Little 15 (Cities In Dust)

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Little 15 (Cities In Dust) Page 5

by L. D. Wosar


  The tension between Becca and I was so thick you could cut it with the chef’s knife my mother used to carve the chickens with. We are doing a Hawaiian theme, which is super lame but I wasn’t going to tell my parents that nor was I going to express my opinions with Becca. I was thankful my parents let me invite Brendon, he was my comfort during what I presumed to be a travesty. I completely forgot about my obnoxious brother who already made comments regarding Brendon being my boyfriend. I had to behave and not beat the living tar out of him. But Brendon distracted Brant and offered to go upstairs for some Nintendo Switch time.

  “So, Sammie, your father tells me that you are preparing for your SATs. Are you and Becca going together next week for testing?” I nodded and glanced at Becca, who only rolled her eyes.

  Becca groaned. “Father, I told you already that the entire Sophomore class is scheduled to take their tests next weekend. Why ask Sammie a question you already know the answer to?”

  Dang! That was rude! I would never think to speak to my parents like that and I am not sure if her father is that dense or if Becca just has more liberties being an only child. Becca pulled me to the back patio, to get away from the parents. “So, are you and Brendon going steady?” She asked with a huge grin and I pursed my lips, shaking my head.

  “No, Becca, we’re just friends. Can’t a girl have a guy friend without everyone thinking we’re a couple?” Her eyes widened before she scowled. I suppose this was her way of attempting a conversation or her way of spreading rumors about Brendon and I. “He’s been helping me with controlling my temper so my magic doesn’t go awry.” There was shock written in her espresso eyes and without a word, she walked past me into the house. “That was weird. Nevermind, that’s Becca, she is weird.”


  “Father, may I speak with you in private?” I whispered to Aidan as I pulled him out the front door, closing the door behind me.

  “I can’t feel any power surge off Melody. But I feel it from somewhere else in the house and not Sammie.”

  I dragged him to the sidewalk, fearing the walls had ears. “Sammie just told me she has someone helping her control her magic. I think Brendon - ya know the one who raced up the stairs right when we arrived?” He nodded. “It’s safe ta say, he’s a warlock but I am not sure from where. Which gives me an idea. Are you able ta merge with another witch or does it have ta be your twin?”

  “It’s preferable if it was my twin, but if she siphoned her power somewhere else, it does me no good. Now, Brendon may be doable, but I am not sure of the effects if the warlock or witch doesn't share ma bloodline.” I had no idea what to do at this moment but I did have homework to do, with the hopes I would get the answers for Aidan. Once he doubles his power, I can merge with him-um wait, stupid me. I can’t or he’d kill me. I am sure Sammie and a lot of other witches in my coven would like that. I may have been popular in school, not so much in my coven.

  Two Hours Later

  The chicken was dry as a bone and the potatoes could’ve used some seasoning, as well. Who taught Sammie’s mother how to cook? Thank goddess for this ice cream sundae, it redeemed Mrs. Flowers’s cooking by a mile. Dinner would have been a lost cause had it not been for that.

  The adults sat around talking as Brendon and Sammie whispered to one another, while I was stuck next to this brat with his nose buried in some gaming system. “What are you playing?” I asked to make conversation, not that I cared what he was playing. However, he completely ignored me. “This ice cream is really good.” Once again, no response.

  “Don’t feel bad, Becca. He does that to me all the time,” Sammie responded with a smirk. This must have been funny to her, since normally I could snap my fingers and get what I wanted at home and at school. “Oh, yeah, I decided to try out for cheerleading, Breakneck Becca.”

  WHAT? I think the rest of the table thought the same thing too as it was dead silent in the dining room. That was a name given to me in the Draíocht Coven and I glared at Brendon with the idea that not only was he sent here to train and guard over Sammie, he was a spy.

