Bloodshed (The BlackGuard Society Book 2)

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Bloodshed (The BlackGuard Society Book 2) Page 5

by SF Benson


  More Problems


  * * *

  By morning, our plans were due for a major reversal. Despite the BlackGuard’s best efforts, an innocent man—a soldier—had been killed by a rogue. My family wasn’t crazy about my decision, but I went to the scene with Ace. Thankfully, we arrived before the Quarter filled with tourists, allowing me to slip a privacy bubble around the area and begin gathering facts.

  No one had to tell me what was responsible for the heinous crime. The victim died from exsanguination. Without any obvious signs of a struggle, the perp possibly coerced the man. I crouched down, checked his neck, and found two tiny puncture marks on the right side. A small amount of blood had dried on his collar.

  “What do you have?” Ace asked.

  Rising to my feet, I said, “Vampire, but it wasn’t our target. She struck about an hour ago.”

  “How do you know it’s a female?”

  I thought back to the glimpse I had of Alexander at Club Sensualle. His fangs would be considerably larger than the delicate holes gracing the soldier’s flesh. “The puncture wounds aren’t wide enough to belong to a male.”

  “Fuck.” My husband ran a hand over his bald head. “Just what we needed. Chasing down two goddamned bloodsuckers.”

  Ace absolutely had no love for vampires. His aversion stemmed from the Broussard family’s history with my father. Servitude had a tendency to create hatred. As far as Ace was concerned, however, he tolerated my vampiric side because he loved me. If someone had asked him to do a solid for a vamp, however, they would soon learn his opinion of the predators.

  “Ya do realize this trumps figuring out shit with the Merciers,” he added.

  I nodded. “I’ll break the news to Colby and Clint.”

  * * *

  By the time we returned to the Garden District, the word about the deceased soldier was out. Rather than meet at my parents’ house, Ace and I were summoned to Kragen’s mansion.

  Our self-appointed BGS head and coven leader held court in a small space off his drawing room. The angular and regal vamp sat on his favorite chair beside the fireplace. Elders, agents, and my mother had already arrived. Colby and Clint entered behind us.

  Kragen, a traditional being who preferred to rest during the day, scowled at my husband and me as we found our seats. The vampire’s distinctive accent was a little thicker that time of morning. It was like listening to Foghorn Leghorn on tranquilizers—slow as molasses in the middle of a Nebraska winter. “Took ya long enough.”

  Ace’s full lips parted, but I shook my head. Defending our tardiness was a bad idea when Kragen merely wanted answers. Anything more would only piss him off.

  “Very well. I’ve called y’all here because of the recent situation. It’s important ta rid the Quarter of all these damn rogues, but for the moment, we’re ta focus all our efforts on the latest vampires.”

  So he knew about the latest one?

  He steepled his slender fingers as his narrow gaze bounced around the room. “Clint, I’m assigning ya the task of finding the female vampire. If she was recently turned, the vampiress will be in bloodlust. Where was the victim found?”

  I nudged Ace.

  “Baronne and Union. Not far from the Hibernia Tower.”

  Kragen stroked his chin. “If the new vamp is local, she might live in the area. At best, she could be residing at one of the hotels. Do a wide sweep.”

  “There’s a possibility she could have been a dancer at Club Sensualle,” I interjected. “That was the last place we saw Alexander.”

  Edwina, standing in a corner on the far end of the room, hissed. “Ya saw him?”

  Ace said, “We did. He was intrigued by the young woman. They both disappeared.”

  “If y’all had let me handle my business years ago, Alexander wouldn’t be a problem,” stated Edwina.

  Kragen’s eyes darkened. “If we’d let ya exterminate him, we would have had backlash from the whole damn community. Killing rogues is one thing. Ending a vampire for doing his due diligence is disgraceful.”

  Due diligence? Is he kidding?

  Edwina’s heavily painted red lips curled, and her nose wrinkled. “Catering to a deceitful son of a bitch is absolutely outrageous! If ya son’s mama was the one who’d been turned, ya would have searched the ends of the earth for Alexander.”

