Then Trident would be, for a while, a spectacularly noisy place. And when things had quieted down, there would be enough dry land to satisfy even a real-estate speculator.
By mid-afternoon Gregor felt that they had done enough surveying for one day. He and Arnold ate their sandwiches and drank from the canteen. Later they took a short swim in Trident’s clear green water.
“I think I’ve found the trouble,” Arnold said. “The leads to the primary activators have been removed. And the power cable’s been cut.”
“Why would anyone do that?” Gregor asked.
Arnold shrugged. “Might have been part of the decommissioning. I’ll have it right in a little while.”
He crawled back into the bilge. Gregor turned in the direction of the island, steering telepathically and watching the green water foam merrily past the bow. At moments like this, contrary to all his previous experience, the Universe seemed a fine and friendly place.
In half an hour Arnold emerged, grease-stained but triumphant. “Try that button now,” he said.
“But we’re almost back.”
“So what? Might as well have this thing working right.”
Gregor nodded, and pushed the second button.
They could hear the faint click-click of circuits opening. Half a dozen small engines purred into life. A light flashed red, then winked off as the generators took up the load.
“That’s more like it,” Arnold said.
“I AM Lifeboat 324-A,” the boat stated telepathically. “I am now fully activated, and able to protect my occupants from danger. Have faith in me. My action-response tapes, both psychological and physical, have been prepared by the best scientific minds in all Drome.”
“Gives you quite a feeling of confidence, doesn’t it?” Arnold said.
“I suppose so,” Gregor said. “But where is Drome?”
“Gentlemen,” the lifeboat continued, “try to think of me, not as an unfeeling mechanism, but as your friend and comrade-in-arms. I understand how you feel. You have seen your ship go down, cruelly riddled by the implacable H’gen. You have—”
“What ship?” Gregor asked. “What’s it talking about?”
“—crawled aboard me, dazed, gasping from the poisonous fumes of water; half-dead—”
“You mean that swim we took?” Arnold asked. “You’ve got it all wrong. We were just surveying—”
“—shocked, wounded, morale low,” the lifeboat finished. “You are a little frightened, perhaps,” it said in a softer mental tone. “And well you might be, separated from the Drome fleet and adrift upon an inclement alien planet. A little fear is nothing to be ashamed of, gentlemen. But this is war, and war is a cruel business. We have no alternative but to drive the barbaric H’gen back across space.”
“There must be a reasonable explanation for all this,” Gregor said. “Probably an old television script got mixed up in its response bank.”
“We’d better give it a complete overhaul,” Arnold said. “Can’t listen to that stuff all day.”
They were approaching the island. The lifeboat was still babbling about home and hearth, evasive action, tactical maneuvers, and the need for calm in emergencies like this. Suddenly it slowed.
“What’s the matter?” Gregor asked.
“I am scanning the island,” the lifeboat answered.
GREGOR and Arnold glanced at each other. “Better humor it,” Arnold whispered. To the lifeboat he said, “That island’s okay. We checked it personally.”
“Perhaps you did,” the lifeboat answered. “But in modern, lightning-quick warfare, Drome senses cannot be trusted. They are too limited, too prone to interpret what they wish. Electronic senses, on the other hand, are emotionless, eternally vigilant, and infallible within their limits.”
“But there isn’t anything there!” Gregor shouted.
“I perceive a foreign spaceship,” the lifeboat answered. “It has no Drome markings.”
“It hasn’t any enemy markings, either,” Arnold answered confidently, since he had painted the ancient hull himself.
“No, it hasn’t. But in war, we must assume that what is not ours is the enemy’s. I understand your desire to set foot on land again. But I take into account factors that a Drome, motivated by his emotions, would overlook. Consider the apparent emptiness of this strategic bit of land; the unmarked spaceship put temptingly out for bait; the fact that our fleet is no longer in this vicinity; the—”
“All right, that’s enough,” Gregor was sick of arguing with a verbose and egoistic machine.
