Little 15 (Cities In Dust)

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Little 15 (Cities In Dust) Page 12

by L. D. Wosar

  Yer majesty? I do like the sound of that. After he left, I took ma spot and closed ma eyes, anticipating the performance, eager to see Sammie and Brendon’s death unfold as I had imagined it fer days. I could hear their discussions and ta hear Sammie wasn’t frightened of her impending death was a bit disconcerting.

  I was watching this from an outsider’s point of view and nausea hit me when she reached for the necklace, assuming it was her mother’s talisman. The moment she opened it, a powerful force lifted me and the pain from hitting the opposite wall surged through ma body, making it difficult to catch ma breath. My body levitated above the floor, ramming into another wall and this happened every time one of my believers got the same treatment from Sammie.

  I was finally able to get ma wits about me until it happened again, this time, however, I was up ta ma neck in salt water feeling a tug at ma feet. I couldn’t fight the current and was pulled under. The water dissipated and I was dropped to the cell floor, soaked ta the bone. Cursing aloud and slamming my hands on the floor, bedamn the day I bonded with that idiot, Todd. Now I had ta think of other ways to be rid of Sammie and latch onta her magic somehow. All I needed ta do was get out of this God forsaken prison first.

  Two Days Later

  The sun shone through my sheer curtains, waking me up. I rolled over and lifted my phone to see it was ten in the morning, on a Monday. I bolted out of bed and rushed to get dressed until my mother knocked on the door. “Sammie, I hear you rushing around.” She said through the door before I threw it open. “What are you doing awake? I already called the school and told them you weren’t going to be in today. Get back into bed.” I tossed the clothes I grabbed out of the closet to the floor and climbed back into bed before my mother sat on the edge.

  “We need to talk, Sammie.”

  “I know. I should have waited until I was eighteen, but this called for the emergency back up,” I said as I fell back, covering my head with my covers, until my mother pulled them down wearing a gentle smile. She looked like she was on the brink of tears. “Mom? Are you okay?”

  “My magic had been in that necklace for so many years and I was so afraid it would get into the hands of the wrong person. I am so glad it was you and even more proud that you were in full control of magic that was ten times stronger than you originally had.” She squeezed my hand, wiping tears with her free hand. “It knocked you out, thank goodness that’s all it did. I was certain it would have killed my child before you reached the age of eighteen.”

  I shook my head, “I didn’t want to kill them, I only wanted to teach them a lesson.”

  “Oh, you certainly did that. There were ten of them and they all survived. In fact, they are all suspended from school for what they pulled on Saturday, except for Brendon. He’s been by here everyday, spending time with your brother, which is another shocking thing to find out. I mean, I sensed he was like you, but for it to come to fruition was a bit daunting.” My mother was a chatterbox and while she was talking, all I could think of was whether Brendon kissed me or not.

  “Mom? What happened after I passed out?”

  “Brendon carried you into the arcade and we called 9-1-1. The doctors were going to hook you up to machines to resuscitate you, but we refused. I knew what was ailing you and knew that you’d wake soon enough. It was your body telling you that you had put it through so much that you needed the two full days of rest to recuperate. It happened to me when I siphoned my dying mother’s magic. This didn’t make my brother very happy and thought if he siphoned mine, he would be this all-mighty wizard who could rule the world.”

  “Mom? He is truly dead. Brendon and I saw his body. His daughter killed him and Professor McCullough siphoned Aisling’s magic and put it into a lockbox, that is now in a seal-tight safe. That’s what Brendon told me anyway.” Reliving the events over the last couple of months was exhausting and now all I wanted to do was close my eyes and sleep. “Brendon also told me that you and Ciara McCullough are BFFs,” I gave her an exasperated grin, “is that true?” The worry and shock in my mother’s eyes gave me much to dread.

  “Ciara McCullough was never my friend, she was the one encouraging Aidan to merge with me. She kept telling him it was in his best interest to do so, to show he had true faith in the coven.” I sat up quickly.

