What Happens at Con

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What Happens at Con Page 15

by Cathy Yardley

He handed her a piece of paper. “I do need another task from you.”

  Frowning, she studied what he handed her. “Is this... what is this?”

  “It’s a dry-cleaning receipt,” he said, as if she were an idiot. “I’ve got my own presentation in a few days.”

  She glanced at the address. “But — this isn’t near here. This is the opposite direction from my place!”

  He stared at her, derision and amusement in his expression in equal parts.

  “Miss Ani,” he drawled, “I don’t remember asking if it was. It should be ready by tomorrow. Pick it up by tomorrow night, will you?”

  The next day, Abraham was feeling pissy when he drove to the now-familiar parking lot in Washington Sound University. He was carrying a bag full of Indian food — something he hadn’t liked prior to getting with Ani, but which he was now enjoying — and also the reason he was pissy: a couple of suits and slacks. Men’s suits and slacks, to be precise. Ani had called him in a panic and asked that he pick up the dry cleaning if he was going to be bringing food, which she damned well knew he would be. He thought the dry cleaning was for her, maybe for the proposal defense thing. When he saw that they were men’s clothes... well, it did not put him in the best of moods.

  Who the fuck was she picking up men’s clothes for?

  He knew that the stormy mood had to be playing across his face when he stalked into the TAs room, because the blonde goober, Jeffrey, immediately beat feet and got out of there. Guess it wasn’t his clothes.

  “I got your food, and your dry cleaning,” he said, on a growl.

  Ani sighed, getting up and taking both from him, hanging the dry cleaning on a hook from the back of the door and putting the food down on her desk. Then she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. “Thank you. I know that was a pain in the ass, and I want you to know I appreciate it.” She kissed him.

  He didn’t want to be distracted, and God knew, her kisses could definitely be that. He kissed her one more time, soundly, just to keep his temper in check and because he was feeling possessive. “So whose clothes are those, Ani?” he said, his voice sharp.

  Her eyes widened. “They’re... wait. You’re not jealous, are you?”

  He growled. “Maybe.”

  “Oh for pity’s.... no, I am not having you pick up my side piece’s clothes!”

  “I don’t know. I’m your food delivery boy, who knows what I’ll be a sap for?”

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he knew they were a mistake. Her eyes narrowed, then she took a careful step back from him. “I don’t ask you to bring me the food anymore, you know. I appreciate it, but nobody’s got a gun to your head to treat me nicely.”

  “I know that,” he said quickly.

  “So don’t throw attitude that I’m turning you into some ‘sap’ because you are supporting me, taking care of me.”

  He bit his tongue, feeling his blood boil. “You still haven’t answered my question. Whose clothes are they?”


  “Where is my suit?”

  An older guy with close cut gray hair and a suit strode in like he owned the place, his face looking like he’d just sucked on a whole lemon. Or maybe he had a lemon shoved up his ass.

  “Ani? Where is my.... oh, there it is.” He grabbed the dry cleaning. “I was expecting it this afternoon.”

  “You didn’t say when you needed it, and I didn’t see any presentation on your calendar for a few days,” Ani said.

  Abraham blinked. Was this Ani? his Ani? Sounding so... so nervous? So fucking submissive?

  Which had to make this that Peterson guy. her new adviser.

  Yup. He was definitely a dick, just like she’d said.

  The guy sniffed at the suit. “Why does this smell like food?” he growled. “Indian food, no less. Good God. That stuff reeks!”

  Abraham bristled. “I picked them both up at the same time.”

  It was as if the guy hadn’t even noticed Abraham in the room, or realized he was present or an actual human being, until that point. “Who are you?”

  “He’s...” Ani waffled, as if unsure.

  Now that fucking chapped his hide. “I’m Ani’s boyfriend,” he said sharply. “I bring her food because she rarely has time to eat on the schedule she has to working for you. Tonight, she needed somebody to pick up dry cleaning. Your dry cleaning, apparently.” He put all the censure and irritation he was feeling into every syllable.

  The guy looked at him with evident shock. Then he looked at Ani.

