Phoenix Rising Rock Band: The Series

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Phoenix Rising Rock Band: The Series Page 113

by Kathryn C. Kelly

  Behind me, Bryn and Chance squeal, followed by the laughter of the two women. I walk back into the bedroom and find the door open. The kids race into the hallway. One of the perks of having hard-to-access stairways is the ability to allow Chance and Bryn to run free.

  “I miss CJ so much,” Meggie says. “All the kids,” she adds in a hurry.

  Georgie giggles. “Go and fuck yourself, woman. CJ is the king. You miss him because he’s like five children all rolled into one. He’s unforgettable.”

  “How old is he?” I blurt before I stop myself.

  “He’s five,” Meggie answers without missing a beat. If I’m overstepping my bounds, she isn’t showing it.

  “That kid’s so funny,” Georgie muses. “Why didn’t you bring them again? I would love to see them.”

  “Since the guys were taking their bikes, there was no room for any of the kids. All the girls were invited to go. Roxy was going to stay behind. But then Bailey’s pregnant. Zoann has work. Fee is in school. And, well, Kendall…” Her voice trails off. “Kendall would’ve come but she wanted Johnnie to stop every three hours, so she could stretch her legs, then, after twelve hours, she wanted to go to a motel.”

  Georgie groans. “That must’ve gone over well with Outlaw.”

  Meggie nods and then looks at me. “Kendall is my sister-in-law,” she explains. “So are Zoann and Fee. They are Christopher’s sisters. Kendall is married to Johnnie, his brother.”

  “Kendall sounds quite interesting,” I say.

  Meggie smiles. “You don’t know the half of it. But, for once, Johnnie didn’t tell Christopher that’s what he wanted to do. He told Christopher what she wanted.”

  Georgie rolls her eyes.

  “I know,” Meggie sighs. “Christopher said, and I quote, by the fuckin’ time your motherfuckin’ ass get to fuckin’ Denver, our fuckin’ asses gonna be ridin’ the fuck back, so tell that bitch she ride on our fuckin’ schedule or she stay the fuck home, where your fuckin’ ass can stay right the fuck with her.”

  Georgie and Meggie break into peals of laughter at her attempt to imitate her husband. Chuckles bubble from me, too, which only makes them laugh harder. Soon, we’re all releasing deep belly guffaws.

  “I don’t know what’s funnier,” Georgie says, wiping tears from her eyes, “You cussing or you trying to sound like Outlaw.”

  “Both!” Meggie chortles.

  “You don’t cuss?” I ask around chuckles.

  “Sometimes. When Christopher pushes me too far and I have to get my point across to him.”

  Our humor dies out. I feel much less awkward and my muscles relax a little. I have so many questions I’d like to ask her, but she’s already said she doesn’t consider us acquainted enough for my type of interrogation.

  “Raine, it’s okay,” she says with a gentle smile. “It’s just girl talk and if you have any questions, I’m more than willing to answer them.”

  My brows snap together. “How did you know that?”

  She shrugs. “I’m Christopher’s old lady. If the women in the club have a problem, they come to me. Besides, there are a lot of women who still want to sleep with Christopher. I’ve learned to read people as best I can.”

  “Especially women,” I add.

  She nods. “Especially women,” she echoes.

  “I have loads of fucking questions,” I admit.

  We all fall silent.

  “We didn’t do a good job of explaining ourselves,” Georgie starts with regret. “Let’s see if I can clarify. If Sloane…” She frowns. “No, fuck that,” she says, more to herself. “If I…” Another frown. Irritation crosses her face. “Okay, let’s do it this way. Suppose I went to work for…Meggie.” She indicates the woman with a hand flourish. “We’re friends. But while she had guests around who were strangers to me, I wouldn’t throw insults their way. If I’d never met them before and felt as if I couldn’t stay silent if something I didn’t like was said, I’d either shut up or excuse myself to do something else.”

  “I was going to serve refreshments,” I argue. “You told me not to.”

  “You know what the fuck I’m talking about,” Georgie snaps, glaring at me. “We’re not trying to exclude you from our conversation or our gossip. We’re only telling you not to insult our husbands or guests in my house. That’s fucking fair.”

