Crossroads Magic

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Crossroads Magic Page 18

by TJ Green

  "I saw it on the news," El told them, looking grim. "There's a lot of speculation---although of course they didn't mention details. However, they did refer to the caves under West Haven, and the investigation. They are wondering if they're linked."

  "Makes sense," Reuben said. "Caves of bones, young men dying, on the back of those gruesome deaths before Christmas. This doesn't make White Haven look good."

  "James said he's heard rumblings of concern about black magic from his parishioners," Avery told them. "He said it was only from a few people, but this is a small place. I'm worried it will set off something bigger."

  "Like a witch hunt?" Briar asked, eyes-wide.

  Reuben groaned. "It's the twenty-first century, Briar. Chill out. If anything, those rumours will make this place more attractive."

  "It's not hampering my sales yet," El said.

  Briar shuffled uncomfortably. "Nor mine."

  "Avery?" Reuben asked.

  "No, not mine, either," she admitted. "But it might. Rupert is planning to do ghost tours of White Haven, apparently. That might add a new dimension of interest."

  Reuben was still dismissive. "Loads of places do that. And besides, he's an idiot. Let's focus on tomorrow. What can we do to prepare?"

  Alex joined them back at the table. "Corbin said he'll call me later. I can update him on our plan, and question him about the Raven King. I'll call you when I know more. He'll be performing now." He looked across to El. "We need spells to destroy jewellery, or magic in jewellery, or anything like that! And say Caitlin turns into the Empusa while we're attacking her. What then? What are its weaknesses?"

  At this point, Shadow grinned. "I bet a blade of pure dragonium will do the trick."

  "What the hell is that?" Newton asked.

  "A very special metal with very special properties, and I happen to know it is the only metal able to slay a Lamia, so it's likely the same will apply here." She stared at Newton, hard. "I presume you have no problem with me slaying the Empusa?"

  He squared his shoulders. "Only as last resort."

  She raised an eyebrow. "So you're planning on taking an Empusa into custody?"

  Newton thumped the table with a clenched fist. "Bollocks! All right, then. Yes!"

  "Thank you," she said silkily.

  El leaned forward, her eyes alight with curiosity. "You have a sword of pure dragonium? I've never heard of that. Is that something to do with dragons?"

  "It most certainly is," she replied enigmatically.

  "There are dragons in your world?"

  "Of course! What a stupid question." Shadow looked incredulous at everyone around the table, as they had all paused mid-bite or mid-drink to look at her, astonished.

  El ignored the jibe. "How do you happen to have such a marvellous sword?"

  "I made it my business to have one when I discovered how useful they are. It's back at the farmhouse. It gets a bit tricky carrying it around all the time."

  "Awesome," El said, clearly excited. "I need to look at that sometime."

  Shadow merely shrugged. "Sure, sister."

  Wow, Avery thought, Shadow just kept getting more and more interesting. She dragged a box of pizza towards her, deciding she needed another slice if she was to keep going all night. "Newton, you know you can't come tomorrow, right?"

  He grimaced. "I had a feeling you were going to say that."

  "You know the rules. If it's not official police business, you're out."

  "And what about you, missy?" he replied. "You're out, too."

  Avery bristled. "We'll see about that."


  "Do you have a death wish?" Alex asked Avery once the others had left.

  "Of course not! But equally I am not about to be left out of the fight."

  "If Caitlin sees you tomorrow night, you could end up back at the crossroads in seconds. The real place. And you wouldn't be able to fly back, because you're too weak, and you would be alone. And then dead."

  The more Alex talked, the crosser he became, and he glared at her.

  She glared right back. "But that's where I need to be. She doesn't know that I know we have to break the crossroads link and sever her power."

  "But that supposes that our idea is right. We don't know that for sure, not really. And when you're there, you're automatically weaker. And you won't be with Caspian if you get into trouble."

