Scepters of Empyrea

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Scepters of Empyrea Page 11

by Vignesh Ravichandran

  Hey guys! Tommy here! Great to see you all! Tommy welcomed the boys at the coast. Tommy and his gang were the prominent drug kingpins of Miami. Tommy provided the required information about the deal and took them to his place.

  The night sizzled with exciting casinos, world-class restaurants, great beaches, and the highlights were the nightclubs and the bars. In Miami, the nights where when life happened. Once let loose, the boys thronged the bars and the nightclubs.

  The next day morning the sun’s rays came streaming through the yacht and woke the boys. Whether you were into sport or salsa, there was no dearth for entertainment in Miami. And for the Christmas vacation, Miami put up Yacht shows and auto racing, not to forget the delicious outdoor food and wine extravaganzas which made every single moment during the day fulfilling.

  The yacht show was crowded with more than 550 boats on display. Royston’s two-floor yacht was the biggest of all in the show.

  After the exhibition, Royston and his boys went to the museum to plan the execution. Stage 1 was to go in as normal visitors and everyone secretly will have a camera pinned to their shirt buttons to gauge their target. So off they set off the next morning to take in the possibilities of how they could successfully execute the plan.

  The display wasn’t a regular one. It was set up specially to raise funds for the development of Autistic children. The entrance was made to replicate that of a pyramid as it consisted mainly of the ancient ornaments and antiques of Egyptian civilization. The transparent inner glass frames took the spectators through history with a view of the archeological excavations. Nearly 3500 objects from prehistory to the 21st century belonging to different civilizations were exhibited over a vast area.

  Major artifacts were from the Nile civilizations which dates back to 4,000 BC to the 4th century AD. It consisted of mummies, ancient tools, clothing, jewelry, games, musical instruments, weapons, and Egyptian antique ornaments of the 2nd and 3rd dynasty including the king’s crown, Queen’s necklace, and a special trinket box.

  Stage 1 was a success. They got a thorough idea of what and how to plan their next move, stage 2. They made some changes to the original plan based on the recently acquired information. They were altogether 16 of them. Lee planned the whole thing according to their manpower and each man’s skills. The focus areas were the upper terrace, powerhouse, captives, security guard, signal tower, church bell, and zoo container. Royston and Ameer assigned specific jobs for all the men including the yacht workers.

  The next day morning, Manav along with the co-yacht workers went to the museum as foreign tourists, their behavior were that of foreigners, watching the statues and taking pictures. Tommy, the local guy from Miami acted as a guide for them. Inside the museum, he showed them the historical monuments and explained details. He was quite informative in fact.

  When Tommy and the fake tourists crossed the monument of king Djoser there was a guy cleaning the floor with a mop, everyone observed him and continued to move on towards the area of the kings crown. The floor cleaner was Mosses who waits for his signal to get into action.

  Meanwhile, outside the museum, one of the co-gangsters named “Sayeed” got down from a large Zoo container and entered from the right side of the museum via service room and paralyzed a security guard with a Taser, quickly exchanged his outfit with his and entered the museum. He went to the control room and waited for his signal.

  Lee climbed 100 feet high onto the mobile network tower which was nearby to the museum. He had a rifle with him. His job was to protect the guys inside the museum and take care of the cops if they gave any trouble. He found the right spot and waited ready for action.

  Ameer along with 4 other gangsters used the rope at the backside of the building, climbed on the museum wall and jumped to the terrace. They were ready with their shotguns and took their positions to enter the museum.

  To the left of the museum another gangster, Peter entered the power room and attacked the electrician with the Taser. Now everything was set for the robbery. Everyone was awaiting their respective signals to get into action and all of them were connected to each other via intercom.

  Lee took his rifle and shot the nearby Church bell and that gave a loud ring which was the signal and everyone dived in. Peter shut down the electricity in the power room, Sayeed moved into the service room and turned the camera off. Ameer and his boys who were on the terrace stepped down towards the security room. Lee with his rifle targeted the cops on the 2nd floor to make way for Ameer.

  Royston along with four other gangsters came in a car and attacked the entry guards, they were wearing Disney masks. They rushed into the museum exploding the door with a mini bomb, blowing the security guard off in the process. Then they entered the museum shouting out loud “Merry Christmas” and fired upwards at the chandeliers.

  The security guards inside the museum pulled out their weapons only to be blown away by the thugs. The crowd went into a frenzy.

  Nobody move! Everyone up against the wall!

  The manager of the museum darted to press the safety alarm, but he couldn’t reach it. Mosses who went inside as a floor cleaner hid his Uzi gun in the cleaning bucket and once Royston entered the museum he took the gun and pointed it at the manager.

  Don’t even think about it..! I will blow your head, said Mosses.