  “Wait, so you mean to tell me that it’s her running the true faith cult, group, whatever they’re called? Not Aisling Byrne.” My mother sardonically laughed. “How could Aisling do anything? Once a caster is stripped of their powers and sent to death row, they are non-existent.”

  “Are you sure of that? How do we know this was not a show for me and Brendon while we were there.” I gave up and laid back down. Yawning, I said, “so long as those two stay in Ireland, we are safe here and there is no way Aisling or even Ciara McCullough will get a hold of my magic or even my brother.”

  A Week Later

  Would ya like ta wish on a star?

  Carry moonbeams home in a jar

  And be better off than ya are

  Or would ya rather be a mule?

  My beautiful singing was interrupted by the incessant pounding on ma cell door, normally the guards just gave a couple of taps, but this person was relentless. I slid up the wall and shuffled over ta the door. “I’m here. What do ya want?”

  The window cover slid open and I stood on ma tiptoes ta be face ta face with who I deemed ma enemy right now, Professor Fancy Britches McCullough. “I know it’s been weeks since I’ve come ta check on ya, Aisling. How are the accommodations?”

  She laughed and all I could think of was tearing the door off its hinges and ripping her pretty head off. Holding out ma hand, I willed the stolen wand to join me, gripping it tightly. “The accommodations? Ya ask? They are as despicable as they can be, but yer guards have been so welcoming.” I spat at her, giggling as she wiped the spittle from her eyelid. Feeling proud of mortifying the professor, I skipped around in a full circle, singing ‘Israel’ by Siouxsie and the Banshees, one of Sammie’s favorite songs. Ugh, that girl has terrible taste in music.

  My jovial mood was cut short as I stopped at the door, glaring at the Professor, who looked mildly annoyed herself. “I’m wearing rags that smell like ya ripped them off some smelly corpse. Yer feeding me scraps like I’m a stray dog. Ya nasty witch took ma magic and fer what, so ye can sniff a bit of it here and there?”

  “Ya killed yer father and Lord knows how many other souls ya took with ya. I can’t have a former student of mine, especially one as dangerous as ya out inta the free world with humans. Yer volatile and can wreak all kinds of havoc.” I rolled ma eyes, listening ta this the nonsense that spilled out of this woman’s mouth.

  “Havoc ya say? I was born ta a man whose middle name is Havoc and I learned everything I needed ta from him. I decided he was no longer needed.” I laughed to see the horror in her green eyes. “Are ya scared of me, Professor?”

  “Why should I be scared of ya? Yer locked away for an eternity and yer no better than a human now,” she replied, but her voice was shaky as if she sensed I was still a threat even behind a locked iron door. As a condescending grin appeared on her face, “this place is much better suited for a girl whose only purpose is ta hurt people.”

  “And kill people? Not people really, just other casters. I am the dynamic Aisling Byrne, the best student this joke of a school has ever had grace its halls. My purpose IS much more, the operative word being IS. I will get out of here and everyone I deem as a threat or competition will be eliminated. Starting with ya, Professor Ciara McCullough.” I held the wand over my head, chanting a murder spell. It must have worked because I could no longer see her, but I heard her body collapse ta the floor.

  Taking a few steps back, I aimed the wand, blowing the door off its hinges, thankful it flew in the opposite direction or I’d be smashed like a little cockroach. Cautiously, I meandered to the door, looking in both directions and relieved ta see there were no guards around. I knelt down, digging in the professor
’s pockets and all I found was her cell phone and her car keys. The thought occurred that I couldn’t just walk out of here wearing rags and waving the wand to switch outfits with the now deceased Ciara. Her fancy dress was a perfect fit, although it could be a bit tighter. I placed her hat on my head and stuck the wand in my boot, looking in both directions. Oh crap, I have no idea how to get out of here. Granted I was a student, but never had any reason to wander down to Rae Báis.

  When one of the guards ran up, I feigned panic. “Please guard, we need ta call someone, I tried ta feed Aisling her breakfast and this ball of energy came out of nowhere throwing the door off the hinges and killing her.”