  “You’ve got a.... himbo?”

  Abraham was starting to lunge forward before he realized what he was doing. Ani leaped between them, putting hands on his chest. “Dr. Peterson, that was inappropriate,” she snapped.

  “Oh, I was simply joking,” he said. “You’re lucky that you have a strong man who is willing to be so.... supportive,” he said, even though amusement was laced through every word. “And helpful. You don’t find men who are helpful around the house, willing to run errands and whatnot.”

  Abraham knew what Dr. Peterson was saying: that Abraham was some kind of house husband, some wimp beaten into submission by Ani and her needs.

  If he’d wanted to beat some manners into Jeffrey, it was nothing compared to what he wanted to do to this motherfucker.

  Dr. Peterson didn’t stop there, tilting his head and surveying Abraham like he was some sort of lab specimen. “So, do you have a job outside of this as well, or does Miss Ani support you?”

  He felt his pulse beating in his temple. A quick glance at Ani showed her eyes were imploring.

  “I’m a computer programmer at a game company,” he finally said. his voice sounding like ground glass.

  “Really?” The disbelief in Dr. Peterson’s voice was clear. “I don’t waste my time on video games, but my grandchild seems to love them.”

  I could kill him, Abraham thought. One quick snap of his neck, and it’d be done.

  Ani seemed to read his thought. “I’m sure the smell is just from my food here in the room,” she said quickly. “Once you get out of the office, it’ll all be fine.”

  “It had better be. I’d have to have to send your young man back because of it,” he said. Then he grabbed the clothes and walked off with a smug expression.

  “Just let him go,” Ani said, wrapping herself around him and whispering against his neck. “Just let him walk away.”

  “Somebody needs to take that guy down a few rungs,” Abraham snarled, feeling helpless. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna hit him. But Jesus, he’s an asshole.”

  “Yes, he is,” she said with a sigh. “But he’s the asshole who has my career in his hands.”

  Abraham’s blood boiled. With impotent fury, with the absolute helplessness and unfairness of the situation.

  “Why are you just letting him treat you like this?” he finally asked.

  She sighed. “We’ve talked about this…”

  “But it still doesn’t make any sense.”

  Her eyes snapped. “It’s easy to say when you’ve never experienced anything like this,” she said.

  “I was in the damned army. I think I know what it’s like to have to take orders I didn’t like.”

  “Oh, and I suppose you were kicking the asses of your superior officers, then?” she shot back.

  “This guy isn’t your C.O.,” Abraham replied. “Besides, he’s not acting like your commanding officer. He’s acting like he’s your emperor. Like he’s some little lab god!”

  She sighed. “It’s just another week,” she said softly. “I can put up with anything for that long.”

  “If he lets you,” Abraham said.

  They were silent for a moment. Then she sighed. “I’ve got some grading to do, but I’d love to have you come over after. Or I can go to your place.”

  She was handing him an olive branch, he knew it. But he was feeling too shitty to reach for it right now.

  “I think I’ll be gaming with the guys ton
ight. Online,” he clarified. “Give me a day or two to cool down, okay?”

  He knew that was the wrong answer, too, when he saw her expression fall. But then she steeled herself. Ordinarily, he’d say she “manned up” but Ani was always utterly, supremely female.

  “Do what you have to do,” she said, her voice flat.

  He remembered what she’d said, in his bed, just days before.

  I think I’m falling in love with you.

  He sighed, then kissed her forehead. “Just let me cool down,” he repeated. “I’ll be fine. I promise.”

  She nodded in response, letting out a huff of breath. Then she let him go, and he stalked off towards his truck.

  Ani knew when Abraham left after the dry-cleaning fiasco, and said he’d be steering clear of the lab for a few days, that he was really, really pissed. She couldn’t really blame him: Dr. Peterson pissed her off daily. But he didn’t really need to put up with Dr. Peterson, the way she did. She appreciated the fact that he hadn’t caused a scene or verbally gone to bat with her adviser. That would’ve been disastrous.