  Avery sighed. "What worries me is that Caspian says he can take us, but what if he's wrong? He's weaker because of his connection to me. And you know how witch-flight works. You need to know a place well---he doesn't, despite everything he's saying. If you can't get close to her to take away the ring, then we have to get to that place! I have to!"

  Alex fell silent, watching her speculatively. "You're saying, the very thing she wants to do will be the very thing that ends this. That it will work against her."


  He closed his eyes briefly, and then looked into hers. "Bollocks. It's logical, but risky. Hugely risky!"

  "Will you help me to keep awake, and find a spell to locate the ring in that crossroads? And while we're at it, a spell to destroy it or deactivate it?"

  "Of course I will." He walked across to her, and pulled her close, nuzzling his lips to her neck. "I'll do anything to keep you alive. I'd go with you too, but I'm pretty sure that's not possible."

  "I know you would," she mumbled into his chest. "Thank you."

  After one final squeeze, he released her. "Right. An energising tea coming up, and then a spell to keep us both awake."

  "No! Just me. You should sleep while you can."

  "Nope. We're in this together."

  He headed to the kitchen and she went upstairs to her attic. The first thing she did was select incense that would keep them alert. She already had some special mixes prepared, including a few she'd bought from Briar. She found the one she wanted and started it burning in the corner. She said a spell to accompany it, and within a few minutes started to feel their benefit.

  She threw a log on the fire, and with a word lit the candles placed around her room. Avery then took a few deep breaths to ground herself, releasing them slowly. Right. She was ready for this. Wait for it, Caitlin. You don't know who you're messing with.

  She pulled her old grimoire towards her and found the spell Helena had shown her that detailed the crossroads link using a talisman. She was still studying it when Alex appeared with their drinks.

  "Extra strong," he said, placing it on the table.

  She took a sip and sighed with pleasure. "Delicious. Thanks. Right, look at this spell. What we need to work out is how to break the connection. I assume it will be simply a case of finding said talisman and digging it up. Agreed?"

  "Agreed. But you'll be too weak to fly back with it, and as long as you're still there, the talisman will still work, so you will need to destroy it." He stared at her. "I still don't like this. What if the standing stone's power saps your will when you arrive? You'll never have a chance to even find the ring."

  "One problem at a time. How do I destroy it?"

  He thought for a second, and then grinned. "I know what we can use."

  She narrowed her eyes at him. "You sound excited. Go on."

  "El made a knife that could cut through any metal, remember? It was part of those objects we made for Ben and the others."

  Avery nearly spilled her tea with shock. "Of course! I'll ring her."

  She grabbed her phone and flicked through to El's number, relieved when El answered quickly, asking Avery, "Are you okay?"

  "Fine. Do you remember that knife you made for Ben, the one that cut through any metal? That's what we need to destroy the ring."

  El laughed. "Strange you should mention that. Guess what I'm working on right now?"

  "You're in your workshop making a knife!"

  "Too right. You're not the only one pulling an all-nighter. You'll need a holster for it, but Reuben is on that. It's a long and complicated spell, and I'm annoyed with myself for not m
aking another one straight away, so I'd better get on with it."

  She rang off and Avery turned to Alex. "I'm getting a knife!"

  "Excellent. Now we have to work out what to do about that standing stone."

  "Something to block its pull."

  He nodded. "And something to protect you against Hecate's influence." At her obvious confusion, he continued, "Hecate can point you in the right direction, or make you lose your way---Goddess of the Crossroads, remember? If she acts against you, and she might if her plans for her Empusa are thwarted, you need to be able to fight that, too."

  Avery nodded. "So I need a spell to see through glamour, to find the true way."

  "And wear silver. Lots of it."

  Silver had many positive properties. It offered protection from negative energies, stimulated psychic awareness, increased perception, amplified certain gemstones, and was particularly identified with the moon. "Well, that's easy enough. I have a lot of silver jewellery. And I've got the necklace El made for me. Maybe I should pair it with another one, with chalcedony." Chalcedony was a gemstone known for its calming and energising properties, its ability to absorb negative energies, and confer protection from abuse and conflict. Combined with silver, these properties would be multiplied.

