Love's Dance

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Love's Dance Page 2

by Karen Deen

  Dancing is my life.

  I use it to express my feelings and it keeps me fit and healthy. Opening the studio six years ago was a huge step. My life changed direction after my injury and teaching is a way to keep my days filled with dance. The studio also gives me a place to do my rehabilitation and to gain my strength back. Stubbornness is a major character flaw of mine, according to my mom. I, on the other hand, would say it’s a positive to have in my life. It got me where I am now.

  The giggling is starting to soften as I realize nearly all the children have been picked up by their parents.

  “Bye, Miss Zara.” Josie waves with a big smile as she walks out the door and down the stairs. That leaves just little Sophia. Emily being late is unusual. Although moving around is probably challenging being so heavily pregnant. Perhaps Zach will be picking Sophia up. She’s only been dancing a couple of months with me but seems to be fitting in nicely.

  She’s a little on the quiet side, however her technique is amazing, and she picks up any choreography I give her straight away. Sophia has great potential. Once Emily has her baby and things settle down for them, I want to talk to her about Sophia stepping up a class level, so we can expand her skills.

  “How did you find class today, Sophia? Did you have fun?” I smile down at the little girl with the big beautiful eyes. Her blonde hair is pulled up in a perfect ballet bun without a wisp out of place. She’s a picture of cuteness in her pale pink leotard and ballet skirt.

  “Yes, thank you, Miss Zara. It’s the best part of the week to come dancing. I love it.” Her face lights up with enthusiasm. That lets me know we have a ballerina in the making. “Miss Zara, do you know where my mommy is? Why hasn’t she come to get me yet?” I see the worry starting in her eyes.

  “I think she’s just running late, sweetie. It’s getting hard to move with her big belly.” I looked down at Sophia and we giggle together. Just as we stop laughing I hear the front door close and footsteps heading up the stairs to the studio.

  “Looks like someone is here now, Sophia. Maybe it’s Daddy. It sounds like the person is moving too fast to be poor old Mommy with her baby waddle.” We both giggle again as the studio door flies open and standing there is a ridiculously hot man in a suit. A suit that fits to perfection in all the right places. My eyes travel up to see a strong jawline and eyes that have the power to cut glass. He’s a man with a purpose, I just have no idea what it is.

  “Uncle Grant,” Sophia calls, taking off across the room and jumping to be caught in his strong arms. “Where’s Mommy and Daddy, and why are you here?” Sophia obviously thinks a lot of her uncle which is why she’s already snuggling into his shoulder.

  “Hi, Princess Sophia. I see you’re glad to see me.” He looks down at her like she’s his world.

  “Mom and Dad have gone to the hospital because your little brother or sister is being impatient and decided it was time to be born.” Finally, he glances up to see me standing there, wanting an introduction and explanation. One that is not at the level of a seven-year-old girl.

  “Good afternoon, I’m Miss Zara, Sophia’s ballet teacher.” I extend my hand to this mystery man.

  Clearing his throat, he does the same. “Sorry, Miss Zara. Grant Stevenson, I’m Zach’s brother and Emily’s brother-in-law.” His voice is deep and powerful, one that settles on your chest with the weight of the world. “I’m here to pick up Sophia for Zach and Emily. They are on their way to the hospital as she’s gone into labor. It’s a little early, so they weren’t really prepared. Sorry to keep you late, I’ll just take her now and get out of your hair.” He turns to leave and tells Sophia to say goodbye to me.

  “Wait right there, Mr. Stevenson. I’m sorry, but you cannot take Sophia with you.” I yell, stopping him in his tracks.

  “I beg your pardon, Zara. What did you just say to me?” Grant huffs, looking at me with his fixed glare. I’m not scared of this man. I bet his bark is worse than any bite.

  “Sophia is in my care, you are not on the approved list of people to pick her up from class. I can see that she knows you and I understand the circumstances, but I have a duty of care to all my students to keep them safe.”

  He stands there glaring at me. I feel the sweat running down my back and it isn’t from dancing. “Is there any chance you could get Zach on the phone to authorize it?”

