The Practical Pretender

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The Practical Pretender Page 9

by Danni Roan

  A cold drizzle coated the cowboy’s face as he dug his heels into the soft earth climbing one step closer to the road and the warm safety of his truck.

  “We’re almost there,” he breathed through lungs that burned. “Hold on honey, it’s just a little further.”

  The red glare of a fire truck’s flashing lights came around the corner rolling to a stop behind his battered truck as Dewis scrabbled for the top, his boots slipping in the slick earth but he finally reached the top.

  “Dewis?” a big man in a fireman’s uniform reached for Penny as Dewis swayed on the spot.

  “Get my brother,” Dewis panted jerking his head down the hill.

  A loud screeching rose from the darkness below and men jumped into action setting chocks under the wheels of the pickup and tying it off to the larger engine.

  The sheriff’s car came rolling around the curve as men hurried to get another line on the car that had inched ever closer to utter destruction.

  “You’re safe now,” Dewis said as his breathing steadied. “You’re safe,” he said again kissing Penny’s head.

  “Dewis bring her over here,” an EMT called from an ambulance that had arrived mere seconds earlier.

  “What about my brother?” Dewis asked.

  “They’re bringing him up now,” the man said.

  The sudden crack and zing of the tow line snapping made everyone yell as the pickup jumped in its spot.

  “Jack?” Penny groaned hiding her face in Dewis’s neck again.

  The sound of the car falling into oblivion seemed to echo for ages in the garish light of the emergency vehicles that bathed the area in a blood-red hue.

  “Dewis I’m so sorry,”

  Dewis lowered his head to Penny’s as his knees began to buckle. It wasn’t his fault that his brother had done something so stupid that it had cost him his life. Still, he never wanted to see any harm come to Jack or Mack for that matter.

  Strong arms lifted Penny from him but all Dewis wanted to do was lose himself in her arms.

  “You’d better call in another ambulance,” a tall fireman said topping the ridge with a rope in his hand. Another fireman joined him followed by two more pulling a flat gurney between them. “This one’s in pretty bad shape.”

  “Jack!” Dewis cried rushing to the stretcher.

  “I didn’t move Dewis,” Jack said. “When these guys came, I thought it was alright though.”

  “You did great Jack. I’m just glad you’re alive,” Dewis said touching his step-brother on the shoulder.”

  “Dewis,” Penny called as the EMT put an air cast around her leg. “Dewis,” she called again through her tears.

  Dewis came around the end of the ambulance reaching for Penny. “He’s alright honey. Jack is alright,” he said pulling her close.

  “I’ll wait,” Penny said her voice growing. “Take Jack in the ambulance.” She looked up into the techs eyes willing him to obey.

  The EMTs didn’t even argue as they wrapped a blanket around Penny and handed her back to Dewis then loaded the stretcher into the ambulance.

  “Penny, I’m sorry,” Jack said. “I shouldn’t have taken you.”

  “Shh,” Penny said. “We’ll sort it out later.”

  The sheriff stepped around the end of the vehicle, rain drops pooling on the plastic cover on his wide-brimmed hat.

  “Ma’am you up to telling me what happened?” he asked. “If not I’ll see you in the hospital. It seems that perhaps you weren’t here of your own free will.”

  Penny looked at Dewis whose eyes grew wide.

  “I don’t have anything to report,” Penny said. “My brother-in-law seemed to think he was keeping me out of trouble. I’m sure that was it.”

  Both Dewis and the Sheriff gaped at Penny who stared right back.

  “You’re sure?” the sheriff asked his pen poised over his notebook.

  Penny nodded. “Can I go now please?” she asked. Her leg still throbbed and she wanted nothing more than to get to the hospital and rest.

  “Yes ma’am,” the Sheriff said. “You up to driving?” he asked turning to Dewis.

  “I think I’d rather get a lift,” Dewis admitted. He was beyond spent, physically, mentally, and emotionally. “Can someone bring my truck?”

  “I’ll see to it,” the sheriff said. “If you don’t mind riding in the back of the squad car, I can get you to town pretty fast.”

  Dewis nodded lifting Penny. “How d'you find us?” he asked, as he headed to the car where he eased Penny into the back seat and crawled in next to her pulling her back against his shoulder and propping her leg on the seat.

  “Mr. Barney called and said that Mack thought his brother was out this way and that something must have happened. When Mr. Barney tells you to get somewhere you don’t mess around,” he finished with a smile.

  Penny leaned into Dewis her leg resting as comfortable as possible on the seat.

  “You didn’t have to do that,” Dewis said as the Sheriff turned the car around on the road and flipped the siren back on. “You could have told the Sheriff what really happened.”

  “Yes, I think I did.” Penny said. Her heart beat had slowed now that the crisis was over and her head felt fuzzy and tired. “If Jack is truly sorry, maybe he’ll learn something from this.”

  Dewis leaned in and kissed Penny’s head, smoothing her damp hair and pushing the blanket tighter around her shoulder.

