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Oceantide Page 16

by Everly Taylor

  The bell sounded again and I gave the guys a kiss and told them I would catch up with them. Everyone filed out and Chan motioned me forward.

  “Yes Professor?” I asked as everyone moved down the hall.

  “I wanted to talk to you about what you saw yesterday. Please come into my office for a moment,” he gestured to the door and I walked through.

  “What did you need to know about what I saw?” My face flushed slightly as I recalled Prince Adar calling out my name as I left the room and he climaxed.

  “I don’t really need to know anything, rather there is something I think you need to see.” he sat behind his desk.. “Frost had cameras installed in each classroom last week. He can’t add them everywhere, but in areas like that he can. I decided to take a look for myself and I think you might be interested in what I found.”

  “Alright,” I replied hesitantly as he turned his computer monitor around. He pushed play and I watched as the two bitches sat on their desks, giggling at each other. Carmen fell off the desk and Prince Adar rushed in to help her.

  He started to leave, but Alayna passed him a vial. After studying it for a moment he began to pass it back, but she coaxed him to lift it to his nose. He faced the camera and the look of shock when he sniffed the powder was clear on his face. I watched as they toyed with him, giggling together over their new catch. “You know what happens there,” Chan said, stopping the video.

  “He had no clue what it was,” I mused aloud.

  Chan shook his head, “He didn’t. When he woke yesterday, I talked to him about it. When Alayna urged him to sniff, he had no idea what it was, let alone the effects it would have on him. Pixie dust affects everyone differently. The magical properties in it is what makes it so highly sought after. Those properties are what makes it respond to an individual's body, it’s thought to somehow react to someone's memories, to their emotions as well, to give the best high possible. Each person smelling, tasting or even feeling something different. In Prince Adar’s case, it made him sexually aroused.”

  I swallowed, realizing that Adar had just been another victim to Alayna and Carmen’s manipulation. One I had walked right into. It looked like the prince might not be such a dickhead after all.

  Chapter 19 - Eva

  I stood against the railing, overlooking the mountains that sprawled beneath the castle. It was so quiet and serene here. The sanctuary we all sought after a lifetime of searching. Everything here was so beautiful, from the jagged rocks that jutted out here and there to the soft covering of snow that capped the trees and mountains beyond. While there was still a long way to go, I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else.

  “You look lost in thought,” Calex said coming up behind me and running his hands down my arms. The heat from his hands spread through me and I found myself quickly warmer, in more ways than one.

  I leaned back into him as we looked over the land together, “Yeah, I was just thinking how we still have so much work to do, but even so, everything is so perfect here. Being with you guys is more than I could have ever hoped for.”

  “Why do I sense a ‘but’ in there?” he asked, gently kissing my temple.

  “You know me too damn well.” I let out a sigh, “I feel guilty for us having all of this, having each other, when our friends are still locked away, being treated, who knows how bad, now that Frost is pissed over our escape.”

  “We can’t dwell over things like that, or it will stop us from moving forward.” He turned me to face him, “We will get them out of there. In the meantime, all we can do is wait for word from Una and prepare the castle so they have a comfortable place when they arrive.”

  I hugged him close, he was right. Dwelling on things I couldn’t change would only keep me from changing what I could. “You're right, thank you,” I stood on my toes and kissed him. Just as he pulled me close someone cleared their throat from behind us.

  “Excuse the interruption, but we have news from Una,” Sebastian looked at us heatedly and I could tell he had wanted to interrupt in a completely different way.

  “We’ll continue this later,” I grinned at Calex before taking his hand and following Sebastian out.

  We met in the great room, a fire already roaring in the oversized fireplace. Thus far, the hardest thing we had come up against was how to keep a castle made of ice warm, and this was the one room where we seemed to have figured it out. The flames danced and flickered over the glass bricks that made up the fireplace, and cast its soft glow across the room. I was still mesmerized by the beauty of it, and the fact that such magic was even possible. Ice that didn’t melt under heat. Who even knew that was a thing?

  I crossed the room to the sectional we had added. One big enough for us all to cuddle on at night, with still enough seats for others to join us. In addition to the large couch we had added chairs and a few tables all sitting on top of a beautiful rug one of the guys had found in a local village. I had to admit, I had been skeptical when Jax wanted to bring in all of these things, but his knack for interior design was kind of surprising.

  Everyone found a seat and Cronan passed me a note. I looked down at it, my heart pounding in my chest as I hoped everything was okay. I opened it and the swirly cursive instantly told me who it was from. I had seen her writing on her drawings more times than I could count, and would recognize it anywhere.

  I read her note out loud, decoding it as I read, grateful Sebastian had insisted we all learn the code. Though I wouldn’t tell him that, he might get the idea that hours of studying was my kind of thing. Her words reassured us that she was indeed okay, and being careful to avoid any more trouble with Frost. She had been put in front of a veritician and thankfully she had been able to skirt around the questions, not having any real information to give so Frost remained unaware that she knew much about our escape.

