Little 15 (Cities In Dust)

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Little 15 (Cities In Dust) Page 10

by L. D. Wosar

  Brendon attempted to remove the necklace from my hand and this fear of the painful headache struck me. “No, I will hold onto it. It needs to stay in my possession only. I gather if you or anyone else has the necklace, it may kill me before I even have the chance to siphon my mother’s powers.” I held my hand out and with a grin, asked, “do you happen to have a jewelry bag or something in your neverending bag of tricks?”

  He chuckled and waved his hand, revealing a silver lockbox with a key stuck in it. After removing the key, Brendon handed me the box. “You put the necklace in the box and lock it. I will hold onta the key for safekeeping. It’s not that I don’t trust ya, it’s just that I don’t trust ya.” His comment actually made perfect sense, but I had to do what he advised and had to do it for my mother, as well as to save my own life.

  “Let’s get out of here, it looks like the sun has gone down already.” I rushed out of the cave, with Brendon close on my heels. It wasn’t quite pitch black, but dusk was fading as we hit the trail. Before we took off toward the school, Brendon stopped me when he noticed I was still holding onto the tiny lockbox.

  “Ya need ta find a better place for the necklace, we’ve no idea if Aisling and Aidan are waiting ta pounce on us.”

  I had no pockets in my yoga pants and there was no room to stuff the box in one of my boots. With a smirk, I shrugged and removed the necklace from the lockbox, tossing it until Brendon caught the box. “We don’t need ta leave breadcrumbs.” He lout of a heavy, annoyed sigh as I placed the necklace around my neck. “That’s not a better place. But I have an idea.” Brendon chanted something under his breath as his hand was inches from the necklace. There was a warm sensation mixed in with slight electrical currents running from shoulder to shoulder until he opened his eyes. “Yer the only one that can touch it.”

  “What happens if they try?”

  Brendon laughed, “they’ll have the holy Moses zapped outta them.” He took my hand, this time I wasn’t going to fight it. It was a great comfort having him nearby. Brendon was my guardian, so he was obligated never to leave my side. However, he made no bones about his feelings for me, which I am sure was a schoolboy crush and would wane over time. I may as well regale in this feeling of weightlessness while it’s still here. All teenage boys were heartbreakers, so I didn’t want to get my hopes up with Brendon.

  The necklace was found, which led me to believe that after this venture in Ireland I’d no longer see him, so I just had to ask, “Now that I have the necklace, will you no longer be my guardian?”

  He stopped before me with a blank stare, “Sammie, the idea was ta be yer guardian until ya reached the age of eighteen and until ya siphon yer mother’s powers. I hate ta disappoint ya, darlin’, yer stuck with me fer a little while longer.” Hearing those words warmed my heart, I wasn’t in a hurry for him to leave my side. He was now my best friend and now, my heart.

  It took us no time to come to the end of the trail; however, something caught Brendon’s attention, causing him to release my hand and run toward the entrance. It was a body, but we couldn’t tell who until we got closer. “Well, I’ll be, this is Aidan Byrne.” Brendon proclaimed as he crouched down, waving his hand to make a flashlight appear. I need to learn that trick and then I wouldn’t have to carry around any more heavy bags. He directed the light onto Aidan’s face. There was dried blood coming out of his nostrils and corners of his mouth. The whites of his eyes were crimson, though glassy like blood. “This was done by a wand or some pretty powerful magic. Whoever did this ta him, made his brain explode inside his skull.”

  I shuddered at the thought and walked toward the entrance. I couldn’t stand close to this atrocity and felt my stomach turn at the notion that someone could cast such a brutal spell on anyone. Though, I had a feeling who was capable, but would Aisling think to kill her father? It was hard to pass judgment on her abilities without seeing just how powerful she truly was. “Do you think Aisling did this to her own flesh and blood?”

  Brendon sighed heavily while standing up, “Aidan Byrne has a lot of enemies in these parts. It could’ve been anyone, but I wouldn’t count out Aisling. In fact, she’d be number one suspect in ma book.”

