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Everlasting Page 17

by Kassidy Carter



  I want more days like yesterday. Payton and I stayed in bed all day and I was able to show her in many ways how much I love her. I cannot see my life without her. She is my future and my everything. I realized that I was so scared of settling down with someone not because of my career, but because I never found the right person. I guess Don was right, it would happen when I found the women of my dreams. I think he knew it was going to be Payton before I did. He is what pushed me into wanting to see what happens with Payton. Same with Matt and because of both of those two I am happier than I have ever been.

  I had to talk to my mom about how everything wasn't Payton's fault. She almost lost her only son and she was not too happy with Payton for it. I talked her down and told her that it wasn't her fault. She should know better to think that this was all Payton’s fault. My father was an ass to her and put her through some terrible shit. She saw where I was coming from and wants us to go over there for dinner next week. My life is in pretty good right now and if I have my way it will remain that way.

  Payton decided to keep the money after I talked her into it. She is going to open her own bookstore with my help and keep some of the money for herself as a cushion, and then donate the rest of it to the women’s shelter. She really amazes me every day. Her heart really goes out to others and she is always there to help people in need.

  Later that day Matt picked me up so we would get some wedding stuff done before tomorrow. The girls are doing the final dress fitting and then staying at a hotel for the night. We were instructed that we were not allowed within 100 feet of the hotel tonight. Emily is big with superstitions and she doesn't want her marriage to fail before it even gets started.

  Matt and I stop at a few stores to pick up a few of the extra things and then run and grab our tuxedos at the tuxedo shop.

  That night we held to our word and didn’t go over to the hotel the girls were at. It killed me not to see Payton for the night. We have spent every night together since the night I came home from the hospital. Being away from her tonight is truly hard for me.

  I slept like shit. Payton wasn't by my side and Matt wouldn’t cuddle with me. Yes, I asked as a joke. He told me I am pussy whipped, then threw his pillow at me. After that, I tossed and turned the rest of the night. I have something big planned for Payton tomorrow and I really hope it goes my way.

  In the morning, Matt and I get ready. I can feel the butterflies start to build in my gut. It’s a feeling I can’t explain. The wedding is being held at my house in the back yard. Matt hired people to come in and transform my backyard into something that looked magical. I hear the girls come into the house so I step outside, not wanting to bother them. I know they have a lot to do before the ceremony starts. I also have stuff I have to do before it starts as well.

  I am in the middle of my backyard taking it all in, looking at the lights that are strung all over the trees; the flowers that are laid out all over the yard, tables that are topped with blue linens, and blue calla lilies in tall vases on the table tops. I only know the name of the flower because Payton has told me over and over they are her favorite flower. The chairs have brown and blue bows tied on them. The arch has red and pink roses running through it. There is a runner going up the aisle, ready for the wedding party to walk down it. I spot Matt come out of the patio door and he walks over to me.

  “Hey man, it’s time to get the girls.”

  I smile at him and walk into the house, ready to do this. I hope Payton is ready for what I have planned. We walk into the house, going through the kitchen and to my bedroom where the girls are getting ready. I can feel myself getting fidgety. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself. I can walk into a house with people pointing guns at me, but what I am about to do scares me. I want to laugh at myself, but I am afraid if I do I might throw up.

  We get to the door and Mr. Preston is standing there with James. It brings a big smile to my face seeing James here. When James had to leave again, Payton was so upset. She is going to freak out when she sees he is back home.

  “Thank you for being here,” I say and hug them. Mr. Preston hugs me back tight.

  “Did you bring what I asked you for?” I ask Mr. Preston as I release the hug.

  “Yes, it’s in the room. Emily has been trying to keep Payton from opening it.” He winks at me. “Go get her.” He pats me on the back. I smile at him and knock on the door. I wait there, fiddling with my hands, hoping this turns out how I want it to. If not, this day is going to suck.

  Payton opens the door, startled to see me standing there. The other guys are standing back so she can’t see them.

  “Are we running late?” She asks as she looks back into the room at the clock, then looks back at me.

  “No, you guys have another 20 minutes before the wedding starts. But I have to talk to you before it does.”

  “Can it wait? We have to get Em in her dress and I have to get in my dress still.” She smiles at me and winks. “After tonight you are all mine. No more wedding talk.”

  “That’s good. I am very excited for tonight, but Payton, this can’t wait. You see, right now will judge the outcome of tonight.”

  She looks at me confused for a minute. “Matt's not bailing is he?” She looks past me to see if Matt’s there. “Em would be devastated. I swear if my no good brother is bailing I will kill him.”

  I try not to laugh. “Calm down Payton, no Matt's not bailing. Today is for you.” I drop to one knee and nervously pull out an antique ring. It didn’t take me long to find the ring. Once I saw it, I knew it was meant for Payton. The center stone is an emerald, the color reminded me of her eyes and there are smaller diamonds surrounding it. It is perfect just like Payton. “Payton I have known for a while you were the one for me, but I fought it. I have always loved you and I will love you forever. Will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife today?”

  Chapter 18


  I have no clue what to think. Hunter is down on one knee proposing to me. It has to be the sweetest thing I have ever seen. I don't know if I want to laugh or cry right now. I look back at Emily as she is jumping up and down in excitement. I look back at Hunter and smile bigger than I was before. I nod my head yes and bring my hands up to my mouth in surprise. He stands up, taking my hand and slipping the ring on my hand. It is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. When he gets it on he pulls me into a hug and holds me tight to him.

  “You make me so happy Payton.” He pulls me tighter to him and kisses me. I wrap my arms around him and kiss him back. I can never get too much of him.

