Present Tense: Pleasure Times Four (Out of the Fire Book 3)

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Present Tense: Pleasure Times Four (Out of the Fire Book 3) Page 26

by Candace Blevins

  She also knew he wouldn’t. She’d learned early on that they all backed up the others’ orders and commands.

  Her tongue licked at his chest, and she could feel her own heat this time. Warm on warm, and not cool on warm. She licked her way to the other side of his neck. Kissed. Suckled.

  And then struck. No easy biting this time. No gentle sliding of the fangs. She squeezed her pussy and struck like a snake at the same time, and then dumped enough orgasm cocktail into his artery to get Collosa off three times.

  Eunice jerked under her. Spasmed. Shuddered. His entire body moved in waves, and she felt the heat of him inside her. Spilling. Squirting. He kept coming, long after his balls were empty, long after she’d removed her fangs from his neck and licked the small holes.

  When his orgasm finally faded long moments later, Fabio finally pulled his now-deflated cock from her bottom and went to a small refrigerator they kept on that level. He brought two bottles of orange juice, opened one, and made a motion towards Eunice.

  “Sit up, motherfucker. You need calories and fluids.”

  “Give me a minute, asshole.” He spoke without opening his eyes, and he sounded more out of breath than she’d ever heard him.

  His arm came up and around her, and he stroked her back. “Fabio was right to deny you orgasm today. I’m going to fuck you again, once I’ve had something to eat. Probably bend you over the back of the sofa and spank you first, then take you hard and fast. When I wake in the morning, you’ll still be up, and I’ll take you again then, before you run with me. No orgasms for you, not because you were bad, but because you don’t have a say. We decide when you come, or when you don’t.”

  He sat up, moving her with him, so she was reclined in his lap. He accepted the already-opened juice from Fabio and drank the entire twenty-four-ounce bottle without stopping to take a breath.

  She’d learned orgasm control from her former Master, and she knew what to say, but she didn’t want to say it.

  So she didn’t. She said what was in her heart.

  “I gave mine to you. I chose not to have an orgasm. If you want to keep me from having one the rest of the day, or the week, or the month, that’s your right. I belong to you because I want to, but I belong to Marco because of our blood bond, because without a Master Vampire, I’d fade away and die. He gave you power over me, so I’ll follow your orders, but this was more. I chose to give you the orgasm, and I made it as good as I could possibly make it.”

  He smiled. “Good girl. I love you, too.”

  She shook her head, confused, and his smile grew bigger.

  “Other Doms, other Masters, might want the correct response, but I want the truthful one. Respectfully given, of course, because I value respect and honesty.”

  “Truth,” Fabio said, his hand on her bare hip. “I will always award truth. I may punish attitude while truth is being given, but that isn’t the case for this.”

  She leaned back into Eunice. “So, do I get a reward for being respectfully honest?”

  “Yeah,” Eunice said with a bit of a smirk. “We’ll consider letting you have an orgasm tomorrow or the next day.”


  Fabio secured the sausage ball dish and the rum cake into the back of Collosa’s Wrangler, and then climbed into the back seat.

  He didn’t like leaving Kelsey alone.

  Though, she wasn’t actually alone. Venom and his lion had shown up just before sunrise, and they’d been put into the other downstairs room. The lion would keep them both safe while they were dead to the world, and then both men would keep her company when she rose.

  Aaron Drake had been clear that he wanted the entire Fabulosa Trio at the Thanksgiving shindig on the mountain, and that the vampires were providing Kelsey’s security for the day. They’d locked the door going upstairs, and their security system would tell them if anyone attempted entry. It was all they could do.

  Fabio noted a half-dozen hawks in trees about a third of the way up the mountain, and then more when they turned onto the private road off the main one. The gate was open, but the road took them through a shed two curves in, and two wolf shifters stopped them once the Jeep was completely inside. After a five second wait, they were motioned to continue and wished a Happy Thanksgiving.

