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Oceantide Page 13

by Everly Taylor

  He whipped me again and I arched, straining against the binds. The pain radiated through me and felt like nothing I had ever experienced before. My body quivered with need, “Please, Beck. Fuck me. I need to feel your big cock inside me,” I begged.

  He rubbed his shaft against my folds as he teased me with it. I tried to push back but the water held me firmly in place. “Is this what you want?”

  “Yes, more,” my voice was desperate with the need for him.

  He pushed his tip in and I felt the water whip against my ass again. “Tell me how much you want me. Tell me what you want me to do to you,” he commanded. His voice was rough and demanding and I loved it.

  “I want you to fuck me hard, Beck. Pound me with your cock and make me come all over it,” I pleaded as my mind seemed to not care that I was weakened by my need for him.

  He slammed his cock inside of me and I relished the feel of him filling me. I screamed in pleasure as he slowly slid out, inch by agonizing inch before pumping hard and fast back into me. “More,” I cried out, “Fuck me harder you sexy beast!”

  Beck didn’t need any more encouragement as he started to pump in and out relentlessly, pistoning my soaked pussy with his cock. It felt so fucking good that I couldn’t hold out any longer, my denial of release finally breaking free as my walls trembled around him. He didn’t stop, instead he fucked me harder and harder as I felt the rush of water vibrating against my clit.

  My walls clenched around him as my orgasm kept going, waves of pleasure that washed over my whole body again and again. “Fuck, Una.” he cried out before I felt the warm gush of his seed filling me as he roared out his own release. I kept coming, milking him of every last drop as my body quivered around his dick.

  A few more thrusts and he laid his head on my back as he wrapped his arms around me. “That was better than I ever imagined,” he managed to say between heavy breaths.

  I giggled, “I had no idea you were hiding such a kinky beast under that cool and calm exterior.”

  He let the water lower me slowly to my feet, and held me steady as my knees buckled and I wobbled toward him. “I did warn you that I had certain fantasies when it comes to you,” he chuckled as he pulled me down onto his lap on the crates. “I hope I didn’t scare you off.”

  “Oh hell no,” I assured him. “If anything, you earned yourself a nickname and I’m never letting you go. That water thing you did was fucking amazing, Beast.”

  “Hmm, I think I like that nickname,” he sighed as he cuddled with me. “It certainly will give me street cred.”

  I giggled as I let his scent envelop me, enjoying the post orgasm bliss curled up on his lap. I broke the silence as I asked, “Was I as good as your fantasy?”

  “More,” he promised. “You were everything and more than I could have ever imagined.”

  We continued to pet each other and kiss as we spent the last remaining minutes together before we were locked up for the night. For the first time in my life, I wished that I could spend every moment with not only Beck, but Jet as well. I was sad that Jet wasn’t able to be here, but I was also happy that Beck and I got the chance to discover each other alone. I knew that the three of us together would eventually happen and it would be better sooner rather than later.

  Our time was up, and we dressed before putting away the files in a hidden cubby in the wall. Frost hadn’t found out about this room, but I wasn't about to take any chances. Beck gave me a long lingering kiss in front of the door before I left, high as a kite, to get to my cell before the doors closed for the night. Not even my new bitch of a roommate could bring me down right now. I had my beast and my big dick, my life felt complete.

  Almost. There still felt like something was missing and my mind wandered to the man that I had saved a year ago. My body and soul were drawn to him, but my mind said hell no. He was a cocky asshole and not the kind of cocky that went great in my asshole. I brushed my thoughts of him aside, wanting to relish the magical sex I just had with Beck.

  I ignored the glare of the new roomie as I slid into the door of our cell. She huffed in annoyance as if she had something to say. I loudly opened my wardrobe as I could feel her eyes burning in the back of my head. I stripped off my clothes, not caring that she was watching me. I heard her gasp and the bed creak as if she were turning away.

  Again, she huffed, and I couldn’t take it anymore, “What is your problem now?” I ground out.

