The Tailor and the Prince

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The Tailor and the Prince Page 7

by Pelaam

  “Yes. Indeed, I would. Give me a minute to dress. I’ll be right with you.” Bertie dashed back into the room to change out of his pajamas. Even if he did hear a soft giggle at his unseemly haste, Bertie didn’t care. He’d grasp any opportunity he could where he might spend a little time with the prince.

  A moment later, dressed in one of the kimonos supplied, Bertie walked beside Keitaro, with Cherry Blossom shuffling behind them.

  “I’m nervous about today. It’s the day the prince will review our designs.” Bertie hated the silence that had descended and said the first thing that came into his head.

  “There’s no need.” It was Cherry Blossom who replied. “The prince will make his own decisions despite all the interference that Takeshi can contrive.”

  “You really think so?” Bertie asked. “I would have expected him to listen to such a well-placed courtier.”

  “Takeshi was a favorite of Ichirou’s father.” Cherry Blossom sighed. “But the son is not the father. Ichirou keeps Takeshi in his court only because there is no obvious reason to replace him. Such a move would be a terrible disgrace to Takeshi. There would have to be more than just a personal dislike between them for a man of Takeshi’s standing to be moved … or removed.”

  “Ah. I see.” Bertie nodded. That he could understand. It was a similar principle among the company’s board of directors. Then he caught sight of the prince and he forgot everything else.

  “Keitaro, walk Blackwood-san that way. We’ll catch up with you.” Cherry Blossom pointed away from the prince, and Bertie was about to protest, when she flashed him a smile and scurried away. Her unexpected burst of speed stopped Bertie in his tracks.

  “A remarkable young woman.”

  “Remarkable indeed, Blackwood-san. This way, please.” Keitaro pointed the way they needed to walk, and Bertie wondered what had amused the soldier whose stoic face was transformed by a wide smile.

  A few moments later and Bertie accidently met Ichirou coming in the opposite direction, Cherry Blossom at his side. The prince wore a blue kimono decorated with golden fish. Although his hair was up and secured with jeweled combs, his face was free of the make-up of the previous day.

  “Ah, good morning, Blackwood-san. I trust you slept well?”

  “Yes, I did indeed, Prince Ichirou.” Bertie bowed, keeping his speech formal, just in case there was anyone else nearby. “You have amazing gardens. Very beautiful, very relaxing.”

  “Would you do me the honor of walking with me, Blackwood-san. I would like to hear of your life back in England. Do you have gardens of your own?”

  The gardens around his own home paled into comparison with the prince’s, but he thought of the rose bushes, primroses, and marigolds and nodded.

  “We do. But nothing like this.” Bertie waved a hand at the magnificent surroundings. “The gardens we have back home are quite dowdy compare to these.”

  “Your father mentioned his gardens.” Ichirou stopped and cocked his head as he looked at Bertie, who thought the gesture quite beguiling. “He made them sound most attractive. You have a pond, and fountains.”

  “Well, yes we do. But the pond is more of a duck pond, than a lily pond like yours. Don’t you have fountains here?”

  “Oh, yes. I love water.” Ichirou smiled. “I find it very peaceful, don’t you?”

  “I must confess, I rarely sit and listen.” Bertie shook his head, and Ichirou pointed down a pathway.

  “In that case, we shall go this way. One of my favorite fountains is here. We’ll sit together for a few moments, before the day must really begin.”

  The fountain was in the same pink marble that was so popular within the palace. A seat for two was nestled close to a tree with overhanging branches. But despite the beauty of the surroundings, it was the beauty of Ichi-chan that called to Bertie’s soul.

  “Would there be another opportunity to hear you play again, Ichi-chan?” Bertie asked, and the prince smiled, a look of delight on the beautiful face.

  “You truly liked my music, Bertie-chan?”

  “Very much. You are very talented, and you looked like a different person when playing. Almost like an ethereal sprite.”

  Bertie felt a blush heat his cheeks as he spoke without thinking, but his heart soared when Ichi-chan giggled and hid his face behind an ornate fan. Bertie liked the sound and wished he could make the prince laugh more often.

  “Then I shall speak to Makoto and see if he can ensure we have some private time to share. Where I can … entertain you and play music for you.” Ichi-chan fluttered his eyelashes and Bertie’s groin tightened.

