Moonshine & Mischief: Moonshine Hollow #4

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Moonshine & Mischief: Moonshine Hollow #4 Page 3

by Kathleen Brooks

  Jane forgot Zoey was in the room as she told Dr. Sinclair about waking up screaming and soaked in sweat. She also told him that she wasn’t able to remember the nightmares.

  Jane nervously gripped her fingers as she waited for Dr. Sinclair to respond. “You say you wake up screaming. I wonder if you say anything else in your sleep?”

  “I . . . I don’t know. I live alone.”

  “Why don’t we try a sleep study?” Dr. Sinclair held her eyes and Jane bit her lip. She didn’t know what she was dreaming. What if it she spilled her secret about being a witch? Dr. Sinclair was human and from what she’s discovered from nosing around in his thoughts, he had no idea witches were real. He was a classically trained doctor; all his thoughts were rooted in fact, logic, and reason as humans knew them.

  Galen waited for Jane to reply, but when she didn’t he started again. “A sleep study sounds scary, but it’s not. I can do it at your house since we don’t have a hospital set up here. While you sleep, I monitor your sleep stages to see if I can figure out what’s disrupting your sleep. I’ll measure your eye movements, oxygen levels, heart rate, your breathing rate, if you snore, and what your body does. Do you sleepwalk? Do you have sleep apnea and the lack of oxygen is causing your body to basically scare you awake? Do you talk in your sleep enough to give some idea about the nature of these nightmares? I can monitor all of that and then we can develop a plan to help get you some good, restful sleep.”

  Now all Galen had to do was keep his hands to himself. There was something about Jane that drew him to her unlike anything he’d ever felt before. She certainly wasn’t plain, although she did look worn down. She was muscular and curvy in all the right places, but a bit too thin. Her hair had these sexy curls that begged him to give them just a little tug as he kissed her, but he was concerned about the strain that showed in her face. Whatever was keeping her from sleeping was taking not only a mental toll on her, but a physical one too. Everything in him wanted to reach out to her and wrap her in his arms. Alas, he didn’t.

  When Jane didn’t answer, he turned to Zoey. What was going on today? Zoey’s eyes looked blank, and for a moment she stared at a point on the wall without blinking. Then she shook her head and took a deep breath. “Jane, I think you need to do this. I can stay with you overnight if you’d like.”

  “You think it’s a good idea?” Jane asked, her voice making it very clear that she thought it was a horrible idea.

  “I do,” Zoey answered immediately.

  Jane turned back to him. Her green eyes seemed to plead with him, but plead for what, Galen didn’t know.

  “Okay. I’ll do it. When would you like to do this?” Jane straightened her spine and Galen saw the strong woman who was hidden under the fatigue.

  “How is tomorrow night? I’m off the day after tomorrow so I won’t have any trouble staying up to monitor you.”

  Jane nodded and then stood. She held out her hand and he shook it. Warmth seemed to flow through him, but when Jane pulled her hand back the warmth was gone.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow night then. I get off work at six.”

  “I’ll bring dinner.” Galen didn’t know why he said that. He wasn’t there for dinner. “To make you more comfortable before we go to bed—you go to bed,” he immediately corrected.

  Smooth Galen. So smooth. She was a patient. He couldn’t hit on her. But he could solve her sleep problem, discharge her, and then ask her out for a date. Zoey gave him a wink as she walked by while Jane still looked nervous. “Don’t worry. We’ll figure this out,” he reassured.

  “Thank you.” He watched as Jane took a deep breath and stood up straighter. “I’m normally very strong, but it feels as if all my energy is being drained.”

  “I promise. We’ll get you back to feeling like yourself in no time.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Sinclair. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  Galen walked them out to the lobby and then watched as Zoey grabbed Jane’s hand and practically ran from the clinic.

  “Your next appointment is here.” Galen turned as Doris snapped. Galen couldn’t tell if she was mad at him, the patient, or life in general.

  He took the file Doris was holding and smiled at the terrified looking child. “Come with me, please. We’ll get your sports physical done in no time. I played rugby in college. Do you know what that is?”