  The crowd was filled with terror fearing every second as Basha gang thugs sealed off the exits. They frisked down their captives for money and jewelry. The yacht workers and Tommy were one with the crowd posing as fake captives. Now Manav was in Royston’s hand and his gun was pointing at Manav’s head.

  Meanwhile on the 2nd floor, Peter rolled the tear gas into the security room and freed the way for Ameer. When the security guards felt the irritation in their eyes Ameer and the others reached the security room and fired each guard. Within seconds everything was over. The museum looked like a graveyard with the security guard bodies sprawled on the floor everywhere.

  Don’t bother with the big statues just ensure you don’t leave a single ornament behind, clear the area soon, ordered Ameer and Royston.

  The boys packed the large and medium-sized ornaments in their sacks and loaded the smaller ornaments and gems in the fake captive’s bags. Mosses while loading the sack bags saw a triangular trinket box to his right side. He was mesmerized looking at the box, he lifted the box and loaded it in the other sack


  When they got everything they needed Lee gave a crucial message to his teammates. The SWAT is on their way!! Clear the place, said Lee through the intercom.

  Meanwhile, the robbery bags were mixed with the waste and thrown into the garbage truck that was standing at the back of the museum.

  Get ready folks, the SWAT team will be here any minute. Let’s show them the power of Basha gang, said Ameer.

  Rayman, the Interpol officer, led the SWAT team, he circled the museum with his cops and announced, you are completely surrounded and there is no way to escape, surrender yourselves.

  Surrounded! Hahahahaa! Each gangster laughed. You are full of crap, we are the kingpins, shouted Ameer.

  The SWAT team started to enter the museum breaking the upper ceiling.

  Dude!!!! Give them a headshot, ordered Royston. On his orders, the gangsters fired and the museum was filled with the stench of fear and death.

  Once the SWAT Team entered the museum they rescued the captives and took them safely out of the museum, it included the fake captives as well, they easily went out with the ornament bags.

  The thugs were everywhere in the museum, once the SWAT Team entered the museum they showed off their firing skills. Ameer and Royston were using their shotguns brilliantly and nailed the bullets into the cops. They both supported their team very well.

  Sammy!! Behind you, shouted Royston and continuing to fire at the cops who were advancing towards him. Ameer saw two cops, silent as snakes scuttling backward to attack Sammy. Ameer held his shotgun with his right hand and took an Uzi gun from his back with h
is left and fired both the cops.

  Ameer!! I owe you one, said Sammy with a smile. But Ameer didn’t reply instead he released the firing bullets towards Sammy. Observing this, Royston hurled his pocket knife towards Ameer, the bullets of Ameer went in the gap between Sammy and his gun and took the lives of the cops who came behind him. Royston’s knife crossed Ameer trimming his eyelashes and cut into the throat of one of the SWAT men at his back.

  We need to move now, shouted Ameer.

  Sayeed, Mosses, and John, come with me. The rest of you clear the place and meet me at the port, ordered Royston.

  The cops were now narrowing in on Royston. Ameer and the others escaped from the back of the museum and made their way to the port.

  The four brave men- Royston, Sayeed, Mosses, and John who were inside the museum took their position against the SWAT team and shot each and every one coming down the upper ceiling.

  In the middle of the shooting, Mosses got a call, he took the call assuming it might be an alert call from Lee. Hello Sir, this is Smith from ACBC bank, calling you for the purpose of explaining about our gold and platinum credit cards, could I have 10minutes of your time to explain the features sir, said the caller. You ***** we don’t need gold and platinum credit cards we need real gold and platinum baby, said Mosses and disconnected the call.

  Royston was on a roll, he was using both his shotgun and pocket knife killing as many of the SWAT team as possible.

  It seems like there is only one left at the right entrance, finish him, and let’s move on, shouted John.

  Soon Royston shot him in the head and shouted Go! Go! Go! Leave the place.

  Lee was waiting for the message from Royston. Within a few minutes, Royston gave the message of “go on” in their intercom. Once Lee received the message he shot the SWAT team standing outside the museum and made way for Royston and others to escape.

  Once Lee shot the cops, the thugs crossed the road and ran towards the Zoo container which was earlier bought by Sayeed.

  Hey Royston!! let our joker ride the container, said mosses before getting into it. And a new thug with a red jacket and a joker mask opened the container door and sat at the driver seat. Mosses sat along with him while other three accommodated themselves inside the container.

  Let's start buddy, be quick, follow my instructions said mosses and gave a pat on the driver.

  (Soon the cops started chasing after them)

  Cops... more cops that seem humanly impossible. They're in cars, armed anti-personnel carriers, hanging from trees, parachuting from helicopters, screamed John at mosses by inserting his head into the 2feet ventilator which was at the back of mosses.

  Hey John, take them out from the other ventilators. I will handle the joker and take us to our destination, said mosses and pushed John's head inside the container.

