Black Hearts Red

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Black Hearts Red Page 13

by Leigh, Anne

  Matteo never said anything to David or to me, he’d merely shook David’s hand after I’d made the introductions.

  “Whatever happened to that fool?” Matteo asked.

  “He was a friend. He’s in MIT right now.”

  “Ah. Nerdy.”

  I shook my head and laughed, “Nothing wrong with nerdy.”

  “You have all these guys pining for you, Ali…” A strong tick on the side of his jaw was evident, his eyes turning darker, “Greyson, that Davis fool, Deckard.”


  He ignored me as he kept going, “All these guys, but you have no boyfriend. Why is that?”

  “You want me to have a boyfriend?”

  “Not my point.”

  “None of ya business,” I smothered the giggle in my throat.

  “How come? Poor Deckard’s probably thinking he has a chance with you.” Matteo went with me to go bowling with Deckard last night. Deckard had invited his other friends, one girl and one guy and we all had tons of fun.

  Deckard and Matteo really hit it off. I didn’t think they were friends, but they were more than acquaintances now. Deckard asked if there was something going on with Matteo and I, and I just kept saying we were friends, but I didn’t know if he bit onto that nugget of information.

  “I don’t know. I guess I just friend zone them. Greyson’s really like Nic to me. He’s like a younger brother that I need to look out for. The other guys? I just don’t feel the chemistry with them.”

  He gave me a pointed look before finishing the last bites of his sandwich. “How about in Berkeley? Any guys there?”

  “Why the sudden interest in my dating life?”

  “I’ve always been interested in your dating life.” He said quietly, sounding like a confession, “So any suitors in Berkeley?”

  My throat was suddenly dry. Matteo and I were in a weird stage right now. We were friends, but not just friends. There were times during the day, when we were in a meeting, I’d catch him looking at me and my face would flush. He held my hand a lot when we were seated closely, and my body was reacting to his subtle touches.

  “I’ve gone on a few dates,” I admitted, college was a haven for new experiences, and I was hoping that maybe I’d finally hand out my V-card to someone worthy in the four years I’d be there. There were a few candidates that had been texting me while I was on a summer break, but I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to spend naked time with them.

  “You know Berkeley’s only an hour and a half of a plane ride from me,” he said, almost nonchalant in his assessment.


  “In two weeks you’re going back to school, Ali.”

  “Yeah.” I felt a cloud of melancholy settle over me. I’d really enjoyed learning how business works in the real world at T & T. But if I was being truly honest with myself, I really liked being this in close proximity with Matteo. Now that we’ve cleared the air between us, I wanted to explore our newly found friendship or whatever this was.

  “Would it be okay if I visited you there?” He was asking for the green light.

  And I wanted to give him the gas to do it. “Of course.”

  “Maybe you could save your weekends for me?” Matteo had never been vague about what he wanted. He always went all out for it.

  “Don’t you have to travel to Canada next month and then Mexico?” As his shadow for the past month, I knew his schedule and as the words came out of my mouth, I just realized what I’d blurted out.

  “You’ve been checking my schedule in advance?” An appraising look spread over his face. “My, my Ali…why?”

  I hesitated, “I just happened to see it.”

  Slowly, he touched his right knuckle to my chin and then he opened his hand to rub my skin. The effect on my body was instant. Electric. Driven by need.

  “Matty,” I whispered as I closed my eyes. I couldn’t help it. He was putting me into a hypnotic state of bliss.

  And that was just from his touch.

  His thumb rubbed my lower lip as a moan left my mouth, and my ears burned at the words that came out of his mouth, “You make me so fucking hard.”

  I forced my eyes open and we’d just had lunch, but Matteo’s eyes were filled with a dark, primal hunger.

  I’d never been this bold.

  On the mat, I could fight my way out of an arm bar.

  But what he’d just revealed hung between us, and I found myself wanting, oh so much want, to explore it.

  I was wearing a white blouse with a light orange skirt that reached below my knees.

  Matteo locked the chair so it would stop swiveling, and as I climbed on top of him, my skirt had ridden up all the way to my thighs.