  But as Galen talked to the boy, his mind was back with Jane.


  Zoey paced in the sheriff’s station as she waited for the rest of their group to pop in. Jane was back at the welcome office at the park’s entrance. Slade and his deputy, Samuel, watched her pace back and forth across Slade’s closed office.

  Slade’s human secretary, Chloe, had looked at Zoey with curiosity when she’d stormed in and slammed Slade’s door. A moment later, Samuel rushed in. The door opened and Zoey spun to see Chloe stepping aside for Lauren, Linus, Polly, Agnes, Vilma, and Zoey’s father, Magnus.

  “I am so happy you called,” Lauren said as she clapped her hands together. “Let’s talk wedding!”

  Chloe closed the door and everyone looked excited. Zoey almost felt bad crushing their dreams. “This isn’t about the wedding. This is about Jane.”

  “Oh,” was the collective letdown.

  “She told me she isn’t sleeping, and when I touched her I was able to see some of her past, some of her present, and a little of her future. I saw Ian in her past.”

  That got a different reaction. Everyone suddenly sat up or stood much straighter.

  “I saw her running for her life, but not why. I saw that she’ll find love and happiness in her future, but I saw that when I first met her,” Zoey finished explaining.

  “So, what’s the problem?” Agnes asked.

  “Besides Ian,” Vilma added.

  “She’s not sleeping,” Zoey said as she told them about the nightmares. Lauren and Linus shared a look that spoke volumes. They were worried. “Further, when we were in the doctor’s office I got a flash.” Zoey took a deep breath. The energy inside her was screaming for release but she had to control it. “I saw blood and death. There were two bodies but their heads were turned away. I couldn’t see who they were. I couldn’t tell how they died. A feeling of absolute terror washed over me.”

  “This was what you saw when you touched Jane?” Lauren asked into the quiet room.

  Zoey shook her head. “I wasn’t touching anyone. It was a vision.”

  “But what could it mean?” Polly looked around hoping someone could answer it.

  “I have a feeling Jane holds that answer.”

  “I think so too, Slade,” Linus told his mentee.

  “Could it be Ian?” Magnus asked.

  Everyone looked around. No one wanted to think it.

  “He’s on the run,” Samuel said as if laughing it off. “He’s alone and no match for us all.”

  Zoey shook her head. It was so frustrating. “I don’t know who or what it is. I just know something very bad is going to happen.”

  “Could it have happened in the past?” Polly asked optimistically.

  “I wish, but the feeling of danger is imminent. I felt Jane’s fear from the past. This is different.”

  “What can we do?” her father asked her.

  “I wish I knew. I keep seeing dirt and blood mixed together with dead leaves.”

  “The forest.” Slade understood her frustration and the deep worry she was feeling. She felt his strength when she put her hand on the necklace he’d given her. It allowed them to feel each other’s presence and feelings. True love gave them that power, but the Goddess stone in the necklace heightened those feelings. Slade felt exactly what she was feeling and vice versa. “Samuel and I will start daily searches of the forest surrounding Moonshine Hollow.”

  “I’ll help and I’m sure others will too,” Polly offered, and soon it was agreed that several of the witches would join the patrol each day.

  “Well, now that we have that settled . . .” Lauren
started to say. “You said you’d pick one of our wedding dresses.”

  Zoey couldn’t take it anymore. She wanted a simple wedding, out under the stars and full moon with her town surrounding her. That was it. She didn’t want to be somebody else’s symbol of importance. She just wanted to marry the man she loved more than life.

  Zoey reached out and grabbed Polly’s hand. The young witch had quickly become one of her best friends. “I didn’t say I’d pick one of your dresses. I said I would pick a dress. And so I shall.” With that she poofed Polly and her from the room.

  When she blinked again they were in front of Zoey’s other best friend’s house. “What are we doing?” Polly asked with that bright smile that showed she was always up for anything.

  “Grabbing Maribelle and going wedding dress shopping. You have to swear you won’t tell anyone else about where we went or what my dress looks like.”