  Mother cleared her throat. “Edwina, we don’t need to hear a diatribe about unfairness and race relations. We all know you were dealt a poor hand in life. Get over it.”

  Why did my mother butt in?

  The hybrid’s nostrils flared. She raised her hand, ready to inflict harm. “Witch, be careful of what ya say to me.”

  Mother smirked. “As if I’d be afraid of you.” She turned to Kragen. “Is this meeting adjourned yet?”

  He bobbed his head.

  Etienne Bettancourt, looking like an eighties’ rocker who’d been up all night, said, “We’ll help comb the area.” He glanced over at Edwina. “Sweetie, if you promise to leave your broom behind, we can leave now.”

  He knew witches didn’t ride brooms. It was his way of trying to lighten the mood.

  She pursed her lips and gave Mother the evil eye. “Fine. I just happen to have a couple of daytime charms with me. Let’s go.”

  The trio headed for the front door along with the rest of the Elders. Mother pushed to her feet and smoothed out her skirt.

  She asked, “Are you coming, Morgan?”

  “We’ll meet you,” I said.

  Eating breakfast had to take a back burner. It was more important we decide what would be done about the Merciers.

  Once Mother exited the room, Clint and Colby sat on the vacated chairs near Kragen.

  Our illustrious leader looked over at them. “I know what ya want ta discuss. The answer is no.” I opened my mouth, but he lifted his palm. “I’m not saying that the Merciers are not worthy of our attention, but they’re not a priority. We’re charged with keeping this city safe for humans. Have ya forgotten that?”

  No one spoke.

  “Clint, ya have ya assignment. Head over to Club Sensualle and see what ya can find out.”

  My son stood to go with Clint.

  “Sit ya ass down, boy,” Kragen said sternly. “Don’t make me say it twice.”

  Clint said something indistinguishable to Colby and then rushed from the room.

  The lanky vamp leaned back and studied my son. Although I wasn’t the immediate recipient of Kragen’s wrath, his intense glare unnerved me. After an uncomfortably long minute, he said, “Ya have feelings for my son. Don’t bother denying it. I can appreciate whatever it is the two of ya have, but it presents a problem.”

  I sure hope this isn’t going to be a homophobic discussion. I didn’t tolerate any type of prejudice.

  Kragen continued, “Clint works for the BGS. He does whatever he’s told ta do. Colby, ya haven’t been tested. I don’t know if I can trust ya. Feel me?”

  My son gripped the chair arms so tightly one of them cracked.

  “Now, son, if ya want ta hang out with Clint after this is said and done, ya can do that. Until then, ya need ta go home with ya mama and adopted daddy. Be a good boy and study real hard. Maybe the next case—”

  “I’m nobody’s boy!” Colby interrupted.

  My heart stopped. Nobody cut off Kragen and lived to tell it. “Colby—”

  “No, Mom. This bloodsucker was talking to me.”

  A dazed look crossed Kragen’s face. It was quickly replaced by a tentative smile that slowly grew. “The puppy has balls.” He sat forward. “If he wants ta keep them, I suggest he mind his manners.”

  Colby rose to his feet. “I’m not afraid of you. Remember, I’m a Mercier. There’s little you can do to me.”

  I dropped my head in my hands. My son was going to get himself killed with that attitude.

  Ace stood. “Listen, it’s too early for this shit. Let’s call this a done deal.”

en, ignoring my husband, glared at my son. Colby returned the gesture.

  Jumping up, I said, “Okay. Enough. Colby, go home. We’ll be there soon.”

  He sneered at the vampire before strolling out of the room.

  When I heard the front door slam, I said, “Kragen, forgive him. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.”

  “That’s where ya wrong. Ya son knows exactly what he’s doing. Actually, I don’t have a problem with the kid.”

  “Are ya sure ya don’t have a problem with Colby?” Ace asked. “Because from where I stand, I think ya have issues with the man’s sexuality.”

  Kragen rested his elbow on the chair arm. “When ya become a father, ya tell me how ya feel about those things. Clint has always presented himself as a hundred percent male. I’m sure he’s only humoring the boy.”

