The Wan Wu Honeycomb Theory of the Universe

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The Wan Wu Honeycomb Theory of the Universe Page 2

by Nepomuk Onderdonk

when eve handed him an apple from the sky was never found. Physics past the planet Jupiter don't make sense with the concept of gravity, they have to add the "cosmological constant" to push things outward, to keep the moons in the skies from falling down and the solar system in place - never mind the web structure of redshift space - the greeks called it "quintessence", same thing, holding the moon up there.

  In this model, instead of a force in the ground pulling us down, the molecules all push outward, and so all together the planet pushes outward, the grass grows up; the sun pushes outward and creates a bubble for the solar system, this side of Jupiter, so that we can dream of imaginary gravitons and be able to predict our world anyway; but above us is not empty sky, the way it had to seem to newton, but rather the weight of a hefty universe, pushing in from all sides.

  Time pushes down on the crystal, the wan wu honeycomb of cosmic energy, the incoming pressure travelling along meridians defined by the invisible honeycomb structure, and suns light up at central points like chakras, quasar jets sending filaments to the remote corners of the garden.

  A few decades ago they thought the universe was empty space, and so how could anything be pushing in on us, and what force could possibly be exerted on us from so far away? But to look at the modern day picture of the webs of galaxy clusters out there, the incoming pressure becomes obvious.

  After science proposed and then settled on and accepted the concept of dark matter - an invisible force pushing in on us - they had to propose another mystery force called dark energy, which was used to explain the observed fact that all galaxies in the great net are flying apart faster and faster as the whole thing gets bigger and bigger, the opposite of what they'd expect if there was a force of gravity in the material, holding it all together. So the dark matter is proposed as pushing down on everything, then the dark energy pushing everything apart; these forces are purely speculative, and their nature has never been demonstrated, only their supposed effect. With "ytivarg" (gravity spelled backwards cause it's a push, not a pull), we have an explanation for what is pushing down on us, as well as the explanation for why the more of the matter there is, the faster it flies apart - because it all radiates outward.

  The solar system was what Newton was contemplating when he proposed "gravity", and it makes sense just as well as "ytivarg" within the radius of about half the solar system.

  The central sun parentally radiates in time, the "calm fusion bang that frankens the stein", and has all forms of life on earth para-radiating springtime out into space, and the grand effects of "ytivarg" are kept at bay as in a child's nursery, but outside the radius of Saturn, the nursery effect fades, and the "ytivarg" of the universe begins to press down.

  The "Pioneer anomaly" is a current mystery in science that can be explained by ytivarg. Decades ago NASA sent up two unmanned spaceships that could be propelled outward on a one way trip to the edges of the solar system and possibly beyond. Every several years we see pictures of Saturn or Uranus as Pioneer 10 or 11 passes by on its way outward, out past the traditional solar effects that we are used to.

  NASA expected the force of gravity in the massive Sun to be a significant force that would hold the Pioneer spaceship back at first and gradually fade as the spaceship got farther away, and the Sun gradually faded to a tiny star in the distance. But the opposite has occurred, according to all the data. The Pioneer spacecraft is getting slower instead of faster, and this is the "Pioneer anomaly", but if the ytivarg is pushing in on us and we are only protected by the radiating Sun pushing outward, then of course the spaceship would suffer increasing effects of the ytivarg as it moved farther and farther from "home".

  Our new space based telescopes have brought to light the phenomenon of "gamma ray bursts". At first built by the US to make sure Russia wasn't testing nuclear bombs on the moon, the satellite telescopes instead found quasi-periodic "bursts" in the sky that would fade in a signature way, and initially these were assumed to be coming from within our galaxy, because the light was so bright.

  But expanding surveys of gamma ray bursts soon proved they were coming from all directions of the sky, not just the galactic plane, where they would have been confined if they had been merely exploding stars in our own galaxy. And soon enough co-incidental detections of bursts with detectable "red-shifts" made it clear we were looking at massive explosions taking place halfway across the universe, in every direction all around us. The quasi-periodic nature of these bursts - about one a day - is not clearly explainable by any known structure or force, as the size of the known universe know spans such distance that it is almost 11 billion years across, for light to travel at the speed of light, so even though light cannot get from one end to the other for 11 billion years, there appears to be synchronization within this entire structure.