  “Listen, lady,” his voice sinks deeper, anger starting to build on his face. “There is no way I will be able to talk to Zach. Emily is in the middle of having a baby, two weeks early! He will be by her side making sure she is okay, and the baby is safe. So, we need to get past this crap, so I can get Sophia to the hospital to be with the rest of the family. I’m sure I’m capable of caring for my niece. She will see you next class.” Again, he turns to leave but I’m pissed off at the way he keeps dismissing me. Shit is about to get real.

  Reaching out, I grab his shoulder “Look, Mr. Arrogant, I don’t care if you’re the President. You are not leaving with Sophia who is legally under my care unless I get authorization that you can. So, I suggest you back up, otherwise I will call the police and tell them you’re kidnapping her.” Oh God, why did I just say that and sound like a crazy woman?

  “Are you for real?” Grant laughs in disbelief. “Don’t you think that’s a bit ridiculous? I just need to get to the hospital. I am sure my hands will feel perfect on your waist while I move you out of the way. Now, I don’t want to do that because I would never touch a woman without her permission. Although I am sure you will enjoy it, but I don’t have time to waste.” He’s practically growling now.

  “Don’t you dare. I’m not so easily pushed around by your big growly voice.” As much as he makes me mad with his arrogance, he looks sexy as hell with little Sophia in his arms and snuggled against his chest. “We need to stay calm and sort this out, so you can get to the hospital and I can feel confident Sophia is safe.” Grant’s reaction is clearly visible at the suggestion Sophia isn’t safe. Grant looks like he’s ready to let go with a full rant at me.

  He sucks in a big breath and I can tell he’s trying to keep calm and pick his words carefully.

  “Look, Miss Zara, you have two choices here. You either let me walk past you and out this door so I can take Sophia to the hospital to be with her family, and you can go home to yours. Or you can grab your bag, lock the door, get in my car, and come to the hospital where you can sit and wait to see Zach or Emily and get their permission. Either way, I’m leaving now, so make your choice damn fast.” There are those eyes again that could cut glass. I think I have poked the bear enough and to be honest I can’t see any other way around it than to go to the hospital with him.

  “Fine,” I huff, “wait here and I will get my things.” I turn and walk to my office yelling over my shoulder. “If you take one step outside that door while I am gone, I will hunt you down and rip off the thing you probably think is your best asset! Got the picture?” I can’t help but smile as I grab my phone, bag and keys. There’s no way this man is going to intimidate me, no matter how sexy he is.

  “You would be surprised how much of an asset there is to pull off, Miss Zara,” he replies with sparkling eyes and a cheeky smile. It makes me want to smack him and kiss him all at the same time. Cocky bastard.

  “Uncle Grant, is Mommy okay? Can we go and see her now, please” Sophia looks unsure and worried about what’s going on. This snaps me out of the wicked thoughts of Grant’s asset and back to this sweet little girl.

  “Princess, mommy is doing just fine. It won’t be long, and we can see her, daddy, and your new brother or sister. We could get there a lot quicker if Miss Zara would hurry up.” Grant’s whole face changes when he looks down at Sophia. This little girl has his number and I think she could get him to do just about anything for her.

  Sophia looks up with so much love in her eyes, I know they have a very special relationship. It’s crazy to think Grant could ever be a threat to her, but I’ve taken my stand with him and there’s no way I’m
backing down now.

  “Let’s get going so we can get over to the hospital and join in the excitement with your family, Sophia. How does that sound? I am sure they are more fun than your grumpy Uncle Grant.” This has Sophia giggling as Grant lets her down, takes her hand and leads her through the studio door I’m holding open for them.

  As they walk past, Grant leans in close and whispers, “You would be surprised how much fun I can be, Zara.” He doesn’t even hesitate, just keeps moving. I stand frozen in place with goose bumps covering my body, caused from the rumble of his voice and the feel of his breath on my skin.

  “Are you coming, Miss Zara?” he chuckles while I process what he said. Oh God, I could only hope, Grant. Keep flirting like that and it might just happen.

  We walk to Grant’s car in silence. Grant and Sophia both look comfortable in their world together, her little hand wrapped firmly in Grant’s big hand. I can’t help but smile at the scene of this tough man being brought to his knees by a very shy little girl. There is definitely more to Grant than he lets the world see.