  Those brown eyes narrowed on me, “You could at least make it back here on time to shower so you didn’t reek of sex. As if it weren’t bad enough you rubbed one out on my first night here. Now I have to deal with your stench.”

  “Look lady, I don’t give a fuck if you have to smell me or not. I’m not a damn prude and I have boyfriends. I’m not going to stop my activities because you have a stick up your ass. Why don’t you go find someone and get fucked while you're at it? Maybe then you’ll stop getting on my ass. We’re stuck together. Deal with it.” I threw my pajamas on and plopped on my bed. So much for keeping that high that I was riding from the amazing sex.

  The door clanked shut and I stared at the wall, trying to get back to my good feeling. A light shimmering followed by a pop made me swear. Fuck, now was not the time for visitors. Not with Miss By-the-Book bunking with me.

  Chapter 15- Una

  I heard the bed above me shift, and I knew my roommate had heard the noise too. My mind raced with exactly what I was going to tell her to make her not rat out my new friend, but I came up blank. How the hell did you make up an excuse for a fairy literally just popping by? I waved my hands at Shay, but she was already looking up surprised at the top bunk. It was too late and I realized something was wrong.

  “Who the hell are you?” my roommate snapped out. I sighed as I sat up, and they said I lacked manners.

  “You really do have a way with words,” I shook my head as I stood. “Hey Shay.”

  She let out a small squeak as my roommate sat up. “I shouldn’t have come.” Shay started to back up and I knew she was about to leave. I reached out and gripped her wrist and she cried out again as my hand wrapped around her skin, something was definitely not right. “Don’t go. She’s already seen you anyway.”

  “She is sitting right here,” the dark-haired girl said, swinging over the bed and landing surprisingly silently on the floor.

  I struggled to play nice, being a bitch was not going to convince her to keep our secret. “Considering I don’t have a clue who, or what you are, she was the next best option,” I smirked at her.

  She eyed us both before nodding, “Fair enough. Now who is this and what is she doing in our room after hours? Decide to upgrade from your hand?”

  I narrowed my eyes at her. I had to give it to her, she was quick on her feet, in more ways than one. “No, smart ass. She’s just a friend.” I sneered sarcastically at her and struggled not to grin. Damn if I didn’t appreciate her attitude.

  “Wait, I’m your friend?” Shay interrupted, the surprise clear in her voice. I looked at her and realized that her cheeks were stained with tears and her usually unruly hair was more so tonight. My gaze fell on her left wing, crumpled and torn behind her, rather than standing straight, doing the weird flutter thing they normally did.

  “What the hell happened to you Shay?” I asked, pissed she had been hurt.

  She sniffled a little and glanced nervously at my roommate before speaking, “They came to dust me tonight,” she wiped a silent tear from her cheek.

  “Who, Shay? Who the fuck did this to you?” I snapped out harsher than I should have in my panic for her, and desire to hurt whoever had done this to her.

  She must have been used to my personality and figured out I would never hurt her because she seemed unphased by my tone. “I don’t know. Two men came in with black masks covering their faces. I could only see their eyes through the slits on the masks and when they spoke it seemed as if something magic had been applied to their voices so I wouldn’t recognize them.”

nbsp; Shay sunk into my bed and I held her for a minute as she sobbed. My roommate stood and watched silently, seeming to understand as I did that she needed her time before being asked any more questions. She might be a dick, but she got credit for at least that.

  “I should be used to this whole thing by now. Weird people coming in the middle of the night to shake me or rub my wings down to collect the dust. Those guys though were really rough and didn’t stop when I told them they were hurting me. They even ripped one of my wings and even that didn’t stop them.”

  “Why are they doing that to you?” my roomie asked, for once her voice filled with concern instead of a bark that was worse than mine. It seems the military brat had some compassion after all.

  “I’m not exactly sure you should be trusted. You only know about this now because you happen to be here. If there is anyone I trust less than the assholes in this prison, it's those from the military, and you scream military. Brainless idiots that do nothing but follow orders blindly and fail to think for themselves,” I snapped.

