into the dark mud.

  He stopped chanting and looked at them, “I think this is the spot.”

  Ivy reached into her bag and pulled out the collapsible shovel Maggie had given her. Ezra took it from her. Lawrence stood up and tucked the crystal into his pocket. He handed the journal back to Ivy.

  “What are we looking for?” He asked before he started digging.

  Lawrence and Ivy shared a look.

  “An earth altar,” Ivy said.

  “Bones,” Lawrence clarified.

  Ivy grimaced but nodded.

  Ezra dug into the wet earth where the crystal had landed. He tried to be gentle as he cleared dirt away. The further he dug the more water filled the hole.

  He was up to his knees when something caught his eye. He used the shovel to clear water from around his feet. He stepped out of the hole.

  In the trench was a stained rib. It was small and in poor shape. It looked human though. He gently moved dirt away from the bone. There weren’t any other bones that he could see.

  “Scavengers probably got to the body if it wasn’t buried properly,” Ezra said quietly.

  Ivy looked queasy. Lawrence just stared. Ezra stepped back to give them a little privacy. He walked to the ledge where Ezekiel stood.

  “How are we doing?” He asked quietly. Ezekiel barked softly. Nothing. He nodded and went back to where the other two were.

  “If that’s,” Ivy swallowed. “It that’s Caterina then we’ve found the altar.” She looked at Lawrence. “Do you have any idea how to obtain the il cuóri annodáto?”

  Lawrence shook his head never taking his eyes off of the rib. “I thought I would feel something when we found it. Like I would recognize it or it would recognize me but…nothing.”

  Ivy let out a shaky breath, “I wish it was just a grimoire. Something tangible we could grab. I don’t know how to coax magic from the earth.”

  “How did you coax magic to do what you wanted when you recharged the ward?” Ezra asked.

  She grimaced. “That wasn’t coaxing a long dead, unknown magic out of hiding. We used a strict pattern to direct our magic into a well-practiced spell. We knew how to direct our intent. This is unchartered territory.”

  “Okay, well, we don’t have a lot of time for troubleshooting,” Ezra hedged, “but what about calling your magic and just slamming it with intent? Using your magic like a sledge hammer and forcing it to do what you want it to?”

  Ivy gave him a disbelieving look. “It doesn’t work like that. We don’t even know what Caterina did. Not really. If we call magic and don’t have a way to direct it, bad things happen. Like burning the forest down.”

  “He’s got a point though,” Lawrence held up a finger. “If we use enough magic and slam it with intent, we might be able to get some result.” He saw Ivy’s disbelieving face. “I’m not saying we just let our magic run wild but it’s not like Caterina had a well-formed spell. She did a partial ward spell without any aid. I say we recreate what she did but we draw as much magic as we can.”

  “What? Give an offering and just put all of our intent into the incantation and hope it works?” She asked harshly like she couldn’t believe what he was suggesting.

  “We already have an earth altar,” he nodded towards the hole Ezra had just dug. “I say we offer our own blood as on offering and just force it with our magic. It’s not like we have any other ideas and Ezra’s right. There’s no way someone didn’t notice the magic I just performed.”

  Ivy rubbed her eyes, “Okay, what about the incantation? How are we going to word it?”

  Lawrence scratched his chin. “You’re the one who heard Caterina give the original prayer. I suggest you use it as a pattern.”

  Ivy sagged, “I’ll try and remember it. Did you bring an athame?” She sounded reluctant. Lawrence pulled out a knife from his pants. “Alright, lets gather around the altar.”

  Ezra wasn’t sure if he was supposed to follow her instructions but he circled around the hole. Ivy held her hand out for the knife. She flipped it
open then closed her eyes.

  Nothing happened for a long time. Ezra watched as her breathing even out. Her body relaxed.

  Something warm brushed against Ezra’s back. He shivered and whipped around. Nothing was there.

  “Mother, we give these offerings, in complete faith, that thine magics will return this birthright to the Benandanti, who are ready to reclaim it.”

  A warm breath traveled up Ezra’s shirtless back until it engulfed his body. The feeling made every hair on his body stand on end. His head shot towards Ezekiel.

  His brother stood at the edge of the pit looking at Ivy. His hackled were raised and his feet were braced wide. His lips were pulled back ready to snap at whatever was causing his anxiety.