  As I sneaked into the old school, the only thought that came ta mind is I never missed it. It was like a prison ta me and of course, I harbored ill feelings because ma father sent me here much ta my protest. I was only five-years-old and that was the time I needed ma parents the most in my life. However, according to m’Da, I needed proper training and he needed quality time with ma mother. God rest her soul. She passed away when I was ten-years-old. I was told she died after her battle with cancer, which I never knew she had. She was an eternal nymph who was exempt from human diseases, so I knew that was impossible. The death I doled out ta m’Da was long overdue for lying ta me. Though it was never confirmed, I felt it in ma gut fer years that he killed ma mother.

  I grinned and silently celebrated his death and at the idea that once I found Aunt Mavis’s necklace, her power would solely be mine. But it would have ta wait until tomorrow. I was on a mission to find Sammie and her loverboy, ta kill them the same as my father before they got ta ma necklace first.

  Barely setting foot on the first step, someone bellowed ma name across the expansive foyer. “Miss Byrne!” Ugh it was Professor McCullough. “Ye were told never ta set foot around this property years ago. What are ya doing here?”

  Turning slowly, I aimed the wand at her and immediately, she removed it from ma grip. “I missed ma old stomping grounds and had ta visit. Is there a law against that?”

  “Nah. But stealing a security caster’s wand is.” She informed me, pointing the wand at me.

  “Are ya going ta kill me with that, Professor? It won’t work, I’ve grown more powerful than even ya. You wanna know what I just did?” I was brazen with her. I had no fear of this bag of hot air blowing up my arse. “I used the caster’s wand and killed m’Da before he could stop me from finding Mavis Byrne’s talisman. Ye and yer staff of idiots kept that secret from me the entire time I was imprisoned at this school. I suppose it’s a good thing, because I would’ve found it and ye would’ve been the first one I kill.” I raised ma hands, chanting a stun spell to paralyze her, but it didn’t work. I completely forgot the first floor was sealed and not one caster could use magic.

  The professor’s laughter echoed around the sparse foyer and suddenly, her security flanked her. All twelve of them. “Miss Aisling Linetta Byrne, yer under arrest fer the murder of Professor Aidan Dean Byrne. Yer magic will be siphoned and render ya powerless and ya will spend the rest of yer days in the depths of Rae Báis or until someone comes ta bail ya out. Which is doubtful, since ya’ve become a walking cesspool of death and mayhem.”

  As the strong men gripped my arms, I protested, “YA CAN’T DO THIS TA ME. HAVE YA ANY IDEA MY BLOODLINE. I’M A BYRNE. DOESN’T THAT MEAN ANYTHING TA YA?”

  Professor McCullough sashayed up ta me, “It means nothing ta anyone. Mavis Byrne was a good, wholesome girl and yer father saw ta it that she was gone for an eternity. If anything, she should be ashamed ta be related ta ya.” She backed up, holding her palm flat, as one of the guards placed a lockbox on it. “We can’t escort ya downstairs yet, until I take what you’ve abused.”

  As soon as the professor jabbed her wand inta my temple, pain enveloped ma body and I was paralyzed; unable ta fight, unable ta scream, unable ta do a damned thing but wish the greatest death on all who resided here and especially Samantha Flowers, Brendon Finnegan and Mavis Byrne. Quickly, she tapped the wand against the lockbox and the glowing stream was a crushing sight and the indication that I was a normal, mortal human who was doomed to spend the next seventy years or so in captivity. After I witnessed the last of my magic leave her wand, she closed it and locked the box before making it disappear inta the great unknown. With a snap of her fingers, darkness fell and I was heading into the first hour of my death.


  Sammie and I walked inta the sc
hool ta inform Professor McCullough what we’d found; only ta see her standing there, navigating the security casters. It looked like they were carrying away another witch, but hard ta tell who it was from the distance where we stood. “Professor?”

  “Good evening, Brendon. Ya missed the excitement.” She was stoic about what had occurred and I sensed no urgency in it.

  “Nah, we didn't. Aidan Byrne’s been killed. His body is right at the beginning of the trail in the forest.” The professor craned her neck sharply, glaring at me as if I said something wrong.

  “When are ya two heading back ta the states?”

  “In a week, why?” I answered her and now thinking it must have been a problem with us staying at the coven house long term.

