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Oceantide Page 27

by Everly Taylor

  We carefully made our way down the eerily silent hallway. Quietly, we ran to the door leading down to the caves and after a quick glance around us, we slipped through. I softly sung my song as we made our way through the dim tunnels. Adar held my hand, keeping me grounded as my heart thudded in my chest. I was so happy he was with me because even though I exuded confidence, I was scared as fuck. Being back in the caves reminded me of being locked down here and that was one time of my life I would happily forget.

  I frequently paused in my singing to sniff the air, searching for any one else that might be down here, especially Frost. It seemed as though this tunnel was abandoned as I couldn’t pick up any scents at all. It was strange, but I tried to count it as a blessing as we made the last turn and the doors to the cells came into view.

  “You can’t find a stone to open the door to the room, but you can remember the path here with all these offshoot tunnels?” he whispered.

  I shrugged and whispered back, “I have a good memory for location. Not so much for rocks. They all look the same to me. Ready?”

  He nodded and we listened intently. The only sounds were those of the prisoners crying out just as I remembered from my time there. Silently we walked through the passages, working our way deeper into the caverns.

  It seemed as though Frost hadn’t replaced any of the guards because there weren’t any in sight. The only ones we had seen were the ones that were stationed at the entrance to the caves, in the main school. Something was strange about it and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Did Frost really think he was that untouchable?

  Adar was ready with a vial of his sleeping potion in his hand, prepared to knock out anyone we came in contact with. The rest of his items were in a small pouch that he attached to his belt. Since there was no one around we rushed down to the last cell where Jet told us Shay would be.

  At last we found her in the very end cell, huddled in the corner. Shay stared at the ground, dirty and disheveled, looking nothing like the bright, energetic fairy I knew she could be. I tried to open her cell door, but it was locked as we assumed it would be. Adar stepped up, ready to use the potion he prepared that would eat away the lock. It worked quickly and the lock clattered to the dirty stone floor as the door opened, creaking loudly. My heart went out to her as she flinched when we stepped in and she finally looked up.

  “Girl, get your ass up so we can get you out of here. Unless you want to stay,” I teased her.

  “Una?” she looked up at me in surprise before she jumped up, the chains attaching her to the wall rattling in the process.

  “In the flesh,” I laughed quietly. “Adar is going to break the binding and tomorrow we are leaving this place. We have to hurry though because we don’t have much time.”

  As I was talking to her, I could hear Craig moaning in the cell behind me. I really wanted to do something to him, but I wouldn’t lower myself to killing. It sucked to have morals sometimes. Adar worked fast and had everything set out before I knew it.

  He spoke softly to Shay, “I’m going to start now. You may feel a little bit of pain when it breaks and I’m sorry for that.”

  She shrugged and smiled at him, “It’s okay. I’m used to pain by now. At least this time it will be for a good reason. I’m ready.”

  I stood back as he started to speak in a language I didn’t recognize, but it sounded ancient and beautiful. It was interesting as he took different ingredients and mixed them together and made gestures with his hands after each one. It was extremely different from the coven of witches I had watched so long ago. I had to admit I hoped just a little he would get naked and dance around. His ass was too fine to be covered up while he did his thing.

  “Drink this,” he instructed Shay. “I’m sorry it will taste horrible.”

  She took it from him and her face screwed up as it hit her tongue. I gave her credit for not gagging as she chugged it down and then wiped the back of her mouth with her hand.

  “Just a bit more,” he gently urged. “This is where you will start to feel a little pain,” he informed her before he started speaking that language again. I needed to remember to ask him what it was later.

  Shay did well and I barely noticed she was in pain, the only indication was the furrow of her brows as Adar’s voice hit a crescendo. Before I knew it, it was done, and she dropped to her knees, panting. I rushed to her side and checked her over. “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Yep,” she said cheerily. “I think the taste of that drink was worse than the pain.”

  Adar chuckled, “Sorry about that. If only potions could be sweet. I think whoever invented this shit had cavities or something so they avoided sugar. I hate to cut this short but we need to get moving if we are going to make it back before curfew. We’ll be back tomorrow.”

  I agreed and gave Shay a hug as I promised her we would be back to get her tomorrow. She was excited to be free for the first time in her life and willing to wait another night if that was what it took.

  We started to exit, still saying our goodbyes but were cut off as Craig’s voice echoed through the dank caves. “You’ll never be free, pixie. You’ll always be nothing more than someone’s cash cow.” He coughed and sputtered and I glared through the dim light at him. That’s when I noticed the blood covering his body and dripping from his mouth. Frost certainly did a number on him. Not that I cared.

  Shay popped out in front of him, shocking us all. If she could pop out of those chains, then why did she tolerate it? “I will be free and you’ll be dead,” she said in a voice filled with venom that I never thought I would hear from her. She pulled her arm back and hit him right in the nose so hard his head bounced against the stone behind him. “That’s for torturing me you brute!”

  I held in a laugh, not at the grave situation, but at her tiny voice and petite body, so unexpected to hit a man that hard. It was entertaining to say the least. Craig tried to spit at her, but she disappeared back in her cell before he could. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she waved us off and settled herself back in her cell.