  “Kinda surprised that check made it through the negotiations,” Fabio said.

  “I’m not,” Eunice said. “We aren’t going to the big house, but we’re still on the property. Think about it — you have the Lion King, Alpha Wolf over too many states to list, Mother Nature, and the soon-to-be Master Vampire living here at least part of the time, if not most of the time.”

  “And an ancient God,” Collosa pointed out. “Aaron and Nathan want us here. Demanded we come. Whatever the wolves picked up on the scanners will stay internal. Nathan wouldn’t put us at risk.”

  All three men were armed, and the Jeep had a hidden compartment with more firepower, but it wasn’t like they’d packed it just for the event. Those items stayed in the Jeep.

  Also, they’d been let through. Did security just want a catalog of what everyone brought, or were they looking for something specific? Fabio would make sure to ask Nathan about it later.

  This was a friendly holiday. No one was coming to fight. They were coming to eat.

  Still, if they’d invited this many powerful beings and factions to a Drake property, he’d want to know everything he could about those who attended.

  They were directed to park in a field near the farmhouse. “Rumor has it,” Eunice said, “the paved parts of the driveway and parking area near the farmhouse are where the bodies of the wolves who challenged Cora for the top Alpha spot are buried.”

  “She went through one to two challenges a day for a while,” Collosa said. “But after she’d taken out a dozen or so challengers and buried them so their remains will only be worm food, and won’t directly reach the sun through a living plant, I don’t believe anyone’s challenged her in quite some time.”

  Signs directed them along a pathway around the farmhouse to a large screened in porch. Tables were labeled, and they put the cake onto the cake table, and the sausage balls onto the savory finger-foods table. Someone with a label maker was standing at each table, and they asked what the dish was and stuck it to the table just in front of the dish while thanking them for coming.

  There was enough room on the porch for at least fifty people to eat, but today, all the tables held food for the feast. The Pack had provided turkeys — smoked and baked — and guests had brought side dishes and desserts.

  Outside the porch, on the lawn, dozens and dozens of tables were set up for people to eat. Fires were dotted around the huge space, enough to break the chill of the crisp fall day. Those with humans in their groups sat closer to a fire, those without didn’t worry about it.

  The trio ate, and talked, and schmoozed with wolves, lions, and their coworkers from Drake Security.

  Around four, Nathan came to get them and walked them down the road to the house, telling them Marco and Etta wanted to speak with them. They were taken to the basement, through a number of security checks, and finally into a large room with sofas in various seating arrangements.

  “Thank you for coming,” Marco told them, “I apologize for pulling you away from the festivities.”

  “It’s fine,” Collosa told them. “We’ll be leaving soon, so we can get back to Kelsey.”

  “We wanted to personally speak with you about why we think Kelsey needs to spend a few days a month in the coterie house.”

  Fabio nearly jumped when Etta spoke from another sofa. He hadn’t seen her, but she was right there.

  “I feel an affinity towards Kelsey,” Etta said. “I look forward to helping her grow and learn. Overall, I think it’s good she isn’t living at the coterie house. She’s learning so fast, growing her powers so quickly, her peers will be jealous. It might not be a healthy environment for her to live with us full time. However, there is much she needs to learn, while her powers
grow. Things we can’t teach her until she has the tools to work with them.”

  “She’ll be able to bring someone with her. One person,” Marco said.

  “It doesn’t have to be the same person each trip,” said Etta. “It might be good if it is, so he will have the history of what went before and can be a better advisor and protector, perhaps.”

  “Are you saying she’ll need a guard in order to spend time at the coterie house?” Collosa asked.

  “Vampire society still works on the principal of survival of the fittest,” Etta replied. “We have rules that preclude killing each other, but there are plenty of other options available to thwart a growing rival. The vampire and his or her servant fight together as a unit.”

  “Etta has recently come from Europe,” Marco said. “Servant is an old term. One we’re trying to move away from.”