  One explanation for this could be a single external force, as it pushes inward on the massive object uniformly, causing a collapse into crystal logic of an originally less dense mist, and causing the crystallizing on all sides as the pressure increases. The opposite of the ytivarg, the light of quasars and the light of life, radiates upward and outward, like tigers escaping from the circus - a circus of increasing heat and high pressure, where the best tea is being brewed.

  Some say they don't care about how things are out past Saturn in the rest of the "known universe", and they don’t care if it's a push or a pull, it's all the same. But I think there is a subtle difference, in that in this model, everything is radiant, while in the prevailing vision, it all "sucks".

  SGR A*

  The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy. The sun resides in an outer arm of the pinwheel spiral. At the center of the galaxy is a super massive black hole (SBH), 2.7 million times the mass of the sun, squeezed into an area the size of the solar system. The galactic center is considered to be about 8 "kiloparsecs" (kpc) from the sun.

  In 1974, the object at the center of the galaxy was discovered. It turned out to be in a region of the sky that had been dubbed "Sagittarius", and in the 70's and 80's the Galactic Center region itself was not well resolved, we just had the general area, and the name of the area was "SGR A". When the object at the center was discovered, its first name was "GCRS" - "galactic center compact radio source". Then its name became "SGR-A-CN" - for "compact non-thermal"; eventually the name "A*" came from thinking of the radio source as an "exciting" source, and since the "*" was used in chemistry to denote an "excited" atom (He*), the name of the central black hole became "Sagittarius A star", or "SGR A*".

  The SGR A region of the Milky Way in the 70's

  By the 90's, very close to where the central black hole was supposed to be, they found many "discreet X-Ray sources", thought to be clusters of extraordinarily hot and massive stars; this is what SGR A* is "cooking" in his "kitchen" - stars like the sun create elements up to and including iron (Fe). Stars as massive as these near the center of the galaxy create the heavier, more exotic elements.

  The surprise was that there were several "intact" objects near the proposed black hole, when the thought was that the black hole would have devoured everything anywhere near it. Sgr A * is cooking, and he has gathered around himself several pressure cookers, and is coming up with several choice ingredients in this brew, like a pharmacist at the center of a huge apothecary.

  In 2005, they discovered an infrared counterpart to the central black hole, called "Sgr A*-IR", and they said it "flared" with unusual variability.

  The "central black hole" is "his" home, (Sgr A*), and he is out calmly walking around near his home, doing a "rotation", semi-periodic, like any of our daily "rotations", but where Sgr A* walks around, time is almost completely turned off. He cooks in the kitchen, puts his finger in and takes a tiny taste of the sauce. Sgr A*-IR flares. He goes all around the center of his garden, gathering up the perfect ingredients for the master-brew of dark-enigma tea. He takes it all down, down to the sump, the gravitational well, the bore-hole, the element at the core, the pineal gland, the "third eye", the source of visio
ns and dreams.

  SGR A* IR flaring

  The two stars closest to Sgr A* seemed not to be moving in the survey, but since time is "almost turned off" down there, they just start to move very slowly, while in the vertical plane, the synaptic event is taking place - because after the quenching, comes the synaptic event.

  This is my vision of Sgr A *: him at the top of the cliff, and the central black hole, the "gravitational potential", behind him, at the bottom of the hill –

  He wanders slowly and carefully around his isolate mountain home. He is cooking "dark mystery" in his kitchen. He goes around his area collecting ingredients for his brew, and composing his song - he is singing a song about gardening.

  The Milky Way is his "time garden", and when he tosses an item out into the "time garden", it spins, through no fault of his own. He gardens from the center of his garden, creates everything around himself. Then the center of this "time garden" that has gathered up so much in the horizontal plane, this "disk galaxy" becomes the AGN (active galactic nucleus), the beaming jet of the quasar dispatched into the deep darkness, the prayer for prayer,

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