  I sent a silent message to Ace. “Leave it alone. Kragen doesn’t know the full story. I’ll tell you later.”

  My husband glanced at me and then said, “I’m not here to tell ya what to do, but I’d tread lightly with that young man. The Merciers practice some dark shit. I don’t want my son to resort to any of it. Once someone dabbles in black magic, it messes them up. Taints their fucking souls. Ya feel me?”

  This isn’t happening. It had to be a nightmare.

  Before another word could be uttered, I grabbed Ace’s elbow and dragged him out of the house. When we reached the front yard, I faced him. “What was that?”

  “Just a warning. The Merciers are dangerous, which makes Colby dangerous. There’s no need for any of us, including that pompous-ass vampire, to provoke the man. Colby’s not a boy. Kragen needs to remember that.”

  “Okay.” Then I recalled Kragen’s words to my son and smiled. “I told you Colby had more than friendship in mind with Clint.”

  Ace said, “Whether that’s true or not is none of our business. Besides, Clint’s straight.”

  “No. He’s bi. Big difference, husband.”

  His eyes bugged, and then he held his head back, staring up at the sky. “This was supposed to be the easy part. Raising him was over.”

  I laughed and tugged on Ace’s arm. “Raising kids is never a one-and-done job. Just ask my parents. They’d swear they weren’t finished with me.”


  When I opened the door, Mother was waiting in the foyer. She didn’t speak. Just pointed toward the ceiling. Translation? Go talk to my son.

  It wasn’t a conversation I wanted to have. Hell, I didn’t even know where to begin.

  Ace touched my shoulder. “Ya start with what he did wrong. Then ask him if he wants to talk about what happened.”

  Actually, that wasn’t a bad plan. We headed upstairs. Outside of Colby’s room, I knocked and waited for my son to answer. When he didn’t speak, I tried the knob and the door opened. He was standing in front of the window with his back to us.

  “I was wondering how long it would take you,” he mumbled. “You don’t have to tell me I was wrong, but Kragen had it coming. He treated me like a child.”

  “True.” I stopped beside Colby. “Thankfully, you didn’t have a temper tantrum. Still… You have to be careful around that vampire. He doesn’t like to be crossed.”

  My son faced me. “And I don’t like being called out in front of my parents.”

  Kragen shouldn’t have done that. He should have discussed the matter with the two parties involved.

  “Is there anything you want to talk about, Colby? I’m here to listen, not judge.”

  He glanced over at Ace. My husband held up his hands and left the room. He wasn’t offended. He knew that eventually Colby would confide in him instead of me.

  “Mom, I’m not gay. I like girls, but I like Clint too. What’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing. You follow your heart. It’s all any of us can do. Whoever you end up with is what’s right for you. I can’t tell you that. Ace can’t. And even though Kragen thinks he knows everything, he can’t either.” I studied my son’s expression for a moment. “Does Clint know how you feel?”

  “Yeah. We both said this wasn’t anything serious.”

  “But could it be?”

  Colby shrugged. “The undercover idea we had was a chance to explore it. Find out if we wanted that kind of relationship. Now…”

  I tapped my son’s arm. “Hey, if it’s meant for you, it’ll happen. In the meantime, Clint’s going to need his friend. It’s not easy being Kragen’s son.”

  “I know. Clint’s told me. The bloodsucker thinks his son is straight as a fucking board.” Colby’s face reddened when he realized he swore in front of me. “Sorry, Mom.”

  “No need.” I started to straighten his collar and caught myself. If I was going to treat him like an adult, I couldn’t treat him like a little kid needing his mother for trivial things. “Listen to me. Your life hasn’t been ideal. Now, you have the opportunity to live the way you see fit. None of us in this household will judge you, but you can’t go around reminding people about your father’s side of the family.”


  “But nothing. The Merciers are not the reputable witches they should be. It’s why they’re caught up in a battle with the Red Witch. We don’t need to join the fray. Understood?”

  “I do.”

  “Good. Why don’t you…” I almost told him to clean up for breakfast. Adults don’t have to be told. “Join us for breakfast? Ace would appreciate a thank you as well. He didn’t have to go to bat for you.”