  “You know nothing about me,” she spat out.

  “You’re absolutely right,” I responded. “And whose fault is that?”

  She said nothing in response to me. Instead she knelt in front of Shay and her face softened. “I know a lot about being hurt by men that think they are invincible just because they have something between their legs. Can I look at your wing?”

  Shay nodded and shifted to the side, her torn wing clearly visible for the first time. I let out a gasp and noticed the momentary fury that raced through the dark eyes of my roommate. She was gentle though, barely touching Shay’s wing as she examined it. “This looks really painful. Your healing will kick in and fix it, but not if it stays separated like this.”

  “It doesn’t matter. They’ve taken every last drop of my dust. I can’t heal myself until it comes back.” Shay told her sadly. “I’m never going to be able to fly.” She started sobbing again and turned into my shoulder.

  “Una, do you have any tape?” she asked as Shay cried quietly. “Preferably clear so her captors can’t see it.”

  I nodded and gently pulled Shay back so I could stand. I walked to the wardrobe where I kept my art supplies. Sebastian had been kind enough to give me a roll of tape to hang up my drawings and I kept it stored here, where no one would bother it. I missed him so much and the thought of doing something good with his gift filled me with warmth. He would have liked to know that his act of kindness to me was being paid forward. “Here,” I passed the roll to her as I took my seat next to Shay again. “I don’t have anything to cut it with, though. I just use my teeth.”

  “If we can get it lined up the right way, it should heal just fine. You might end up with a little scar, but you should be able to fly again,” she said as she looked for the edge of the tape and asked me to hold Shay’s wing in place as she taped it. I waited until she had readied the tape, trying not to gape when a large claw extended from her hands and she used it to cut a perfect sized piece. I had no idea what she was, but I was starting to think I might need to get on her good side or risk my throat being slit in my sleep.

  “Ok, Shay, this is going to hurt a little and we’ll be as gentle as we can. I need you to hold still though and try not to cry out so the guards don’t hear you. Can you do that?” Shay nodded and I moved to position myself to allow my roomie to tape her wing. Gently, I lifted her wings back into place and I could see Shay bite down on her lower lip as they were taped back together.

  I held her wing forward so she could tape the other side as well, pride running through me for Shay as she only let out a small hiss as we released her wing, though I could tell it had been extremely painful. It looked perfect and the tape couldn’t be seen unless I was specifically looking for it.

  “Thank you,” Shay sagged against me.

  “Think nothing of it,” my roomie shrugged, bouncing her short black hair as she handed the tape back to me and turned the chair around to face us, straddling it as she sat. “Your secret is safe with me.” She looked at me as if daring me to disagree with her, but I knew she was telling the truth. Our secret was safe with her, at least for now.

  “Thanks,” Shay breathed out, relief clearly washing over her. I felt so bad for her, she always seemed on edge and ready to run at any moment. Whatever life she had lived could not have been easy and her ripped wing had clearly been no walk in the park.

  “I’m Shay,” she held out her hand to my roommate and grinned. For a moment I thought she was going to ignore her outstretched palm but instead she took it and shook.

  “I’m Royoko, but you can call me Ry,” she dropped her hand as I stared at her. “What? All you had to do was ask. But I know what you do with your hands, I’m not shaking yours,” she laughed as Shay looked at her curiously.

  “Noted,” I chuckled.

  “So why haven’t I seen you before this?” Ry asked.

  “I, uh-” Shay looked at me for help, uncertainty clear in her eyes.

  “Shay isn’t with the general population. Someone bought her and is keeping her in the caves,” I informed her.

  “What the hell?” Ry frowned. “Bought?”

  “Yeah. Pixie dust goes for a high dollar, and it's pretty hard to come across. But they have a direct line to the source with me. That’s why I was dusted tonight. This was the only place I could think of to come after.”

  “They use you for drugs?” Ry asked, shocked at what Shay had told her.