  “It is,” I agree with a nod. “But, suppose one of your guests insult me? Can I tell them to fuck off?”

  “Absolutely not,” Georgie fires. “You don’t know who the hell it might be, you crazy woman. Yes, there are some pretty douchey assholes that show up from time-to-time, but even I excuse myself to keep from telling them to go suck brick. I leave it up to Sloane to do it.”

  I wrinkle my nose. “Why do you two allow your husbands to rule you? I saw how Outlaw didn’t let Meggie answer for herself. Several times, I’ve seen you bow to Sloane’s dictates.”

  They both fall silent. Widen their eyes. Glance at each other.

  “Oh, excuse me. Is that a question I’m not supposed to ask?” I say, nice and sugary.

  Georgie flips me off and Meggie just laughs.

  “I don’t allow Sloane to rule me,” Georgie starts. “I pick the important battles. Besides, we’re in a partnership, Raine. If I expect him to listen to me, I have to give him the same respect. If I give, he takes. If he gives, I take. It’s simple.”

  “What Georgie says is true,” Meggie adds. “But I also do it to keep Christopher calm. For him, there’s nothing in the world more important than me. He places me above himself. Above our kids. I love my husband so very much and I’m always aware of his feelings. If someone insults me and he’s around, he’s going to say something. If I add anything to that, show any annoyance, than all hell breaks loose. People will die. Do you know he insisted on carrying me everywhere when I was pregnant with the twins? He couldn’t bear to see me walk. He was so afraid he’d lose me because I wasn’t supposed to get pregnant. To keep control, I allow him to have control. But he knows when he crosses a certain line and I’m completely fed up.”

  “What do you say to him?”

  “It’s not what she says,” Georgie says. “It’s what she does. A pussy lockout.”

  “A fucking what?” I ask, clueless.

  “I lock him out of there,” Meggie says.

  “How many kids have you had, girl?” Georgie teases, then slants her glance to me. “She doesn’t give him any pussy.” She points at her friend and shakes her head. “This woman would die if the word pussy passed her lips.”

  “Not true. I say it all the time when me and Christopher make love. I tell him just what I want, where I want it, and how I want it.”

  “If you say so,” Georgie says with skepticism. “To believe it, I’d have to hear it.”

  “Never in a million years,” Meggie responds. “Those words are for Christopher alone.”

  “Your serenity is for his benefit? Is your husband really that…that…” Fucking crazy that she has to stay calm to keep him calm? Of course, I don’t say that. She’s fiercely protective of him and her tone tells me how much she adores him.

  “That psycho?” she supplies, surprising me. “The guys call him Psycho Stalker Wildman. And, he is. I don’t interfere with club business, Raine. If Kiln was anybody else, I wouldn’t have had any sway. A friend or family member, though, is different.” She sighs. “If I would’ve gotten there a minute later, Kiln would be dead. I knocked Christopher’s hand away as he fired his gun.”

  I gasp and blurt, “the fuck you say,” as Georgie’s eyes widen and she says, “no shit?”

  “He doesn’t take kindly to traitors,” Meggie whispers, sadness entering her eyes. She looks away.

  “Oh my God, you know what Kiln did, don’t you?” Georgie booms.

  Meggie lowers her lashes. “Did I say that?”

  “You so do!” Georgie says with glee, then looks at me. She cups one hand over her mouth, as if she doesn’t want Meggie to hear. “This wo
man will not give up her husband’s secrets. I’ll bet she knows more business than any man except Outlaw. You couldn’t torture the information out of her.”

  “I don’t know a lot of club business, Georgiana Mason,” Meggie says with mock severity.

  Georgie folds her arms. “Okay, and me and Sloane didn’t fuck like rabbits last night.”

  Meggie pokes her tongue at Georgie.

  “How did it feel being the only girl traveling with all those big bikers?” Georgie teases.

  “The same way it feels with you being the only girl traveling with all those big rockers,” Meggie retorts.

  They grin at each other.

  “My case is a little different,” Georgie says. “Women are still every-fucking-where with the guys. Sloane is the only one who doesn’t partake in the free pussy parade.”

  “Does Kiln?” I ask, unable to help myself.

  Georgie’s mouth forms an ‘o’. “Oh. Er. Um…uh.”