  With an effort of will, Bertie dismissed the erotic thoughts and images that quickly danced through his mind.

  “I’d like that. Very much.” Bertie nodded.

  “Ah, there you are, Ichirou-denka.” Takeshi came into view, his hands folded inside the voluminous sleeves of his kimono. “It’s time you came back to the palace. I’m sure Blackwood-san must be ready to breakfast.”

  “Yes, of course. It was most pleasant to walk with you, Blackwood-san. You and your friends are free to treat the palace and its grounds as you would your own home. Anything you need, Keitaro will arrange for you. I’ll see you later. At dinner.” Ichirou added the last as Takeshi shot him a glance, and Bertie bowed to hide his smile.

  “You are most generous, Ichirou-denka. Um … what of my designs?”

  “I will spend today studying those from Lalleyman and Willis, as Takeshi has requested. I look forward most eagerly to seeing your designs tomorrow. Good morning, Blackwood-san.”

  “Thank you, Ichirou-denka.” Bertie bowed low.

  Before the prince could walk away, Cherry Blossom tugged at his sleeve, and Ichirou bent down so the geisha could whisper directly into his ear. He nodded, then straightened up.

  “Cherry Blossom will continue her walk with you back to the palace.”

  A derisive snort from Takeshi captured everyone’s attention. But it was Ichirou’s change of expression that sent a shiver down Bertie’s spine. Gone was the gently spoken, friendly young man that Bertie felt he knew. In his place was a man whose face had lost all expression and whose voice was as cold as ice.

  “Did you wish to say something, Takeshi? I’m sure we’d all be most interested.”

  “Not at all, Ichirou-denka.” Takeshi bowed to Cherry Blossom who flicked open her fan with a sharp click as if dismissing the courtier.

  “Very well. I’ll see you both later, Cherry Blossom, Blackwood-san.”

  Bertie, along with Cherry Blossom and Keitaro bowed low as Ichirou left, walking stiffly beside Takeshi.

  “Pompous ass.” Cherry Blossom’s insult, murmured in a low voice still managed to reach Bertie’s ears, but if Keitaro heard it, the soldier didn’t react or make any comment.

  “Breakfast it is, then.” Bertie clapped his hands. “Then what do we do for the rest of the day?”

  “Anything you wish either in or out of the palace. Perhaps you would like a picnic tea by Ichi-chan’s favorite pond this afternoon?” Cherry Blossom fluttered her fan. “Ichi-chan will be busy for most of the day. Not by choice, but thanks to Takeshi. He’ll ensure Ichi-chan views and reviews the clothing brought by Felton-san. I’ve heard he has several models to wear the clothing. That woman will also be there.”

  “Madam Kana? Well, I suppose she is his designer.” Bertie sighed and shrugged. “I doubt I’ll have models for mine. Although Tom and Hayate may oblige, and perhaps you might, Cherry Blossom? For the lady’s clothing.”

  “I would be very honored, Bertie-san. I’m sure the prince will find time to spend with you. He likes you very much.” Cherry Blossom smiled at Bertie, then covered her lower face with her fan. “I’ll be sure to find you when he has time to be Ichi-chan once more.”

  “Thank you, Cherry Blossom. I’d very much appreciate it.” Bertie’s heart flipped. He likes me.


  Several hours later, following a long and lavish lunch, Bertie lay
resting alone in his room. Tom had accompanied Hayate to the workshops that their friend had been allocated to work on his balloon. They had also taken the carpetbag with them.

  Bertie wanted the clothes to be aired, ready to be viewed the next day and felt happier at the thought they were not somewhere anyone would think to look for them. I still wouldn’t put it past Felton to try sabotage once again.

  There was a tap at his door. Getting to his feet, Bertie strode across the room, and opened the door to see Cherry Blossom standing beside Keitaro.

  “Ichi-chan would like to see you.” The geisha glanced up and down the hallway. “He can’t spare much time. Takeshi is keeping him busy and is pushing very hard for him to favor your competitor. Takeshi holds a lot of sway in the palace, but there are those whose loyalty is to Ichi-chan alone. Come this way. Keitaro will accompany us.”

  Without hesitation, Bertie fell into step alongside Cherry Blossom, with Keitaro a step behind. Bertie hoped the prince didn’t get into trouble. It seemed the palace courtiers were a powerful body of men.