  “You rest,” he said. “We’ll worry about the rest of it once we get you checked out.”

  Penny nodded, leaning into Dewis and letting her eyes drift closed. She was safe and with the man she loved, everything else could wait.

  Chapter 15

  Dewis’s phone beeped as the doctor closed the curtain around Penny effectively shutting him out.

  “Hello,” he asked quietly stepping out into the hall.

  “Dewis. It’s Barney,” Mr. Barney said. “Your brother took off. He all but admitted he’d put Jack up to getting Penny out of the way for a few hours though. I think the only reason he said anything in the end was because he was afraid Jack might have been in an accident or something.”

  Dewis shook his head. “He was right. Jack told Penny he was bringing her to me and then ended up driving off a highway. Do you know where Mack went?”

  “No but I don’t know if you’ll have any more trouble from him. He was pretty shaken up when he found out about Jack’s accident and with the sheriff and emergency teams coming to get them he was pretty spooked.”

  “Thanks Barney,” Dewis said. “I’ll check on Jack as soon as the doctors are done with Penny.”

  “You two will still need to sign these papers tomorrow,” Barney said. “I can’t stop that, but I did buy you some time. I’ll even bring them over to you at the hospital tomorrow if you’re up to that.”

  “That will work fine,” Dewis said with a sigh.

  “Give Penny my love,” the old lawyer said with a chuckle. “I’m glad she’s alright.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow Barney,” Dewis said hanging up.

  Dewis flicked the phone off and headed back into the Emergency Room peeking around the corner of the curtain as the doctor put his stethoscope away.

  Penny was sitting at the edge of an exam table in one of those pale blue hospital gowns as the doctor flashed a little light in her eyes.

  Even in that ridiculous tie backed piece of cloth, with her tangled hair, and her leg in an air cast she was beautiful. Through everything she’d suffered, somehow she had still been able to find compassion for his lame brained brother.

  “You can come in,” the doctor said. “We’re going to roll her down to X-ray then get a cast on that leg.”

  “How is she?” Dewis asked looking between the doctor and Penny.

  “She’s one tough cookie,” the doctor said patting Penny gently on the shoulder. “Now why don’t you go get some coffee and we’ll meet you in her room later.”

  Dewis looked over at Penny who nodded
wearily. Walking to where she sat he leaned down placing a kiss on her forehead. “I’ll see you soon,” he said turning and walking back out.

  Dewis walked down the quiet hallway counting the numbers on the little plaques outside each room until he found the one he wanted. Standing in the door he clenched and unclenched his fists fighting for calm over the anger, disappointment, and sorrow that brewed in his breast.

  Taking a deep breath Dewis stepped into the dim room listening to the soft beeping of monitors and coming face to face with his brother.

  “Dewis?” Jack said blinking in disbelief. “I’m so sorry Dewis, I was an idiot.”

  Dewis looked down at Jack and cringed. A large bandage was wound around his head, one eye was swollen and his left shoulder was taped into a strange contraption to hold the broken collar bone in place.

  Dewis pulled a deep breath of antiseptic smelling hospital air into his lungs and let his anger go. “Penny isn’t pressing charges,” he said. “For some reason she feels you’re worth keeping out of jail. What you did was kidnapping and half of me wants to toss you out that window.”

  Jack tried to nod and then cringed at the pain that shot across his chest. “It was wrong Dewis,” Jack said closing his eyes against the pain. “I shouldn’t have listened to Mack.”

  “There are a lot of things you shouldn’t have done,” Dewis said. “And a lot of things you should have done. You should have listened to my dad. You should have worked on the ranch and grown up knowing the reward of a hard day’s labor. You should have been a friend to me and a balance to your brother’s bad choices.”

  Jack swallowed hard and Dewis held a plastic cup with a straw in it to his lips. Jack sipped from the straw then let his head fall back on the bed. “I’m sorry Dewis,” he said again. “I don’t know what else to say. When I get out, no matter what Mack does, I’m leaving town. I’ve got a decent degree and I’ll get a job somewhere and I won’t bother you again.” He blinked a moment catching his breath. “Tell Penny…, tell Penny I’m sorry and thank you.”

  Dewis nodded feeling a weight lift from his chest as he turned and headed back out the door.


  Dewis stood as they wheeled Penny into her room. Her leg was now in a hard plaster cast and she looked exhausted but she smiled up at him.

  “They’re keeping me over night,” she said her eyes shining with love. “Observation they call it.”

  “Then I’m staying with you,” Dewis said.

  “What about the Ranch, you’ve been gone all day?”

  “How much trouble can a bunch of cows get into in one day?” Dewis teased as the nurse helped Penny into her bed.

  “Dewis go home,” Penny stated her voice matter of fact. “You can get me some clean clothes.”

  Dewis grinned. “I can’t I don’t have a ride,” he said pleased with his save.

  Penny rolled her eyes but accepted his hand as she settled into her bed and thanked the nurse.

  Dewis pulled the blankets up to her chin tucking her in like a small child and her heart swelled again. This man was almost too much to believe.