  Okay, I am not this Hawaiian girl named Kameāloha Becahana Mahelona, nor is my father this Hawaiian guy.I am an Irish wood nymph named Aisling Byrne and yes, Aidan Byrne is ma father. We can shift inta other people or animals when the need arises. Ma mother, Moira died at birth, which did a number on ma magic and lack of control. Ma father was distraught for many years and never took the time to train me properly. I was a danger to myself as well as others and the only desire I had was to rule the magic world, with or without my father. “Will ya please excuse me? I am going home now.” The Irish brogue came out and it was a relief, I hated speaking American all the time.

  Home was literally five feet away and the moment I arrived in ma bedroom, I shook ma body and looked at ma reflection. I was adorable with thick, long auburn wavy hair and the brightest blue eyes ya ever saw. Let me add my flawless, pale complexion, although admittedly I liked having a tan. But I had no idea why I had to stay in disguise all the time, it’s not like other covens were wandering around the state of California. Well, now because Sammie opened her yap, I’ve been found out, which is not entirely a bad thing. Now that there are four of us active casters, we can make the circle and enhance our magic. Hmm, I somehow don’t think Brendon would go for that and would discourage Sammie from doing so. Maybe, it’s time for me to test my powers of persuasion on the girl.


  It was already May and so far, so good. I made it through the last semester without setting things on fire or hurting anyone. I give credit to Brendon for helping me learn to hone in my skills and reach into my inner peace to learn control. Becca has been nicer to me, sometimes I think too nice, as though she knows something I don’t or it’s her way of pussy footing around my notorious temper.

  However! Why I took Becca’s advice and tried out for cheerleading is beyond me? Granted, I was a gymnast on a very successful team, it didn’t mean I would be good at cheerleading. I stood in front of the table where the Captain and a couple others, including Becca scrutinized me, or at least I felt like it. I was going to fail, I know it and since I had been with Brendon ninety percent of the time, I had no time to practice cheers.

  I got right into it. The couple of cheers that were assigned to those of us auditioning. I think I nailed them. I was asked to do a few gymnastic flips and somersaults, DUH! Nailed that and now it was time for the dance routine. I did practice, although my audience, Brendon and Brant laughed at me. Hey, I think I have a pretty damned good sense of rhythm and danced my heart out to ‘P.Y.T’ by Michael Jackson. Wow! They went retro for the song, but I freaking loved it and ‘Thriller’ is one of my favorite albums.

  “Ladies! What do we think?” The Captain, Dominique, asked the others. She didn’t have the best poker face and I could tell by the enthusiastic smile on her face that she loved me to be part of the JV Cheerleading team.

  “She missed one step during the dance routine,” Becca said while she smirked and tapped her pencil on the table, until she gave me a wide grin. “However, Sammie, you nailed the audition! It’s a yes for me!” I exhaled the breath I held, thanked them for the audition and raced out of the gym.

  The moment I opened my locker, I was distracted by Brendon’s voice. I looked at him, shocked that he had the audacity to be in the girl’s locker room. “What are you doing here?” I gritted my teeth, looking around to ensure no one else was in there.

  “I saw your audition,” he said, while staring at me.

  “Well, if you’re going to be in here, at least move so I can change.” I ordered, cursing under my breath that this guy was persistent in having to spend every waking hour with me. I wasn’t complaining, I loved Brendon's company. But meeting me in the girls’ locker room was going above and beyond any sense of common decency. “It’s Saturday, I thought you had plans to go to the beach.”

  “Aye, I did and
I wanted you ta go with me,” he answered. “Ya never mentioned doing anything with the family, only that ya had try-outs to be a vapid cheerleader. Was that Becca’s idea?” The cynicism in his voice was cause for concern.

  “Are ya jealous of the wee Becker?” I asked with a slight grin.

  He arched his brow at me, though scowling. “Hurry up and get dressed. I want ta get out of here before she sees me in here.” Brendon stormed out of the locker room and now I was deeply concerned, he’s never been this bothered with me in the last few months I’ve known him. I don’t think he was jealous, I think it’s a warning and now I was curious.

  The couple of girls who auditioned after me walked into the locker room. We said hello to one another, no small talk. I slammed the locker door, running out of the gym to find Brendon sitting on a motorcycle, holding a helmet. “When did you get a motorcycle?”