  “I know.”

  A phone buzzed. Colby walked over to the bed and flipped it over. “Hey, Clint wants me to meet him. Do you mind?”

  “Of course not,” I lied and headed toward the hall. “We’ll see you later.”

  As I closed the door behind me, I leaned against it. I had to remember that Colby was an adult, but deep down he was still my little boy. A child who was going to get his heart broken fooling around with Clint Bonaparte.

  “Everything okay, dawlin’?” Ace stepped out of the shadows.

  “Eventually, it will be.” We walked toward the staircase. “Colby is having his first crush. Although he says it’s nothing serious, I don’t believe him.”

  My husband put his arm around my shoulders and kissed my temple before we descended the steps. “Ya have to trust him.”

  “I don’t want him to get hurt. Clint will break his heart into a million pieces.”

  Although I’d never been attracted to the dhampir, I’d seen him in action. Clint went through females like an alcoholic guzzling booze. Kragen’s son had had his fair share of men too. It was a secret I stumbled across. Before Ace and I became an item, I used to hang out in the Quarter. I was passing a gay bar on Bourbon Street when I saw Clint. He was lip locking with some guy. When Clint saw me, he freaked out, but I promised him I’d never tell his father.

  “It can’t be avoided. All ya can do is be there when Colby needs help picking up and sorting through the pieces.”

  And there would be pieces. Lots and lots of little shards.


  Bloodlust Sets In


  * * *

  The smell of B.O. from my dirty laundry brought me out of my slumber. I crawled to the door, cracked it open, and gingerly stuck my hand out. Although I could see the sun was setting, I didn’t want another sizzling experience. Assured I was safe, I sat back and considered what to do next.

  What did I normally do when I first woke up?

  Go to the bathroom, but strangely I didn’t feel the need.

  After I peed, then what?

  Brush my teeth. Carefully, I ran my tongue over the surface. I checked my breath. Nothing. Did vampires not have odors?

  I might be able to forgo the toilet and brushing my teeth, but I was definitely hitting the shower. Grabbing my favorite leather jeans, a silky black blouse, and a pair of black stilettos, I left the closet. A quick stop for fresh underwear and then it was down the hall to get clean. Vampires in the movies always appeared dusty
to me. Walking around looking like the crypt keeper’s assistant wasn’t my style.

  Stepping beneath the water, I popped open my shower gel and poured out a generous dollop. Soon, a veritable lush garden of scent—night-blooming jasmine, blue violet, sheer lavender, lily of the valley, and soft musk—filled the stall. I basked in the fragrance until the water ran cold.

  Dressing was easy since I didn’t require a mirror. Doing my makeup, however, would be damn impossible. I’d have no idea if my mascara was on my lashes or beneath them. I settled for a little lip balm as I realized my entire beauty regimen would have to change. Was that the reason movie vampires had that sickly look? They couldn’t see themselves and thought looks no longer mattered?

  Half an hour later, I thought I was ready for the evening. As I combed through my naturally curly hair, my hands began shaking. My mouth dried out like the fucking Sahara as the craving returned.

  Being thirsty for blood was like being a damn addict. I thought I’d had enough with that poor soldier. How in the hell will I do it again?

  It seemed like the more blood I ingested, the more I wanted it. My body shook with the need.

  Then I heard it. A sound totally foreign to me. The gush of blood like water flowing in a stream. Where was it coming from?

  As I walked through my apartment, the sound became louder. I inhaled. Wrong move. The smell of blood lingered like a fine cologne on an equally fine man. I raised the window and drew in a deep breath. It was fucking intoxicating.

  Honestly, I had no desire to spend my nights chasing down my next meal, but there was no fighting the hunger. My body roared with a need so intense it sent me to my knees.

  I have to find him.

  I have to have him.


  My feet carried me faster than I thought possible. Out of the apartment and into the night. I slithered through the streets so quickly no one was aware of me.

  His heavenly aroma surrounded me. It was everywhere and nowhere all it once. My fangs itched to sink themselves into flesh while my tongue curled in anticipation of the sweet, sweet taste.


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