Scepters of Empyrea

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Scepters of Empyrea Page 7

by Vignesh Ravichandran

  Prince held the tusks of the mammoth with his two hands and tried controlling it, but he was struggling to defend the mammoth which was stronger than any other creature. The mammoth was sending him back, his foot is almost burning in the scratching heat. Only a few meters gap was there from the wall, if the Prince isn't moving away from that place he will be squashed by the mammoth on the wall.

  At the right time, help came from the opponent. The violent Velox jumped on the mammoth and tore its flesh to pieces. The raging mammoth shook its body, but the Velox didn't seem to leave its food and chunking it, mammoth with its trunk swirled the Velox head and threw it to its right and smashed its head with .its foot, Velox was at the receiving end and was hurt badly. But the mammoth was bleeding and counting its last seconds being alive because of the Velox bite. The Prince could not bear to see it struggle, so he stabbed the mammoth with his trident and put an end to its misery.

  Soon the bell rang for the final level, now Prince Horus was the only contestant left inside the circle, he needed to compete against two creatures once again. The creature that entered now was 8feet in height and weighed 3000kg, a woolly rhino from his own Falconnia. Prince didn’t like to compete with his own kid

  He signaled the rhino to remain where it stood, but it brushed its foot, and pointing its horns at him ran towards him filled with fury. Prince merely moved away needing to survive, but the woolly rhino still managed to tear the flesh with its horns and drenched the horn in blood. It didn't tear the flesh of Horus, bravely took out the flesh of Velox, which came behind him. Soon prince took his trident and killed the Velox, locked the rhino into the cage and won the fight.

  The spectators jumped into the circle and lifted Prince Horus onto their shoulders, and all hailed his name. He was awarded a special crown made of Emplica flowers, and a trophy made up of meteor stone and a chain with the tooth of the defeated Velox. And for his braveness, I presented him with my bracelet.

  The shows in the Empolosseum were designed solely to entertain. However, they also demonstrate the power, wealth, and generosity of the Emperor, and provide an opportunity for ordinary people to see their Lord in person. I felt proud for inaugurating the Empolosseum in Empyrea.

  The joyous occasion extended. We came back to the palace and celebrated the victory of Prince Horus by having a bigger feast. Time flew by, we finished our dinner and conveyed to the emperor about our departure the next day. But Mysterio requested us to stay for another two days, and it seemed like he had more surprises in store for us.

  The next day, Emperor Mysterio told us about their culture, the architecture involved, about the medical treatments, and their death secret. We were astounded with their death secret specifically. On the west of Nagamalya, like our mastabas(Tombs), the Empyreans also built their buildings skywards in a triangle shaped structure for burying their dead ones. They believed that to be the stairway to heaven, they called it, ‘Empramids’.

  The dead ones have been kept underneath the empramid and believed to use the steps of empramid to reach the sun god Emra. And, they also believed that the spirit of the dead would join with their own body in the tomb. And from Emra, the dead ones received a kind of power substance through which the dead spirit reunited the power of the new life and attained afterlife. The empramids were the secret gateways through which the dead ones passed through to the land of immortal life after death.

  Empramids were known to maintain dead body cells in harmony for over 5,000 years after death. That was possible because of the incarnation of the Emra rays. Empramids were composed of limestone blocks with a triangular golden capstone on the top of it. Limestone blocks, gold and the inner substances of the empramids like granites, crystals, and other metals together with the support of the underground water channel of river Isis produced some kind of power that gave brightness (electromagnetic properties) to the inner lamps.

  We were impressed even more with their architecture and the medical treatments of Empyrea, so I requested Mysterio to explain their secrets to my chancellors. Without hesitation, Emperor Mysterio ordered his son Horus to take us to the chancellor Ptah to share with us their architecture and ordered his chancellor Anubis to teach us their medical treatments.

  Now Anubis, the head and medical chancellor looked like a jackal, but he taught us quite a few things. To begin with, he taught us on how to operate and preserve the body parts of the dead ones, then, how to avoid the spreading of diseases and formalities to be carried out in the event of a death and finally how people should be treated at the time of a natural disaster.

  The next day morning, I was reveling in Empyrea’s beauty from the palace balcony. Cold drafts washed over me, and I was totally admired to the snow covered mountains of Armania. I noticed I wasn’t alone. Cleopatra was enjoying every minute of the view as well from the adjacent balcony. She seemed delighted and excited. She showed me a unicorn toy that was gifted to her by Emperor Mysterio, and then she begged me to take her to the seashore at Sorgamia, the godly place of Empyrea.

  I was even more excited and immediately agreed and said I would take her to Sorgamia once the chancellors woke up. But she couldn’t wait a minute longer and was so adamant about leaving immediately. I had my own fears; the obvious one being, the darkness that enveloped all over Sorgamia. But Cleopatra tugged at me and literally dragged me to Sorgamia.

  She was just herself, a naughty and playful kid, enjoyed her time running after the birds and butterflies on the shores of Sorgamia. She took her own sweet time running here and there and playing with her unicorn toy. Just watching her filled my heart with so much happiness but at the same time, I was wary of the apes that were spread out everywhere in Sorgamia.

