Gods of Titan- The Cosmic Constants

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Gods of Titan- The Cosmic Constants Page 44

by David Christmas

  ‘Yes, I am. Two conserved DNA sequences have been discovered, two sequences that have been passed down from these two individuals and are now present in every human on the planet. They belong to Evara and Adam.’

  ‘Good grief!’ Josh hadn’t thought there was anything left in the universe that could shock him but, for some reason, this really got to him. ‘So, there’s more than just legend to Adam and Eve. But how did that happen? Hell, why did it happen? And if Evara was freed from sub-quantal space, why didn’t she fold Adam and herself forward to us again? And why is sub-quantal space still stable if they’ve both left? This makes no sense.’

  Barth was giving him a strained smile.

  ‘I agree. There are many questions, and we don’t know the answers. As I said, though, we do have our suspicions, and we wondered whether you’d help us confirm them.’

  Josh looked incredulous. ‘And how am I supposed to do that?’

  ‘We think a quick visit to sub-quantal space might be a start. Then take it from there.’

  ‘But, why don’t you do it yourselves?’ Josh was still trying to make sense of all this.

  ‘As you know, we can’t do it in our energy forms and we’re reluctant to become fully corporeal again for what would be a very short period. You can do this with a minimum of effort.’

  Josh suddenly realised what Barth was saying. Of course they wouldn’t want to go through all the hassle of creating a fully-functioning body, which would then have to be discarded, with all the problems that would bring with it. It made much more sense for him to do it, and he was fully up for it.

  ‘Give me a minute’ he said, making himself as comfortable as he could on the seat. ‘This shouldn’t take long.’

  He immersed and moved straight into sub-quantal space. He called for Evara, but there was no reply. Neither was there any sign of Adam. It looked as if Barth’s suspicions were correct and they were no longer here. But if that were so, how could sub-quantal space remain stable? He was about to return to normal space when a voice sounded.

  ‘Your friends are no longer here.’

  The voice was deep and resonant, though somehow impossible to make out whether it was male or female. It appeared to be an amalgam of both and came from everywhere at once.

  ‘Who are you?’ Josh said.

  ‘I am who I am.’

  Josh stared about him, at the milky opalescence that characterised sub-quantal space. There was no evidence of any mentalic being here now, and if Adam and Evara had gone, there was really only one thing left.

  ‘You’re sub-quantal space itself, aren’t you? The consciousness of sub-quantal space.’

  ‘I am who I am.’

  ‘So where are Evara and Adam? What have you done with them?’

  ‘Their DNA was required. Now, their work is done.’

  ‘I know you somehow ejected them into the time-line hundreds of thousands of years ago in order to insert their DNA into modern humans,’ Josh said. ‘What I don’t understand is why?’

  ‘The presence of their DNA sequences in future humans, and the associated mentalic signature in humans who have evolved the energy-bodies, will facilitate a mentalic solution to the problem of creating a new universe when this one undergoes the cold-death.’

  Josh still didn’t get it.

  ‘But Adam isn’t mentalic,’ he said. ‘How could his DNA possibly help with some sort of mentalic solution?’

  There was a noise that approximated to a sigh, as if the entity found explanations tiresome.

  ‘His conserved DNA sequence is important to the actuator function that will eventually become apparent. It is the combined sequences of both individuals that will eventually stimulate the evolved mentalics of humanity to the next level, enabling them to create a new universe.’

  ‘Okay, I kind of see how that would be possible.’ Josh scratched his head. ‘But, how did you prevent Evara from leaving the deep past and folding forward to the present day?’

  ‘That was easy. I simply ejected her without her mentalic abilities, which are linked to a completely different sequence of DNA to the one that required conserving. This was a necessary to ensure that there was no change to the development of mentalics in modern humans.’

  ‘Shit!’ Josh was horrified. ‘You stranded them?’

  ‘They were already stranded – with me. My actions provided them with a relatively normal life, as well as a normal death. They were not unhappy with the arrangement.’

  Josh suddenly understood. Evara and Adam had been effectively stuck in sub-quantal space until the end of the current universe. That was one hell of a life-sentence, and he couldn’t begin to imagine what they must have felt about the prospect. This would have seemed like a happy release in comparison. Perhaps things weren’t quite as bad as they’d initially seemed.

  ‘Okay,’ he said. ‘I think I understand. However, I thought you needed two humans to remain in sub-quantal space in order to stabilise the constants?’

  There was a small rumble, almost like a laugh. ‘I admit I did manipulate events a little. Their presence was never required to stabilise the constants. However, their DNA was needed for the far future, so it was important they remained behind.’ There was a short pause. ‘It seemed like a good idea at the time.’

  Josh almost laughed out loud at this almost human humour. Perhaps the presence of humanity in sub-quantal space for so long had produced this result. So, the need to have two humans remain behind had been a ruse from the start; a ruse conjured up by the consciousness of sub-quantal space to set up the necessary conditions at the end of time to allow humans to create a new universe and successfully migrate. Talk about forward-planning!

  The voice went quiet, clearly waiting for more questions, but Josh had none. Everything had been explained and there was no longer any point in prolonging this visit. He prepared to vacate sub-quantal space.