  Polly clapped her hands together excitedly and quickly agreed before Zoey knocked on her human best friend’s door. Really, Polly and Maribelle should be the best friends. They were both eternally optimistic, romantic, and didn’t put up with any nonsense. That was the part that vibed with Zoey.

  “Zoey! Polly!” Maribelle said with surprise when she opened her door. “Would you like to join me for lunch?”

  “No thanks,” Zoey answered. She was on the clock until the wedding planners from hell found her. “Do you think you can take the afternoon off? I need a wedding dress and I want you and Polly to help me find it.”

  Maribelle squealed with excitement. Polly squealed with excitement. And yes, Zoey had to admit they made her smile with excitement too. Maybe that’s what best friends were for. To get you out of your own way and enjoy life when you needed it most.

  “No problem.” Maribelle grabbed her purse by the door and closed it behind her. “I’ll just text my boss that I’m having woman problems. Freaks him out. He won’t even question it.”

  “I’ll drive,” Polly called out.

  “Where’s your . . .?” Polly snapped her fingers and her car was suddenly parked on the street. Maribelle shook her head. “I was so excited to go wedding dress shopping I didn’t even see your car.”

  “Well ladies, let’s find me a wedding dress.”


  Polly and Maribelle ran off the second they crossed the threshold into the wedding dress shop. They were holding hands, laughing, and gone. Zoey smiled at the assistant and was shown to a room to put all her stuff.

  Zoey waited until the assistant was gone before calling her mother. Her mom was in California and with the time difference it would be mid-morning. Zoey hoped she wasn’t too busy.

  “Good morning, dear!”

  “Hi, Mom. What are you doing right now?”

  “Just finished getting ready for a brunch I’m going to. Why?”

  Zoey had had a turbulent relationship with her human mother until very recently. Zoey had thought her mother hated her and only cared about Zoey’s stepfather. Zoey was just a little girl when her mother and stepfather married. Zoey’s last name had instantly been changed to Mathers, her stepfather’s name. She’d been shipped off to boarding school at a young age and then to college and law school. She’d only recently found out her mother and her stepfather, Bradley, had been working to protect Zoey since she came from an old and very powerful witch family through her dad, Magnus Rode.

  Now Zoey and her mother were rebuilding their relationship. Plus, it was really nice not to have to hide her powers. “Can you miss it?”

  “Of course. Are you in town?” her mother asked. “I can make an appointment with the wedding shop in Beverly Hills if you’re interested.”

  “About that,” Zoey said as she closed her eyes and envisioned her mother. “Hold on.”

  “Zoey, what . . . oh my gosh!”

  “Hi, Mom.” Zoey hugged her mother who was now looking around the dressing room in amazement.

  “How? What? Where am I?” Her mother was clearly flustered.

  Zoey wiggled her fingers and grinned. “You’re in Tennessee with me, Polly, and Maribelle. We’re picking out my wedding dress.”

  Her mother’s shocked face suddenly broke out into laughter. “My, you’re learning a lot. I can’t wait to tell Bradley. He’ll be thrilled at how fast traveling to see you will be now.”

  “And free.” Zoey winked.

  Her mother stood up and grabbed Zoey’s hand. “Let’s find you the most beautiful dress.”

  The afternoon flew by in a flash of tulle. Zoey achieved the ultimate wedding feeling, second only to walking down the aisle, when she’d looked at herself in the dress.

  Zoey flashed her mom back home and enjoyed the ride back to Moonshine Hollow with her two best friends. She didn’t tell them about the image of blood and the sound of screams she’d heard. No, today was about love, not fear. They could conquer fear with love and they would. So Zoey pushed the visions aside and joined Maribelle in teasing Polly about her crush on Slade’s deputy, Samuel.

  Of course, it had to rain that afternoon. And not just your run of the mill, regular rain, but an empty the atmosphere’s entire water storage all at once on Moonshine Hollow, kind of rain.

  Jane had to close the Earnest Creek trail to make sure no hikers slipped and rolled into the creek like she had done when the wind had picked up and her foot slipped in the raging torrent of muddy water racing down the trail. Thanks to her powers, she’d prevented herself from being washed down the cold creek water that was now flowing like rapids over the river rocks from the downpour.