  “Or at least one you try not to use around the shapeshifters you consider your servants,” Eunice pointed out.

  “Fabio understands vampires the most. Eunice is the most tightly bound to her due to her animal being the mongoose. Collosa’s raw size and power are a bonus point for him.” Marco said, choosing not to address Eunice’s comment. “I don’t sense a formal ceremony has happened between any of you. This is why we restricted it to one. If she formally binds your foursome, she can bring as many of you as we can house with her.”

  “And that, in large part,” Etta said, “will depend upon how many beds are needed.”

  “A king-sized bed and a long sofa will do for the four of us,” Fabio told her.

  “Then we can house all four of you, though you’ll need to bring your own food.”

  “Thanks for that,” Fabio told them. He’d elected to stand behind a sofa, rather than walk around it and sit. Eunice stayed near the door, leaned against the wall, and Collosa had taken a seat on the sofa. “I’ll have a conversation with her about formally binding me, if that means she can bring one of the other guys plus me.”

  “No,” said Marco. “One person with her blood in them, but no binding, is fine. In order to bring more than one person, all will need to be bound in a formal ceremony.”

  “Kelsey is aware of this,” said Etta, “but I knew when I reminded her of the rules that she had no intention of telling the three of you what would have to happen for more of you to attend with her.”

  Eunice waited until they were far from the mountain and on their side of the river before he brought up what they’d learned from the vampires.

  “Kelsey didn’t tell us because she didn’t want us to think she was pressuring us into it.”

  “That’s my take,” said Collosa.

  “I’ve never been formally bound,” Fabio said. “But it’s more than trusting Kelsey. It’s also about trusting her Master. If we’re bound to her, we’re bound to him.”

  “I don’t believe it’s something I can do,” Eunice told them. “Even if I could, we’d have to talk to Aaron about it before making a decision. Our contracts specifically forbid us from joining with a supernatural through a binding ceremony without permission from the company.” He looked out at the barges on the Tennessee River, noting how some rode lower in the water than others. The sun was setting, and the sky was a riot of colors reflected in the water. “My blood will be in her. I don’t think I can offer more, and yet, if I don’t, and something happens to her because of it, I’m not sure I’d ever forgive myself.”

  “I never thought you’d let her feed from you,” Fabio said from behind him. “Let’s just tread water there for a bit, see where things are in a month or two — or maybe even a year or two. No one in this car is asking you for more.”

  “No,” Collosa agreed. “We aren’t. Let’s talk logistics a moment. We all care about her, right? We’re aiming for a poly relationship. I know we’d given up on it, but now that it seems to be happening, that’s the goal, right?”

  Eunice turned to look at Collosa, who was focused on the road. “Yeah. What logistics do we need to discuss?”

  “For the time being, at least, I’m good with you leading sex scenes, but I’d like to be on board with a general outline before we walk in.”

  “I’m good with that,” Fabio said from behind them. “You decide, and unless Collosa and I both disagree strongly enough to speak up, we follow your lead. We have to show a united front around her, so we need to have those discussions before the scene starts. If one begins spontaneously, we’ll have to trust you to get it right, but it’s probably best you don’t spring something new in that situation.”

  Eunice nodded. He was in charge when it was his slave, but on the rare occasion they’d shared someone who wasn’t his slave, this had been the way it had usually worked. Occasionally, one of the others might want to lead, but that was worked out beforehand.

  “Fabio was in charge the other day,” Eunice pointed out. “I think one of you will need to lead when it’s supposed to be romantic — when it’s about feelings more than power exchange. Realistically, for most scenes, it probably makes sense for me to drive, but ya’ll will have to step up if we think she needs the touchy-feely romantic shit.”

  Fabio chuckled. “Agreed. The very fact you use the words romantic and shit together says you don’t get to be in charge of it.”

