The Sex Myth

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by Rachel Hills

  hotness and, 85–90

  opposite of sex, 104–7

  overview, 83–85

  pleasure and, 84–85

  relationships and, 90–94

  see also desirability

  deviance, 3, 42, 55, 57, 67–68, 77–82, 131

  Díaz, Junot, vii

  Disney, 13, 77, 140, 143–44, 174

  divorce, 142

  dopamine, 41

  Duff, Hilary, 13

  Dunham, Lena, 210

  see also Girls (TV series)

  Dworkin, Andrea, 13

  dysfunction. See female sexual dysfunction; Viagra

  Elias, Norbert, 45, 47

  emotional needs, 37, 64, 103

  England, Paula, 6, 106

  Estonia, 53

  Ethical Slut, The, 14

  ethnicity, 162

  Everwood (TV series), 98

  experimentation, 25, 66, 136, 141, 162, 176–78, 200, 203

  extramarital affairs, 40

  Facebook, 124, 150

  Farvid, Panteá, 119

  Female Chauvinist Pigs (Levy), 14, 52

  Female Eunuch, The (Greer), 156

  female sexual dysfunction (FSD), 189–90


  being a “good girl,” 145–51

  fun and fearlessness, 155–64

  “girl power,” 164–65

  overview, 139–42

  sex and, 142–45

  submissiveness, 151–55

  Fey, Tina, 16

  FHM magazine, 14, 172

  Fifty Shades of Grey (James), 152, 176

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 15

  Flood, Michael, 125–26

  Fogarty, Alison, 106

  food, sex and, 171

  40 Days and 40 Nights (film), 6

  Foucault, Michel, 22, 30, 41, 199–200

  France, 53

  Freud, Sigmund, 188

  Friday, Nancy, 152

  Friends (TV series), 174–75

  Gagnon, John, 40, 52

  Game, The (Strauss), 100

  gay chicken, 133, 137

  Gay-Straight Alliance, 29, 73

  Germany, 53

  GetUp!, 74

  Giddens, Anthony, 196–97

  Gilmore Girls (TV series), 98

  “girl hunting,” 122, 127

  Girl with a One-Track Mind (Margolis), 160

  Girls (TV series), 161, 210–11

  Girls Gone Wild,13, 16

  Glamour magazine, 162, 170–71, 174, 176–77

  Glee (TV series), 70

  Gomez, Selena, 13

  Google Glass, 168

  Gossip Girl (TV series), 11–12, 211

  Grant, Linda, 21–22

  Grazian, David, 122, 125, 127

  Grease (film), 148

  Greer, Germaine, 156

  Guyland (Kimmel), 4, 50

  Haag, Pamela, 79–80, 213

  halo effect, 87, 93

  Hamilton, Laura, 158, 163

  Happy Hook–Up, The, 14

  Hartnett, Josh, 6

  Harvey Nichols, 163

  HBO, 161, 210

  Heldman, Caroline, 100, 103

  heteronormativity, 79

  Hilton, Paris and Nicky, 13

  HIV/AIDS, 131, 148

  Hollway, Wendy, 103

  Hollywood, 85, 105

  homohysteria, 131

  homophobia, 69, 112, 130, 132, 135–36, 204

  homosexuality, 6–7, 22, 42–43, 63, 67, 69–75, 77, 181–83, 196, 201, 204

  hookups, 7, 17–18, 28, 87, 93, 100–103, 106, 121–22, 137, 150, 153, 158–59, 161, 173