  “Just today,” he handed me the extra helmet. He took the time to tighten the straps and check for a good fit. Brendon gazed into my eyes, “I’m sorry about what happened in the locker room, but we need to talk.” He told me before putting his helmet on and urged me to hold on tight before we raced out of the school parking lot.


  “It’s so quiet here,” Sammie told me as we sat on the grass, looking out at the vast horizon. I glanced over at her, with the thought that this was the first time I’d ever noticed her so serene. Usually this girl appears as if she could explode at any moment.

  “Good! We need to talk,” she gasped and her cheeks became bright red. “No, no - it’s not bad, you’ve been doing splendidly during your training. I wanted to tell you a bit about who I am, since you already know what I am.”

  “Yeah, you’re a warlock and my first real friend I’ve had, like ever in my life. I would love to hear where you’re from, you know so much about me - I think.” I laughed at her comment and told her about how I came to be at the Draíocht Coven when I was seven years old. “I suppose when your son’s a freak, you’d give him up to the school of cauldrons and bubbly brews. Ah! I learned everything I could with the belief they were going ta make me a professor; thank heavens, that didn’t happen. Professor McCullough and the headmaster noticed the patience I had with the younger students and felt I was better suited as a guardian. Well, here I am - nothing more.”

  “Have you ever gone to battle with evil wizards?” She giggled

  “No! Can’t say that I have but there’s always a first time.” I answered as I nudged her, but a darkness fell on that thought and I became serious. “How well do you know Becca?”

  “Not that well, only acquaintances in school since January. Why?” Sammie raised her finger, “I do know she’s a witch. I saw it on the first day of school.”

  “So, you aren’t aware that her real name isn’t Kameāloha Becahana Mahelona,” Sammie shook her head, she wasn’t much of a talker this afternoon. “Her real name is Aisling Byrne and she’s a wood nymph from the same coven as me.”

  “So, she’s Irish, not Hawaiian?”

  “Aye, m’wee lassie, that she is and she is a coppertop too, not this Polynesian beauty ya’ve been looking at fer months. She is also sneaky and highly dangerous, I wouldn’t trust her.” Sammie jumped to her feet.

  “My mother’s real name is…”

  “Mavis Byrne. Aye, we all know that and I was told to look for a girl who was a mirror image of her mother. Well, here ya are, Samantha Flowers. Not only was I sent to train you, I was sent ta protect ya. So long as I’m around, neither Aisling or her father can harm you. Now, please tell me yer mother isn’t performing magic,” I paced in front of her, really for something to do, I was a fidget monster when I was talking.

  “No, she told me that she hid her magic, somewhere close to the coven when her twin wanted to merge with her. It’s safe in Ireland then?”

  I smiled and nodded, “Aye, it is and yer mother was smart in doing that or she would’ve been dead and there would’ve been no you.” Gripping her arms gently, I gazed into her eyes, “Sammie, I need to somehow be with you twenty-four seven.”

  “Ugh, no. I do like my privacy and I have my dignity.” I pulled a ring from my pocket and slipped it on her finger. “When ya feel danger in your midst, twist this ring and I will be at your beck and call.”

  “What if I can’t decide if I want fries or onion rings?” Sammie laughed and I thought of how to respond.

  “Twist it still, I will take the fries.” I pulled her close ,kissing her on the forehead. “I’m flattered that ya think of me as a best friend.”

  “Well, aren’t we, Brendon Finnegan?” The smile on her face with the glimmer in her eyes made me feel all warm and fuzzy all over. I could fall in love with her once the time was right. However, the time wasn’t close to it and before we could move on with our lives, we needed to get rid of the toxic witches lingering in her life.

  I gave her a warm smile and patted her hand, “aye, aye - we certainly are, m’wee Sammie.”