“Go directly to that island. That’s an order.”
“I cannot obey that order,” the boat said. “You are unbalanced from your harrowing escape from death—”
Arnold reached for the cutout switch, and withdrew his hand with a howl of pain.
“Come to your senses, gentlemen,” the boat said sternly. “Only the decommissioning officer is empowered to turn me off. For your own safety, I must warn you not to touch any of my controls. You are mentally unbalanced. Later, when our position is safer, I will administer to you. Now my full energies must be devoted toward detection and escape from the enemy.”
The boat picked up speed and moved away from the island in an intricate evasive pattern.
“Where are we going?” Gregor asked.
“To rejoin the Drome fleet!” the lifeboat cried so confidently that the partners stared nervously over the vast, deserted waters of Trident.
“As soon as I can find it, that is,” the lifeboat amended.
IT was late at night. Gregor and Arnold sat in a corner of the cabin, hungrily sharing their last sandwich. The lifeboat was still rushing madly over the waves, its every electronic sense alert, searching for a fleet that had existed five hundred years ago, upon an entirely different planet.
“Did you ever hear of these Dromes?” Gregor asked.
Arnold searched through his vast store of minutiae. “They were non-human, lizard-evolved creatures,” he said. “Lived on the sixth planet of some little system near Capella. The race died out over a century ago.”
“And the H’gen?”
“Also lizards. Same story.” Arnold found a crumb and popped it into his mouth. “It wasn’t a very important war. All the combatants are gone. Except this lifeboat, apparently.”
“And us,” Gregor reminded him. “We’ve been drafted as Drome soldiery.” He sighed wearily. “Do you think we can reason with this tub?”
Arnold shook his head. “I don’t see how. As far as this boat is concerned, the war is still on. It can only interpret data in terms of that premise.”
“It’s probably listening in on us now,” Gregor said.
“I don’t think so. It’s not really a mind-reader. Its perception centers are geared only to thoughts aimed specifically at it.”
“Yes siree,” Gregor said bitterly, “they just don’t build ’em this way any more.” He wished he could get his hands on Joe, the Interstellar Junkman.
“It’s actually a very interesting situation,” Arnold said. “I may do an article on it for Popular Cybernetics. Here is a machine with nearly infallible apparatus for the perception of external stimuli. The percepts it receives are translated logically into action. The only trouble is, the logic is based upon no longer existent conditions. Therefore, you could say that the machine is the victim of a systematized delusional system.”
Gregor yawned. “You mean the lifeboat is just plain nuts,” he said bluntly.
“Nutty as a fruitcake. I believe paranoia would be the proper designation. But it’ll end pretty soon.”
“Why?” Gregor asked.
“It’s obvious,” Arnold said. “The boat’s prime directive is to keep us alive. So he has to feed us. Our sandwiches are gone, and the only other food is on the island. I figure he’ll have to take a chance and go back.”
IN a few moments they could feel the lifeboat swinging, changing direction. It esped, “At present I am unable to locate the Drome fle
et. Therefore, I am turning back to scan the island once again. Fortunately, there are no enemy in this immediate area. Now I can devote myself to your care with all the power of my full attention.”
“You see?” Arnold said, nudging Gregor. “Just as I said. Now we’ll reinforce the concept.” He said to the lifeboat, “About time you got around to us. We’re hungry.”
“Yeah, feed us,” Gregor demanded.
“Of course,” the lifeboat said. A tray slid out of the wall. It was heaped high with something that looked like clay, but smelled like machine oil.
“What’s that supposed to be?” Gregor asked.
“That is geezel,” the lifeboat said. “It is the staple diet of the Drome peoples. I can prepare it in sixteen different ways.”
Gregor cautiously sampled it. It tasted just like clay coated with machine oil.
“We can’t eat that!” he objected.
“Of course you can,” the boat said soothingly. “An adult Drome consumes five point three pounds of geezel a day, and cries for more.”