  ‘I’m going now,’ he said. ‘Perhaps we’ll meet again.’

  ‘Oh, I’m sure we will, but it will be many years from now. Goodbye, Josh MacMahon.’

  The rumbling laughter came once more, hinting at further information that was available but wasn’t going to be volunteered if Josh didn’t have the insight to enquire about it. It was frustrating because Josh really couldn’t think of anything else to ask – and he was staggered that the entity even knew his name! He needed to leave.

  ‘Goodbye,’ he said, and just had time to hear a rumbling “Farewell!” in return, before he leaped into the infra-low. He lost no time in moving rapidly up the levels and emerging. Barth was waiting expectantly.

  ‘Well?’ he asked. ‘Any luck?’

  ‘You bet,’ Josh grinned. ‘You’re gonna love this.’

  Barth listened carefully to everything he had to say, a small smile playing around the corner of his mouth. Tao had obviously become interested in what was going on, too, because she and Nerima were making their way back to the house, Joe skipping along by their side.

  ‘I hoped for something like this,’ Barth said, when Josh had finished. ‘It’s good to have it confirmed. The creation of sub-quantal space seems to have had more beneficial effects than I’d originally realised.’

  ‘What’s up?’ Tao said, stepping onto the deck. ‘You two have been chatting like two old women. Want to share?’

  ‘I’m sure Josh will enlighten you a little later,’ Barth said. ‘However, right now, I’ve got a couple of surprises for you.’

  ‘More revelations?’ Josh wondered what Barth could possibly do or say now that would surprise him.

  ‘Nice ones.’ Barth grinned and went blank for a moment.

  Suddenly, there was a flash of yellow, and Deira appeared.

  ‘Mum!’ Josh hugged her, then stood back and appraised her carefully. ‘What’s with the yellow flash? Have you somehow been upgraded?’

  Deira had turned to give Tao a hug and was now hunching down with Joe, whispering something to him. She looked up and nodded.

  ‘Yep. I’m now of
ficially a Grade One Mentalic Entity. Barth thought it was appropriate, and who am I to argue? Apparently, it’s a relatively simple matter to do it for any mentalic individual. It’s just a matter of tweaking that function that created Josh 2. All the young agents have been upgraded too, Josh, so you now have a Galactic Agent Corps fit for purpose.’ She grinned at Tao. ‘And I think you can do the yellow-flash as well, Tao. Did you upgrade her as promised, Barth?

  ‘Nerima did it while Josh and I were talking,’ Barth said.

  Tao looked questioningly at Nerima. ‘You did that while I wasn’t looking? That’s a bit sneaky.’ She frowned, making Nerima look uncomfortable, and then burst out laughing. ‘Don’t worry, girl, for some reason I can forgive you anything, and if I can do Josh’s yellow flash thing now, there’s nothing to forgive.’

  Nerima smiled with relief. ‘You worried me there for a moment. The thing is, though, now you’ve all received the upgrade, you can communicate telepathically between yourselves. Very useful.’

  ‘That “absence” you just displayed,’ Josh said, looking at Barth. ‘You were communicating with Mum?’

  ‘I was.’ Barth gave Deira a conspiratorial wink. ‘And I think Deira would like to try out her own telepathy now. Isn’t that right, Deira.’

  ‘Thought you’d never ask.’ Deira exhibited the same sort of vacant moment, then looked excitedly at Josh. ‘He says he’ll be right here.’


  Josh couldn’t understand why his mother was so excited, but he found out almost immediately. There was another yellow flash next to Deira and the person standing next to her was the last one he’d have ever expected. His mouth dropped open in shock.

  ‘Dad?’ he whispered.

  It certainly looked like Sol, though his baby-smooth face suggested he was in possession of a mentalic body similar to Josh’s own. He gave his lop-sided grin and grabbed Josh, pummelling his back for all he was worth.

  ‘Good to see you, boy!’ He looked around. ‘It’s good to see everyone.’

  Deira was beaming like the proverbial cat who’d got the cream.

  ‘Another little gift from Barth,’ she said. He asked me what I thought about the idea and I realised I’d got nothing to lose and everything to gain.’ She put her arm through Sol’s. ‘Sol says he remembers right up to the end of the crisis, when we were all relaxing. That’s almost a hundred percent memory retrieval. Incredible.’

  Josh watched Sol as he hugged Tao, wondering why he’d never thought of this. His mother looked completely rejuvenated, and he just knew he could have done this as well as Barth. Why hadn’t he thought of it? Deira seemed to understand what he was thinking because she took his hand and pulled his head down to kiss his cheek.

  ‘Don’t worry, Josh. All’s well that ends well. Don’t beat yourself up.’

  ‘No, I guess not.’ Josh finally grinned and entered into the general celebrations. ‘So, Dad, what else did Evara tell you before she disappeared? We’ve all been wondering.’

  Sol glanced quickly at Barth and picked up the small shake of the head. He nodded briefly back.

  ‘Nothing, really, Josh. There was some stuff about the Founders’ stay in sub-quantal space, but that’s all.’

