Harlequin's Deception (The Naked Truth Series Book 1)

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Harlequin's Deception (The Naked Truth Series Book 1) Page 4

by Candi Fox

  He thrust his hips just right on the way in and managed to hit her g-spot nearly every time he withdrew. Harley wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer as he thrust in and out of her.

  Her nails raked down his back, leaving him bleeding. Her moans picked up pace, encouraging him to go faster. He began to move in and out of her at a speed she had never known before.

  It was a mixture of pleasure with just a little pain, and she thought she would lose her mind. She came again and again, eventually losing count.

  He would pause occasionally to work her g-spot again to make sure she stayed wet. Changing from one position to the next smoothly.

  He made love to her for what seemed like hours, before he finally came in an explosion that rocked them both.

  As he came, he leaned down, sinking a deep bite into her neck. Harley’s world exploded in the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced.


  Harley awoke with a start. She was out of breath, panting heavily and her thighs were soaked.

  Alarmed, she felt her neck. She didn’t feel any puncture wounds. She bounded out of the bed and into the bathroom. Flipping on the bathroom light she waited until her eyes adjusted before looking in the mirror.

  There were he had bitten her in the dream were two marks that looked like freckles. Harley had a few freckles, many redheads did, but not there. She had never had freckles in that spot before.

  What in the hell was going on? It had just been a dream. It had to be a dream. Shaken, she suddenly realized that her feet had not pained her when she ran to the bathroom. She sat on the counter bending her legs to look at her feet. One by one she looked. They were completely healed.

  With shaking hands, she undid the bandages around her arm. The wound inflicted by the Gargoyle was also completely healed.

  Harley wanted to know what was going on, and she wanted to know right now. She strode to the door, forgetting it was locked until she tried to get out.

  A quick spell later and she was walking down a long hall to the stairway. By the time, she got to the bottom of the stairs, Zoe and her goons were there waiting.

  “How did you get out of your room and what are you doing?” Zoe screeched.

  “First, I thought I was a guest and not a prisoner. Secondly, I need to speak to Luciano and I need to speak to him right now.”

  “You don’t give the orders around here. Get back to your room, before I take you back to your room. You won’t like it very much if I have to take you back.”

  Harley was not fazed by her threats. She should have been, yet she was too angry to care one little bit.

  “I want to speak with Luciano, now!”

  Zoe advanced on her with a quickness that only vampires had. Harley was surprised when there was no impact. Instead, Aiden had a hold of Zoe.

  “I don’t think the boss wants our guest harmed, Zoe.”

  “Let me go jester, or I will rip your throat out.”

  “Try it cupcake.” His lips curled into an evil smile. He started laughing. Immediately he dropped Zoe and stood behind Harley covering her ears. She could feel his chest rumbling with laughter. Seconds later, Zoe and crew were on the floor gasping in pain.

  She could hear Zoe screaming. Blood coming out of her nose and ears. Aiden stopped as suddenly as he started and uncovered Harley’s ears.

  “Follow me and I will take you to Luc.”

  Harley followed him silently. She wasn’t sure what to think, and even less sure what to say. Aiden had not only saved her from being attacked by Zoe, he had also made sure she and her goons were incapacitated.

  She did hope he didn’t get in hot water with Luciano for helping her out. A few minutes later he knocked on a set of double doors.

  Everyone thought the Joker was just a comic book character until the paranormal world collided with reality ten years ago.

  The comic book character came to life in the jesters with their supernatural powers. They gave life to everyone’s worst fears and fan’s greatest hopes.

  These maniacal pranksters were the enforcers and assassins of what would become known as the dark side of a very real paranormal world.

  Jesters were ruthless, they were cunning, they were nightmares come to life. Their bright green locks were imitated all over the world by their fans.

  No, they did not have painted on clown faces. Though some of them were quite pale. They varied in shade from the lightest light to the darkest dark. Skin tone did not denote a jester.

  They came in all shapes and sizes, looking human save for the green hair. If you couldn’t sense the paranormal energy there would be no way to know you were dealing with a jester and not a fan who dyed their hair.

  Most people couldn’t figure it out until it was too late. Jesters weren’t exactly known for their social visits. Though if they weren’t there to kill you, they were there to party. Jesters were well known for their copious amounts of drug and alcohol use.

  What Harley couldn’t figure out is why he had helped her. Perhaps her host had ordered him to keep her safe.

  He knocked on the door. “Luc, our guest would like to have a word with you.”


  Luciano was lounging on a large black four poster bed. It was easily the biggest bed she had ever seen. He was wearing black silk trousers; the bedding was the same scarlet color of her hair. The same near blood color that her gown had been in the dream.

  “What an unexpected surprise. I hope you are well.” He smiled at her.

  Harley, still keyed up from the dream as well as finding herself fully healed, didn’t censor her response.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  “Whatever do you mean?”

  Harley was a bit uncomfortable having this conversation in front of Aiden. At this point, her anger overrode the discomfort.

  “I think you know what I mean, Luciano.”

  “Luc, please call me Luc. We are, after all, acquainted.”

  “Then you are not denying it?”