  Jane was cold, tired, and a completely water-logged, muddy mess when she sloshed her way to the parking lot. There had been some hunters running for the shelter of their trucks so Jane hadn’t been able to poof her way home until she had verified with them that everyone in their group was accounted for. After making sure the woods were now free of people, or at least all the vehicles were out of the parking lot, Jane was finally able to get home. There was a clear order from the Grand Mistress and Grand Master that they were not to expose themselves as witches to the humans.

  The last engine rumbled off and Jane slogged her way to the small log cabin that served as her office. She walked inside, flipped the sign to closed, and locked the door. After hiding her powers for so long, Jane felt strange drawing on them twice that day. But there was no way she was going to walk home in this.

  She cast one last look out the window and assured herself no one could see her when she pictured her bathroom and then poof, there she was. She was finally feeling safe when the doorbell rang. Those nightmares had her so on edge that she stumbled back in surprise at the noise and almost fell into her bathtub.

  “Get it together, Jane,” she muttered to herself as she kicked off her muddy shoes on the tile and sloshed her way to the door in clothes so waterlogged that she left a water trail down the hall.

  The bell rang again and Jane slowed to look out the window. It wasn’t like Ian would ring the bell, but right now Jane didn’t trust anything.

  “Jane? Are you there?”

  Shoot, shoot, shoot. It was Dr. Sinclair and she looked worse than a drowned rat. Not only that, but the front half of her door was decorative glass. He could now see her standing frozen in her living room. No magic in front of humans. Jane could practically hear Grand Mistress Lauren shouting.


  Jane sucked up the embarrassment and trudged to open the door.

  “Hi, J-ane,” Dr. Sinclair said as paused half way through her name with surprise. “I guess you got caught in the rain. Show me the kitchen and I’ll get dinner ready while you get a nice warm shower.”

  She could die on the spot from embarrassment. “I’ll just change real quick.”

  Dr. Sinclair pushed past her, his wide shoulders brushing against hers and suddenly Jane wasn’t cold anymore. Heat seemed to infuse her body from that point of contact. She almost jumped back in surprise. She’d never felt anything like it before. However, what she real
ly wanted to do was to lean into it.

  “Take a long hot shower. Doctor’s orders. I mean it. It’ll take me at least forty-five minutes to get dinner ready.”

  “Ready? I thought you were picking up dinner?” Jane asked as she trailed after him. She watched as he took in her comfortable living room with its over-stuffed furniture. She had a television, but the stack of books on the coffee table was how she liked to relax.

  He took a quick look and then continued walking toward the back of her cottage. The living room was open to the dining room behind it with a little four-person table. Behind that were the patio doors leading out back. To the left of the dining room was the open kitchen separated from the two rooms by an L-shaped counter with bar stools on the outside, looking into the kitchen.

  “I said I was bringing dinner. I thought I’d make my family’s famous Sinclair Stew. I also brought some shortbread cookies I made last night and some nice tea. I promise, you’ll be so full you’ll have no trouble sleeping tonight. My Nan used to say this food would stick to your ribs, and she was right. You will not be hungry in the middle of the night.”

  Jane watched as he pulled out a dented round tin from a large bag and opened it up. The second he did, she smelled the sweet shortbread cookies inside. Then he pulled out a container of cubed potatoes, carrots, chunks of meat, and cans of various ingredients. “Do you have a large pot I can borrow? Mine’s at home if you don’t.”

  “Yeah, right over there,” Jane told him. As soon as he turned around to look, she wiggled her fingers. “Yes, that cabinet.”

  She felt as if she were crossing her fingers behind her back and hoping to not get caught when using her magic. “This is very nice of you, Dr. Sinclair.”

  “Please, call me Galen. I’m happy to have someone to cook for. Since moving here I’ve met a lot of people but haven’t made any real friends, and I’ve been eating alone every night. I know tonight is work, but I look forward to getting to know you too.”


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