The Practical Pretender

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The Practical Pretender Page 6

by Danni Roan

  Dewis pushed himself to his feet spilling the bowl of popcorn all over the couch and onto the floor. This whole explanation was nuts. Surely Penny couldn’t expect him to believe that some lady could wave a magic wand and transport someone into a story.

  He was real; this was his life, his world, his reality. The woman had to be nuts.

  Penny looked at Dewis who made a circuit of the room as he ran his hands through his hair making it stand on end. “I know it sounds crazy,” she whispered “but here I am.”

  Dewis looked down into the glowing fear-filled eyes of the woman he had been falling in love with all week. She was beautiful, smart, funny, and hardworking. She was everything he could have ever asked for in a life partner and she had arrived right in the nick of time.

  “I can’t believe it,” Dewis protested his heart squeezing as tears filled Penny’s eyes. “It’s too bizarre.”

  “It is bizarre,” Penny agreed. “I took two weeks off work to give it a try with Dr. Lachele and so far this has been pretty much the best week of my life. At first I thought I was losing my mind but then I realized I was losing my heart,” Penny hiccupped softly as tears spilled down her cheeks.

  Dewis ran his hands through his hair again his head spinning. His head told him to call the police, or the asylum but his heart screamed for him to wrap Penny in his arms and never let her go. The war between head and heart threatened to pull him apart, then Penny rose and he stopped staring at her.

  “I’ll get my things,” Penny said. “I can see this is too much for you. I’m sorry Dewis. I never meant to cause you any pain.”

  As she turned to walk away Dewis knew that there would never be another woman like Penelope Pembroke in his life. She had willingly jumped in to help him save his ranch and had gone beyond simply agreeing to be a fake fiancée; she had come to the ranch to work right beside him while he awaited his fate.

  “No,” he cried striding after her and spinning her into his arms. “No, don’t go. I believe you. Heaven help me I believe you. Penny, I know it’s only been a short week since we met but it feels like I’ve known you my entire life. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you were there on that sidewalk at that exact moment. Until you arrived, I didn’t really know if I could make it here but now you’ve given me new hope.”

  “Are you sure?” Penny asked her luminous eyes bright with tears.

  “I’m sure,” Dewis said leaning in and kissing her with everything in his heart.

  Penny wrapped her arms around the cowboy’s neck kissing him back as her heart overflowed. She loved this man, even if she barely knew him and one way or another she would find a way to make sure that he kept his ranch.

  The T.V. sound crackled and popped back on making Dewis and Penny jump then laugh at being startled by the time delay on the pause button for the DVD player.

  Dewis walked them back to the couch and together they cleaned up the popcorn then snuggled together silently letting the events of the night settle in their mind. What he really wanted to do was kiss Penny senseless, rush her off to the nearest justice of the peace and marry her before she could disappear, but even after her tale that was going too far.

  From here on out Dewis knew that everything would be different though, because they could tackle the big problems together.

  Chapter 9

  “Hello,” Dewis answered the cell phone he pulled from his pocket as he was tossing hay down the manger shoot. “What, they can’t do that,” he barked. “When? I’ll be right there,” he finished shoving the phone back into a pocket.

  “What’s wrong?” Penny asked biting her bottom lip with worry as she studied Dewis’s face. After their discussion the night before she’d been working at his side all day not wanting to let him out of her sight.

  “Mack and Jack have filed an injunction against me getting married. They can’t do it but the paper work could get tied up for days and keep me from getting the ranch long enough for them to try something new.”

  “What can we do?”

  “I’m heading in to talk to my lawyer, you can come or you can stay here it’s up to you.”

  “I’ll come,” Penny agreed heading down the barn stairs from the loft where they had been working. “Give me a minute to get changed.”

  Dewis nodded finishing up his work then heading to the truck. He couldn’t believe that his brothers were fighting so hard to get their hands on the ranch. They had never even liked it. He had told them again and again that there was no money left and selling would probably only end up with them breaking even at this point.

  A few minutes later Penny climbed into the truck tucking her soft floral skirt around her knees. She had picked up the simple cotton dress on her first day with Dewis and she hoped that it made her look more like an official fiancée trying to impress. One way or another she was determined that Dewis would not lose the ranch he loved.

  “You look nice,” Dewis commented, his scowl softening as he shifted the truck into gear.

  “Thank you,” Penny smiled. “It’s going to be alright Dewis,” she said, lightly touching his arm.

  Dewis dropped his hand over hers as he headed out of the driveway. “I just don’t understand why Mack and Jack are fighting so hard to get their hands on the ranch. At this point it isn’t worth much and most of what you’d get would be needed to pay bills.”

  He slammed his hand on the steering wheel growling with frustration.

  “Dewis, it will be alright,” Penny said again watching some of the anger leave his face.