  “Denying what exactly?”

  “That you seduced me while I was sleeping.”

  His smiled widened. “You had a good rest then?”

  “I feel better than when I went to sleep. That doesn’t answer my question.”

  “You mean your accusation.”

  “Fine! It doesn’t answer my accusation.” Harley was becoming angrier with the exchange of words. He was playing a game and she wasn’t in the mood.

  “Aiden, would you be so kind as to leave and close the door behind you.”

  If Aiden wondered what was going on, he didn’t act like it. He simply left, closing the door.

  “Harley, would you please come here and sit down.”

  Harley was furious. She moved closer to the bed but didn’t take a seat. She liked having the advantage, any advantage would do at this point.

  “I did seduce you in a way.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I seduced you in your dreams. It was merely a representation of you and not the physical you.”

  “You can dream walk?”

  “Yes, among other things.”


  “Why not? I find you very attractive and you happened to be under my roof. It was easy enough to find your dreams. I had just planned on talking to you, but then you showed up in that luscious silk nightie of yours.”

  “Did you use any of your powers to take my ability to say no, away?”

  He shook his head. She could tell by the look on his face, her question had surprised him.

  “No. I wouldn’t do that. I don’t need to take an unwilling woman to bed, not even in a dream. Nor, would I.”

  Harley had to sit down and think this over. She sat gingerly on the edge of the bed, as far from him as she could. It was just a dream. She didn’t say no in the dream. She didn’t even object. In truth, she wanted him from the moment she saw him. Did it make a difference that she was asleep? Well, her body was asl
eep. Her mind was fully awake.

  She had been asleep, yet she was conscious of every moment; perhaps subconscious of every moment.

  “Why did you come to my dreams?”

  “You were thinking of me. I was already there. I just took the place of your dream version of me.”

  She was shaking. She didn’t know what to think. Was this consent or was it coercion?

  He touched her shoulder gently. “Harley, come here.”

  She allowed herself to be pulled down into his arms. She tucked her head on his chest. She was angry, she was confused, and she was scared.

  “You’re trembling. I’m sorry. It was not my intention to upset you or to take you against your will. It was my intention to seduce you.

  “I won’t lie about that. I found myself drawn to you the moment Zoe brought you to me.”

  Harley wasn’t expecting him to be so nice. He was a vampire after all. Vampires had a reputation. There were not known for being kind. They were known for being ruthless, cold and calculating.

  This would not be an instant decision on her part. She would need to process this. In the meantime, she had more questions.

  “Did you feed off me?”

  “I fed off your energy, yes.”

  “Next time ask.”

  She heard him chuckle. She really didn’t find any of this humorous.

  “I’ll ask. You are a feisty one. I know if the circumstances were different I’d have one helluva fight on my hands right now.

  “Forgive me if I am enjoying this. I have a feeling it’s rare.”

  Despite herself, Harley smiled. This was an odd situation. She was certain things would be very different other under circumstances. Just now she didn’t have the energy or the want.

  Against her better judgment, she felt herself relaxing against him. Maybe she would just close her eyes for a minute before she demanded to be taken back to her vehicle.


  “Where is she? I’m going to kill that redheaded bitch and when I’m done with her, I’m going to torture Aiden.”

  Harley woke with a start as Zoe came busting into the room. Before she had time to fully awaken Zoe was on top of her, her hands around Harley’s throat.

  She was super strong, like most vampires. Harley used magic to shock Zoe’s hands. Zoe yelped and pulled her hands back, just long enough for Harley to get out from underneath her.

  By this time, Luc had grabbed Zoe and was holding her up by the throat off the floor.

  “How dare you enter my room and attack my guest.”

  Zoe clutched at his hands trying to get them off her neck. While Harley was opposed to violence, it’s not like Zoe needed to breathe. Zoe had just tried to kill her just moments earlier.

  Harley had a hard time feeling sorry for the predicament Zoe had gotten herself into.

  “Master, master please.” Zoe managed to choke out.

  “Please what, Zoe? Please, punish me? That’s exactly what I intend to do.”

  Harley had been paying so much attention to Luc and Zoe she had not seen the other two vampires come in with the ghouls.

  “Take her to her room and make sure she is secure. I will deal with her later.”

  The ghouls grabbed Zoe just as roughly as they had grabbed her the day before, and drug her out of the room. Zoe tried to get loose at first. Then she caught a glance at Luc’s face and decided to stop resisting.

  Once Zoe was out of the room, Luc turned to her.

  “Are you uninjured?”

  “Just a few bruises. I’ll be fine.”

  “Let me look at you.”

  He examined her thoroughly. The only bruising he saw was on her neck, where Zoe had tried to choke her. The bruises would look nasty for a few days, but there would be no lasting damage.

  “I had hoped you would stay a few days, so we could get to know each other; however, I think it's best you go home. I will have Aiden take you.

  “I’d like you to allow him to stay with you for a few days. Just to make sure Zoe or her boyfriends don’t pay you a visit.”

  “I can take care of myself, Luciano.”

  “Luc, please call me Luc.”

  “Luc, I can take care of myself. I have been doing it for a long time now.”