  Within a few minutes, at a distance, I heard a ruthless howl of an ape, it sounded furious as though it were searching for or fighting with its prey. I trembled and ordered Cleopatra to get back to the palace immediately, but she didn’t respond. When I turned back to look at her, she was nowhere to be seen. My heart started to pound, and I shouted her name and like a crazy man started running frantically searching for her all around.

  Suddenly, few steps from where I stood, I saw some footmarks on the sand, and undoubtedly those were Cleopatra’s. I followed the footmarks and kept yelling her name asking her to get back, but I didn’t receive any response. Soon I saw another set of footmarks alongside Cleopatra’s. These were humongous and could very well have been that of the angry ape that was howling earlier. By this time, I lost all my nerve, but something kept pushing me to move forward. Within a few steps, I saw her unicorn toy broken and lying on the sand, seemed like the ape had crushed it but even more strange and frightening was that there were no traces of both footmarks from that point onwards. I was transfixed. I just staggered back falling on the sand, picked up the broken unicorn and started to sob hysterically.

  At that time, I felt something behind me. I took my sword out from my sheathe and turned to attack it, but then a sigh of relief escaped me; oh sweet!!! Haha, that was Cleopatra standing behind me filled with a childlike wonder, I hugged and kissed her. With mixed feelings, I asked her, where had you disappeared my child and what is this wound I see on your forearm my dear?

  She said, “While I was playing with my unicorn, I saw this furious ape near that tree, suddenly it came chasing after me. I ran as fast as I could to save my life, but I slipped on the sand and hurt myself.

  I was still shocked by what I heard but asked her, how she escaped from the ape!

  She continued, “I slipped on the sand and found a way to escape from the ape, I threw my unicorn toy at it thinking it would distract the ape but instead it crushed my unicorn with its foot and charged towards me. I had nowhere to run and was left with only the sea water to turn to. I felt the ape nearing me and was counting the minutes sure of feeling the ape’s sharp tooth on my flesh. But, suddenly I felt an arm shielding me from the ape and then the next minute the ape was gone, and there stood Aunt Isis. She had saved me from that big bad ape. A
nd you know one thing, Aunt Isis was speaking our language very well. She named me Hathor and was so kind to me. See, she even gifted me a sea cucumber too, and it tastes so good, said cleo.

  After listening to all that, my eyes were searching the place to find this mysterious Aunt Isis, but I didn’t spot anyone on the shore, so, I asked Cleopatra about this aunt she was speaking of.

  Cleo said, she gifted her the sea cucumber and disappeared. I just wanted to get out of that place as quickly as possible because the ruthless howls continued, so, I took her back to the palace.

  Later that day, Prince Horus started the death secret lessons and introduced Ptah, the chancellor who took care of the architecture. Prince Horus, chancellors Anubis, and Ptah grew close to us. Prince showed the same reverence that he showed to his father Mysterio. In his teaching, I could see his father Mysterio in him. He was patient and had the same love for peace. But, Tyrant and his children didn’t seem to happy in sharing their secrets with us.

  The next day morning, I saw an island near Empyrea and started my journey towards that place alone. I was careful not to take Cleopatra with me this time. That island was just an hour sail from Empyrea. It was a tiny island, with a mountain covered with a few trees on it.

  When I reached the island, I saw Tyrant and his children there, and they were busy doing something inside a cave, it seemed like they were praying and sacrificing something, it was definitely a fish, I was able to see only its tail. They spotted me, I said ‘hello’ and approached them, but Pitheceus and Kraity rushed towards me and spoke abruptly stating that I had to leave immediately and return to Empyrea. I didn’t understand nor liked what had happened but left the place, and as soon as I reached Empyrea, I wanted some answers so I asked Prince Horus about it, but surprisingly he had no clue. I kept insisting that I saw them slaughtering something but still no answers from Horus.

  I doubted they were conspiring against the empire of Empyrea. After the departure of Prince Horus, I spoke to chancellor Anubis about this. What he said sent a shiver down in my spine.

  The island you went to is called Evila, it is an evil place. Often many mysterious things happen in that island, except the Lords, no one is allowed into that island. Most of the time, Lord Tyrant Seth only visits the place to feed the creatures, replied Anubis.

  But when I told him about the worship and slaughtering of a big fish and asked Anubis what all that was about, he panicked and asked if what I saw was really a big fish that was slaughtered.

  I confirmed that it indeed was a big fish and told him maybe not as big as a whale but yes, I could see its tail, and it was definitely as tall as us but why are you getting all agitated?

  Slaughtering a big fish is banned in Empyrea, especially at Evila. Did you see any hands or hairs on that fish? Asked Anubis.

  I didn’t know why he was asking so many questions, but I realized the issue was serious from the look on his face. I replied, I didn’t see any hands and how is it possible for a fish to even have hands in the first place. Eh! Wait! Wait! I think I saw some hair on it, and the tail too looked kind of different like a human body part.

  That’s them. They came back, we need to protect them.

  Otherwise, Empyrea will meet its doomsday soon, said Anubis.