  Which, if Bertie thought about it, was exactly the case with Blackwood’s board of directors. Bertie’s father owned the business and was the chairman, but the board could force him into a direction his father didn’t wish to take.

  “The palace is an incredible maze of floors and corridors.” Bertie looked around, convinced he’d never find his way back to his room unaccompanied.

  “That’s a deliberate design, Bertie-san.” Cherry Blossom smiled up at him. “It’s intended to confuse would-be invaders or assassins.”

  “I think it serves its purpose perfectly.” Bertie was glad to have the geisha as his guide. “You think you’re on one floor, but you’re not, you turn a corner and find you’re somewhere else entirely.” He laughed. “The architect was a genius.”

  “Ichi-chan will be pleased to hear you say so. Not that he had the palace built, of course. But he loves all the confusing twists and turns.”

  “I’m glad I have you to guide me. I’d be lost by now.” Bertie smiled down at the geisha who responded with a deep, throaty chuckle.

  “Along here.” As Cherry Blossom guided Bertie along another long corridor, the faint sounds of music reached his ears, and Bertie smiled.

  “I can hear him playing.”

  A couple of minutes later, Bertie was shown into the room where Ichirou sat, and the prince greeted him with a bright smile.

  “Come on in, Bertie-chan.” Ichirou patted some cushions beside him, and Bertie hurried inside.

  “I shall organize some tea.” Cherry Blossom bowed, then shuffled away.

  “And I shall be outside if you need anything, Ichirou-denka, Blackwood-san.” Keitaro also bowed, before closing the door to allow Bertie and the prince some privacy.

  “You look tired, Ichi-chan. Are you all right?” Bertie went to touch the prince’s cheek and froze.

  With a gentle smile, Ichirou guided Bertie’s hand to lay it against his cheek and leaned cat-like into the caress.

  “It’s good to feel the touch of another. My life is so controlled, so rigid, so … affectionless. Well, apart from Cherry Blossom. But her deeper affections are for another.”

  Such loneliness was something Bertie had never suffered, and his heart ached for Ichirou. However, to know the geisha wasn’t a competitor for the prince’s affection was a welcome relief.

  “I-I like the feel of your skin. It’s so warm and soft, Ichi-chan.” Bertie had never courted, and given the man of his affections was a prince of a foreign land, Bertie had no idea what he should do.

  “I like your touch. It’s so gentle. Shall I play for you, or may we do … something else?”

  “Such as?” Bertie’s mouth was dry, and his heart hammered, but he didn’t resist as Ichirou took his hand and brought it to his mouth.

  “When we are alone, like this, please do not think of me as Prince Ichirou of this province. Here, I am only Ichi-chan.” He kissed each of Bertie’s fingers, ending with the thumb. Ichirou kept his gaze firmly on Bertie as he nibbled on the pad before drawing the digit into his mouth.

  Incredibly, the action went straight to Bertie’s groin and his cock swelled as Ichirou sucked slowly, his gaze never wavering. Releasing Bertie’s thumb, Ichirou batted his long lashes in a way Bertie had seen Cherry Blossom do.

  “Will you not kiss me, Bertie-chan?” Ichirou’s voice was soft, but it was the longing in its tone that called to Bertie.

  Almost without conscious thought, Bertie leaned in close. Their first kiss was awkward, with Ichirou as unpracticed as Bertie himself. The second was more satisfactory and the third perfect as they each learned what suited them best.

  A few moments later, Bertie lay back on the cushions with Ichirou stretched out full-length on top of him. The next few moments were filled with kissing, and soft sighs of mutual pleasure rose into the air.

  “Oh, Bertie, this is so magical.” Ichirou rubbed his cheek against Bertie’s and whispered the words softly. “I never imagined the way this would make me feel.”

  Emboldened by Ichirou’s words, Bertie slid his hands beneath the loose silk covering Ichirou’s upper body and bit back a groan at his first touch of the other man’s warm, smooth skin.

  “I feel the same way, Ichi-chan. Kiss me again.” Bertie longed for the feel and taste of the prince and quickly lost himself in another passionate kiss as Ichirou leaned down to capture his lips once more.

  With no idea of the passing of time, Bertie was disagreeably jerked back into reality by a soft knock, and Cherry Blossom’s voice calling out to them.