  He didn’t say anything, but his eyes were burning as he palmed my breasts through the thin, silk fabric.

  Maybe like me, he was afraid to ruin this moment.

  My legs were spread over him, the lace of my underwear proving to be no match for the bulge burgeoning inside his pant suit.

  God, he was huge.

  I grinded my hips against his, trying to create friction to give myself pleasure.

  “Ali. God, you’re gorgeous.” His words came in quick harsh breaths. Of the two of us, I had no doubts that he was more experienced in this sort of thing, but he was letting me take command. He wasn’t forcing himself on me.

  I pressed my lips to his mouth, my arms rounding the back of his neck.

  My tongue lingered on his thick lips, tasting what he’d had for lunch with a hint of the salt of his skin. I felt his hand tease my nipple through my bra and the other hand edging higher to where the lace met my pleasure center.

  “Touch me.” I mustered up to say the words, “Please.”

  My tongue slipped inside his mouth, and he welcomed me without resistance. I felt the searing burn of his kiss from the inside of my throat to the tips of my toes.

  I heard a button rip from my blouse followed by coarse skin creeping inside my bra.

  I was burning from the inside out, but he didn’t stop. I didn’t want him to stop. I never wanted him to stop.

  A thick finger caressed the front of my panties, and I let out a groan.

  “You feel me, babe?”

  “Yes. Yessss,” I answered, my hips moving closer to the finger doling out the pleasure. My back arched to accommodate the tingles spreading through my spine and the wildfire overtaking my insides.

  “I’ve wanted you for so long.” His voice was a hissed whisper in my ear, as his tongue left my mouth and I felt my right ear being given a thorough lick.

  “Matty --- please,” I didn’t beg much, but I needed him to relieve the ache.

  “Look at me, la mia belleza,” he commanded, his hands leaving mine as he carried me to his desk. He kept it so clean and organized that there was nothing on it apart from a few documents that were now scattered on the floor.

  I looked up as he lowered his head to where I’d never been touched by another person.

  “Spread your legs, baby. I want to taste you.” My legs opened before he could even finish his statement.

  I felt his hands tear through the lace of my panties. My skirt hid his head, but I knew that he was looking at me, at my exposed center, and I felt myself get even wetter.

  His tongue lapped at me and my back lifted from the desk. He pressed his hands on my legs for stability and I felt my insides give in to his touch.

  His fingers were gentle as they moved in slow circles, finding a rhythm that made me grow crazy.

  “You like that?” He was the boss of this kingdom, but right now, he was kneeling for me, giving me an insight to the world of pleasure I’d never gone to before him.

  A finger slowly pushed through me, and I let myself relax some more.

  Slowly he pulled the finger away, and I let out a sigh of protest.

  He stood up and I watched as he licked his finger filled with the proof of my desire.

  “I want to kiss you when I’m inside of you. I want to see th
e look in your eyes when you fall apart,” he said in a hoarse voice. His black dress shirt was mussed, his hair was rumpled, and he’d never looked sexier to me.

  I nodded my head and before I could say anything, he pushed my butt flushed to the edge of the desk as he ravished me with his mouth.

  There was nothing soft about this kiss.

  It was scorching, splintering. Breathtaking.

  My legs wrapped around his as his finger gently pushed into me.

  I felt his thick finger curl inside me and my butt slightly lifted off the desk.

  “You’re tight, babe. So tight,” he husked.

  “I want more,” I urged against his mouth. I could smell myself on him and a surge of wetness dripped out of me.

  “Yeah?” His grey eyes were now black with lust. I’d seen him at his best and at worst and in this moment, I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anything in my life.

  Another finger entered me, and I gave a hoarse, “Ohhhh.”

  I felt so full.

  His fingers plunged in and out of me.

  In and out. In, in, deeper in, and out.

  He matched his strokes with the kisses that he gave me.

  Before putting another finger in, he asked, “You okay?”

  My eyes were glazed with lust but I managed a, “Yes.”