  She bet that Abraham’s Alpha-male-ness was insulted, as well. While she didn’t feel the need for him to be in a pissing contest with her adviser, she did want to make sure Abraham was okay. She knew that Dr. Peterson’s insults were barbed and unfounded. He was feeding into the lab’s culture of toxic masculinity, and he was only reinforcing Abraham’s experience of it, something that had no doubt been honed by the military and what she knew of his father’s view of women and men and how each gender should supposedly act and interact.

  Abraham was hurting now, and still trying to make sure he didn’t take it out on her, which she appreciated. She wanted to make sure he was okay. That they were okay.

  She had stopped over at Kyla’s first, hanging out for a second with Kyla and her honey Jericho, while picking up something she’d ordered.

  “Enjoy it,” Kyla had said, with a wicked grin, handing her the bag.

  “I hope to,” she’d replied. God knew they both could use the stress relief, and she felt like it would be a throwback to when they first got together. She stopped at her apartment to get changed, then she drove over to Abraham’s house, praying she didn’t get pulled over. Her pulse beat frantically with excitement.

  She knocked on the door. She was wearing a trench coat in the summer, and while it wasn’t that hot at seventy degrees, there was no way it was cool enough for the coat. Being summer, it was still quite bright even though it was nine o’clock at night.

  He’d get a good look at her: trench coat and heels, in what was close to broad daylight. It had to be obvious what she was there for.

  When he opened the door, he was scowling. “Come in,” he said, turning his back on her.

  Her sultry smile faltered. Not the welcome she was hoping for, admittedly. “You all right?”

  “Getting there.” He groaned, going back to his video game. “I said I needed a few days, Ani.”

  “It’s been a couple,” she said, biting her lip. “I just thought I could help with your mood.”

  He blew out a breath. “You weren’t kidding. Your adviser’s a major dickhead.”

  She sighed. That had to have been preying on him all that time. But would he talk to her? No. Of course, she’d been too busy to talk, but still, he hadn’t exactly picked up the phone. They’d need to work on their communication.

  “Yes, he is a dickhead,” she agreed. “You knew that. I knew that. I’m sorry he went after you, though. That wasn’t fair.”

  “The only reason I didn’t stomp the guy was because it’d hurt you.”

  She cleared her throat. “That, and it’d probably get you in jail,” she pointed out. “You’d go to jail? For something that stupid?”

  Apparently it was the wrong question to ask. “I’d just slap some sense into him. If he’s pussy enough to press charges, I’d take them.”

  She felt her own temper simmer. “Why? Why do you have to prove things with violence?”

  “Would you really mind if I fucked up that asshole?”

  She thought about it. “Honestly...on one gross, vindictive level, no. He’s a jerk, and I think there would be a certain level of satisfaction seeing him scared and hurt. But that’s not reasonable. That doesn’t make it right. I want to beat him at his own game, anyway.”

  “Well, I’m not exactly Mr. Fucking High Road,” Abraham said. “I only backed down because of you. I swallowed pride because of you. I let that guy talk to me like a fucking bitch because of you.”

  She felt herself beginning to get annoyed. “And which is the problem?” she shot back. “That you were mistreated? Or that it was because of me?”

  He pulled back, startled. “This isn’t about you.”

  “Really? You said ‘you’ three times in the last minute. So forgive me if I’m confused,” she said, crossing her arms and feeling her body slither against the trench coat. Of all the times to try feeling sexy, this was just not happening.

  He sighed, rubbing his hands over his face and through his hair, leaving it in a mess of copper tousles sticking up haphazardly, yet still in a sexy way. “I don’t mean to be mad at you,” he finally said. “I’m frustrated because... dammit, I feel like I’m changing.”

  “Relationships change people,” she pointed out. “And that’s what we’re in. A relationship.”

  “I know that,” he said. “Believe me. I guess I didn’t realize what that meant.”

  She stiffened. “And you’re regretting it?”

  “No,” he said. “Absolutely not. I’m just…”

  It was as if he finally got a good look at her, because he stopped dead, his expression turning puzzled. “Wait a second. What are you wearing, anyway?”