The tray slid toward them. They backed away from it.
“Now listen,” Arnold told the boat. “We are not Dromes. We’re humans, an entirely different species. The war you think you’re fighting ended five hundred years ago. We can’t eat geezel. Our food is on that island.”
“Try to grasp the situation. Your delusion is a common one among fighting men. It is an escape fantasy, a retreat from an intolerable situation. Gentlemen, I beg you, face reality!”
“You face reality!” Gregor screamed. “Or I’ll have you dismantled bolt by bolt.”
“Threats do not disturb me,” the lifeboat esped serenely. “I know what you’ve been through. Possibly you have suffered some brain damage from your exposure to poisonous water.”
“Poison?” Gregor gulped.
“By Drome standards,” Arnold reminded him.
“If absolutely necessary,” the lifeboat continued, “I am also equipped to perform physical brain therapy. It is a drastic measure, but there can be no coddling in time of war.” A panel slid open, and the partners glimpsed shining surgical edges.
“We’re feeling better already,” Gregor said hastily. “Fine looking batch of geezel, eh, Arnold?”
“Delicious,” Arnold said, wincing.
“I won a nationwide contest in geezel preparation,” the lifeboat esped, with pardonable pride. “Nothing is too good for our boys in uniform. Do try a little.” Gregor lifted a handful, smacked his lips, and set it down on the floor. “Wonderful,” he said, hoping that the boat’s internal scanners weren’t as efficient as the external ones seemed to be.
Apparently they were not “Good,” the lifeboat said. “I am moving toward the island now. And, I promise you, in a little while you will be more comfortable.”
“Why?” Arnold asked.
“The temperature here is unbearably hot. It’s amazing that you haven’t gone into coma. Any other Drome would have. Try to bear it a little longer. Soon, I’ll have it down to the Drome norm of twenty degrees below zero. And now, to assist your morale, I will play our national Anthem.” A hideous rhythmic screeching filled the air. Waves slapped against the sides of the hurrying lifeboat. In a few moments, the air was perceptibly cooler.
GREGOR closed his eyes wearily, trying to ignore the chill that was spreading through his limbs. He was becoming sleepy. Just his luck, he thought, to be frozen to death inside an insane lifeboat. It was what came of buying paternalistic gadgets, high-strung, humanistic calculators, over-sensitive, emotional machines.
Dreamily he wondered where it was all leading to. He pictured a gigantic machine hospital. Two robot doctors were wheeling a lawnmower down a long white corridor. The Chief Robot Doctor was saying, “What’s wrong with this lad?” And the assistant answered, “Completely out of his mind. Thinks he’s a helicopter.”
“Aha!” the Chief said knowingly. “Flying fantasies! Pity. Nice looking chap.” The assistant nodded. “Overwork did it. Broke his heart on crab grass.” The lawnmower stirred. “Now I’m an eggbeater!” he giggled.
“Wake up,” Arnold said, shaking Gregor, his teeth chattering. “We have to do something.”
“Ask him to turn on the heat,” Gregor said groggily.
“Not a chance. Dromes live at twenty below. We are Dromes. Twenty below for us, and no back talk.”
Frost was piled deep on the coolant tubes that traversed the boat. The walls had begun to turn white, and the portholes were frosted over.
“I’ve got an idea,” Arnold said cautiously. He glanced at the control board, then whispered quickly in Gregor’s ear.
“We’ll try it,” Gregor said. They stood up. Gregor picked up the canteen and walked stiffly to the far side of the cabin.
“What are you doing?” the lifeboat asked sharply.
“Going to get a little exercise,” Gregor said. “Drome soldiers must stay fit, you know.”
“That’s true,” the lifeboat said dubiously.
Gregor threw the canteen to Arnold.
Arnold chuckled synthetically and threw the canteen back to Gregor.