  As soon as his third finger entered me, scissoring inside me with the sole purpose of torturing me, he pulled his mouth away from my lips as he said, “I want to fuck you like this. Just like this, Ali.”

  “Arrrghhh…” I craved the dizzying sensations he was giving me.

  His other hand pinched my left nipple that was now free from my bra and as I surged into oblivion, his fingers kept the maddening rhythm inside of me.

  “You wanna come, beautiful?” I loved the words that came out of his mouth as his fingers kept up with the torture, “You wanna come for me?”

  My legs clenched as I felt the exploding need to release, to let go.

  His thumb circled on my clit as his fingers entered me and I felt my body surrender in bliss.

  “Ooohhhh….I’m commming,” I let out a selfish moan, almost a cry. Matteo’s lips caught my scream and my body shuddered in the aftermath.

  He held me in the aftershock and when my breathing had slowly evened out, he pressed a kiss to my lips, “You’re even more beautiful when you come, Ali.”

  My skirt was severely disheveled, my hair was probably a mess, his office smelled like sex, and now that I could finally see through the fog of lust, I felt so shy. I couldn’t look him in the eye so I lowered my gaze to the floor, finding the black Persian rug where his black shiny shoes were firmly planted so utterly interesting.

  “Hey hey. None of that, babe.” Matteo obviously wasn’t having any of my newfound timidity. “Look at me.”

  I lifted my eyes to look at him and I found his eyes glowing in happiness.

  He didn’t get off. I was a virgin, but I knew that much. I wasn’t stupid in what went on between a man and a woman. Blue balls were not meant to make anyone happy.

  “You’re unsatisfied –“ I uttered. I found my pleasure, but he hadn’t. That wasn’t fair.

  “Shhh...” His face was sealed with joy. “We’re going to have time for that.”

  “Matty, I don’t know what came over me.” I’d initiated it. I’d always wanted him. Maybe he wasn’t ready for this. For me. I didn’t want it to be complicated.

  “Ali, stop overanalyzing things.” His voice was reprimanding as he caressed my hair, “I’m so fucking happy right now, so please don’t ruin it.”

  I was dumbfounded. “Happy?”

  “Don’t you know, pretty girl?” He said as his hands lowered down to my arms to give them a soft massage. “I’ve wanted you for so long.”


  He’d never given me any indication.

  “And now that I have you, I have so many plans for you.”

  I was still reveling in his admission.

  Matteo wasn’t finished, “In and out of the bedroom.”

  He was on the verge of saying more when a knock punctuated our conversation.

  “Sir, it’s time to go to the airport. Your car’s here.” It was Elaine.

  Oh good God, I’d spread my legs for him in his office. Anyone could have walked in. Granted, no one ever did until after they’d knocked.

  Matteo saw the worried look on my face. He pressed a soft kiss on my head, “Ali, let it go. Relax. I’ll be here tonight, okay? Maybe we can order in and spend time at my place?”

  My cheeks felt hot at the thought of sleeping over at his place. His parents were home now from their business trips and I felt like I was a teenager sneaking out for a sleepover. “Your mom and dad would know.”


  “It’s kinda embarrassing.”

  “You’re embarrassed about me?”

  “Sir?” Elaine’s voice persisted outside his office.

  “I got you, Elaine,” Matteo said in a loud voice, enough for her to hear him as she responded with an “Okay.”

  “It’s just weird,” How was I going to explain to his parents, especially his mom, that I wanted to sleep at Matteo’s?

  “You’re twenty. You’re not a kid anymore,” Matteo chuckled and I wanted to throttle him. He wouldn’t be the one telling his mom that I was sleeping over at her son’s place.

  “What if they say something to my parents?”

  “Then let them say it.” Matteo shrugged as he helped me get up on my feet, “I don’t plan to keep you, us, a secret. If you’re with me, you’re with me all the way, Ali.”

  Alrighty then.

  I guess I will be doing the walk of shame in front of his parents tonight.

  “Will you tell Nic about us?” I asked, as I tried to fix my skirt, getting rid of the wrinkles wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, but it gave me something to do.