  “I’m sure glad you’re here,” Dewis said. “It’s nice having someone in my corner.”


  Dewis hopped out of the truck as he slammed it to a stop in front of Mr. Barney’s office and hurried around to help Penny out. She looked lovely in a creamy floral dress with large red poppies printed on it and he couldn’t help but smile. At least looking at his pretty Penny was still nice.

  Penny reached out and took his hand squeezing it as together they entered the office where Mack and Jack were already waiting in front of the desk of an older man in a dark suit.

  “I see you made it,” Mack said with a smirk. “It’s not going to do you any good though.”

  Dewis, ignoring his step-brother, turned to Mr. Barney who lifted sharp blue eyes to him. “What’s this all about?” he asked his voice even.

  “Your brothers,” Mr. Barney said his tone giving away exactly what he thought of the two other men, “have filed an injunction stating that you can’t get married a day or two before the deadline runs out on the time frame of the will. You’d need to get married right away to avoid the injunction from going through.”

  “What?” Dewis exploded. “You can’t dictate when I get married. Penny only just got here, she doesn’t even know the place yet and you think we should get married right now!”

  Penny laid her hand on the cowboy’s arm, her lips twitching almost uncontrollably. “If you’ll excuse us,” she said loudly pulling a reluctant Dewis with her into the hall. “Let’s do it,” she urged once the door was closed. “We’ll get married right now and then they can’t do anything about it. Besides just imagine the look on their faces when we say I do.”

  “Are you serious?” Dewis asked. “You don’t have to do this, it isn’t your fight.”

  “I think it is Dewis,” Penny said. “You’ve worked too hard to lose now and I care about you too much to let you. I was sent here to help you and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  “You’re sure?” Dewis asked placing his hands on her arms and staring into her eyes as a smile played at his lips.

  “I’m sure,” Penny replied returning his grin.

  Dewis leaned in kissing her lightly. “If you’re sure then I’m willing,” he said turning back to the door. His heart was beating in his chest, with fear, hope, and determination. Maybe this fairy Godmother thing was working in his favor after all.

  “I guess we’ll have to get married right now,” D
ewis said as he stepped back into the office and strode up to Mr. Barney.

  “What, you can’t do that?” Jack balked. “You’re supposed to go away.”

  “As luck would have it,” Mr. Barney said standing from behind his desk and pulling a little book from a drawer, “I’m an ordained minister for the local Baptist church so let’s get on with this.”

  Dewis took Penny’s hand in his, smiling at her. “You deserve better than this,” he whispered as Mr. Barney opened his little book.

  “No, I’m just happy to be here with you.”

  “Now let’s see,” Mr. Barney said. “Oh yes something short and sweet.

  “Do you Dewis Faremore take,” he paused raising a brow at Penny.

  “Penelope Pembroke,” Penny said repressing a giggle.

  “Do you Dewis Faremore take Penelope Pembroke to be your lawfully wedded wife?” the lawyer finished.

  “I do,” Dewis agreed.

  “And do you Penelope Pembroke take Dewis to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  “I do,” Penny said grinning.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife,” Mr. Barney said closing the little book shut with a snap. “You may kiss the bride.”

  Dewis placed his hands on Penny’s waist pulling her close and lowering his lips to hers.

  “Hey what about the part where you ask if anyone has a reason that they shouldn’t be married?” Mack squawked.

  “I didn’t think that was relevant,” Mr. Barney said smiling as the cowboy continued to kiss his new bride. “Dewis, Dewis,” the older man finally snapped.

  Dewis pulled away from the kiss reluctantly but turned to look at his lawyer.

  “The two of you need to sign this marriage certificate and get it registered at the courthouse.”

  Dewis took the paper the man offered and scrawled his name on the line indicated, pushing it to Penny to do the same before tucking it into his shirt pocket.

  “Shall we?” Dewis asked offering Penny his arm and heading for the door.

  “I think we shall,” Penny said taking his arm and turning her back on the two stunned men who had once again failed to win the day.

  Chapter 10

  “Did you see the looks on their faces?” Penny said laughing as she climbed into the truck. “It serves them right,” she added none too kindly.

  “I guess they thought they had this all stitched up,” Dewis agreed shifting into gear and heading for the court house. “I’m not taking any chances though,” he said tapping his shirt pocket. “I’m registering this today.”

  “You do realize we did this whole thing backwards don’t you,” Penny mused. “First, we got engaged but not really, then we got married and now we’re filing a marriage certificate. It’s backwards.”

  Dewis chuckled, a warm rich sound that wrapped around Penny like an old blanket, making her sigh with delight.

  “After we get this put away, how about we celebrate with dinner?” Dewis asked. “I’ll even spring for the steak house here in town.”