  ‘Hmm.’ Josh didn’t push him, but he could tell that there was something else – something he didn’t want to tell them. At least while Barth and Nerima were still around. Okay, perhaps later.

  Sol very obviously changed the topic of the conversation.

  ‘So, how’s my grandson,’ he said, bending down towards Joe.

  Josh waited for the inevitable. Joe had been brought up to be very wary of strangers and he would almost certainly run from Sol and hide behind Tao. Tao looked on in alarm and tried to defuse things.

  ‘Joe,’ she began, ‘this is …’

  ‘Grandad!’ Joe shouted and flung himself into Sol’s arms. Sol gave a great bellow of a laugh and swung him up an onto his shoulders.

  ‘We’re already acquainted, aren’t we Joe?’ he said. ‘We saved the universe together.’

  Joe was hanging on to Sol’s head, as excited as Josh had ever seen him.

  ‘I love you Grandad,’ he said, and bent to kiss Sol’s ear.

  Josh and Tao exchanged amazed glances. Deira had suggested something like this was possible, but Josh still found it hard to believe that Josh had recognised Sol after only once being exposed to him mentalically. Joe clearly had a great future ahead of him. Then Josh’s gaze strayed to Sol’s holster, and he realised they probably had one more surprise left.

  ‘Is that a PWC in there?’ he said.

  Sol set Joe back down and pulled the PWC out. ‘Sure is,’ he said. ‘We managed to repair Chard as well as upgrading him. Say hello, Chard.’

  ‘Hello,’ came Chard’s film-star voice. ‘I’m so pleased to be back. I think there’s only one person missing now.’ As if on cue, there was yet another yellow flash and Juliette appeared.

  ‘Surprise!’ she shouted. ‘Hi Dad.’ She flung her arms round Sol, then turned to Josh, almost apologetically. ‘Mum told me a couple of days ago about Dad, Josh. It was at the same time Barth gave me my own upgrade.’

  ‘She deserved it as much as anybody after what she did on Mars,’ said Barth. ‘Deira thought we ought to give her a bit of time to get over Sol’s reappearance before we made it public.’

  ‘So, Tao and I are the last ones to know?’ Josh gave a thin smile. ‘I’d take offence if I wasn’t so incredibly happy.’ He grinned widely. ‘Alright everybody, we need a huge celebration. The MacMahon’s are back – and ready for anything.’

  Everyone laughed and Deira and Tao headed indoors to fix some drinks. When they came back out they offered Barth and Nerima a drink too.

  ‘No can do,’ said Barth, looking a little mournful. ‘We only put together basic dirt bodies for this visit, and they don’t take too well to liquids. Time for us to go.’

  ‘Surely you can stay a bit longer? Josh said. ‘You’ve done so much for us all.’

  ‘No, this is your time. A time for you to enjoy. I think we’ve cleared the air of everything now and we need to leave you to get on with your lives. Don’t worry, Josh, we’ll meet again. At the end of the universe, if not before.’

  He and Nerima walked slowly down the yard, pausing at the gate for a last wave goodbye. Then they turned away and deliberately didn’t look back.

  They walked to the end of the alley and nonchalantly cast off their dirt bodies, watching them blow away in the gathering wind and knowing they would be unlikely to need them again. Their energy-bodies shot up into the atmosphere and out into interplanetary space. Barth was unusually silent, and Nerima could guess why.

  ‘You didn’t tell him, did you?’ she said. ‘You promised you would.’

  ‘In the end, I couldn’t. He knows most of it. He doesn’t need to know those final details, and I think Sol will keep what he learned from Evara to himself.’

  ‘Did you tell him about Adam and Evara?’

  ‘I told him about the DNA sequences, and he discovered their relevance by talking to the sub-quantal intelligence itself.’

  ‘But you didn’t tell him the rest?’

  ‘What I told him was enough. It was more than enough for him to process at the moment. He didn’t need to know that “Evara” was always a lie. I’m pretty sure Adam knew before we all left, and he’d have found out for sure when they were both freed. The sub-quantal intelligence could only use what DNA it had, and anyway, Deira would have insisted on having her own body back.’

  If an energy body could have smiled, Nerima would have been doing it. She’d listened, sometimes patiently and sometimes less so, while the person who called himself “Barth” had agonised over his perceived duplicity and debated with himself how much to tell, and what to leave out. She’d allowed herself to be used as a sounding board, as well as venturing her own opinions on occasion when it looked like he was struggling. In the end, though, it had been his decision, and she’d been cont
ent to go along with whatever he decided. She shot off towards the edge of the solar system and figuratively looked back at the energy body she’d left trailing behind.

  ‘Come on, Josh!’ she said. ‘Race you to Altair.’

  ‘Not fair! Why do you always bend the rules, Tao?’

  Together, the two energy-bodies streaked off into the vastness of interstellar space. Their love had survived aeons of time, the end of the universe, and aeons more trapped in sub-quantal space. Now, there was a new universe to explore, a universe that was as rich as their previous one had been poor.

  A universe full of life.

  A future of unlimited potential.


  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49




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