  Hours Later

  I was a gentleman and brought her back home right at suppertime. I was invited in, but didn’t want ta intrude, so I declined the invitation. As I watched Sammie walk inta her home, I sensed a pair of eyes on me. I raised ma head and there was no one in the window, when I knew someone was there before. Shaking my head, I slipped on ma helmet and started the engine, almost ready ta take off until Aisling blocked me.

  “We need ta talk, Mr. Finnegan.” She demanded, trying to compel me, but she was too daft ta recall she couldn’t compel another witch.

  “Not right now, Breakneck Becca, I have another engagement.” I waved ma hand to forcibly move her and raced away from that neighborhood. I have this horrible feeling that this is just the beginning of what I presume ta be a terrible summer fer Sammie.


  Sammie did pretty well with many of the simple skills tests I had given her. However, the main problem of hers was controlling the temper, that is when the dark magic would surface and cause mayhem and injury; never death, thank goodness.

  The setting was important and I had to be certain there were no buildings around to destroy or innocent bystanders for that matter. It was a long journey to a secluded beach, but this test needed to be completed successfully before I took her to Ireland. As she strolled the shore in her bare feet, I set up the station with CPR dummies and different objects that were fire-retardant. My understanding from Sammie is fire was the most utilized magic when her anger ran amok.

  “Sammie? Are ya ready?” I called out to her and watched in awe as a light breeze tousled her fine hair, as well as how the sun silhouetted her petite body through the thin fabric of her summer dress. I was smitten, I can’t lie, but I had to set aside my romantic feelings for her for business. Reaching out my hand, I took hers and pulled her over to my setup. “Today’s lesson is the last one, I promise ya and this will hopefully teach ya to rein in the dark magic when you are ready to lose your temper. First off, when someone calls you names, brush it off because we all know high schoolers are judgmental and cruel, no matter the clique they belong to. Secondly, you need to know when to unleash your magic. There is a time and a place for it, the time and place is certainly not at a party or in the middle of the gymnasium when you’re hit in the head with a volleyball. Ya got it?”

  “Yeah, I got it, Master.” Sammie giggled. I can’t say she didn’t take it seriously, she did and to make it so much easier, she was a quick learner with every single lesson. The true test would be if we come face to face with Aidan and Aisling, would she be able to keep centered and calm? That is what I was hoping to accomplish today. For if these two see her out of control, it signifies to them that she is weak and no match for either of them.

  “If they start trouble, it’s fine to use maybe a tosser spell or a stun, stay away from elements such as water, ice and especially fire. You want to use your magic to disable them, not to maim or kill them. The only time you should think to kill another caster is
if they intend to do the same, and it should only be used as self-defense.”

  Sammie nodded as if she understood, but she wasn’t very vocal this morning. “You know I am not going to be able to stop if they start taunting me.”

  Letting out a heavy, loud sigh, I turned to her, lightly gripping her arms, “you need to have the ability to stop or you may end up killing someone and you’ll regret your actions.” There was no time to debate this or overthink scenarios, I wanted to get the training done and over with. I was hungry and wanted to spend more quality time with Sammie, not spend the whole day being her instructor. “Okay, those dummies are Aisling, see the red hair and Aidan, the dark haired man.”

  “You made him look like the Joker.”

  I laughed at her comment and nodded, “that was totally on purpose, but don’t let that distract you.” I did my best Aisling impression, “Well, if it isn’t little Miss Prissy Sammie and her wee boyfriend, Brendon.”

  “You’re not my wee boyfriend, Brendon!” Sammie said with no emotion and glared at me.

  “Stop being so literal and just pretend it is something Aisling would say. Ya know, Brendon, ye can do so much better than that.” I was surprised by how stoic Sammie was which gave me the belief that I wasn’t a threat and this may not work. Without warning, I swung my hands, throwing her back about fifteen feet. When she jumped to her feet, charging me, that is exactly the energy I needed from her.

  Sammie flicked one hand and I was paralyzed from the high voltage electric currents that swam through my entire body. “Never do that again, Brendon.” She demanded, releasing her hold on me.

  “Wow! That was fantastic. You didn’t overthink it and you didn’t kill me.”


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