  "Have you got one?"

  Avery pointed to her shelves, which held a small selection of gemstones, not anywhere near as many as El, but she did stock the main ones. "Yep, and I have some silver wire I can bind it in."

  "Good. You should wear it now. And," Alex added, "I've decided I'm going to do some scrying tonight."

  "On who?" she asked, heading over to grab the gemstone.


  Avery paused, hand on the basket of stones, all cleansed on the day she had bought them. "Is that wise?"

  "Why not? No reason to think she would know. I want to double check that what Rupert says is right. If I can watch her for while, and confirm the ring is the talisman, I'll be much happier."

  "Okay." Avery searched the basket for the chalcedony, and found the biggest piece she had. It was coloured a waxy greyish-blue, and was about 3 centimetres in diameter, in a rough, misshapen circle. She warmed it in her palm as she returned to the table. "What are you using to scry?"

  "I've brought my silver bowl with me. I'll set up in front of the fire, and turn the lamps off there. The darker the better. I'll do it now, if that's okay?"

  She smiled. "Of course. I'll start on a spell to keep us awake first."

  He headed over to his bag that was on the floor, crouched down, and pulled out the materials he needed. After a few seconds he called over. "You know, I like this. Not under these current circumstances, but in general."

  Avery paused, her hand on her grimoire. "What do you mean?"

  "Us, working together on spells in your attic. It feels right. When I move in, this could be our new normal."

  Avery felt a warm flush of pleasure race through her. "This will be our normal. I like it, too. When's it going to happen?"

  "As soon as this crap is over."

  She beamed at him. "Good. And you can bring your gorgeous sofa. We'll put mine at your place."

  Now he smiled at her. "Really? I do love my sofa."

  "Really. And you can put up more shelves for your stuff, over there," she said pointing to a patch of wall. "And whatever else you want to bring, we'll find room for. It will be our home, not just mine."

  "You're on. Now get on with your spells," he instructed, blowing her a kiss.

  She turned away grinning, determined that Caitlin, Hecate, or a demonic, vampire man-eating Empusa would not stop her domestic bliss. She placed both of her grimoires next to each other on the table, and then scribbled a list on a piece of paper of the things she needed to find. She knew all too well how easy it was to lose track when she started hunting through her spells. They sent her down a rabbit hole.

  First was the spell to keep them awake, and she found one quickly. It was a simple incantation that needed something personal from both of them. She took a pair of scissors and snipped some of her hair, and then snipped some of Alex's. She placed the locks in a small metal dish with a simple concoction of dried herbs, and then said the incantation as she burnt them. The acrid fumes filled the air, and Avery wrinkled her face in disgust. Ugh. The smell alone was enough to keep her awake. But as the ingredients burnt away to a fine powder, she felt a renewed energy flow through her, and combined with everything else they had set up, she thought she'd be awake for days.

  "Wow!" Alex called over. "I can really feel that."

  "Good. Me, too. I think we'll crash later, but frankly, that's fine."

  He turned back to his preparations, and she returned to her books. She realised that her mind was focusing sharper than it had done in days, and ideas fired quickly. She searched for blocking spells, which were stronger than protection spells, more specific. There were spells to deflect ill-will, curses, and hexes. None of them were specific to her needs, but there were some that could be adapted, and she reminded herself that adapting spells was something she was good at. This was a fact she'd almost forgotten in recent days as her magic had been sapped by the stones. She found a spell that talked about cursed objects and decided that would be her best bet. And then the itch in her palm made her open her hand and stare at the mark again.

  The fiery mark beneath her skin was more visible in the low lighting. She had fey script on her hand. How weird was that? She wondered what type of stone the standing stone was made of, if even knowing that would help. Probably not. And there was no way she could find that out now. And how did fey script even end up there? There was so much that she still didn't know about magic. It was this that made it so dangerous, and also so attractive. There was always so much to learn. A lifetime of study couldn't encompass it all.