  She mentioned that two guys would be coming with her, instead of just one, and my heart soared that she was still finding happiness even after she had been left behind. Una told us about a girl, a fairy, that needed help getting out as well, and they had already started working on a way to free her from their end.

  She listed some questions she was hoping we could all help answer, like the name of Sebastian’s driver when he collected students and his impression of him. Also if anyone had any information on the vertitician and how she might be connected with the faerie they were trying to free, and the pixie dust ring. She gave a description of her before she continued.

  I read on,

  This last part is for you Eva. I don’t want you to feel bad for leaving me behind. It was my decision so you all could escape. With you out there, it gives me hope that one day I will see my freedom and return to my home with my guys.

  Until we are reunited,


  Tears welled up in my eyes as I re-read her words to myself. It helped so much to hear she was doing well, even more that she didn’t hold it against me that she was left behind. It was something that I had certainly struggled with. I would put it behind me though, and move forward so we could all have a better future.

  I took a deep breath and looked at the guys around me. This was family, one I had always searched for, and found in the most unexpected places. It was time to save the rest of them.

  “Okay, so first her questions,” I stated, more as a question than anything, hoping someone would know something we could send back to help her.

  “My driver was Sergio, but I don’t think he had anything to do with the pixie dust. In all my time there, I never saw him do a thing out of line. I wouldn’t go so far as to say we can trust him in all of this, but I also don’t think he has a part in it either,” Sebastian said. “As for the veritician, I have never met this particular one that she described. I’ll reach out to some of the others for information if needed.”

  “I only know of the veritician by name. I have never met her personally, but from what I hear, her power is far beyond that of any other with her particular skill set,” Calex added.
  “My people used to tell of a veritician that was like this. Like Calex, I have never met her before, as we are leery of anyone that can look into your mind, but she does have immense power.” Blade stated.

  “Jax, have you ever heard your father talk about her?” I questioned. If anyone might have seen something around Frost it would have been him.

  “He kept his shit hidden from me. You all know that. Though, now that I think about it, I did overhear a conversation between the staff that he had called in the lady again. No one said her name or referred to her as a veritician. All I can say is that they all seemed on edge the entire day, up to the point that she left again,” Jax shrugged. “Honestly, it could have been anyone though knowing the shit my father deals in.”

  “True enough. Okay, so I’ll get word to Una about all of this. In the meantime we need to begin preparing to storm the castle, so to speak. Cronan, any luck on your front?”

  “Nothing yet. We are trying to figure out what changed with the two of us to allow our escape,” he smiled thinly. The distress that they have been unable to free the other dragons clear on his face.

  “Don’t worry Cronan. We will figure it out,” I reassured him.

  “Thank you, my Queen,” he stood and thankfully only nodded his head. He had started bowing to me and it only made things weird, so I asked him to stop. Now we just had to work on the whole ‘my Queen’ thing.

  “Let’s work together, figure out the best way in, and the best way out. The knowledge between all of us, should be enough to get us there and home safely,” Sebastian said, always the one to plan things out in an organized way. He was right though, we needed to come up with a solid plan.

  “It looks like we have our work cut out for us,” Blade murmured.

  “We always knew what we were getting into. This time, hopefully we finish it,” Calex said confidently.

  I only hoped he was right. I had no clue how many chances we would get with Frost, so we needed to make the best of the only one we could get.

  Chapter 20 - Una

  I headed to the next class, the note from Chan in my hand that excused me for being late. I paused for a moment when the hairs on my neck stood on end. His scent reached me, one of ice, and what I would describe as evil, that was if evil had a scent. I wasn’t going to let him know I had noticed him and I refused to turn around or acknowledge his presence in any way. Instead, I looked straight ahead and kept walking.

  “Princess Una,” his smooth voice called to me. If I hadn’t already been on edge from finding myself alone with him, I was now. He never used my title and whatever it meant, had to be no good. “You are breaking the rules by not being in class. Come with me.”

  I smiled to myself wickedly before I turned to face him as I held up the note from Chan. “No, sir, I’m not breaking the rules. As you can see, I have a note from Professor Chan excusing my lateness. It does say in the new rules that any tardiness to class must be excused by a person of authority.” I smiled at him innocently and batted my eyes.

  “Let me see that,” he said calmly, as he reached his hand out and crossed the distance between us. He smoothly covered the anger in his voice, but it was clear on his face and in the way he snatched it out of my hand. His eyes darted over the paper as he scanned it and I could see the flash of anger in his eyes as he took a step closer. “Very well. You may be excused this time, but I am watching you, Princess Una.”

  “Aww shucks,” I giggled. “I’m so honored to have the revered Headmaster Frost so interested in me. I just hope your obsession doesn’t cross the line. I don’t know if that's allowed, even though no one could blame you with my good looks and sparkling personality,” I gave him a wink. I knew I was pushing it, getting smart with him like that, but I was tired of him walking all over me, just because he was on a power trip.