  Ciara headed up the stairs and signalled for us to follow her. “Aye, I am aware of Aidan Byrne’s death, in fact that is Aisling who ma guards are carrying down to Rae Báis. She confessed ta killing her father with little remorse. For the safety of Miss Sammie, ya need ta head back home ta California. I am not sure if these two were working alone or if they rallied their allies in the surrounding area. But once word gets out that Aidan Byrne is dead, they’ll come after ya two, not Aisling.”

  When we arrived at her office door, she turned around and her gaze lingered on Sammie too long. “Is that yer mother’s necklace?”

  Sammie gripped the pendant, “yes, it is. I can’t take it off or I’d get a splitting headache that feels like a migraine.”

  “Ya haven’t siphoned the magic, have ya?”

  A light, nervous chuckle escaped Sammie’s mouth and she looked ta me as though she was asking for me ta back her up. Oh, of course, I was going ta, there was no way in hell, I’d leave this girl to fall victim ta anyone.

  “Of course not. I’m not eighteen yet.” Sammie’s tone was sharp but her comment was met by a nod of approval from Ciara.

  “Well, ya better keep that close ta yer person. We’ve no idea who to trust. Ya two need to head back home tomorrow. You got what ya came here for. But leaving is highly advised fer yer safety. Also, Sammie? Ya need to be ma brave girl and protect yer mother.” I watched as she placed the lockbox into a sealed vault. “If word gets out that Mavis Byrne is still alive, it could be lethal fer both of ya.”

  I gave her a sardonic laugh, threading my fingers through my hair at the notion that there was another secret I had to keep from Sammie. This was not the time to make any announcement of the sort. “Sammie, why don’t ya go to the dining hall, they just rang the dinner bell. I need ta talk to Ciara real quick and I will meet ya.”

  Sammie ran down the stairs. The girl loved ta eat and I know she had ta be starving. I followed Ciara inta the office and took a seat before her desk. “Ciara, I may be wrong, but I sensed another in the Flowers’ household who may possibly be a caster. I don’t think it was her mother since her magic is now around Sammie’s neck.” Ciara took a seat without speaking a word.

  With a satisfied grin, she finally answered, “Aye. Her brother, the laddie, Brant is part caster. Only a portion of his magic has surfaced, the rest is dormant until he reaches the age of twelve, like what happened with Sammie. It would be in her best interest ta train the wee lad before his magic causes him problems.”

  “How do ya know all about this?” I was confused, now curious unless she was clairvoyant or there was a spy inside the Flowers’ house.

  “Melody and I keep in touch. I’d always known where she’s been since she left us years before. We were schoolmates before and best friends. She tells me everything and has taken responsibility for the carelessness of Sammie’s magic wielding. Since ya have given Sammie such superb guidance, I have all the faith that she will lead her brother down the right path. He needs to have complete control, fer I have a feeling that he could be a powerful force. If he leans to positive influences, he will be a remarkable and strong caster. If not, he will be the most dangerous force the magic world knows.” As I rose to my feet, Ciara held her hand up. “None of what I told ya will be uttered to Sammie, she will find out when the time is right. At this moment, we have peace as both Aidan and Aisling are no longer part of this magic world.”

  This angered me and I wasn’t going to pretend I was alright with hearing about her brother and the thought not ta tell Sammie didn’t sit well with me either. “I didn’t tell her about her mother until we arrived in Ireland and she was furious. If I leave this information about Brant under wraps, she will hate me fer the rest of her life.”

  Ciara rolled her eyes, “Aye, young love. Well, it is the price ya have ta pay. Don’t tell her, she needs ta learn things on her own, is that understood?”

  “It’s the dumbest suggestion I’ve ever heard, but I understand.” I stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind me. I leaned against the door, trying to control my anger and my breath. Sammie couldn’t see I was upset or she’d interrogate me about the meeting with Ciara. She was probably going ta inquire, but at least the walk to the dining hall gave me time to think of an ingenious, convincing lie ta tell her. It was going ta be a challenge, I learned quickly that I couldn’t lie ta Sammie about anything.

  Brendon was acting weird during breakfast. He hadn’t said but two words to me and even when I tried to make some kind of conversation, he’d grunt or talk about how good his waffles were and that I should try the waffles, which I was already eating.