  “Of course. I’m not hiding this from my best friend. Even if he is your brother.” He paused, his eyes roaming my current state of uneasiness. Nicholas was a good older brother; he didn’t say much about my dating life. As long as the guy treated me right, he’d never forbid me to date a guy.

  I spied my underwear by Matteo’s foot. I reached for it, but darn it, he was faster.

  “I’m saving this for tonight,” he said as he tucked the flimsy lace inside the front of his pants. “If you don’t sleep over, I’m going to be dangling this in front of your room.”

  “That’s blackmail,” I swatted at his chest while laughing, he wasn’t playing fair.

  “I’m the king of blackmail, baby.” He gave me another kiss, this time on my lips, “I’ll see you tonight.”

  I nodded my head in the affirmative, “Be safe.”

  A quick hug and then he was stepping out of the door, “I will. You too. I can’t wait for tonight.”

  I gave him a big smile, “Me too, Matty. Me too.”

  I might be slightly embarrassed because Uncle Milo and Auntie Ava were like my own parents, but I was also floating in the clouds.

  Giving into my pleasure at Matty’s hands was indescribable.

  And tonight, I wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine.

  “You look beautiful, sweetheart,” Aunt Ava said, her grey eyes that reminded me so much of her son’s, were perusing.

  “Thank you.” I grinned at her while discreetly watching the time on the antique clock on the left side of the big screen TV.

  Since we weren’t really going out to eat, I’d kept my look casual. I paired a black tank top with a polka-dotted gold satin skirt that I’d found online. It was understated yet still chic.

  “Do we know this guy?” Uncle Milo hadn’t said much, and I thought he wasn’t paying attention to what Aunt Ava and I were talking about. After dinner, I excused myself so that I could prepare for Matteo’s arrival. His plane was coming in late since negotiations ran way past business hours. He’d apologized for missing dinner with me. I guess he had plans for us. Just as
we were finishing dinner, I received a chime from my watch that connected to my phone via Bluetooth that his plane was taking off from SBA.

  My throat clogged up. I wanted to deny it, but they would know soon. In ten minutes, my date, their son, would be arriving.

  Best to let the cat out of the bag now.

  “The funny thing is –“ I started as Uncle Milo turned the volume off the sports channel he was watching and Aunt Ava’s attention was fully on me. Her legs were on Uncle Milo’s lap and he was massaging them time and time again. She’d been complaining about the pain in her heels because of the shoes that she wore. “You know him very well.”

  Aunt Ava’s mouth opened and a tiny squeal came out of it.

  Uncle Milo’s green eyes held a what-the-hell-is-wrong with my wife look, but still he asked, “We know him? Oh good. Has Matteo met him yet? He knows everyone here so he’ll probably pull a file on this guy. I hope we’re not overstepping our boundaries, Ali, but you’re like a daughter to us. We just want you safe.”

  I tugged on my small black clutch that housed my vibrating phone. It was probably Gen. I’d talked to her briefly after I left the office. Gen wasn’t a screamer, but my ears were ringing when I divulged to her what had happened between Matteo and I. She’d known how long I’d carried a torch for him. She’d been so upset when Matteo stopped talking to me, and I explained to Gen what had been happening – how he and I had “the talk” and how sweet he’s been towards me. Every morning, he picked me up with a peace offering – flowers, bagels, croissants, a keychain with my name engraved on it – and every chance he got, he spent with me. I’d been on a Matteo high these days that I pushed back the thought of how I’d deal with the loss of his presence when I went back to school.

  The front door opened and it felt like I was watching a slow motion movie, but everything was happening so fast and I was in it.

  Matteo’s eyes easily found me. He’d replaced the dark shirt from this afternoon with a plain white dress shirt, but he was wearing the same suit.

  He said, “Mom, Dad”, leaned down to kiss his Mom’s cheek, greeted his old man’s fist with a bump, then went straight to me. I was still sitting down so he held both of his hands out, looking like he was asking for a hug. But the trickster that he was, instead of a hug, he’d moved my face so that he could give me a kiss on the lips. I kept my mouth closed because hiya there, parents.


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