  “Uncle Grant, I will wait. You can open the door for Miss Zara first,” Sophia’s little voice breaks the silence as we approach a silver Audi luxury car. It is the sort of car that speaks of class, style and power. Definitely power.

  “Thank you, princess, but I am sure Miss Zara can wait until I get you safely tucked in your seat. Especially since your safety seems to be so important to her. Isn’t that right, Miss Zara?” Grant mumbles the last part under his breath so only I can hear him.

  “You’re very kind, Sophia, but you hop in the car. I don’t need Grant to look after me, I can do that myself.”

  Grant stops dead in his tracks, staring me down. I’m not game enough to move. What this man can do with his eyes is indescribable.

  “My mother and father would tan my hide if I didn’t open the door for a lady. You may be able to do it yourself, but a gentleman always looks after any woman he is with. Isn’t that right, Soph? What would Gruffy say?”

  “He would get cranky at you, Uncle Grant. Miss Zara, we always let the boys open doors for us girls. Because it’s their job to look after their women.” I want to explain to this cute little ballerina that I’m never going to be anything close to Grant’s woman, but I can’t say a word to ruin her hero status.

  “Okay, I will wait here just for you, Sophia, no other reason.” Glaring at Grant so he gets the message that I don’t need any man in my life to help me with anything. I have coped this long on my own and I will continue that way. It’s just easier.

  Once in the car and heading to the hospital, the silence is deafening. I’m not used to the quiet. My studio is always so full of noise from the constant chatter of the students or the music. When I’m on my own, music fills my world. From the moment I wake in the morning to the last thing at night, there’s music of some sort always playing around me. It soothes my soul and my life revolves around the beat and rhythm.

  I can’t stand it any longer, so decide to break the spell.

  “Sophia, what are you wishing for? A new little brother or sister?” Glancing back to see her face in the back seat, I know before she speaks. Her fingers trail along her ballet skirt as she looks up to answer.

  “I want a little sister, so I can dance with her, sing with her and play dolls. But I really want the baby to be a girl for my daddy, so he isn’t sad about Faith anymore.” I hear Grant release a sigh and a sadness comes over his face. I don’t know what Sophia means but my guess is that Faith was someone very special in all their lives.

  “But my brother wants a boy, Miss Zara. They can play together and wrestle with my Uncle Luke and learn to ride horses with Daddy and look after the farm.”

  “If you get a new sister, Sophia, then she can still ride a horse and look after the farm. Little girls can do the same as little boys. Isn’t that right, Grant?” I deliberately bait him. I see him squirming in his seat wondering how he’s going to answer this in front of his niece. I’m sure he is the kind of man who’d give me a lecture about the fact there are certain things meant for men alone, but he isn’t game to say much with Sophia in the car. Again, he shocks me. There is a lot to learn about this man. The interior certainly doesn’t match the arrogant, hard exterior.

  “Absolutely, Soph, you can do whatever you want in life. Don’t ever let anyone ever try to stop you or tell you that you can’t do something just because you’re a girl. I have a feeling you’re going to grow up and do really special things.”

  Sitting there, I see Grant looking at Sophia in the mirror and he means every word he says to her. This little girl is lucky to grow up in this family. I know a little of her story from Emily. It’s lovely to see her being taken care of and loved by a family that has accepted her as their own.

  Pulling into the hospital carpark, I start to panic. What am I going to do now? I made such a commotion at the studio about needing permission to hand over Sophia to Grant. Emily could be in labor for hours and I’ll look like an idiot if I leave now without seeing her or Zach. Turning to look at Grant, I see a smirk across his face. Crap, he’s just realized my dilemma.

  The excitement is obviously getting too much for Sophia who’s out of her seat, her head popping in between us. “Hurry up, Uncle Grant, I want to see the baby. I don’t want Sammy to beat me.” I can’t help but laugh.

  “Sweetie, the baby might not have arrived yet. Sometimes they take a long while. How about we head up to the room and see what’s happening. Okay?” Grant’s so patient with her. “Ready to go, Miss Zara? I can’t take Sophia up there without your permission, now can I?”