  “Hecate, Mother of magic, I thank thee for the protection thou hast provided. Now, we ask thee to relieve il cuóri annodáto back to its rightful heirs.”

  Ezra felt a burning along his hand. He glanced down but didn’t see anything that would be causing the sensation. He looked back at his brother to see that he had shifted back to his human form.

  Ezra turned back around. Something was happening around him. A strange energy built inside of him in response. He didn’t like the new feeling but he didn’t feel threatened by it.

  There was a commotion as Ezekiel slid down the ravine. He strode over to Ezra quickly joining their circle. Neither of them said a word.

  Ivy raised her right hand over the hole. She took the knife and sliced the back of her hand. “Thy magic willing, my devotion never ceasing.” They watched as her blood drooped into the earth and disappeared.

  Ivy passed the knife to Lawrence. He held his hand over the hole and cut his palm. “Thy magic willing, my devotion never ceasing.”

  Before he could tuck the knife away Ezra’s hand shot out and grabbed it. He inhaled sharply. He hadn’t done that. His body had acted of its own accord. Ivy and Lawrence stared at him but didn’t move to stop him.

  Ezra stuck his hand out like the others had and sliced his palm. It stung but the pain passed quickly. He fisted his hand until blood dripped into the altar. A pressure built in his chest forcing its way out of his mouth, “Thy magic willing, my devotion never ceasing.”

  He handed the knife to Ezekiel with a nod towards the altar. His brother hesitated for a heartbeat before taking it. He cut his hand and let his blood join the others. “Thy magic willing, my devotion never ceasing.”

  A silent burst of air exploded out of the altar. It was hot and startling. Ezra took an involuntary step back. The heat seemed to infuse his skin. It entered his body and penetrated his organs. It grew unbearably intense.

  Then, it was gone.

  He looked up and saw everyone’s shocked expressions. Lawrence was touching his heart, breathing heavily. Ivy was gripping her head.

  Welcome, brother.

  Ezra froze. He waited for the voice to say something else but it didn’t. His hyper focused mind registered something different. It felt like his wolf, another person occupying his body, but…more. He couldn’t put it into words.

  “What the fuck was that?” He asked.

  Ezekiel turned to him with wide, scared eyes. “The fire or the voice?”

  “Both,” Ezra muttered.

  “You heard a voice?” Lawrence nearly yelled.

  Ezra rushed around the circle and put his arms around Ivy, “Are you okay?”

  She shook her head and blinked heavily, “Holy shit that was like sticking your finger in a light socket.” She noticed his worried expression and smiled weakly, “I’m okay.”

  He crushed her to his chest. Ivy clawed his back, drawing him closer. He let out a deep breath. Ezekiel nudged him and took his place.

  “What just happened?” Lawrence demanded.

  Ivy tore herself away, “That was the il cuóri annodáto.” A bright smile broke out across her face. “We unlocked the il cuóri annodáto.”

  Lawrence looked shell shocked, “I don’t feel different.”

  She looked confused, “Can you feel your ancestors? It feels like sharing space in your body with other people.”

  Ezra’s head twisted to his brother. Ezekiel wordlessly nodded. He had felt it too.

  Lawrence shook his head, “I only feel my wolf.”

  He hasn’t been bound to il annodáto. Once he is bound with his mate, he will be bound to us. Until then, the connection will be weak.

  Ezra’s heart pounded. He had actually heard a voice. He hadn’t imagined it.

  The voice was a strange mixture of multiple voice. Like a quiet chorus. It was soft, yet impossible to ignore. He had never heard anything like it.

  “You heard that, right?” Ezekiel asked agitated.

  Ezra nodded wordlessly. Ivy nodded too, looking shellshocked. Lawrence shook his head.

  Ivy turned to him. “There’s some kind of barrier that requires you to be bound,” she said the word with a questioning tone like she wasn’t sure what that meant, “to access il cuóri annodáto.”

  Ezra and Ezekiel shared a look. They hadn’t completed the mate bond with Ivy but they were bound together by fate. Their partial bond to Ivy was somehow allowing them to access il cuóri annodáto.

  “You need to be mate bonded to be bound it the knotted heart. Until then, you can’t access it completely,” Ezra explained as he began to understand.

  The Benandanti had created something new and powerful by creating bonds between witches and wolves. The unique connection is what made their magic stronger. It’s what allowed wolves to work magic and witches to do unexplainable things. Like Ivy had done to the Black Bird Coven’s ward. It was like the mating bond; it made each individual stronger but more. It connected and strengthened the community.