  Penny laughed feeling warm, happy and content all at the same time. She didn’t know what came next, but she knew that she loved the cowboy who she had just married and was going to help him get his ranch on the right track. She still didn’t understand how this whole crazy thing worked that Dr. Lachele had going on but she was willing to embrace it completely if it gave her this cowboy for her very own. Even if it only gave her this short time with a man like Dewis, it was worth taking the chance.


  “What’s that young man? You need to apply for a marriage license?” the elderly woman behind the counter asked squinting at Dewis.

  “No ma’am,” Dewis replied. “I need to register a marriage. My fiancée and I just got married this afternoon.”

  “Oh congratulations,” the woman said. “But you have to apply for a license first; you can’t just get married all willy-nilly like and think that’s that.”

  “But Mr. Barney said we were to come and register this at the court house,” Dewis insisted waiving the paper in his hand.

  “Did you say Barney?” the older woman looked up a smile brightening her face a she touched at her gray hair. “Why didn’t you say so,” she simpered. “Mr. Barney is a particular friend of mine you see.”

  Dewis looked at Penny who just shrugged urging him to hand the paper to the woman.

  “That’s very nice,” Penny said.

  “Oh my yes,” the older woman said. “You tell Mr. Barney that Beatrice is looking forward to dinner at the club next week,” she finished stamping their paper with an official looking device and signing another space. “Congratulations!” she added filing the paper with a smile as she waved them away.


  “What comes next?” Penny asked as they sat at a rustic wooden table in the town’s steak house a short time later.

  “I don’t really know,” Dewis admitted. “I feel like everything has happened too fast and that I’m all turned around.”

  Penny took his hand in hers squeezing it gently. “We’ll figure it out together,” she said hoping he would believe her.

  Penny had put her trust, even reluctantly, in the purple haired matchmaker and at the moment she was happier than she had ever been before, surely from here on out everything would go smoothly.

  For now the ranch was safe and she was with Dewis. She must be completely crazy to believe in a love story like this but she did, anyway. Something told her that everything would be alright, if only she could understand how. For now, she was going to enjoy the moment and a nice steak dinner with her new husband.

  For once in her life Penelope determined to let tomorrow take care of itself. She only wished that this was a real wedding day and that she wouldn’t have to say good night to Dewis later.

  She wondered if he was thinking the same thing and smiled when she caught him glancing her way.

  After a very nice dinner as evening fell Penny and Dewis headed back to the ranch and driving into the old yard felt like coming home for the first time.

  “It’s been a long day,” Dewis said as they walked into the house. “I’m sure you’re tired.”

  Penny turned looking up into his emerald eyes. She could languish forever in those eyes.

  “I guess you’ll want to turn in,” Dewis continued.

  “I don’t know,” Penny teased, a cheeky smile spreading across her face. “I thought I might need some popcorn and T.V. time.”

  “I’ll set up the T.V.” the cowboy grinned in return, trotting off toward the living room and flipping the television on.

  Penny tossed the bag of popcorn into the microwave then hurried to the back room to slip into her sweats. Moments later she was curled on the couch next to Dewis, with a big bowl of popcorn and a can of soda.

  Slipping her hand into his Penny watched the show thinking over the events of the day her heart full. As the final credits of the first season rolled onto the screen, she tipped her head up kissing Dewis on the cheek.

  He tasted of soap and salt, and the great outdoors.

  Dewis twisted in his seat his lips finding Penny’s as he pulled her close. He wanted this woman to be his wife, not just to save the ranch but to be his forever, but he knew it would be asking too much. She had only agreed to this sham marriage to help him save the ranch and beat Mack and Jack at their own game.

  Leaning into the kiss Penny soaked in the feeling of Dewis snuggled close then pulled back. She wanted nothing more than to spend forever with Dewis no matter what the risk.

  It had been an eventful day and her world had been turned completely upside down. She still didn’t know what came next. She had so many questions, so many worries about what taking Dr. Lachele up on her offer would mean. All Penny knew for sure was that in the shortest space of time she’d found something worth having.

  Pushing herself from the couch she pulled Dewis upright his fingers still twined in hers as she led him to the room at the end of the hall.

  Chapter 11 />
  Penny woke to an empty bed scowling as she looked at the alarm clock on the night stand. It was four o’clock in the morning and there was no sign of Dewis anywhere.

  “Dewis?” she called softly, wondering if he’d gone to the bathroom or had gone back to his own bed. “Dewis?” she called again throwing back the covers and grabbing a robe.

  Walking through the house Penny was sure that Dewis wasn’t in it. There was a strange empty feel to the old ranch house and fear clutched at her heart. Had he decided that this whole wedding thing was a mistake?

  Perhaps it had been impulsive to make their wedding more than just a signature on a dotted line, but Penny couldn’t find it in her heart to regret her actions.


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