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Everlasting Page 3

by Kassidy Carter

  He starts to ask me another question, but I interrupt him before he can get it out. “Just ask the questions you need to ask so you can leave. I am tired, sore and I just want to be alone,” I snap at him, taking the towel from my head and fiddling with it.

  “Okay fine.” He looks disappointed, but I can’t let it get to me. I need him to leave. I want to be alone. I want to curl up on the couch and cry this out for a few hours and then get on with my life.

  “Can you tell me what happened? I need as much information as you can give.”

  I take a deep breath and tell him how I was late for the barbecue and how he was pissed off and destroyed my apartment. I didn’t think he would come back because of how mad he was. I cleaned up the mess and was taking out the trash when Keegan pulled up drunk and he would not leave. He forced his way into the apartment and began to hit me. As I retell Hunter everything, that happen more tears run down my cheeks.

  “Hunter, I could not get him to stop. He heard the sirens and slammed me into the bathroom door jamb. Before he did that he told me he was not finished and that we were not breaking up, and then he took off.”

  Hunter writes everything down as I tell him. The anger is written all over his face, making me look away and down at the floor again as I wipe the tears that have fallen.

  Don walks in giving me a concerned look. “Hunter I was not able to get him. I chased him, but he got away. He ran into the woods in the back. I put a message out for other officers to keep a look out for him.”

  “Shit. So he is still out there?” He looks at Don and stands up, putting his pad of paper in his back pocket. Frustration and anger written all over his face.

  “She can’t stay here alone.” He looks back at me and sighs. I know what he is about to suggest by the look on his face. “I have to call Matt, Payton you can’t be here alone.”

  I jump up from my spot on the couch.

  “NO! Hunter you can’t call him. I don't want to worry him and Emily. Please. I will be fine here. I will lock my door and I won’t open it for anyone.” I look at him with pleading eyes. Matt is the last person I want him to call. I take that back, my dad is the last person, but Matt is close to being the last person. I don’t think I would be able to handle him finding out about this. One look at me and he will lose his shit, find Keegan and kill him.

  He brings his hand up to his head and runs his fingers through his hair, pulling it in frustration. “I’m sorry, I can’t leave you here alone. If Matt found out, he would kill me.”

  “Hunter you have a few hours left of your shift. I will call Chief and see if he would mind if you took off early. We are pretty slow tonight,” Don says from the doorway.

  Hunter looks at him, debating if he should or not. “Thanks, Don. Just let Chief know if you need me to come back in I will.” He looks back at me. “Go pack some things. You can stay at my house,” he says with a sigh.

  I look up at Hunter, saying nothing. I know fighting with him won’t work. I sigh loudly and walk away from them. Hunter moves over to where Don is and talks with him, but I don’t catch what they are saying as I walk into my room. I grab my overnight bag and start shoving clothes into it as fast as I can. I pause and look at the floor were Keegan had me pinned. I stop packing and just stare. Reliving the events that went on just a little bit ago. I can feel my chest tightening as I start to panic. I abandon my bag and quickly walk out of my room. Not able to stay in there alone another second.

  As I walk out of the bedroom, I look at the floor where my blood is and I get queasy again. I look up at Hunter and notice him looking at me with a worried expression. I forget about the mess and walk past it. Hunter meets me half way and pulls me into a tight hug.

  “I wish you would have listened to us and not have gone back to him.”

  I lean my head on his chest and just close my eyes. Inhaling his scent to relax me. It’s something I have always found relaxing. Hunter has always been there for me. He has always been something forbidden for me to have. So I never let myself think that I could have him. I never let myself try. I always put the label of “brother” on him and called it that, but lately I have been seeing him more than just a brother. I can’t stop the pull I have towards him.

  I stand there a minute longer soaking in the feel of him. I pull away, looking up at him still not sure what to say to him. I am ashamed that he has seen me this way. Ashamed that I was weak and went back to Keegan.

  “We should get going, you look tired,” he says lightly and steps away from me.

  He grabs my car keys off the counter and I follow him out of my apartment and wait as he locks the door.

  “Does Keegan have a key?”

  I look down at the floor not wanting to answer that question but, I give in and sigh knowing he is going to get upset. “Yes, I gave him one the other week.”

  I watch his fist ball out of anger. “Dammit,” he says loudly, resting his head on the door for a few seconds. I say nothing, letting him take in that information and control his anger. He takes a deep breath and looks at me. “Okay, we will change the locks tomorrow. I have the next few days off so you can stay with me if you want. I don't think I want you here alone. Not until we find him.”

  I say nothing, I’m too ashamed to talk. I lower my head and follow Hunter out to my car and get in. He puts my bag in the trunk, closes it, and gets in the driver’s side.

  The ride over to his house is silent. Ten minutes of no talking makes the car ride awkward and tense. He looks over at me a few times but says nothing. When we pull up to his house, we get out of the car, still not talking. I have been to his house a few times but never alone. Matt was always with me.

