A Lucky Find

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A Lucky Find Page 9

by Sage du Toit

  With places decided and everything put away they all met back in the dining room. It was already lunch time so Daniel and Madison went to the kitchen to find a simple lunch for everyone. While they were gone, everyone else rearranged the tables and took down the extra tables and folded up the extra chairs. The dining area was large and they had decided to use the extra space to make a living room area. They decided they would only use the buildings they absolutely needed for now and reserve the others for later. But they wanted to be able to all gather together, relax, talk and socialize after eating. In the cleared space they moved in some couches and chairs that had been in another building that had been set up with a now useless TV and a few computers.

  There was another building that had a small library and tables for arts and craft, they hadn’t really explored what was in there because that was on the bottom of the list for survival. There was another small building that was more of a tool shed. It was off to the side of the kitchen and it was where Tom had found a shovel to bury the rotten food. Inside the shed were tools and cleaning supplies as well as items he needed to make the compost pile, like plastic bags.

  It appeared that the camp had everything they were going to need for now. As they were passing out protein bars and snacks for lunch, Daniel told everyone that he had checked the stove in the kitchen and the burners and oven appeared to be working fine. He said he would need help organizing the food in the kitchen now that the walk-ins had been cleaned out. Madison quickly volunteered to help him and Sam couldn’t help but grin. Daniel didn’t seem to have a clue that Madison liked him, either that or he was very good at hiding it!

  Tom took the opportunity to tell everyone about the compost pile and explained how to maintain it and what could and couldn’t go in the pile. He also advised them about planting a garden and what they would need to do to get to the healthy soil and the need to find a greenhouse to protect their garden area. He told them it would be best if they did raised gardens, if they could find clean dirt in bags. Of course, they couldn’t do any gardening until the weather got a little warmer. Latisha said her grandma always had a garden that she helped with when she was growing up and Steve said he always planted a garden himself each spring. Other than those two, no one else seemed to have any experience with growing food.

  Chris suggested that Tom write instructions out for them on the compost pile and gardening and Sam interrupted saying that they would probably find great books at the library on those subjects. Tom agreed with her but wrote out a list of things to look out for due to the nerve agent. Even the compost pile could become contaminated and he warned them to keep it covered with the plastic he had wrapped around it.

  They had a full propane tank for cooking and plenty of propane for the heaters, for now. They couldn’t really make fire’s in the pits outside unless they wanted to sit around with their masks on and no one liked that idea. Charlie suggested finding a wood burning stove and putting it in the dining room for warmth. Steve said he knew where one was and he could help install it. Tom said a heat source that required wood should be ok, but they would have to be careful with any wood they brought in from outside that hadn’t been covered. He told them that as time passed the plants and trees would naturally get rid of any remaining nerve gas, but they needed to wait at least a year past N-Day. He also advised them to keep a low profile. Tape up the windows and block out light, avoid burning anything during the day that would give off their location with a smoke stream. Even at night they would have to be careful not to make large fires outside that could be seen from a distance.

  The conversation continued with other ideas and things they would need to survive and Sam realized this group was on their way and didn’t need their help anymore. She wasn’t part of the current conversation about solar panels. They all agreed that would make life easier but it was not a necessity at this point. There were other things like gardening supplies and tools they would need and where they could go to get it. Sam got up from the table and went to her kit bag that was sitting near the pet crate. They had let the kittens out and they were running around the large dining area and playing with the kids.

  She looked in her kit bag and found the large yellow pages book, she had brought it with her because she knew she would need to pass it on to them and now seemed like a good time. She took it back to the table that everyone was crowded around and placed it down in the middle. Several people smiled and laughed when she said, “Here’s your new search pages.” Jacob grabbed the book and started looking up gardening equipment. Tom looked at Sam and smiled at her thoughtfulness. Her heart fluttered at his look and she hoped they would have some private time soon for themselves.

  Beth caught Sam’s eye and motioned her away from the others. She asked her where she thought they should set up the kitten’s jungle gym and cat tree. Right now, the cat tree was sitting in a corner, furthest away from the door. Sam said that area looked like the best and offered to help Beth set up the jungle gym. It went together fast since they had already done one, they didn’t even have to look at the directions this time. While they were working Beth asked her when they were going to leave. Sam said she thought they would probably leave in the morning. Beth got a sad look on her face and said she wished Sam and Tom would stay, she pleaded that they could really use their help.

  Sam wanted to say yes but she knew they couldn’t end their trip to Texas so soon. She really wanted to know if her family and Tom’s family back in Texas had survived and if anyone needed help, she wanted to give it to them! She sadly told Beth no, they couldn’t stay.