  “I have tea for you. May I enter, Ichi-chan?”

  “A moment, Cherry Blossom.” Ichirou sat up, straightening his kimono, and Bertie mimicked the prince, straightening his clothing, although he doubted anyone would be fooled, least of all a geisha.

  “You may enter now.”

  Cherry Blossom didn’t even look at them. Instead she knelt gracefully, and set down the tea tray, one beautifully lacquered with a fish motif, on the nearby table. She poured the first fragrant cups of the drink, rose sinuously to her feet, bowed low, and backed out.

  “Please, enjoy your tea. I shall come back soon.”

  “She didn’t even look at us.” Bertie stared at Ichirou who smiled and allowed his kimono to slide off one shoulder, baring his shoulder and the left half of his chest.

  “Cherry Blossom is wise beyond her years. What she doesn’t see, she cannot speak of to any that might use such knowledge for their own gain. She’s been a friend since childhood. She has the heart of a lion, and while she loves me as a brother, and as her prince, that loyal heart belongs to one other. She will give herself to none but him. I only wish he was more responsive.”

  “Who could fail to return the love of such a lovely woman?”

  “Makoto.” Ichirou sighed and shook his head. “He feels he cannot love Cherry Blossom as she wishes, because of his position as captain. But, it’s … very complicated, things are not all as they appear. I hope he will come to think differently.”

  “I can’t believe he’d let her station in life blind him to her devotion.” Bertie couldn’t help but feel somewhat protective toward the geisha.

  “It’s not that, exactly, but it’s Cherry Blossom’s story to tell, not mine. Kiss me again while the tea cools, Bertie-chan.”

  For a while longer, Bertie was able to forget that Ichirou was a prince as they resumed their kissing. Bertie grew bolder, running his hands along the length of Ichirou’s long, lean legs, or over the smooth expanse of his back.

  A loud knock, much different to that of Cherry’s Blossom’s gentle rap, jolted Bertie into the present as Ichirou quickly rearranged his kimono back into place.

  “Ichirou, your guest must leave now. Takeshi is on his way.” Makoto called out to them, and Bertie scrambled quickly to his feet.

  “I will see you again, Bertie-chan. I promise. But we must not let Takeshi see us together. He’s powerful in my court and
can exert a lot of pressure.” Ichirou rose sinuously to his feet and pecked a quick kiss to Bertie’s lips. “Go now. Hurry.”

  As Bertie went out, Makoto went in, settling himself in Bertie’s vacated seat, and taking a healthy swallow of the now cold tea.

  “Come, Bertie-san.” Cherry Blossom tugged at Bertie’s arm, leading him in the opposite direction to which he’d come. “This is a little more circuitous, but we’re unlikely to encounter Takeshi this way.”

  “You’re a good friend, Cherry Blossom.” Bertie let the geisha lead him away, and Keitaro brought up the rear, constantly looking over his shoulder.

  “What is it, Keitaro?” Cherry Blossom came to a stop as they turned a corner.

  “I don’t know. Just a … a bad feeling.” The soldier shook his head. “Like something malevolent is watching us.” He shivered. “But the palace has many charms and talismans to protect it. How could something that feels so evil have crossed its boundaries?”

  “It couldn’t.” Cherry Blossom spoke firmly as she looked up at Keitaro. “You said it yourself. We’re too well protected for anything to have crossed the threshold into the palace. Maybe it’s just nerves. You’ve applied for promotion, haven’t you? Makoto was telling me.”

  “Maybe. I don’t know.” Keitaro shook his head, but didn’t say any more.

  “Does Ichirou have personal protections as well at those that protect the palace?” Bertie asked.

  “He has a dragon tattoo.” Cherry Blossom smiled. “The dragon is his guardian, at least it was according to the ancients when he was born. The tattoo was inked onto his back as soon as he reached puberty. It’s very beautiful, with many colors.”

  If Cherry Blossom had revealed that titbit before his meeting with Ichirou, Bertie would have felt the sharp pangs of jealousy. But since he knew the geisha only had eyes for Makoto he just smiled.

  “I’m sure it is. Perhaps I may see it one day.” Bertie glanced at Cherry Blossom who flicked open her fan to cover her lower face.

  “I’m sure you will, Bertie-san.”


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