  As we walk to the house, Hunter is a few steps ahead of me. Hating the silence, I feel the need to break it.

  “I’m sorry Hunter.”

  “Why are you sorry Payton?” He gives me another frustrated look as he turns to face me. “You did nothing wrong, other than take him back.”

  He turned back around and walks to the house, unlocking the door. He turns on the lights as we walk in. I look at the floor and try to fight back the tears that are threatening to come.

  “I am sorry because I took him back. I really thought he changed. He begged to come back, that he would do better. He was better, he was sweet to me. I am so dumb and fell for his shit again.” I start to cry not able to hold it back. Hunter pulls me to him and embraces me.

  “Shh Payton. It’s not your fault. I should not have said that.” He runs his hand lightly over my back with a soothing touch. “He is an asshole and it’s his fault, not yours. If I ever see him, I will kick his ass. No one touches a woman the way he did tonight. No one touches you.” His voice is thickly laced with anger. Not anger towards me, but anger towards Keegan. His tender touch and words break me even more.

  I start to cry harder and shake. Before I know what is happening Hunter scoops me up and carries me to the couch, where he sits me down and squats down in front of me.

  “I will protect you.” The look on his face tells me he will. I know he will. I trust him with everything.

  “I know you will.” I wipe my face and look away from him. He stands back up and steps away. “I am going to go change. I will be right back.”

  I watch him walk away and lay my head down on the arm of the couch and hug my arms around myself.

  I must have fallen asleep because I feel myself being lifted and then my cheek hits something solid. I lift my eyelids a little and notice Hunter has me cradled in his arms. The solid thing my cheek is resting on is, in fact, his chest. I snuggle in close to Hunter, feeling safe and secure. He lays me on a bed and covers me up.

  “Good night Payton,” he says lightly. I don’t say anything as he leaves. I let myself drift back to sleep.

  I wake up a little while later. Screaming for Hunter. Breathing quickly from the nightmare I had. I was close to death at the hands of Keegan as he squeezed the life out of me. His hands were around my neck as he shook me scre
aming I will forever be his. I woke up in fear. I look around the room and realize that I am in Hunter’s room. A few seconds later Hunter is busting through the door. He rushes to the bed, ready to kill anyone who is hurting me.

  I look up at him. “Sorry, it was just a bad dream.” I take in deep breath trying to calm myself down. As Hunter sits down and pulls me into him.

  “It’s ok Payton. Don't apologize.” Leaning into him I wrap my arms around him. I can feel his heart beating fast. Feeling bad that I scared him, I try to explain my actions. “It just felt so real, like he was hurting me again.” As I say it, I reach my hand up to my throat rubbing it lightly.

  He rubs my back and lays us back down as he comforts me. “Why don’t I stay with you for the rest of the night? That way you can feel safe and hopefully you won’t dream of him again.”

  I sigh. “Okay,” I say lightly, not sure if I really want him to sleep by me. I spent years wanting this, wanting him. Now I am here, in his bed and it’s because he pitied me and he feels like he has to. He lays down and brings me close to him. He grabs the covers and pulls them over us, tucking me closely into his side, keeping his arm around me holding me tight.

  After a few minutes, I feel him relax and fall back to sleep. I watch him for a while, taking in his beauty, wondering why I never told him how I felt about him. I don't think Matt would be upset if we dated. Maybe someday I will get enough courage and ask him out. I laugh to myself, yeah that won’t happen. I close my eyes and fight to fall asleep. After an hour sleep takes over.



  I wake up to pounding at my front door. A little confused and out of it, I look at the clock and notice it's 11 am. I feel Payton stir beside me. I look at her, just as she opens her eyes a little but curls into a ball, hiding her face from my view. I try to hide my smile from her. I could wake up with her in my arms every morning and be fine with it. I get up from the bed and rub her back gently. “Go back to sleep. I will get the door.”

  She turns her head towards me, her face is even more bruised than I thought it would be. I clench my fists trying to rein in the anger I feel coursing through my body. That fucker will pay for laying a hand on her. Just thinking about him puts me in a shitty mood. I walk to the door and swing it open. Not giving a shit who is on the other side, they are going to get my wrath. “What the hell do you want?” I snap.

  “Wow, someone is in a mood today,” Matt says with a chuckle.

  “Sorry dude, it was a long night last night.”

  He looks at me for a minute and then to the driveway where Payton's car is parked.

  “Is my sister here? Because if she is I don't need to know that it was a long night last night. That’s sick man.”

  I sigh, not wanting to tell him what happened last night. “Come in, and yes she is here and no, we did not do anything.”

  Matt holds up his hands in a fake surrender. “If you say so.” He walks further into the house and looks around. “Where is she? Did she just stop over this morning?” He looks at me with a curious look.

  How am I going to get out of this without telling him what happened? I shift uncomfortably. I really don't want to lie to him. “No Matt, she stayed over last night.”