  “It’s okay,” I say lightly. “I have my answer.” And I’m so fucking glad I don’t have to be his mistress. He’d be on the road, fucking everything in sight, while I’m wondering when I’ll see him again or if he’d kick me out when he returned. No. Just fuck no.

  “Kiln’s an interesting guy,” Georgie says. “He can be a cruel, sadistic asshole but there’s goodness in him, too.”

  Displeasure crosses Meggie’s face, but she turns away before Georgie notices. The blonde stands in the door and watches Chance and Bryn run up and down. These kids have energy for days. Gee whiz. I need to step up my exercise regimiment, so I’ll have the fucking stamina to keep up with them.

  An unfamiliar beeping sound fills the room. Meggie pulls out her cellphone. She faces us again, her expression serene, once more. She’s staring at her screen. When her fingers start to fly over the screen, I realize she’s responding to a text message.

  “CJ?” Georgie inquires.

  “Nope. Kendall.”

  “Aww, man. Is she okay?”

  Sighing, Meggie stuffs her phone back into her pocket. “She’s asking when are we getting back home.”

  “You just got here,” Georgie cries.

  “I told her that. I also suggested she get a plane and meet us here.”

  “You want to see Meggie handle Outlaw?” Georgie asks. “When it comes to Kendall, she’s a pro.”

  The phone beeps again. Meggie yanks her phone from her pocket and looks at her screen. A moment later, she huffs and shoves it away again.

  “Now what?” I ask, curious.

  “Kendall says she won’t fly here because she promised Roxy she wouldn’t make a big deal of Johnnie leaving since she didn’t want to adhere to the schedule.”

  “How does she handle it when her husband takes her for rides?” I ask, trying to remember which of the men is Johnnie. So many names and faces were thrown at me, I can’t remember who’s who.

  “Kendall isn’t really your typical old lady,” Meggie explains, searching for words. “She’s an attorney.” She stretches her arms high above her head. “This tall. A beautiful, voluptuous redhead. She’s cultured. Buuuuttttt, she and Christopher despise each other. She really doesn’t want to be a part of the club and she thinks Johnnie is too loyal to my husband.” She scowls. “And, of course, there’s the fact that she wants to sleep with him.”

  Oh my god, this shit is better than a soap opera. Juicy! “Really?” I squeal.

  “Yes,” Meggie says with a tight, little sniff. This conversation has hit a major nerve in her.

  “See, if it was me,” Georgie starts, “I’d beat any bitch’s ass who tried to fuck with Sloane. I have before and, by God, I’ll do it again!”

  “It doesn’t help that Johnnie’s a moron,” Meggie flares. “He had to tell her that he was in love with me. What man in their right mind would tell his girlfriend that he has feelings for a woman he’s constantly around? Between Christopher and Johnnie, I’m surprised me and Kendall are still on speaking terms.”

  “Wait! Hold on! Stop the fucking press!” I run to Meggie and grab her hands. “Which one is Johnnie and is he still in love with you?”

  This just gets better and better.

  “Johnnie’s the blond god, with the vice-president’s patch on his cut,” Georgie says with a wide grin. Meggie throws her the evil eye.

  “What’s a cut?” I ask, wanting to know what Georgie’s amusement and Meggie’s annoyance is for.

  “The leather vests,” Georgie explains simply.

  I search my mind for Johnnie. Oh. Yeah. I know exactly who he is and, yes, he is a blond god. Suddenly, each of their faces come to mind and I connect names. “He’s in love with you?” I breathe, in awe. This gorgeous woman has the love of two equally beautiful men.

  “Was,” Meggie hisses. “Not anymore.”

  “It’s a tangled web,” Georgie confides in her mock whisper. “By the way, Raine, when and if you ever meet Kendall, don’t pay too much attention to Johnnie in her presence.”

  What the fuck?

  Meggie nods. “Yeah, you’ll make an enemy for life.”

  “And take what she says with a grain of salt. It’ll be much more peaceful if you just let her be,” Georgie adds.

  “Really?” I want to meet her now. They’ve aroused my curiosity.

  “Yeah,” Meggie offers again. “She can be a little abrasive.”

  “Okay. Why are you two telling me this if she doesn’t plan to fly here?” Inquiring minds would like to know.