  “Brendon Finnegan, you’re keeping something else from me.”

  He turned his head slowly and I grinned to see sticky syrup dripping from the corner of his mouth. Slyly, I wiped the syrup with my napkin and he waited to swallow before answering me. “Nah, there is nothing I am hiding from ya. This trip was not a waste, ya got yer weapon -I mean yer mother’s necklace and now we are going ta head back to yer home. I’m sure you miss yer parents and yer brother.”

  “I’ve been too busy to think of them. And what makes you think I miss that spoiled, little squirt?” I smiled at him, thinking he’d smile back but he just shrugged and looked forward. “Brendon?”

  “Stop! Please. I can’t tell ya.” He stopped speaking when Professor McCullough walked past our table, eyeing Brendon. “Not here, anyway.” He was thrown back in his chair by an invisible force and I looked toward the professor, whose hand was still raised. Since I wasn’t getting answers from Brendon, I decided to go to the source and walked to the long table where all the professors dined. “Since you’re the only one here. I want to ask you something before the other professors arrive. What did you tell Brendon that he can’t tell me?”

  “No one can pull the wool over yer eyes, can they, Samantha Flowers?” She said with a gentle smile. “There are some secrets best laid to rest. You will find out in time what Brendon is keeping from you. But all I can say is that in two years time, you will need Brendon’s guidance more than ever. Now go finish yer breakfast. The car will be waiting for ye and Brendon in one hour ta take ya ta the airport.”

  In my mind, I slammed on the table and roared, hearing a hush over the dining hall. “You will tell me what is so important or I will take your wand and turn you into a slimy frog. No - not a frog, but a snake. Because you’re full of lies and a sneaky snake.”

  “Sammie?” I heard Professor McCullough’s voice, which was muffled at first but became louder when I broke from my daydream. “May I help ya?”

  “You may not.” I turned on the balls of my feet and ran out of the dining room, now more furious than I was before with Brendon. This is not just a coven slash school for wayward and rejected freaks. This was a school of lies and deceit, well, the way I saw it anyway. Who and what were they protecting? My brother? It was odd that Brendon even asked whether I missed him or not. He knows that a good day is when I don't need to deal with Brant.

  I stopped walking and the thought occurred to me of the secret those two were trying to keep and I headed back to the dining hall, only to be face to face with a couple of the professor’s guards. “You were instructed by the professor ta pack and leave the pr

  “Why? I’m not the threat here, let me go.” I screamed out when they tightly gripped my arms. “Professor McCullough - I AM NOT THE THREAT HERE!”

  “I know you’re not, but ya can’t be here for your protection.”

  “Aidan and Aisling Byrne are dead and banished, who else do I need protection from? Brendon?”

  Brendon shoved past the guards, forcing them to release their grip. He gritted his teeth. “Do me a favor and keep that temper of yers in check or a lot of people are going ta be hurt.”

  “I want no secrets and no riddles. I want answers because if it has to do with the people I am closest to, don’t you think it is best for me to expect the worst?”

  He stopped walking once we reached my room door. “Sammie? Just for now, don’t make a scene.”

  I chuffed at his comment, “it’s a bit too late for that now, isn’t it?”

  Brendon chuckled, shaking his head. “It was a little scene, but if I don’t get ya outta here, it could be far worse fer ya.”

  “Is Professor McCullough one of the enemies to be concerned about?”

  Shaking his head, he answered, “Nah, she’s not.” I knew he wasn’t covering up for her since I could see the sincerity in his eyes. “There are always untrusting souls in the magic world, a few in this coven. However, we’ve no idea who, so it’s best ta keep certain things quiet until it’s safe ta tell ya.” He whispered to me and I felt electricity surge through my body to feel his hot breath in my ear. “Ya smell like flowers, Sammie Flowers.” His low chuckled rumbled throughout my body.

  “Ha ha, I get the pun, Brendon. You smell like maple syrup, waffle breath.”


  She walked inta her room at the right time, fer right when ma courage was at an all-time high, I was about ready ta kiss those lips I longed to kiss fer months. “Damn ye, Sammie Flowers. Damn ye fer being so pretty and fer smelling so good. And especially, damn ye fer being too smart fer your own good.”


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