  His jaw clenched as he visibly ground his teeth, barely holding onto his cool detached demeanor. “I will give you one warning, Princess. I am not to be trifled with. You may think you are untouchable, but I will use any means necessary to get my son and your friend back. And when I do, they will regret the day they ran from Shadow Isle. You will be sorry, because it will be you that will be their downfall.”

  I rolled my eyes, “I think we’ve already established with the veritician that I know nothing. Maybe you should pay better attention to the things going on under your nose, like the sudden influx of pixie dust. Some might say that you aren’t protecting your students and remove you from the position you hold so dear.” The surprise on his face before he quickly schooled it back to disinterest showed me that he wasn’t aware of the problem. He was one person I could check off the list of people responsible, though it still didn’t get him off the hook.

  “I suggest you mind your own business, Una,” he threatened, dropping all formality. It felt good to know I was able to shake him. This whole pissing match with Frost was starting to be fun, even if it was going to leave me trembling afterwards.

  “My own safety is my business,” I met his gaze evenly, refusing to backdown on this one. “I would prefer not to be cornered by guards that are so high they try to force themselves on the students here. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must get to class.” I held out my hand for my note that he hadn’t yet given back. Frost stared at me for a moment before he passed it to me. I took it from him and forced myself to turn my back to him to walk down the hall. It took everything in me to not run to the next class, knowing he was at my back, but I was not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he got to me.

  Sure, it was fun to rile him up, but the fear of being put back in solitary caused adrenaline to rush through my veins. I had really pushed it with him during our little exchange, but I had done it for a reason. One, to show him that he didn’t scare me, and two I had managed to gain a little intel when I had him rattled like that.

  As much as I hated to admit it, Frost had no clue about the pixie dust thing, that much was clear. There was no way someone could feign the amount of shock he had, and then struggle to school his features to appear like he had no reaction. Also, he needed me. To what end, I didn’t know, but he wouldn’t have taken an interest in me the way he had if that were not the case. I really hoped Eva would hurry up and get us out of here, before Frost did something stupid. We needed now, more than ever, to figure out who was responsible for Shay’s enslavement and torture so we all could get the fuck out of this hell hole.

  Frost stood in the hall, his eyes burning holes into my back as he watched me walk to the next class. Thankfully, it wasn’t far, but fuck, it felt like it was a mile away. I sighed in relief as I entered and escaped his heated stare.

  The teacher in this class was sitting at the desk with his feet propped up and a magazine open on his lap. “You’re late, Una. You can go straight to the headmaster’s office.”

  I rolled my eyes and crossed to him before I shoved the note in his face. “Nope. I have the required note, personally checked by the headmaster himself,” I smirked as he took the note from me. “I’ll just take my seat and wait for you to actually teach us something.”

  “Assignment is on the board. Sit down and shut up before I send you to the headmaster for your attitude,” he spit out at me.

  I could have said much more, like what kind of assignment is answering the one question that lazy ass actually managed to write on the board, but I was pretty done with everything. Still trembling from my encounter with Frost, I chose to shut my mouth for once and sit down. Jet and Beck had left my seat between the two of them open and I walked toward it.

  Someone reached out and grabbed my hand as I passed through the rows of seats. I looked down, finding the prince looking up at me. Even though warmth radiated from his hand and stirred something inside I didn’t want to feel. Not with him anyways.

  I knew what happened with Alayna and Carmen wasn’t his fault but I still wasn’t convinced that he was a decent man by any means. He looked up at me, his eyes pleading, and I almost fell for his p
retty boy charm. I snatched my hand away and held my head high as I sat down between my guys. That's all it was, pretty boy charm and nothing else. As I sat between my guys my trembling began to recede and I relished in the way I felt safe between them.

  Jet passed me a note, asking what was up with the guy that wouldn’t leave me alone and if he needed to take care of him. I laughed out loud causing the asshole teacher to give me another warning. I shook my head and hoped that he would get the point that I would talk to him later, not that I knew what I would say even if I could talk to him freely at the moment.

  I looked up at the teacher and he was leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed. I didn’t think for one minute that he was actually sleeping. More like trying to lure us into thinking he was, so he could catch us doing something worth reporting to Frost. Beck passed me a note asking if we could play tonight. Heat pooled between my legs and I nodded fervently. We spent the rest of the long class passing notes. Beck had been nice enough to write down the answer to the question for me before I came in, so I was free to flirt with my guys.

  Our notes got steamier and steamier, the boys thinking that it was funny to turn me on by giving me hints at what they were going to do to me tonight in our private room. I reminded them that Ryoko would be coming, but that didn’t deter them. They said it would happen anyway, and I better be ready. The scent of my own arousal hit my nose, somehow only serving to turn me on even more. I knew the others could smell it as well, but I didn’t give two fucks. Let them think whatever they wanted.

  I gazed around the classroom and spotted a group of students passing around a vial of dust. Anger rose in my belly and I started to get up, ready to snatch it from them by any means possible. As I took a step Jet managed to grab me and pulled me to him. He hugged me close, his warm breath tickling my ear as he whispered, “No Una. You can’t get put in solitary. You can’t help her from there.”


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