  We made it back to the cellblock without incident, saying goodbye on my floor with a searing kiss that made me want to stay with him. Ry interrupted by shouting to get our asses moving before Adar didn’t have time left to reach his cell. I gave him a quick peck and waved as he rushed off.

  I grinned at Ry as I entered our room, “It’s done and seemed to work. All ready for tomorrow. Are you sure you won’t go with us?”

  “I’d love to but I can’t. This is where I’m needed right now. I feel like I have some things that I’ve done in my life that I need to atone for and helping my fellow dragon shifters will help me find peace,” the sadness clear in her voice.

  “I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me about it?” I asked. She didn’t answer and I took that as a no. “We all have done things in our past that we might not necessarily be proud of. Whether it’s good or bad isn’t so black and white. Sometimes we make mistakes, or sometimes we do bad things for a good reason. I don’t know what you did, but don’t be so hard on yourself.”

  The silence filled the room and I thought for a moment that she might be sleeping. Softly she responded, “Thank you, Una. I will keep your advice in mind. I’m going to miss you but I have a feeling we will meet again.”

  “Me too Ryoko, me too.”

  Chapter 34 – Una

  The next day I surprised myself by waking before the doors had even opened. Ry sat on the floor meditating as I knew she did in the early hours, but this time, stopped when she heard me sit up.

  “You’re up early,” she grinned.

  “Nerves,” I shrugged.

  “Don’t worry, it will all be smooth, and you will be out of here before you know it,” she replied as I crossed the room to get clean clothes. I was going to shower this morning before going down to greet the guys. Who knew when the next time we would be able to shower would be?

  “Thank you again for all of your help. I know you don’t h
ave to,” I said.

  “I’m not really doing much, since we can’t risk Frost finding out my part in it all.”

  “Still you’re helping Chan bring the dragons, without them, we would be fucked,” I chuckled as the doors clanged open. “There’s my cue. See you in the cafeteria.”

  I rushed down to the showers, thinking how glorious it would be to finally bathe in the salt water of my home. No longer having to suffer from the tiny trickle of water that this place provided, or deal with the way it made my skin dry out.

  The pipes groaned as I turned on the tap and made quick work of cleaning myself before tossing my dirty clothes in the bin and heading downstairs. Adar and Jet already sat at our table with their trays and Beck was in line getting his own. There were only a handful of other people already sitting, so the quiet of the early morning made me extra aware. I took my place in line, trying not to fidget as the guards made their rounds, watching us closely.

  My nerves were on edge, not sure when or exactly how Eva and the guys would arrive while all at the same time trying to avoid making eye contact with any of the guards to avoid giving anything away. I hoped it would be sooner rather than later.

  “Number,” Henry barked, jolting me out of my thoughts as I stepped forward.

  I gave him my prison number, and he nodded his head before shouting for the next person in line. I got my own tray and joined the guys. “Deep breath, it will be over before you know it,” Jet murmured.

  I nodded my head, the only sign that he had said anything as I picked up a bite of my food. Cardboard or not, I knew the guys would hound me to eat, if I took a few bites at least they would be happy. The thin pancakes hit the bottom of my stomach like a sunken ship and I took a sip of water to steady myself.

  A few students started shuffling in, coming to check in and start their own day. The noise in the cafeteria picked up as usual, somehow easing my anxiety. I felt like we were less of a target for the guards with more people around us.

  The guys laughed around me, each trying to outdo the other with a corny joke. I had to admit, some of them even had me snickering.

  “What does a dolphin say when he’s confused?” Jet asked. “Can you please be more Pacific?”

  The guys chuckled in response and I laughed along with them. It was funny what nerves did to people. Apparently, it turned my guys into school aged tadpoles that told lame jokes.

  “What did one tidepool say to the other tidepool?” Adar chimed in.

  “Show me your mussels!” Beck and Jet replied in unison.

  “Figures you two would know that one,” he rolled his eyes.

  “Why does the mermaid wear seashells?” Beck asked with a glint in his eyes. He never got his response out as a loud crash sounded from the front end of the castle. The guards shouted and ran toward the chaos that we heard erupting, even from this distance. We all glanced at each other, certain that it could only be one thing.

  “Go find Eva. We will get Shay and return,” I grabbed Adar’s hand and pulled him from the cafeteria as the other students erupted in chaos, wanting to know what was happening.

  We quickly made our way down to the caves, not caring this time that the heavy metal doors slammed shut behind us. Everyone would be too concerned with what was going on at the front of the castle to care what was happening over here.

  My eyes adjusted to the dim light and I was grateful my mer vision was still somewhat useful on land as we raced through the narrow tunnels. It wasn’t as good as it was underwater, but it was a hell of a lot better than nothing. We reached the last cell and found Shay pacing back and forth already free from her shackles again. “You came,” she breathed out as we opened the cell.

  “Come on, we need to go,” I ushered her out of the cell, hoping she was stronger than she looked because her tiny frail body made her look like she was going to collapse at any moment.

  We spun around as we heard coughing from the cell Craig was in. He spat up blood and it pooled from his lips to the floor beneath him. “You will never be free,” he rasped. His chest heaved as he struggled to suck in air.