  Tom came over and found Sam and told her that Jacob, Chris and James were about to head out in the van and one of the trucks to go get the stuff that was left at Cracker Barrell. Sam quickly rounded up all the kittens and Lucky and put them in the pet crate. She pulled Serena back out and held her close to her face and cuddled her, she then handed her to Noah who was waiting. She then took Trooper out and gave him a last cuddle and handed him to Ella, who was also waiting. She looked at the kittens one last time and then gave each of the kids a hug and told them to take good care of her babies.

  Sam and Tom then went around and said goodbye to everyone, they knew they would probably never see any of them again. It was hardest to say goodbye to Beth, she knew she wanted them to stay and they had become good friends in just the few short days they were together. Once the pet crate was loaded and all the goodbye’s said, Sam climbed into the van with tears in her eyes.

  Once back at the Cracker Barrell they unloaded the kittens and Lucky and put them in the kitten trailer while they helped to load the last of the items that were left behind. After everything was loaded there were still a few mattresses and blankets left behind, but other than that the place looked fairly empty. They checked all the rooms to make sure there wasn’t anything else they needed to take and made sure that Tom and Sam had everything they would need. Sam and Tom said the last of their goodbyes to the three men and watched them drive away in the loaded vehicles.

  Tom was standing with his arm around her shoulder and he squeezed her lightly and then guided her around and into the foyer. He removed the keys that Chris gave him from his pocket and locked the first set of doors. They both removed their gas masks and went through the second set of doors, which he also locked.

  Sam was making sure her gas mask was seated properly in its bag when Tom wrapped his arms around her from behind. He said, “Oh my, what are we going to do now? It’s not even dark yet and we have all of these empty beds and tables and we are here all alone.”

  Sam turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck. She reached up and kissed him gently on the lips. She replied, “I think they left some cards…we could play Old Maid.”

  Tom laughed and picked her up and carried her over to the closest table and sat her down on it. She leaned in for a kiss and tried to wrap her legs around his waist but his gas mask bag and gun holster and all his equipment was in her way. She laughed and teasingly pus
hed him back. “Maybe we should take off some of this equipment first!”

  Tom laughed and helped her down off the table and they walked over to the area they had slept the night before. Their trailers and bikes were parked next to the mattress that was still set up with the blankets they had used. Sam removed her gear and let Lucky and the kittens back out of the trailer. As she was standing back up from checking their food Tom came up behind her again and wrapped his arms around her waist, “You aren’t getting away from me that easy!”

  She turned around in his arms and looked him in the eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck, “I love you Tom, trust me…I have no desire to get away from you! Only a desire to get closer!”

  He leaned down and kissed her passionately as she ran her hands over his muscular chest and down to his waistband. She pulled his shirt up and broke the kiss to pull it over his head. He quickly removed her shirt as well and then leaned back in for a kiss as he removed her bra. He ducked his head down and took a nipple in his lips and sucked hard. She moaned as she leaned into him and then worked faster to undo his pants and push them down his hips. Tom’s hands were fast at work removing her pants as he took turns sucking on each of her nipples but when he pushed her pants down, he realized she still had her boots on.

  Playfully he pushed her back on the bed and she raised both of her feet up to him so he could remove her boots. He laughed and started untying them. Once they were both off he removed her pants and she sat up on the side of the mattress. She started untying his boots and looked up and saw that his bulge was pressing up against underwear right in her face. She looked up at him and saw that he was grinning down at her. She teasingly leaned forward and placed her mouth on the bulge as she continued to untie his boots. His grin faded as he moaned in pleasure.

  She reached up and pulled his pants and underwear down and took the head of his hard rod into her mouth and ran her tongue around the tip. Tom moaned louder and gently placed both of his hands on her head and pushed his rod deeper into her mouth. He did this a few times and then pulled out of her mouth and pulled her up from the mattress. Sam was now completely naked but barely noticed the chill in the building. Chris had built a fire in the fireplace for them before he left so it wasn’t too chilly.

  Tom picked her up and this time Sam had no problems wrapping her legs around his waist. His big thick rod pressed up against her and he held her tightly as he precariously stepped out of his boots and pants. He stumbled a little and they both laughed but finally he was free of his clothes as well. He carried her back over to the table that was near the fireplace and sat her back down. “Let’s try this again.”

  He leaned down and kissed her passionately as he pulled back and pressed his hard rod against her slit. He moved it up and down and teasingly pressed against the opening with the head but didn’t press it all the way in. He pushed her back on the table and knelt down while he pushed her legs up in the air. He ran his tongue down her slit and swirled it around her little nob. Sam whimpered as he teased her with his tongue and then his fingers. He sucked on her hard little nob as he moved two fingers in and out.

  Suddenly he stood up plunged inside of her, making Sam groan loudly in pleasure. He held tightly to her hips with her legs pressed up and over his shoulders as he repeatedly pushed his long hard shaft deep inside of her. They were both panting and moaning and suddenly she felt him stiffen and she called out his name as she felt herself tighten around him and explode as he exploded inside of her.