  Yo man!! You heard him right, driver faster and go towards that bridge, said mosses by holding something inside his palm.

  The three men- Royston, Sayeed, and John took their gunfire on the cops through the other ventilators.

  The Joker while driving saw a cop car advancing towards them in the right mirror, his hands started shivering and lost control on the steering, but with his luck, the container crushed the car and rapidly the other cars at its back crashed on it and caused destructive traffic on the road.

  That's awesome man!! Seriously, I didn't expect this from you, shouted mosses crazily.

  Very soon, the traffic signals were blocked by the cops but the container didn’t seem to stop, the joker was doing some fascinating drifts and taking them to their destination.

  Thanks for the ride dude, Merry Christmas, said mosses and went to the container via the ventilator.

  Soon the cops fired at the tires of the container, the container faltered and crashed on a small bridge above the sea. The cops surrounded the container. When the container started releasing the dark smoke, the Interpol officer Rayman went near the container holding his pistol close to him.

  Get down and raise your arms, ordered Rayman nearing the container.

  Meow!! Meow!! Sorry baby, the sound came from the container. The four brave men- Royston, Mosses, Sayeed, and John with a watercraft Jet bike, wheeled out of the bridge and motored into the sea to the port. The cops in the bridge started to shoot at them, but just to pierce the bullets into the sea.

  We made it, we are rich! Rich, shouted Sayeed in excitement but the excitement was short-lived as he got shot by Interpol officer Rayman.

  Meantime, on the bridge the other cops found the injured joker lying on the steering. With the pistol at his head, the cops removed the joker's mask.

  Oh, Fool!! That's the museum manager with a taped mouth. Water was pouring out from his eyes and he tries to convey some vital message to the cops. Finally, when the tape was removed, he made a crying yell "there is a bomb in my jacket".

  Fallback!! Fallback!! The cops shouted after seeing the bomb, and soon they stopped their fire and started their stampede.

  In the sea, mosses raised his hand and pressed the remote control button.

  BoooM!!!!! BoooM!!!!! BoooM!!!!! The bombs blasted one after other on the mangers body and filled the place with color papers. A Santa doll popped out and wished Merry Christmas!! Merry Christmas.

  The thugs escaped from the cops and literally flew towards the port of Miami.

  I like to have some fireworks in the sea, ordered Interpol officer Rayman in his intercom.

  Basha gang robbed everything from the museum like King’s crown, queen’s necklace, bracelets, pendants, amulets, precious monuments, and vast antiques from different civilizations.

  Ameer, Leonce, Manav, Peter, David, Jimmy, and the other 6gangsters returned to the yacht. But Royston, Mosses, Tommy, and John didn’t return. They were on their way to the port, in the meantime, they loaded everything on the yacht and its ready for departure.

  Tommy returned to the yacht after diverting the cops another way. He came towards Ameer opening his hands for a hug. But, Ameer didn’t hug him back, because Roy, Mosses, Sayeed, and John hadn’t returned, and they needed to leave Miami before the police trace them.

  Ameer! What? No big hugs for your buddy? Always angry uh, Ameer? Didn’t I always say, your temper would get you into trouble? Huh?

  Here is your three million dollar briefcase. Thanks for your help pal, said Ameer.

  Huh! Only 3million dollars, do I look like a clown to you! I need 80% of the stolen materials from the museum, argued Tommy.

  80%!!!! Hey, Tommy! You’ve got to be kidding! Just take the money!! Get the damn cash and leave the place, shouted Lee.

  Lee! Lee! Mind your tone. This is not how it’s supposed to be and you’re making me furious, said Tommy.

  Guys! We got to make this final, we got to leave no doubt, and this is my operation. Mine!!!!!! I get to decide the share, I could give you an extra million, that’s it, said Ameer.

  Then you can’t take even a single penny from Miami, everything belongs to me…! I am the Kingpin of Miami, fiercely said Tommy.

  You may be the Kingpin, but we aren’t your slaves, we are lions. I knew you would create trouble. I will give you a chance to live, run away from this place, ordered Ameer.

  You knew…! Hahahaha! What you knew, child, you baby! I was your friend, I hoped you would see me in equal light and treat me right but you didn’t. I trusted you Ameer, but you disappointed me. At least someone in your chicken shit team knows how to make a deal, cunningly said Tommy and asked Jimmy, isn’t that right Jimmy…! Soon Jimmy and the two other gangsters next to Ameer moved Tommy’s way.

  I am sorry Ameer ji, this is Miami!!!! Here, Tommy is stronger than you, and this is business, said Jimmy. Soon Tommy’s gangsters pointed their guns at Ameer and his friends.

  Drop your weapons! I’ll shoot every one of you, and throw you all into the sea as food for my piranhas, yelled Tommy.


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