  I started to tell him to fuck off, but his head lolled to the side, and his chest stopped moving, the raspy sound of his labored breathing no longer heard. Craig was dead, it was a fitting end to our stay here at the castle, that was for sure.

  I pulled my attention from the cell and led the way back to the main floor. I wasn’t sure how long Eva would be, but we needed to be quick. The less time we spent down here, the less chance of being stopped by Frost.

  We raced through the musty tunnels as fast as Shay’s condition would allow us anyway and made our way back to the cafeteria. We needed to make sure Shay stayed close because if she got behind she would have no clue how to find us. “The front of the castle, Adar,” I told him. “We’ll catch up.”

  “I’m not leaving you,” he replied as he took Shay’s arm and helped her hurry along. I could tell she was hurting, but she remained quiet, doing her best to be quick. I wished we didn’t have to be so rough, but at least she was going to be free.

  We reached the intake room of the castle, the one we all came in, well most of us came in, when we entered here. The ornate front doors had been blown off the hinges and were splintered into a thousand pieces, some of them in flames on the floor. Jet and Beck shot water at them putting the small fires out, I’m sure to protect the rest of the people here. We didn’t want to burn the place down, just get the hell out of it.

  I grinned as I spotted Eva helping pull one of the guards out of the way before Sebastian bound him to the wall next to at least a dozen others. “Eva!” I called as I helped Shay make it across the room.

  “The cavalry has arrived!” she grinned and rushed over to me to help as Adar went to join the others in securing the guards.

  We made it to the opening in the door, or hole as it was, and Shay sighed as the bright sun beamed in and hit her skin. I glanced up and saw Chan and Ry hop off the backs of two dragons. One of them let out a long roar, the sound echoing through the entrance. If Frost hadn’t been alerted before, he sure as hell would have been now.

  “Holy shit,” I said in awe, never seeing one of them up close like this before. I’d only seen them as they flew through the sky, circling the castle, keeping us all in.

  “Impressive, aren’t they?” Chan grinned, shooting his head around as we heard someone yelling from inside the castle. “We have to get out of here, good luck.” Ry linked hands with them and they climbed on the back of a third, smaller dragon before taking off into the sky.

  “Stop them!” Frost bellowed, his anger reverberating down the hall to us right before the door slammed open and he made his appearance.

  “Evangeline, I see you just couldn’t stay away. You will not be getting away so easily this time,” he snarled. Jax shot a line of ice at him, hitting him in the head, “Fuck,” Frost rounded on him raising his hand to shoot back. “My own son, a traitor. You will regret your decision.”

  “Frost!” I yelled, distracting him enough for Jax to get out of his aim. “Didn’t we talk about your language?” I tsked as he rounded on me.

  “You,” he ground out.

  “Get her to the dragons, I’ll distract him with Eva,” I told the guys as they came up to me. I turned back to Frost and gave him a wink, “The one and only.”

  He didn’t hesitate as his hand shot out and ice encircled my neck, lifting me so my toes barely brushed the stone floor. My hands shot up, grasping at my throat, unable to get a hold of anything as the slick ice tightened.

  “No you don’t,” Eva growled as she shot her hands out and a line of ice hit Frost directly in his midsection. Instantly, the grip around my neck disappeared and I dropped back to my feet, sucking in air.

  “You will not escape again,” he snarled as he straightened and shot a sheet of ice in our direction. Calex stepped forward and flames blazed forward, stopping the ice before it ever reached us.

  “Nice try, old man. But not
this time,” he mocked as the ice melted into a puddle on the floor.

  Frost yelled as he lifted his hands again and this time shot ice shard after ice shard in our direction. Eva deflected them easily, tossing them to the side, and sending them clattering to the floor to break apart.

  He lowered his hand for a minute and Eva took the opportunity. She lifted her hands, palms up and the ice shards raised from the ground as she did so. The tiny shards hovered in the air for seconds before she sent them flying at Frost. He braced himself as they hit him full on but he remained standing. The row of guards that had come up behind him didn’t fare so well though as they fell, clutching their faces in agony.

  “We don’t have to keep doing this, Frost,” she called.

  “Your power will be mine, Evangeline,” he snapped, forgetting that he still had an audience, even if they were incapacitated by the shards of ice that hurt them.

  “I would rather die than let you have my power,” she retorted as she raised her hands, ready for his next move.

  “Then I’ll make sure your friend joins you,” he sneered as he shot frost from his hands in my direction. I was done with this bullshit.

  I pulled my magic to the surface and sent it at him full force, a tidal wave forming, sweeping toward him. He raised his hands just as it reached him and it froze right before it could crash down on top of him. I readied myself knowing he would get through his own ice wall in moments, ready to attack again. As I thought, cracks formed in the frozen wave before it shattered to the ground, all around us.

  “The wave last time was you?” he asked hungrily.

  “I don’t know why you’re so surprised,” I answered as I felt my guys come to my side, ready to help if needed. I glanced over and spotted Eva and her guys, ready as well. “Look Frost, you’re outnumbered. Do you really want to die today?”


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