  “Because, she promised Roxy, who’s kind of like the club mother, she wouldn’t contact Johnnie. Kendall swore to let him do his business without having to worry about her. Unfortunately, she never told Roxy she wouldn’t contact me.”

  Georgie screams with laughter. “Oh my God, Kendall is so deliciously devious.”

  “She is,” Meggie agrees and looks at Georgie. “Ready to go down and see what the plan for the evening is?

  “You bet,” Georgie answers.

  Meggie turns on her heel and walks out of the room.

  A moment later, Georgie grabs my hand and tugs me out of the bedroom. “Grab Chance. I’ll take Bryn. You do not want to miss Outlaw’s reaction. Besides, you’ll get a chance to see Kiln.” Her rushed tone matches her quick movements. She scoops up Bryn and flies down the hall.

  I do the same with Chance and catches up to Georgie as the door is just banging closed after Meggie’s departure.

  Georgie reopens the hallway door that leads to staircase and hallway where th Pentagon-type door waits for us.

  “By the way, Raine. I demanded you stay up here because Kiln might’ve made a nasty comment to you. As angry as Outlaw was, that would’ve tipped him over the edge.”

  As she starts down the steps, Bryn plays with Georgie’s hair. Holding a squirming Chance, I follow.

  At the bottom of the stairs, she opens the door to the foyer and pauses again. “Meggie saved his life. Hopefully, the big oaf realizes that. I’d love to know what the fuck he did.”

  As I dog her steps, I glare at the back of her head. I can’t talk about Sloane but she can call Kiln a big oaf. I don’t like that one fucking bit.

  More than that, though, I, too, wonder what type of trouble Kiln has gotten himself into. Trouble that Meggie knows about.

  Maybe, I can befriend her away from Georgie. Meggie’s as nice and sweet as Georgie, so, hopefully, she has suggestions on how to save Kiln from his own stupidity.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Sloane assists Josh to help me to my suite. Every step is a painful exercise. Despite how I try to hold back, tears roll down my cheeks at the raw, flaming throbs igniting in my entire body.

  Megan might’ve stopped him from blowing my throat out, but she didn’t tell him not to beat the fuck out of me.

  “We’re almost there,” Sloane says. “Just a few more steps to your bed.”

  It’s a foggy outline in my watery, blurry vision. I grunt, afraid to speak. I might throw up. Or plain fucking faint from the ef
fort it’ll take to talk.

  “Can you get to the bed yourself?” Josh asks.

  “No,” I mumble, not sure if they hear me.

  They must because I’m dumped onto the mattress, where I land face down. I howl in agony. They turn me onto my back—I scream.

  “We have to take your shoes off,” Sloane tells me.

  “N-n-no!” No fucking way am I subjecting myself to that torture.

  “Leave him to me.”

  I shudder at the sound of Cash’s hard voice.

  “Fuck, no, asshole,” Sloane growls. “Outlaw has fucked over him enough. I’m not leaving you to finish him off.”

  “You have no fucking choice,” Cash says coldly. “I’m his babysitter.”

  “Cash, what the fuck is going on?” Josh questions.

  Silence falls.

  Cash has every right to exact revenge. He had his ass beat because of me. But he draws in a deep breath. “Nothing concerning either of you,” he snaps. “Now, go. Kiln and I have a few things to discuss.”

  “Kiln’s my brother and this is my house,” Sloane grits out. “I’m not leaving him to your mercy, if I don’t know what’s going on.”

  Movement. I want to raise my head, but I can’t. It might fall off my shoulders.

  “Do you really want to know what your brother has done?” Cash snarls, his voice closer. He must be near me.

  “C-C-Ca…” I can’t get his name out.

  “What the fuck do you think?” Sloane demands. “Outlaw shows up and beats his ass and yours. What the fuck did you two do? What friend of his did you fuck over?”

  Sloane isn’t going to let this drop. He’s such a stubborn motherfucker.

  “Be careful who the fuck you call friend,” Cash starts. “I counted Kiln as one of mine. But he fucked me over. Stabbed me in the back. Almost got me killed.”

  “He’s closer to death than you are,” Josh says dryly.

  “I might finish him off,” Cash sneers.

  Scuffling sounds. Flesh meeting flesh.


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