“Be careful with that receptacle,” the lifeboat warned. “It is filled with a deadly poison.”
“We’ll be careful,” Gregor said. “We’re taking it back to headquarters.” He threw the canteen to Arnold.
“Headquarters may spray it on the H’gen,” Arnold said, throwing the canteen back.
“Really?” the lifeboat asked. “That’s interesting. A new application of—”
Suddenly Gregor swung the canteen against the coolant tube. The tube broke and liquid poured over the floor.
“Bad shot, old man,” Arnold said.
“How careless of me,” Gregor cried.
“I should have taken precautions against internal accidents,” the lifeboat esped gloomily. “It won’t happen again. But the situation is very serious. I cannot repair the tube myself. I am unable to properly cool the boat.”
“If you just drop us on the island—” Arnold began.
“Impossible!” the lifeboat said. “My first duty is to preserve your lives, and you could not live long in the climate of this planet. But I am going to take the necessary measures to ensure your safety.”
“What are you going to do?” Gregor asked, with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.
“There is no time to waste. I will scan the island once more. If our Drome forces are not present, we will go to the one place on this planet that can sustain Drome life.”
“What place?”
“The southern polar cap,” the lifeboat said. “The climate there is almost ideal—thirty below zero, I estimate.”
The engines roared. Apologetically the boat added. “And, of course, I must guard against any further internal accidents.”
As the lifeboat charged forward they could hear the click of the locks, sealing their cabin.
“THINK!” Arnold said.
“I am thinking,” Gregor answered. “But nothing’s coming out.”
“We must get off when he reaches the island. It’ll be our last chance.”
“You don’t think we could jump overboard?” Gregor asked.
“Never. He’s watching now. If you hadn’t smashed the coolant tube, we’d still have a chance.”
“I know,” Gregor said bitterly. “You and your ideas.”
“My ideas! I distinctly remember you suggesting it. You said—”
“It doesn’t matter whose idea it was.” Gregor thought deeply. “Look, we know his internal scanning isn’t very good. When we reach the island, maybe we could cut his power cable.”
“You wouldn’t get within five feet of it,” Arnold said, remembering the shock he had received from the instrument panel.
“Hmm.” Gregor locked both hands around his head. An idea was beginning to form in the back of his mind. It was pretty tenuous, but under the circumstances . . .
“I am now scanning the island,” the lifeboat announced.
Looking out the forward porthole, Gregor and Arnold could see the island, no more than a hundred yards away. The first flush of dawn was in the sky, and outlined against it was the scarred, beloved snout of their spaceship.
“Place looks fine to me,” Arnold said.
“It sure does,” Gregor agreed. “I’ll bet our forces are dug in underground.”
“They are not,” the lifeboat said. “I scanned to a depth of a hundred feet.”
“Well,” Arnold said, “under the circumstances, I think we should examine a little more closely. I’d better go ashore and look around.”
“It is deserted,” the lifeboat said. “Believe me, my senses are infinitely more acute than yours. I cannot let you endanger your lives by going ashore. Drome needs her soldiers—especially sturdy, heat-resistant types like you.”
“We like this climate,” Arnold said.
“Spoken like a patriot!” the lifeboat said heartily. “I know how you must be suffering. But now I am going to the south pole, to give you veterans the rest you deserve.”
GREGOR decided it was time for his plan, no matter how vague it was. “That won’t be necessary,” he said.
“We are operating under special orders,” Gregor said. “We weren’t supposed to disclose them to any vessel below the rank of super-dreadnaught. But under the circumstances—”
“Yes, under the circumstances,” Arnold chimed in eagerly, “we will tell you.”
“We are a suicide squad,” Gregor said.
“Especially trained for hot climate work.”
“Our orders,” Gregor said, “are to land and secure that island for the Drome forces.”
“I didn’t know that,” the boat said.
“You weren’t supposed to,” Arnold told it. “After all, you’re only a lifeboat.”
Various Fiction Page 96