  The guard laughed, “Well, ya got yer wish, Professor. We no longer have ta cater ta that spoiled brat.”

  “Are ya serious?” Reaching down, I quickly grabbed my wand before disarming him. “Ya worthless piece of shite just bought a ticket ta yer own funeral.” He was a goner after I stopped his heart with a flick of the wand. I had ta run before any more of these idiots showed up. I finally made it ta the stairwell, wishing at this moment that the school had elevators, these boots weren’t exactly comfortable to run in.

  The stairwell led to the foyer, too easy ta make my getaway. Well, that was until I got ta the parking garage ta see cars lined up. I had no idea which one was hers and wondered what kind of car would a stuck-up, self-centered woman drive. Clicking the remote, the lights to her Lexus blipped. Not surprised that a pretentious woman would drive something so uppity.

  I slipped inta the driver’s seat, adjusting it and the mirrors, everything I was taught and turned on the engine. “Aisling, yer free, now ye can breathe but ya need ta find another place ta lay low.” I had no time ta look fer ma next destination, I needed to tear outta here before the headmaster discovers Professor McCullough’s body and that I’m gone. As I put the car in drive, I stepped on the gas, ramming through the closed garage door. “Oops! I guess I coulda used the clicker. Hasta la vista, losers!”

  The time will come when I am face ta face with Sammie Flowers, but fer now, time ta announce Becca Wannahockaloogie’s tragic and untimely death. Aisling Byrne will no longer need ta pretend ta be anyone else in order ta get inta Sammie Flowers’ head. I can do that any time from anywhere. “Hey Siri, play Violence by Grimes.” Violence is my make-up, it’s what I crave and I won’t settle until I am dead.

  The End

  Look for ’True Faith: Cities in Dust 2’ January 2022


  There are seriously so many people I want to thank, but first I want to thank my cover artist for Little 15 and one I am proud to call my friend, Mikki Noble. Each and every cover she has designed I see the story and Little 15 was no different. Although I initially had other ideas for the book, I am happy with the end results. Mikki has made some beautiful and magical covers for me. With all the talent this girl has, she is humble and so dear to my heart.

  Secondly, I was at a complete block and had it not been for my dear friend, Krista Logan, Little 15 never would have been complete. She is one of my cheerleaders and such a huge supporter, as well as a wonderful friend. I love you to bits and pieces, Krista.

  I cannot go without giving my #teamWosar crew props. Of course, Krista, Dan Knill, Clarence Jennelle, Aaron Smith, Andrea Skaar Rott and Ann Donegan Olson. You are all the best friends and teammates anyone could ask for. I love you and I cannot thank you enough for your support.

  Even though, these three are #teamWosar members, Becky Hensley, Sarah Strawinski and Nikki Holt Sexton give me that drive and the confidence to go on even on some of my rough days. I love you three and thank you for cracking the whip. It also makes me so proud that my books are like crack to you.

  About the Author

  LD Wosar writes Western Fantasy. She's from Olympia, Washington but currently living in Las Vegas and works in the Gaming Industry. She's written the Western trilogy, Kit Weston Chronicles, A Capot Adventure Series, a time-travel adventure, Relic. Writing is her obsession, which she spends all of her free time writing stories with a Paranormal flare.

  Other Books by LD Wosar

  The Kit Weston Chronicles:

  Crooked Halo

  Wight Angel

  Frayed Wings

  Stand Alone Novels

  Fickle Butterfly


  The Belluomo Vampy Saga:

  Jaded Vamp

  Wild Vamp

  Fierce Vamp

  Lucifer’s Children Short Stories:

  Little Sinner

  Say His Name

  Anthology and Collaborations:

  No Way Out (Winter Barb)

  Cicero Slumber; Illinois Chapter, Mafia Retelling of A Briar Rose: Bleeding Souls Saved By Love

  Baby, It’s Hot Outside: The New Romance Cafe- Breast Cancer Foundation Charity

  Patriot Games

  Yankee Doodle Sweetheart

  Cities in Dust

  Little 15

  Follow LD Wosar




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