  He looks at me confused. “Why? Did you confess your love to her last night?” he chuckles, knowing how much I have liked Payton. “You know people say it happens when people hear others are getting married.”

  “Jesus, no man I did not tell her I love her.” I need to get him to stop talking about me loving her before she hears it.

  “Look Hunter, I don’t mind if you date her, but don't use her or hurt her. I know how you feel about relationships with your job. She is my sister and I will hurt you if you hurt her. No one hurts her.”

  I look up at Matt looking him right in the eyes. “I am not using her. Matt, nothing happened between us last night.”

  He is quiet for a couple of seconds. I can see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to decide if I am telling the truth. “I know you won’t. I trust you like a brother.” He smiles “So why is she here?”

  I look away from him. Damn it, he is not going to let this go. I need to get him away from this topic. “Why are you here this early? You know I worked last night.”

  “Oh, I wanted to know if you wanted to go the bar tonight. My dad wants to take me out to celebrate me ‘growing the balls to ask Emily to marry me’, as my dad puts it,” he says with a smile. I can tell he is really excited over the fact that he finally asked her to marry him. They really both love each other.

  “Sure, what time? I haven't seen your dad in a few weeks.”

  “I know, he mentioned that and said you need to come over for dinner soon. We will meet at Sal’s around 10pm.”

  “Sounds good man.” I go to walk him to the door to get him to leave. But he stops and fold his arms across his chest.

  “Hunter, there is something you are not telling me. I know there is. You won’t tell me why Payton is here. Is she in your room? I want to go say Hi to her.”

  “Fuck, Matt she is sleeping. She had a late night last night and not for the reasons you are thinking of.”

  “Well, she needs to get up, she is meeting Em in an hour to look at dresses. I will go wake her,” he says and starts for my room.

  “Matt, stop. Hold on a minute. Just come sit down so I can talk to you before you see her.”

  Matt stops dead in his tracks and turns and looks at me.

  “Why would you need to talk to me before I see her? Did something happen?”

  “Just come sit down.” I walk into the living room and sit in my leather recliner. Matt walks in behind me and sits on the couch,

  I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees and rub my hands over my face, moving them into my hair, trying to decide how to tell him about what happened last night.

  “Just spit it out Hunter,” Matt says, leaning forward, ready to hear what I have to tell him. I already know this is not going to go over nicely.

  I take a deep breath and start to tell him. Before I can udder a word, I hear my bedroom door opening. So does Matt, he goes to get up but stops when he sees Payton. She walks into the living room with her head down looking at the floor, taking tentative steps. She is fidgeting with her hands, clearly nervous as she gets to the middle of the living room. She takes a few deep breaths and then looks up at Matt with tears in her eyes.

  The moment he sees her face the coloring in his face drains, causing it to go white. Then, in an instant, it starts to run an angry red. You can tell he is pissed. He clenched his fists, trying to control the anger. Payton sees it and she cries harder and puts her face into her hands. “I'm sorry Matt,” she sobs out.

  Damn it. She is apologizing again because of what that jackass did to her. I can’t wait to find him and make him pay for what he has done.

  Chapter 4


  “What the fuck happened?’ Matt yells, turning and facing me.

  I see Payton flinch so I get up and walk over to her. I put my arm around her shoulders and pull her into me, trying to give her comfort.

  “Matt, please control your anger. Keegan attacked her last night. I was at work and we got a call to her apartment building. Keegan was running out the door as we were walking into the building. He took off and we were not able to catch him. I didn’t want her to be alone with him still on the loose.” He looks from me to Payton now, with confusion in his eyes.

  “I thought Keegan was history.”

  “He was up until a few months ago,” she sobs out again. I can feel her shaking again so I run light circles on her back trying to calm her down. “He promised me he changed so I gave him another chance. He was pissed because I was late yesterday and we were supposed to go to a barbecue at his friend’s house.” She takes a deep breath, not giving Matt a chance to talk. She keeps going, rushing to get it all out. “He was pissed when I called him to tell him I was on my way home. He left without me after he trash
ed my apartment. I didn’t think he would come back. I cleaned up the apartment and was taking trash out when he pulled up. I tried to ignore him and walked back to the apartment. He forced his way in. I told him to leave and that we are done. He came after me, saying that we would never be over and that he would be back.” She takes another deep breath and wipes her eyes as she moved in closer to me. I squeeze her softly to comfort her.

  Matt sighs, flexing his fingers, trying to take in all that Payton just told him. “Payton look at me, please.”

  She takes a couple of seconds and looks up at Matt.

  “Fuck, I am going to kill him,” he growls out.

  “Matt, please calm down,” she says lightly.

  “Calm down? Payton how the hell can I calm down? Have you looked at your face? It’s black and blue, you have a cut on your head, and bruising on your neck,” he says as his eyes sharpen more, narrowing on her neck. “He tried to choke you,” he gasps out, leaning forward more to catch his breath. “If I find the fucker it won’t be pretty.”


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