  I didn’t understand a word of what he said, and I went, come again. Who do we need to protect and what do you mean by Empyrea will meet its doomsday?

  They are Ermaids(mermaids), the angels of Empyrea. Only some of the dead female spirits will be blessed with this kind of life, they will be reborn as half Empyrean and half fish. They are the symbol of happiness. They have many mysterious powers like our lords. But Evila is one place that weakens them and their power won’t work in that location because of the evil presence. According to mythology, if an Ermaid is sacrificed to the dark lord at Evila, he will send his dark forces from the dark horse Nataska (Nebula) to serve the person performing the worship.

  I need to inform this to the emperor right away. You’re leaving tomorrow so don’t say a word to anyone about this in Empyrea, said Anubis and left the place.

  The next day morning, we were preparing ourselves to get back to our Kemet. At that time, we got a message from the Emperor to assemble at the hall in the first court. Emperor Mysterio had quite a bit of surprise up his sleeve. Firstly, he gave some of his animals and empyrean people to help us build the empramids in our Kemet, and he also ordered Prince Horus and Chancellor Ptah to assist us.

  Secondly, with the power that he wielded, he combined all the elements of nature and created two concealed doors inside the ocean, one at the empyrean ocean and the other on Earth. Those are the shortcut entrance doors for the planets Earth and Vathura.

  Mysterio took us to the Emra temple. He did some prayers and kept a bowl before the sun god Emra. He first poured the water of river Isis and later asked me to pour the water of our Kemet River (Nile), and then he mixed the sands of Kemet and Empyrea in the water, then he expelled his breath into it, later asked me to blow mine. He ignited the bowl with fire. Meanwhile, he tore his left chest with his scepter’s blade, made his right hand go inside his chest, ripped his heart out and dropped it in the firing bowl. It was a bloody sight. Then, he added some mysterious powders into the bowl. He transformed his heart into a small triangular shaped crystal stone. It was the key to the entrance door of Empyrea from our earth, and then he gifted that key to me.

  But I was still recovering from the shocking sight and wondered without the heart how can a person survive. Then is when we got to know that the people in Empyrea had two hearts. Mysterio calmly but jokingly said I could manage with one. These doors were meant to maintain a close relationship with your Kemet and our Empyrea, said Mysterio. At that moment, like the people of Empyrea, we also looked up to him as a god, and we all showed deference.

  Now, the door was situated at the back of isle of devils (Bermuda) in our earth. It was a one way door, only the people of our earth could go to Empyrea, the empyreans weren’t able to use the same to come to earth. As it’s a locked one, until we use the key, we couldn’t enter Empyrea. Once we enter this door in the isle of devils, we would land in the coasts of Sorgamia in Empyrea.

  And the door situated in the coasts of Empyrea was also a one way door, where the Empyreans could enter the earth, but it wasn’t a locked one. Everyone could come to our earth without using the key. Once they enter this door, they will land next to our Kemet, in the banks of the River Nile.

  Later the day at the coasts of Empyrea, we received a royal send off with a lovely gesture from the Empyrea Kingdom.

  Prince Horus was waiting to lead us to the boat in the pathway of Empyrean kingdoms army, they were thousands of numbers, and each type of army had been standing on both sides of our pathway. At the end, near to the ship, Emperor Osiris Mysterio was standing along with his brother Tyrant Seth, and with his children Pitheceus Babi and Kraity Wadjet.

  Prince Horus moved forward and we followed him, the First Army in the pathway was the Naga Army. Thousands of Nagamen were standing along with flags, spears, and shields. Prince Horus rotated his scepter and shouted Nag seshtra, and soon the orchestra blew a lovely music with their unique musical instrument naga serpenter but all of a sudden a 35feet gigantic brown color Titanoboa circled us. Cleo held my hands real tight, the titanoboa ended its circling and slowly rose behind us sheltering us with its hood and protected us from the sun's heat. Its hood was huge enough to shelter all the fifteen of us. The Naga Army hit the shields with their spears and showed their respect.

  We moved to the next falconnian army. The wooly rhinos were to the left along with the falcon birds and at the right stood the saber tooth tigers along with Rhinorios. Prince Horus again rotated his scepter and shouted Rusurey raaki. Then from nowhere, a group of white with orange feathered falcons rose above us in the sky and showered our path with lovely flowers. With the roaring saber tooth tigers, the Rhinorios hit their tridents hard on the ground and showed their respect. That sent fire s
parks to the air.

  We moved to the next army, that was the most powerful dino army, the dinosaurs were elegantly decorated with gold and silver war shields. Prince Horus again rotated his scepter and shouted Dino dinksey. The place echoed with the musical voices of the long necked Apatosaurus. Soon the Dinomen genuflected showed their respect, a group of Quetzalcoatluses rose behind them, flew upwards and performed some fascinating stunts.

  The next was the Sorgamia's Ape Army, there were thousands of Apes to our right and thousands of vathroos to our left. Prince Horus again rotated his scepter and shouted Maakailonga. The Vathroos started beating their drums, DUM....DUM..... Along with that, another beat sound rendered, those were the apes beating their muscular chests with their hands and also filled the place with their roars.


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