  Eunice rolled his eyes but didn’t argue. The cat made a valid point. “We need all four of us in action tonight, but I’m not certain I can give you a game plan headed in, other than the goal at the end, which will be all of us using her — one per hole.” He rubbed his right palm over the denim on his thigh. “Some pain, but I don’t know how much. I’ll need to play with it as we go.”

  “I’m on board with that,” said Fabio. “Sometimes it feels as if she craves pain, sometimes she needs to be assured you can be gentle.”

  “I want her to smell like all of us,” Collosa said. “Even if she just sips from us at the beginning. And, while she’s sipping, I want the hard-on cocktail.”

  “I’m on board with that, too,” Fabio said with a laugh.

  “She drank from me yesterday,” Eunice said. “I’ll skip that part.”

  “No.” They were off the interstate now, and Collosa looked over at him. “All three of us in her body at the same time. Blood, dicks, and jizz. If you don’t want the hard-on deal then tell her, but tonight feels important. First time she’s had all three of us at once.”

  Kelsey was up when they arrived, standing on the back of a sofa, leaning forward. Eunice wanted to go to her, but he stood near the door with the other men, and watched.

  “Levitation is one of those things that usually just kicks in, at first,” Venom explained when they’d closed the door to the downstairs sitting area, coming in from the garage through the light-proof safety room. “She’ll lean forward slowly until either gravity takes hold and she bellyflops onto the floor, or her levitation kicks in and either makes her float, or softens her landing.”

  She leaned forward until gravity took hold, and she slammed into the tiled floor, face first.

  “Again,” Venom told her.

  Eunice could tell Fabio wanted to stop it, so he put his arm on the kitty’s shoulder. Fabio breathed out instead of saying whatever he’d been about to say, and the three stood and watched as their girl climbed onto the back of the sofa again, leaned forward, forward, forward, and then hit the floor again — but not as hard.

  “Did you feel it?” Venom asked her.



  Four more times, and Eunice was ready to call a stop to it. She wasn’t hitting the floor as hard, but it was still enough her nose was broken, and it couldn’t feel good to keep hitting the hardwood floor with her face.

  But Venom was strong enough, she couldn’t refuse his order.

  And levitation was a top-level vampire skill, something less than one or two percent of vampires ever mastered. If she had even the edges of it, and this was what it took to teach it to her, then Eunice approved.

  He’d rather not
have to watch it, but he approved.

  Three more times, and Venom called a halt to it.

  “Good work, kiddo. Go wash the blood off your face and heal your nose, black eyes, and busted lips while I talk to your men. You can come out and hug us goodbye in a moment.”

  When Kelsey was in the bathroom with the water running, Venom looked the three men over.

  “You’ve all had things you learned in battle, or through some kind of hell-week training. Still, I worried at least one of you would try to stop us. I’m pleased she has three men at her back, and not snowflakes.”

  Eunice stepped forward and offered his hand. Venom shook it, and Eunice took a seat on the sofa Kelsey had used for the torturous little lesson. Sometimes, sitting when everyone else in the room was standing made you the top dog.

  “Is that an exercise we should take her through?” Eunice asked.

  “Not necessary. We’ll run her through it at the coterie house. Your girl’s a peach, but I’m sure you’re all aware. Take care of her.”

  “May I speak with your lion?” Fabio asked from behind Eunice.

  The lion had not been introduced, and thus, protocol said they weren’t to acknowledge him. Eunice went to alert status, in case the vampire took offense, but Venom merely glared at Fabio, and Eunice felt as if the question had put him on the defense, when Eunice had expected the opposite.

  “He’s mine,” Venom told them, his voice a growl. “Living in the territory with His Majesty’s permission, and with the understanding he won’t be seen or talked about in public.”

  “Fabio was jealous when Kelsey first came home. Her scent...” Eunice stopped talking long enough to consider how best to word what needed to be said. “She’d fed from your lion’s lust, and we thought she’d had sex with him. Cats aren’t usually the jealous sort about that kind of thing. I don’t know what Fabio wanted to say, but I’m guessing he’s still working through his feelings around that.”


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