  “Don’t be smart, Grant. Yes, let’s go. I don’t want to hold up Sophia from the baby. I suppose I need to wait for the door again.” This pisses off Grant. I won’t admit, I actually think the door thing is kind of cute. I can’t let Grant get the upper hand, however. He gets out the car with a huff and marches around to our side of the car, and I am certain he deliberately went to Sophia’s door first to make me wait. He might be the sexiest man I have met in a very long time, but he is also the most frustrating.

  Sophia looks excited but also unsure as we enter the lift for the maternity ward. It’s then I notice the same look on Grant’s face. There’s more to the story, I am guessing, and I think it has to do with Sophia’s mention of Faith. One day I might talk to Emily about it because Grant certainly isn’t the man to ask. I squeeze Sophia’s hand and give a smile to let her know it will be okay and not to worry. As the ding of the elevator sounds, the doors open to the maternity floor. A mild panic comes over me as to how I’m going to get out of this. Sophia takes off towards a large group of people she’s familiar with.

  Great, this is going to be embarrassing.



  “Me-me, Gruffy,” Sophia yells while running from the elevator towards my mom and dad. The names the kids have given them always make me smile whenever I hear them. “Where is the baby? Has it come yet? Can I see Mommy and Daddy?” Sophia’s scooped up by my dad and gets a big kiss from my mom.

  I stalk straight over to the family, desperate to know if everything is okay. I want to make sure the baby is all right, that Emily is safe. Waiting for the answer, I also need to know if Zach is okay. He’s my baby brother and I love him. I can’t see him fall down the same hole he was in years before he met Emily.

  “Zach was out here a few minutes ago and said Emily is doing just fine and the baby is okay, at the moment. They think we should have a baby here in the next thirty minutes the way things are progressing. So, little Sophia, very soon you won’t be the youngest baby anymore.” My dad tickles her and then lets her down to play with Sammy who’s sitting with my sisters Alesha and Lilly. They look like they’re drawing pictures to pass the time and occupy the energetic Samuel.

  “Hey, Mom.” I lean over to kiss her, and Dad wraps his arm around my shoulder for a man hug.

  “Hi, Son. Who’s your friend?” Dad looks over his shoulder
towards the elevator where Zara’s standing. Shit, I totally forgot she’s here. I just first needed to know everything was fine. Standing fidgeting with her hands and looking down at her feet, all the confidence from before is gone.

  “Oh, she’s not my friend. She’s Sophia’s dance teacher. It’s a long story why she’s here.” Looking her up and down, I realize her nervousness and how her passion for her students has put her in this room with my family. “Zach and Emily picked the best teacher in the city, I think.” Dad frowns at my lack of explanation. “I’ll explain later. You better come and meet her.” Confused, Mom and Dad follow me across to where a nervous Zara is waiting.

  “Zara, this is Sophia, my mom, and Mitch, my dad. Little Sophia and Samuel’s grandparents. Mom, Dad, this is Miss Zara, Sophia’s dance teacher.” Zara smiles nervously while Dad shakes her hand, and then Mom, as always, reaches out and hugs her.

  “Zara, I can’t thank you enough for what you are teaching Sophia. She talks about you all the time and shows me her dancing every chance she gets. It has done wonders for her self-confidence.” Mom releases Zara who’s starting to blush. Obviously, she doesn’t take praise easily.

  The pink shade on her is beautiful and one I’d like to put there myself. Now, as she speaks with my parents, I have time to really look at her. Zara’s a stunning woman with natural brown hair she pulls up in a similar bun to Sophia’s. Her eyes are round, and a warm brown color that matches perfectly with her hair. I haven’t noticed her figure before, but as I run my eyes down the length of her body, I see she’s toned and works hard to keep in shape. Normally, I’m not a fan of yoga pants but on Zara, they’re perfect, showing me amazing legs that seem to go forever.

  Dad nudges me from my ogling. Shit. I hear my name, but don’t know why. Dad, having seen me lost in thought, whispers in my ear what Mom’s said. I answer Mom and look back to Zara. Shit, now what? What’s she going to do while we wait for the baby? As much as she pushes my buttons, I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable.


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