  As Avery stared at the mark, it suddenly seemed incredibly important that she know more about it. She glanced over to where Alex sat cross-legged on the rug in front of the fire. His head was bent over the silver scrying bowl, now filled with water. He was unnaturally still, which meant he was already in his trance.

  Grabbing her phone, Avery headed downstairs to the living room to call Shadow. It rang for a while before she finally picked up, and when she answered, Shadow was breathless.

  "Avery. Are you all right?"

  These were the first words anyone ever said to her now, and it wasn't casual. It was always in a worried, panicked, has something happened voice.

  "I'm fine," she said, mustering her patience, and reminding herself to be grateful for her friend's concern. "Are you? You sound out of breath."

  "I've been fighting with Gabe."

  Now Avery was alarmed. "What? Why?"

  "Sparring with swords. He's insisting on using proper ones, which I told him was hazardous for his health, but he won't listen to me. I've almost taken his life, twice. "

  Avery heard Gabe shout in the background. "Once, you liar!"

  "And why are you sparring?" Avery asked, as she headed to the kitchen to brew more tea.

  "Just making sure I've not grown rusty in the last few weeks." She sounded smug. "I haven't."

  "So you're sure you'll need to use it?"

  "I hope I will. Anything you need, Avery, or was this just a late night chat? I need to get back to teaching Gabe how to fight."

  "I wanted to know what the script on my hand says, exactly."

  "I've told you. It means you're sacrificed."

  Avery bit back her impatience. "But is that what it says? Words mean everything in magic, and they have multiple meanings."

  Shadow huffed. "Send me a picture so I can check."

  Avery took a photo with her phone and pressed send, and there was a pause for a moment.

  "It's a word. It looks short, but the translation is 'soul-yoked,' which generally in fey understanding means you're connected until death. That's why I said you were sacrificed. And remember that the stone called to elemental Air as a sacrifice to Hecate. It's not a g
ood word, Avery."

  "Okay, thanks Shadow. Good luck with Gabe."

  She laughed. "It's not me who'll need the luck."

  Avery hung up and walked upstairs with a fresh pot of tea, pondering the meaning of soul-yoked. While it might feel ominous to Shadow, she wasn't convinced. She was connected to a standing stone that was dedicated to elemental Air, and that stood on a crossroads dedicated to Hecate. Hecate was a powerful Goddess, and like all Gods served their own purposes before anything. But she was a Goddess known for her love of witches. And Avery was a witch. A powerful witch. If anything, Hecate should do her bidding, not Caitlin's.

  Alex was still bent over the water in front of the fire, so she took a sip of tea, pulled Helena's grimoire closer, and cast a spell to search for spells that invoked Hecate. The pages ruffled and then started to turn of their own accord, falling still at certain points, which allowed Avery to mark them with paper. When the spell had finished, there were at least a dozen spells to investigate, and like many in Helena's book, they were very old and written with tiny script in arcane language. Fortunately, months of studying them had allowed her to become familiar with the language used, so she could quickly work out which ones were worth investing more time in. After a while, she whispered, "Bingo." There it is. A spell to invoke the Crossroads Goddess.

  She quickly started to make notes, translating it into modern English, and checking her ingredients on the shelf. At this stage she wasn't sure she wanted to summon Hecate, but she needed options, and this was one of them.

  The silence of the room was broken by a log cracking and hissing in the grate, and she walked over and topped it up with another, checking on Alex while she was there. She crouched down and saw that his eyes were transfixed on the water. The round, shallow bowl was about 12 centimetres in diameter, and a ripple continuously passed across the water's surface, which in this light looked black. Avery couldn't see a thing in it. Satisfied that Alex seemed fine, his breathing deep and even, she returned to her list and realised she still hadn't found a blocking spell, but would she need one now? Could she subvert the stone's power and use it for herself?


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