  hormones, 41, 61, 179

  Huffington Post, The, 168

  Hunt, Alan, 24

  impotence, 61, 190

  In Our Words (blog), 71

  Inclusive Masculinity (Anderson), 131

  inclusivity, 110, 137

  innocence, 66, 88, 165


  pornography and, 7, 39

  publishing and, 219

  interview subjects

  Alice, 83–84

  Andrew, 99, 123–25

  Annabelle, 146–47, 157

  Ashley, 101–2, 181–82

  Ben, 65–66, 117

  Brit, 139–40, 142, 188–89

  Caleb, 94, 128–30

  Cara, 62–65, 208

  Chinara, 85–86

  Christopher, 114–16

  Courtney, 80–82, 98–99

  Edward, 71–74, 183

  Ethan, 19–21

  Evan, 39–40

  Greta, 39, 47–49

  Henry, 89–90, 198–99, 209

  Jasmine, 102, 183–85, 194

  Jennifer, 153–55, 157

  Josh, 114

  Katie, 148–51, 194

  Lauren, 29–30

  Marie, 105–6

  Max, 109–12, 133

  Meghan, 91–93, 106–7, 197–98

  Michael, 55–57, 132–33

  Natalie, 88

  Nate, 120–23

  Noah, 25–26

  Nyn, 75–77

  Portia, 69–71, 73–74

  Priya, 156–57

  Rebecca, 51–52

  Sam, 86–87

  Sarah, 27–28

  Shannon, 17–19

  Sofia, 36–38, 47–48

  Stephanie, 96–97

  Tullia, 22–23, 28

  Yusuf, 44, 134–36, 194

  Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl (Magnanti), 160

  Jackson, E. W., 204

  Jackson, Stevi, 42, 169, 213

  Jancovich, Mark, 24–26

  Jezebel, 95, 209–10

  Johansson, Scarlett, 22

  judgment, freedom from, 24–25

  Kahnoodle app, 168

  Kardashian, Kim, 13

  Kerr, Miranda, 22

  Kimmel, Michael, 4, 6, 50, 111


  BDSM and, 75, 162, 173, 176–78

  coolness of, 75

  Girls and, 211

  as lifestyle, 173–78

  norms and, 65, 69, 75–77, 79

  sexual identity and, 47, 84

  sexual performance and, 172–78

  spontaneity and, 192

  Kinsey, Alfred, 60

  Kressley, Carson, 131

  Lady Gaga, 50, 130, 156, 165

  Levy, Ariel, 14, 52, 211–12

  Lion King, The (film), 144

  love, 24, 32–33, 44, 47–48, 63, 74, 91, 101–3, 121, 144–45

  Machin, David, 40

  MacKinnon, Catharine, 13

  Madonna, 156, 165

  Magnanti, Brooke, 160

  Margolis, Zoe, 160–61

  Marie Claire magazine, 162


  abstinence and, 58, 66, 85, 96, 118, 141, 146–49, 179, 197

  middle class and, 24

  norms and, 79, 202

  proper age for, 31

  same-sex, 38, 67–69, 74–75

  sex and, 15, 21, 25, 40, 58, 67–68, 78, 179–80

  vs. being single, 28, 93


  homosexuality and femininity, 130–36

  overview, 109–13

  removing straitjacket of, 136–38

  sex as sport, 120–25

  sexual insatiability and, 113–17

  sexual violence and, 125–30

  three-Fs culture, 117–20

  masturbation, 57, 61, 137, 146, 188

  Max, Tucker, 121

  Maxim magazine, 14, 170, 172–73, 176

  Mean Girls (film), 16

  Men’s Health magazine, 170, 172

  Millennials, 7, 12–19

  Millet, Catherine, 160

  Mitchell, Kaye, 160–61

  modernity, evolution to, 45–46

  monogamy, 15, 67, 75–76, 101, 152, 164, 177–78, 202

  morality, 2, 8–9, 15, 24–25, 27, 35, 61, 68, 146–47, 202

  Moynihan, Ray, 190–91

  Myers, Kristen, 143

  National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 116

/>   National Center for Transgender Equality, 77

  National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 77

  National Union of Students (UK), 127

  Netherlands, the, 138

  “Never Have I Ever” game, 19

  New York magazine, 180

  New York Observer, 26

  New York Times Magazine, 153

  New York University, 6, 32, 61

  Nikunen, Kaarina, 172

  90210 (TV series), 12

  norms, sex and

  defining sexuality, 71–78

  heteronormativity, 78–82

  importance of, 59–66

  overview, 55–58

  shifting of, 66–70

  NPR (National Public Radio), 14

  nymphomania, 146, 186

  O-Shot, 190

  objectification, 13, 32, 160

  OkCupid, 15, 64

  Online College Social Life Survey, 17

  oral sex, 57, 106, 115, 142, 183

  Orgasm Inc. (film), 189

  Orgasmatron, 189

  Orgone Box, 15

  oxytocin, 41

  Parents Television Council (PTC), 11–12

  Pascoe, C. J., 135

  performance, sexual

  kink and, 173–78

  knowledge and, 169–72

  orgasms, 185–91

  overview, 167–69

  pleasure and, 191–92

  spontaneity, 178–85

  Perry, Katy, 20

  Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, 69

  Playboy magazine, 13

  pleasure, sex and

  abnormal sex, 68

  consumer sex, 52

  culture, 60

  desire, 84–85, 104

  exploitation, 80

  hookups, 80, 153

  intimacy, 182–83

  lack of, 153, 155

  morality, 38

  orgasms, 185–91

  performance, 167, 169–70, 191, 195–96

  Sex Myth, 8, 41, 213

  sexual freedom, 21, 32–33, 35, 141, 160, 201, 203

  women and, 141, 160

  Plummer, Ken, 35

  pole dancing, 62, 162

  pornography, 7, 13, 38–39, 55, 68, 85, 155, 161, 167, 172, 190, 194

  Potts, Annie, 187

  Power of Beauty (Friday), 152

  power, sex and, 32–33