  My dad clears his throat and smiles at me when I jump back.

  Hunter looks back at my brothers and dad, and it hits me that James is standing there. He is supposed to be overseas. I run to him and hug him tight.

  “Why are you back?”

  “You think I would miss your wedding?”

  I look at him confused again. “My wedding? This is Matt's wedding.”

  Matt is standing there, shaking his head as Emily walks out of the room laughing holding a gown bag. “Matt and I decided a few weeks ago that we wanted a small wedding, just him and I. We have been married for two weeks now. Hunter came to us when we told him and made us promise to not tell you. He came up with this idea instead.”

  I look back at Hunter. “You really want to get married right now?”

  “Babe, I wanted to start my life with you so many years ago but told myself I couldn’t have you. Right now makes sense.” He gives me a heart stopping smile.

  I get up on my tiptoes and kiss him on the check. “I have no dress.”

  “We took care of that.” My dad says as Emily unzips the gown bag. “We had mom’s wedding dress fitted to you and re-done a little.”

  My mom’s dress was beautiful for the time they got married. When Emily showed me what they did to it, I wanted to cry happy tears. They have made this once beautiful dress into a masterpiece of perfection. I ca
n’t even describe the feelings I am feeling right now. I get to marry the man of my dreams in my mother’s wedding dress. It will be like my mom is there with me today. “Let’s get it on you.” Emily pulls me into Hunter’s bedroom before turning to the guys. “Boys go downstairs and wait for us. We will be ready in 15 minutes.”

  I look at her, still shocked at what’s happening. “So you’re married?” I ask, still confused over that fact. “We have been sisters for how long and you did not tell me?”

  She smiles and helps me get undress.

  “I couldn’t tell you. Hunter made me promise.”

  She slips the dress over my head and zips up the back. It hugs my body like a glove. Tight in all the right areas. It’s a mermaid style dress with white lace. It used to have sleeves, but they have been removed to make it a strapless gown. I look at myself in the mirror, shocked at how sexy I feel and look. Emily places the veil on my head and a tear runs down her face. I turn and hug her once she finishes.

  “The dress is beautiful. Thank you.”

  “What are friends for? I knew you would want this. You guys deserve to be happy. You have gone through hell. You both fought this for so long.” She hugs me again and gets in her dress. It’s one of the dresses she said was her favorite when we were looking at bridesmaid dresses. I shake my head at her and smile. “Why did you choose to have a small wedding? You were planning this wedding for so long.”

  “The wedding stuff was crazy. It was driving Matt and me crazy. I was starting to turn into a Bridezilla. I was stressing because the flowers did not match the tables. I don't need to be stressing about dumb things like that.” She takes my hand and we start to walk down the stairs, not letting me ask any more questions. I take in the whole house as we go down the steps. I did not get to see it when we first came in because I was more worried about getting Em up the stairs before Matt saw her. I smile. The lights and flowers are amazing and so beautiful. Creating a fairytale wedding. I could not have asked for better decorations. Calla Lilies are placed everywhere, making me smile knowing Hunter was listening to me when we were talking about flowers and weddings.

  When we reach the bottom my dad, James, and Matt are waiting for me. James has Kannon by his side and Emily walks over to Matt. Before I know it, the music starts and the wedding begins. My dad walks over to me and takes my arm.

  “I love you baby girl. There is not a day that goes by where you do not remind me of your mom. You look just like her. This hurts like hell letting you go. But you will always be my baby girl, you never forget that.”

  I smile at him and kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Dad. You are always here for me and I know I will never forget that I am your baby girl.” He hugs me right before it’s our turn to walk down the aisle. I watch Matt and Emily in front of me, wanting to see Hunter but they are blocking my view of him. I know he is up there waiting for me. They get far enough ahead and I spot him. Just seeing him brings a smile to my face and butterflies in my stomach. He is such a good looking man in his cop uniform, sexy in street clothes and knee-weakening in a tuxedo. I truly am lucky that I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

  It’s an awesome feeling when you get to the aisle and see you future husband. All I can see is Hunter standing at the end and it takes everything in me to not push the wedding party over.

  My dad walks me down the aisle and gives me away, adding in a “you better take care of my daughter because I know where you live,” before kissing my forehead and giving me a hug.

  Hunter laughs and takes my hand. When you are watching a wedding, they feel like they take forever. But when it is your wedding the time speeds up. Before I know it we are saying are vows and declaring our love for each other. Promising to be there for each other in sickness and health. I didn’t have time to write my own vows. So I stuck with the corny ones the pastor says. Hunter on the other hand had his own to say.

  “Payton there is not a day I don't think about you. I love you and promise you I will be here for you no matter what life throws at us. You are always going to be my everlasting love.

  I wipe the tears from my eyes as the pastor tells use to exchange rings and then announces us husband and wife.

  Hunter grabs me and pulls me to him, kissing me before we make our way down the aisle. When we get to the end, he grabs me again and kisses me. “I love you Mrs. Prescott.”

  “I love you too Mr. Prescott.”

  He kisses me again. “You will always be my forever love.



  There are some people I need to thank for helping me along the way. To my husband and my daughters thank you for putting up with me. You guys are a big part of me finishing this book.

  My best friend Tanya. I could not have done this without you. You have helped me out in a big way. You were always there when I wanted to give up. Thank you so much for being you.

  To my Stepmom Kari. When I first told you that I wanted to write a book. You were behind me the entire time. Thank you for getting excited for me. I still think you should start your book.

  To Lexi, Thank you for being my cheer team and helping me stay on track.

  To the readers who read this. Thank you so much for taking the time and giving me a chance. It means a lot to me.




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