  “I talked to Jack,” Dewis said. “He wants me to tell you he’s sorry and he thanks you for not filing charges.”

  “Everyone deserves a second chance,” Penny said. “This is ours,” she added reaching for his hand. “We don’t have to be alone anymore.”

  Dewis smiled kissing her hand. “So you’re planning on sticking around Mrs. Faremore?”

  “For as long as you’ll have me,” Penny agreed. “But we do have a few things to talk about,” she added thinking of Jack’s comment about being married a year.

  Dewis’s phone beeped and he pulled it from his pocket. “Looks like I don’t have an excuse for not leaving now,” he said putting the phone back. “The sheriff’s office just dropped off my truck. I’ll run home quick, check the stock and grab you some clean clothes. Then we can have that talk.”

  “Be careful,” Penny said. “I love you.”

  Dewis stopped mid turn, looking back at Penny. “What did you say?”

  “I said I love you,” Penny stated crossing her arms over her middle and meeting his gaze.

  Dewis took the two steps back to the bed wrapping his arms around her tenderly and kissing her. “I love you too,” he said. “I didn’t think this could happen but in less than two weeks I have completely lost my heart.”

  “I think that’s the way it was supposed to happen,” Penny grinned. “Just like in a story book. Now go home, I need clean clothes, these gowns are drafty.”

  Dewis laughed kissing her one more time then trotting from the room.

  Chapter 16

  Penny had just drifted off to sleep when a loud rap on her door snapped her awake again.

  “Penny, Penny, Penny,” Dr. Lachele’s voice echoed into the room along with a soft giggle. “Can I come in?”

  “Dr. Lachele,” Penny cried sitting up and groaning as a twinge of pain shot through her leg. “Get over here and give me a hug.”

  “Oh I don’t do hugs,” Lachele said hurrying to the bed, “I do booby bumps,” she said grabbing Penny and squeezing her tight.

  Penny laughed shaking her head at the vivacious woman with the purple hair.

  “So, how’s your cowboy?” Dr. Lachele asked stepping back. “I’m not sure he’s taking proper care of you,” she said looking at the cumbersome cast.

  “He’s wonderful!” Penny gushed. “I thought you were completely crazy when you said you could send me into my own perfect story, but here I am.”

  “I’m not sure I’d say it was perfect,” Dr. Lachele said looking around the room. “I’m not sure a broken leg is what I’d call perfect.”

  “No, but it’s worth it to have Dewis. I was so lonely and my whole life was nothing but work and books. I didn’t even realize how badly I needed someone of my very own to love.”

  “I think that’s true of Dewis as well,” Dr. Lachele said. “He needed you as much as you needed him.”

  “Is it common for things to happen this way?” Penny asked studying the Doctor’s elegant pant suit of cream linen that offset her purple locks and lavender top perfectly.

  “Honey, I can’t tell you what’s common or not. All I know is that these powers take on a life of their own once I do my thing. One thing I can tell you though, is that for everyone I send to their happily ever after I have to check in on them and ask a very important question.”

  Penny set up straighter fear clutching at her heart. What could the doctor ask? Hadn’t all of her dreams been answered?

  “Do you want to stay or do you want to go back to your old life?”

  Penny let out the breath she had been holding and smiled brightly. “Stay, I definitely want to stay,” she gushed.

  “Good, that’s what I like to hear. Now here are a few things you might want,” she continued fetching a bag from where she’d left it at the door. “Just a few of your favorite clothes, some pictures and of course your bank book.”

  Penny squealed taking the bag and placing it on her lap. “You don’t know how much this will help,” she said excitement zinging in her voice. “I can help Dewis pay off the debt on the ranch.”

  Dr. Lachele patted Penny on the arm. “I’m glad you are happy,” she said looking down at her watch. “I’ve got to run though. I’ve never been so busy.” She leaned over kissing Penny on the cheek. “Have a good life.”

  “Thank you,” Penny said grabbing Dr. Lachele’s hand. “Thank you for giving me a chance.”

  “That’s what I do,” the good doctor said squeezing Penny’s hand then heading for the door. “Toodles,” she said twiddling her fingers at Penny as she disappeared out the door.

  Penny leaned back against her upright bed hugging the bag to her chest. Tomorrow she would get a check cashed and make sure that she still had access to her account, and then she’d see if she could resign her position in the big city.

  From now on Penelope Pembroke Faremore was a ranc
her’s wife and that was all she wanted to be.


  Dewis made the drive back to the ranch as the rain turned from a torrent to a trickle.

  He couldn’t believe that Penny actually loved him, of course he couldn’t believe that he had fallen for her so fast either. Perhaps this was the way it was supposed to be.

  Pulling in to the ranch yard, Dewis wondered about Penny’s comment though. She said they needed to talk, but what about?

  Hurrying through his chores and checking that none of the stock needed any extra attention he ran into the house stuffing some of Penny’s clothes in a bag, then changing into clean jeans and a shirt before hurrying back to the hospital.


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