  This was the reason the Salici Sacri would never be able to work Benandanti magic. They would never bind themselves with shifters. They would never be able to access whatever this was.

  “How in the hell do you know that?” Lawrence snarled.

  You are one with us.

  Ezra shook his head, “Wolves have equal access in the knotted heart.”

  “Can you feel anything?” Ivy asked, redirecting Lawrence.

  Lawrence paused. He closed his eyes. His features softened and a small smile creased his face. His hand reached up and settled on his shoulder. “I feel warmth. It’s like a living thing.” He opened his eyes.

  Ivy looked shocked, “The presence. That’s what it was this whole time. It was the Benandanti. Why would I feel it when you couldn’t?”

  Your fated bond mates. The voice whispered.

  She gasped and turned to look at Ezra and Ezekiel. Ezekiel gave her a small smile and nod. Ezra stepped forward and reached for her. Tentatively, she placed her hand in his.

  “Choosing the bond is what makes it strong, not being fated.” He squeezed her hand. “We still want you to want to choose the bond, not because it’s fated, but because you want to.”

  Ringing came from Ivy’s pocket. She fumbled and pulled out Ezra’s phone. She sent him a confused look. He grabbed the phone and answered.

  “Help!” Cassidy screamed before he spoke.

  He shot Ezekiel an alarmed look.

  “What’s wrong?” His heart was in his throat. He could hear Evie sobbing in the background. There was a lot of growling in the distance.

  “Something’s wrong with Mrs. Spencer. She attacked Mr. Spencer,” Cassidy could barely get the words out she was breathing so heavily.

  The blood drained from Ezekiel’s face. The Spencer’s were mated. Mated pairs didn’t attack each other. Unless, they went feral.

  “Deputy Robbins is outside. Get out of the house!” He tried not to yell but it was hard to keep his emotions in check.

  “We’re in Evie’s bathroom,” Cassidy sobbed. “There’s no way out.”

  “Fuck,” Ezekiel barked. Evie had an attached bathroom. “Has Carol gotten into the bedroom?”

  “No,” she cried.

  His head dropped, relieved. “Okay baby girl, li
sten carefully,” he tried to project calm. “I want you to barricade Evie’s door. Move everything in front of the door. Then I want you to barricade the bathroom door, okay?”

  He waited until he heard her soft, “Okay.”

  “Alright, once you’re back in the bathroom I want you to start screaming your head off. Pat will hear you and he’ll come running.”

  “Okay,” she sniffed. “I’m scared.” The confession made his gut clench.

  “I am too,” he admitted, “but you can do this. We’re coming. We’ll be there as fast as we can.”

  “I love you,” the words broke at the end.

  “I love you too,” Ezekiel choked out knowing Cassidy would hear him.

  “I love you, Cassidy. I believe in you. If Carol breaks through, I want you girls to fight okay? Can you do that?” He fucking hated asking his baby sister to do any of this.

  “I’ll try.”

  “I’m going to hang up now,” he warned. “Do you know what to do?”

  “Barricade the doors and scream,” she repeated.

  “Good girl. I love you, sweetheart.” It was the hardest thing he had ever done but Ezra hung up.

  “We’ve got to get there,” Ivy grabbed his arm.

  “Let’s go,” Ezra was already moving.

  Ivy stopped short with a gasp. She grabbed her chest. She rushed to unzip her jacked and rip a necklace out from under her shirt.

  The lapis on her necklace was glowing. She met his eyes, terrified. Lawrence swore. “The Salici Sacri,” she whispered.

  In a flash, Ezekiel had shifted. He ran up the slope of the pit. Without pausing he sprinted off into the woods.

  Ezra grabbed Ivy’s arm, “We need to go.”

  He pulled her up the slick dirt. Lawrence followed them. Ezra started pulling Ivy in the direction of the van.

  “What about Ezekiel?” Ivy screamed.

  “He’ll buy us time. We’ve got to get to Cassidy. You ready to hold on tight? We’re going to be sprinting.”

  She nodded. He could smell her panic. She looked determined though.

  Ezra ripped his clothes off and shifted. The instant he was on four legs he heard the pounding of paws. Wolves were racing towards them. Ivy’s head was turned in their direction, even she could hear them coming.


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