  She stood up, shrugging off the trench coat. “I hope you’re not regretting the relationships,” she said. “because I don’t dress this way for just anybody.”

  It was the autumn warrior outfit. She was wearing strappy heels with the autumn leaf bikini. She pulled her hair out from the loose braid she’d confined it in, and walked up to him, pleased to see him struck dumb by her appearance.

  “I think you’re done with your game now,” she breathed, gesturing to the screen, which he quickly (and gratifyingly) turned off. “I think I’ve got something better for you to play with.”

  “Holy shit,” he breathed, taking her in.

  She smiled. Then she reached into the trench coat pocket she’d tossed aside, pulling out the flexible leaf mask that matched her outfit.

  “What happens at con stays at con, right?” she teased.

  He was on his feet in a heartbeat. “Oh, yeah.”

  “Well, you big stranger,” she said, her voice going husky, “maybe we can just blow some steam off, huh?”

  He scooped her up in his arms, taking her towards the bedroom, then kissed the top of her head. “Nice job distracting me,” he said... and suddenly she realized. He thought that’s what she was doing.

  Maybe it was.

  But on some level — he was still upset. And she wondered what it would take for him to get over it. Or if he would.

  Chapter 11

  Abraham was at work, still in an ugly mood, and everyone was steering clear of him. It wasn’t that he hadn’t enjoyed the sex with Ani — God knows, he had, and then some. Together, the two of them were frickin’ explosive. But afterward, he’d still felt... not exactly cheapened, but placated.

  Frankly, he’d still felt like she had his balls in her purse after the stupid Dr. Peterson episode. He fucking hated that.

  Now, he heard the guys rattling each other, mostly nudging Jose.

  “You’re still dating Chun Li?” Dennis asked Jose, in his usual obnoxious way.

  “Her name’s Kelly, remember?” Jose said, his tone sharp. “And yeah. We’ve been together a month and a half now, just about.”

  “Tell me you’re at least hitting that shit,” Dennis said, with a laugh.

  There was a time when he w
ould’ve said the same thing, just about. Now, he wondered if it always sounded quite that dickish.

  “None of your business... but yeah.” Jose let out a goofy smile. “Yeah, I am.”

  “Figures.” Dennis rolled his eyes. “Don’t tell me... you’re in lurrrrrrve.”

  “How the fuck should I know? It’s been six weeks,” Jose said defensively. “I mean, I really like her. Like-like her. You know.”

  “You’re in like with her,” Dennis said. “What is this, high school? Am I right, Abraham?”

  Abraham shrugged. “What are we, teenaged girls? I don’t give a flying fuck about who’s doing what as long as you’re doing your job.”

  “Sounds like the boss hasn’t been getting any,” Jose joked, to get the pressure off himself, no doubt. “Thought you’d hooked up with that girl from Erotic City? The one with the metal mask?”

  “I did,” he said. “I am.”

  “What, did you lose her number?” Dennis said. Then he grinned. “Don’t tell me you’re in love, too!”

  Abraham froze, unsure how to answer that.

  I think I’m falling in love with you.

  He hadn’t said it back, but he’d been feeling the same thing. He wanted to, but not when he felt so raw and vulnerable. Especially when he was still pissed about the whole Dr. Peterson thing.

  Taking his silence as a negative, Dennis pressed forward. “And you’re not even getting any?” Dennis asked, sounding flabbergasted.

  “Trust me, I’m still hitting it,” Abraham grumbled.

  “Then why are you so butthurt?”

  “I don’t have to explain a damned thing to you,” he said. “She’s fucking beast mode in bed, absolutely an animal. Yesterday, she wore a gold bikini made of leaves. She’ll do whatever you want in bed. I’ve got no complaints.”

  The guys stared at him. he was rather surprised he’d shared quite that much, himself.

  “So what’s the problem?” Jose asked, genuinely puzzled.

  Abraham growled.

  “Don’t tell me,” Dennis said. “She’s nuts. Crazy to hot factor, yeah?”

  “She looked pretty hot,” Jose agreed.


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