  pregnancy, 29–30, 116, 147–48, 158, 170, 176

  premature ejaculation, 59–61

  Przybylo, Ela, 40


  attraction and, 87

  gender and, 103, 119, 127

  sexual liberation and, 32

  sexuality and, 160, 181, 186–87, 190

  Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (TV series), 70, 131

  rape, 118, 126, 157, 201, 204

  “raunch culture,” 16

  Raymond, Laura, 143

  Rees, Amanda, 42

  Regnerus, Mark, 14

  Reich, Wilhelm, 15, 186

  religion, 32, 46, 65, 69, 78, 142, 146–48, 218

  repression, 22, 24, 31–32, 40, 98, 203, 212

  Republicans, 66–67, 197

  Rivers, Ian, 132

  romance, 43, 143–44

  Rosin, Hannah, 158–59

  Rubin, Gayle, 67–68, 79

  Rules, The (Fein and Schneider), 100

  same-sex marriage, 38, 67–69, 74–75

  Savage, Dan, 64–65, 173

  Schalet, Amy T., 138

  Schwartz, Pepper, 181

  Science/Fiction of Sex, The (Potts), 187

  Scott, Catherine, 174

  Scott, Sue, 169

  Second Sex, The (de Beauvoir), 151

  Seventeen magazine, 116

  Sex and the City (TV series), 155–56, 211

  sex blogs, 160–61, 170

  Sex-Crazy Nympho Dream Girl, 186

  Sex Is Not a Natural Act (Tiefer), 32, 43, 185

  Sex Myth

  consumer sex, 49–53

  idealization/fear of sex, 38–41

  overview, 35–38

  science of, 41–44

  sex and identity, 44–49

  sex toys, 39, 68, 140, 171, 188

  sexiness, 20, 141

  Sexing the Millennium (Grant), 21

  sexless relationships, 40, 103, 181–82

  sexting, 116

  Sexual Conduct (Gagnon and Simon), 40, 52

  sexual freedom, 9, 31, 65, 156–57, 160, 164–65, 203, 205, 214

  sexual liberalism, 23, 66, 203

  sexual liberation

  critical nature of, 30–33

  identity, 22–25

  Millennials and, 12–19

  norms, 19–22

  overview, 11–12

  young adults and, 25–30

  Sexual Life of Catherine M, The (Millet), 160

  sexual memoirs, 161

  sexual positions, 1, 30, 57, 126, 155, 168–69, 172–74, 179, 192

  sexual revolution, 21, 212, 214

  sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 148, 169–70

  Skins (TV series), 11–12, 211

  slang, sexual, 124, 128

  Slate, 14

  sluts, 79–80, 92, 148, 163–64, 196, 204

  Smiler, Andrew, 127

  social status, 3, 32, 53, 85, 91

  Spears, Britney, 13

  Spreadsheets app, 167–68

  Spurr, Pam, 174


  female sexuality, 151, 157

  fraternities, 110–11

  gay men, 130–31

  lesbians, 71

  losing one’s virginity, 80

  male sexuality, 110–11, 117, 127

  students, 16–17

  subjectification, 160, 199

  taboos, 32, 46

  Teen Mom (TV series), 176


  dating and, 93

  in popular culture, 11–12

  pregnancy, 116

  sex and, 13, 15–16, 18, 25, 29, 117, 119, 138

  testosterone, 41

  Thicke, Robin, 20

  “Thinking Sex” (Rubin), 79

  Thorn, Clarisse, 186–87

  Thornborrow, Joanna, 40

  threesomes, 27, 55, 62, 115, 154, 173, 176

  Tiefer, Leonore, 32, 43, 185

  Times Magazine (UK), 79–80

  Tinder, 15

  transgender, 22, 58, 77, 79, 96, 214

  transgressive acts, 22, 29, 50, 69, 140, 161, 168, 173, 177, 195

  True Love Waits, 179

  Tumblr, 210

  twentysomethings, 13–16, 25–27, 81, 161, 210

  Twitter, 26, 204

  UC Berkeley, 120

  United Kingdom, 69, 73, 132

  University of North Carolina, 146

  University of Northern Iowa, 50

  University of Pennsylvania, 122, 127, 159


  US News & World Report, 15

  Valenti, Jessica, 146

  VanCamp, Emily, 98–99

  Viagra, 169, 190

  Victorian culture, 3, 15, 31, 38

  Victoria’s Secret, 13, 22, 85, 123

  virginity, 6, 11, 27, 39, 58, 80, 82–83, 89, 96–97, 115, 119, 142, 146–50, 158, 183, 194

  vulnerability, 32, 63, 100, 102–4, 113, 137, 146, 152, 193

  Vulture (blog), 180

  vulvodynia, 183–84

  Wade, Lisa, 100, 103

  Waller, Willard, 93–94

  waxing, 23, 95, 210

  wet dreams, 61

  Wilde, Olivia, 180

  Will and Grace (TV series), 70, 131

  Williams, Robin, 114

  Winter, Tim, 12

  World Health Organization (WHO), 201


  York University, 42

  YouTube, 74, 204

  Zoo Weekly magazine, 173

  Simon & Schuster Paperbacks

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  Copyright © 2015 by Rachel Hills

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  Cover design by Jonathan Bush

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Hills, Rachel.

  The sex myth : the gap between our fantasies and reality / Rachel Hills.

  pages cm

  1. Sex customs. 2. Sex (Psychology)—Social aspects. 3. Identity (Psychology). 4. Sex in popular culture. 5. Feminism. 6. Feminist Theory. I. Title.

  HQ21.H4565 2015



  ISBN 978-1-4516-8578-7

  ISBN 978-1-4516-8580-0 (ebook)

  Note to readers: Some names and identifying details of people portrayed in this book have been changed.




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