  Tom let her legs fall to the side and he leaned forward over the table and kissed her. He pulled her up with is softening staff still inside of her and hugged her tight. They kissed for a while and then he picked her back up with her legs wrapped around his waist and carried her to the bathroom. When he got to the doors he looked at her and said, “Which one?” She laughed and told him the women’s of course! She just assumed it would be cleaner. They both washed with the thin stream of cold water that was coming from the sinks and then grabbed a blanket from the bed and went to sit together in front of the fireplace.

  As soon as they were sitting all the kittens and Lucky came to sit with them. Sam leaned against Tom and looked at the fire in the fireplace. She was remembering what he said about burning during the daytime. She asked him about the fire and if it was ok to burn right now. Tom said he didn’t think the fire was making very much smoke. The wood was dry and it was burning hot. He said as long as they didn’t stir it around too much and make smoke, it should be ok.

  The building was cooler now that the sun was setting and they didn’t have the extra heaters. They decided to move the mattress over near the fireplace so they could be warm throughout the night and keep a close eye on the fire. They cuddled together in front of the fire for the rest of the night, occasionally adding an additional log.

  They talked about their upcoming trip and about their families in Texas. They were both worried about what they were going to encounter and Sam worried about traveling in the cold with the kittens. They also talked about the group of people they were leaving behind, as well as the group they left behind at Fort Jackson. They had hopes of meeting other nice people along the way, but they couldn’t forget the bad people they ran into in Augusta and Atlanta. They used the kitchen to make a hot dinner and then went to bed soon after dark. They wanted to be up early to pack and leave.

  Chapter 10


  8 February 2021

  Douglasville, GA

  They were both up with the sun and the three kittens and Lucky seemed to sense something was going on. Sam worried a bit about Lucky because she had gone around the building the night before several times meowing and looking for her two missing kittens. Sam knew they weren’t missing but Lucky didn’t understand. Sam hoped that once they loaded up and left Lucky would settle down. She decided to keep her in the kitten trailer for the first few days, just to make sure she didn’t wander off looking for the other two kittens.

  They packed up everything on the bikes and in the trailers. They double checked the loads and made sure they were balanced and not too heavy. Sam was glad they had traded out the inserts on the kitten trailer for the lighter option. The remaining kittens; Mew, Grunt and Chatty seemed to be settling in fine. They didn’t even seem to miss their siblings. Lucky was sitting in the hammock in the top of the trailer, which provided her a nice view out of the window and rain cover. They had a small amount of dry kitten food in a bowl that was secured in the bottom of the trailer and they had rigged a holder for the water bottle on one of the back poles. The kittens took to drinking out of the bottle fine, but she hadn’t seen Lucky drink out of it at all. Sam had placed a shallow catch bowl under the bottle in case it leaked because of the bumps once they were moving.

  Sam couldn’t think of anything else they needed to do or adjust and the sun was shining in a bright clear sky. She took one last look around put her gas mask and bike helmet on. They were both bundled up for the cold but with clothing that would be comfortable for riding. The kittens had a hot water bottle tucked under their cuddle sack and under a blanket inside of the cube. They wheeled the bikes with trailers outside and Tom locked both sets of doors. He hid the key under a pot where Chris had asked him to leave it and they both mounted up on their bikes and coasted down the hill to the highway.

  They were going to stick to the back roads and trails where they could. They knew the way was clear leaving Douglasville, but they didn’t want to take a chance of someone driving up on them on the Freeway where they wouldn’t be able to move the bikes and trailers off to the side of the road. They had discussed traveling at night but without decent night vision goggles it would be too hard, not to mention riding a bike with night vision goggles wouldn’t be easy either.

  They had to stop a few times early on to make adjustments. There was something squeaking on Tom’s trailer luckily, he had a can of WD-40 that took care of it. They also had to adjust a few items that s
hifted and secure them better. Sam big atlas with detailed maps of the area. She had marked out their route and when they stopped for lunch, she estimated they had gone about seventeen miles. She calculated the distance to her home in Texas and determined it would take them almost a month to reach it if they went forty miles a day. She hoped they would be able to manage at least that. She recalled that when they were walking, they had done thirty miles in a day, but she was exhausted at the end and they didn’t have a tenth of the stuff they had now! She guessed having all the extra stuff would make the trip a little easier. Plus, she also had Lucky and the kittens to worry about.

  She checked on them as soon as they stopped. Lucky wanted to get as soon as she opened the front, but she didn’t feel comfortable letting her out lose yet. She put a cat harness and leash she had brought for just this occasion and let her go as far as the lead would let her. She replenished the dry kitten food and gave Lucky a small bowl of water. The three kittens seemed fine, even though they were cooped up. She had noticed they didn’t move around a lot when the trailer was moving but now that they were stopped, they were all over the inside of the trailer.


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