  “I am not doubting your ability to take care of yourself. I just know Zoe. Even though she will be under direct orders not to bother you, she has been disobedient in the past.

  Since you were brought here for crossing my wards, it’s only right that I should help protect you.”

  Harley wasn’t in the mood to argue. She just wanted to get home. She could toss Aiden out later.


  Aiden came in a few minutes later with Harley’s boots and cloak.

  “I brought your SUV to the front. Shall we go?”

  Harley wasn’t completely comfortable with taking a jester home with her. For the moment, it seemed to be the lesser of two evils.


  The drive home was quiet. Aiden didn’t have much to say. She wasn’t in the mood to talk.

  Two hours later they pulled into the driveway of her ranch. Aiden’s eyes widened as he looked around.

  “Is this all yours?”

  “Yes. My practice is rather successful. My husband also left me a rather large sum of money. Some of which went to the down payment of the property.”

  “Left you?”

  “Yes, my husband was killed in an accident several years ago.”

  “I’m sorry. That must have been tough.”

  “Somedays it still is.”

  The house was a half mile back from the main road. The first part of the driveway was lined on both sides with trees. It gave way to open land on both sides. White fences shone in the early morning light. It looked as if they had been freshly cleaned.

  Harley had placed a self-cleaning spell on the fences. It had been her dream as a child to own a horse ranch. The white fences had been part of that dream.

  With 3500 acres of fencing, it would have been impossible to keep them looking new. Magic, on the other hand, did the job and the ranch hands greatly appreciated not having to deal with fence maintenance.

  The house was a combination of stone and wood with some gothic architecture. It sounded like an amalgamation, yet it came together very nicely.

  She glanced at Aiden’s face while they were driving down the lane. He looked rather impressed; many people were. She had to admit that she had been lucky in life in some ways.

  This was nothing to the opulence of her in-law’s place. Her husband’s family was from old money. She was sure they could trace their roots back to the founding of the country and before that, rich Europeans.

  David rarely let her forget that his family was rich and cultured and she was just a small-town country girl. His family, on the other hand, was always warm and welcoming to Harley. She kept in touch with them.

  She loved his parents. They were like a second family to her. At least once a year her birth family and her in-laws all got together for a week’s vacation. Last year they had all come out to the ranch. It was one of the happiest times of her life.

  Mrs. Reyes, her housekeeper, was standing on the front porch. Harley parked the vehicle and got out. The older woman smiled and engulfed Harley in a warm hug when she reached the porch.

  “Chula, I was so worried about you. You didn’t call and say you would be gone this long.”

  “I’m sorry, mamita. I was on a case and lost track of the night.”

  “Is everything ok? Who is this boy you brought home?”

  Harley’s cheeks turned pink. She had forgotten about Aiden. She knew Mrs. Reyes would be upset at her being out all night. Not that she needed to check in, but the couple cared about her as if she were their own family.

  Mrs. Reyes husband, Hector was her ranch manager and rock. She didn’t know what she would do without the couple and she did everything she could to treat them well.

  “This is a frie
nd of mine, Aiden. He might be staying with us a few days.”

  “Welcome, Aiden. Both of you come in. I will get you something to eat.”

  Harley saw that Aiden was about to decline. She shook her head at him. Once Mrs. Reyes went inside.

  “There is no use saying no to her. Once she offers to feed you, you better eat.”

  Aiden looked at her for a minute and then cracked a lopsided grin.

  “At least you called me friend, instead of telling her I was some maniac foisted off on you by a vampire.”

  “If I told her that she would be coming back out here with a shotgun and you would be dead.”

  Aiden laughed until he realized that Harley was serious. He just shook his head and followed her inside.

  “Chula, go change while I fix something to eat. I’ll show Mr. Aiden to a guestroom while you take a bath.”

  Mrs. Reyes was a mind reader. Harley wanted nothing more than a hot bath, some fresh clothes, and a meal. Sleep would have been good, but she had too much on her mind to sleep.

  She had some serious research on vampires to catch up on. She would also need to find something for Aiden to do, so he wouldn’t find out what she was doing.

  Harley walked straight to her bathroom, turning on the faucet for the large tub. She liberally added bath salts, essential oils, and an enormous amount of bubble bath. She wanted to sink to her nose in bubbles and forget the last twenty-four hours.

  Peeling off her clothes, she put them in the trash, rather than in the dirty clothes. They needed to be gone. The clothes were tattered from the fight with the gargoyle.

  Slipping into the hot bath, she closed her eyes thinking of last night’s dream. The sex was amazing. She had wanted Luc from the moment she met him. Meeting him under different circumstances would have been better. It was what it was.

  At the time she had sex with Luc, she hadn’t known it was a dream. She didn’t hesitate or say no at any point. She really hadn’t even thought to say no. While she didn’t appreciate him slipping into her dreams, he hadn’t done anything she didn’t want to happen.

  After soaking in the tub for twenty minutes, she dried off and quickly got dressed in comfortable jeans, boots, and a long sleeve shirt. She intended to head out to the barn after breakfast for some horse therapy.


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