  “It’s not all sunshine and rainbows out there,” I shook my head.

  “Clearly,” Ry rested her arms on the back of the chair and watched Shay settle on the bed. “So why don’t you stop them? Or shit, hide out in here.” she asked at last.

  Shay let out a dry laugh, “There is no stopping them. I’m their ‘cash cow’ as they call it. They will never let me go. I can’t hide out here either. Whoever bought me has me bound to them, when they call, I have to come, no matter what. If I refuse, it will result in my death.”

  I could see the concern in Ry’s eyes for Shay, and I decided to trust her, not with everything, not yet, but at least with this. “We are trying to figure out who bought her, and a way to free her.”

  Ry’s eyes widened in surprise before she schooled herself and met my gaze evenly, “Really?” I nodded and she looked to Shay, “Why don’t you just not give them the dust?”

  “Trust me, I tried. They have their ways,” she looked out of the small window to our room and I could see the tears welling in her eyes again.

  “We have to figure out a way to get you out of here, and soon,” I told her.

  “Wait, she popped in here just now. Can you just do that, but away from here?” Ry reasoned.

  “Trust me, I tried. After I’m dusted they leave me so weak, my power is faulty at best, and certainly not strong enough to pull something like that off. Definitely not tonight when they dusted me dry and left me broken and bruised.”

  “But you're strong enough to make it through the wards,” I said hopefully. “That has to mean something. Shit, it takes a lot of power to make it through them. Maybe we can figure out a way to get you past the big ward around the castle to get you free?”

  “The thought is nice, but I know they will keep me drained. They always do,” she shrugged, resigned at her fate.

  “There has to be something,” Ry tapped her thumb on the back of the chair.

  “We found a previous professor's notes on the influx of pixie dust. He was working on pinning down the source, and we are following his trail,” I told Ry as much for her knowledge as for Shay’s.

  “You actually found something?” Shay asked.

  “I told you we would figure out a way. This is just step one,” I grinned.

  “Thank you!” She exclaimed and jumped forward to give me a hug, wincing as her broken wing reminded her that she was still healing.

  “We aren’t there yet, but we will be,” I assured her as she sat back.

  We fell qui
et as we heard the guards’ footsteps pass outside our cell door. Shay looked sicker than a wilted kelp bed, “I should be going. Thank you,” she stood.

  “Are you going to make it back like that?” I asked, worried that she wasn’t strong enough.

  “I have to try, it’s better than getting caught out of my cell. I’ll be back soon,” she said before the faint pop sounded in the air and she was gone.

  “She really just disappeared,” Ry stood and walked to the spot Shay had just vacated. “Isn’t that some shit?”

  “Yeah. She surprised me for the first time with that little trick when I was in solitary. You will get used to it,” I shrugged and laid on my back as she climbed back into bed. “Thanks for being nice to her. I don’t think she has anyone. It was a great idea to tape her wing so she could heal. Thank you.”

  “I’m not a dick,” she muttered.

  I chose to ignore her statement as we both fell silent. She had kind of been exactly that when I first met her. Not that I could blame her, it had been her first day here, and finding some girl masturbating right underneath her had probably made an already shitty day, worse. If I had been in her situation, I probably would have handled it a lot worse to be honest.

  Ry broke the silence, “I want in.”

  “Huh?” I asked, surprised at her statement and needing to clarify. There was no way she knew about our escape plan, so I waited for her response.

  “I want in,” she stated again. “I want to help you free Shay,” she said, almost as if reading my thoughts.

  “Are you sure?” I asked into the darkness. “It might not be exactly safe, and if we are caught-” I trailed off, leaving the consequences hanging in the air.

  “I faced an entire Chinese army. If I can’t face a few drug dealers, I don't know who can,” she said determinedly.

  “Alright. Don’t get too excited. We don’t need you rushing the border or anything. I don’t see why you can’t help though. Another set of eyes would be helpful. I’ll talk to the guys about it in the morning.”


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