The Tailor and the Prince

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The Tailor and the Prince Page 13

by Pelaam

  “Sorry to shock you, but this is the first time I’ve been able to resume my human form in many years.” The stranger’s voice was soft and soothing, but had a slight accent, and he held out his hand to Bertie. “I chose well. I detected a spark in your grandmother. I had a feeling that if I bided my time, through her, I would be free of my curse. And I was certain, once the necklace was passed to you, my time was near.”

  “You were?” Bertie accepted that hand, it was warm to the touch, and he was pulled to his feet with minimal effort on the stranger’s part.

  “My name is Suoh. I was a very indolent and lazy hatchling, and I grew into maturity in much the same way. Then I made the grave error of angering an ancient of my kind. I was forced to remain trapped in the pendant, only appearing in my dragon form, until someone was willing to risk their life for me. Your soldier broke the curse. He could have left me to fight alone.” Suoh turned to Keitaro. “But you didn’t.”

  “I-I couldn’t leave you to fight alone.” Keitaro shook his head. “I had to help you.” Keitaro shrugged off his jacket and moved closer to Suoh, wrapping it around him.

  “Makoto, unless you have any objections, I suggest we leave Suoh in Keitaro’s care. He’s going to be very difficult for us to explain with everything else that’s happened.” Bertie was suddenly very certain the two men needed time alone. “We need to take care of the others.”

  “Keitaro” Makoto addressed his man, and Keitaro responded with a stiff bow, taking a step away from the dragon-shifter. “Take Suoh to your home. Say nothing of what’s happened here.”

  “Yes, Captain. I will then return ready to obey your commands.” Keitaro bowed again.

  “Stay with him, Keitaro. Bertie-san and I will ensure the best physicians are brought to tend to the injured here. I will visit you later.” Makoto drew himself to his full height and glowered at Suoh. “Keitaro is my man. You protected us against the vampire cat. I call upon you to keep my man safe.”

  “I assure you, Captain, that Keitaro will come to no harm while I can draw breath to protect him.”

  “I think you should have this.” Bertie stepped forward and held out the dragon pendant to Keitaro.

  “No, Bertie-san. It’s your family heirloom.” Keitaro shook his head.

  “I only held it until it was ready to move on to where it truly belongs.” Bertie took hold of Keitaro’s hand and pressed the pendant into it. “I believe it has.”

  “Thank you, Bertie.” Suoh smiled at him. “I look forward to seeing you again. When things are not so fraught. Your prince should recover fully from the cat’s evil in due course. Its claws carry no actual poison, but it is a creature of darkness. Those it wounded in the fight should heal, albeit very slowly.”

  “Thank you, Suoh. That’s a great relief.” Bertie heaved a sigh of release from his pent-up fear for Ichirou, smiling and nodding at Suoh as Keitaro led him away.

  “Hayate! Run, find the nearest soldier and tell him to come here at my order. Bertie-san and I will look after Tom-san.” Makoto barked his order to Hayate as Bertie hurried through to see what he could do to help.

  Every instinct Bertie possessed screamed at him to check Ichirou, but Tom was his long-time friend, and in Hayate’s absence, Bertie wouldn’t leave Tom alone. Reaching his friend, Bertie knelt at Tom’s side.

  “I’m fine. Just a scratch.” Tom winced as he tried to move. “But it hurts like the very devil.”

  But at the explosive exclamation from Makoto, Bertie surged to his feet.

  “What is it?” Bertie’s immediate concern was for Ichirou, but it was Cherry Blossom that Makoto cradled.

  “Why didn’t you tell me the wound was so deep?” Makoto demanded, his voice was harsh, but Bertie could see how much the captain fought to hold back his emotions.

  Cherry Blossom offered a wan smile.

  “You were otherwise preoccupied. It’s … not so bad.”

  With an impatient hiss, Makoto began to remove the trappings of the geisha Cherry Blossom that Natsu wore. Then Makoto wiped away as much of the makeup as he could, while still trying to cradle the man in his arms.

  “Bertie-san, could you please check on the prince. I had no idea Natsu was so badly wounded.”

  “Yes, of course.” With an apologetic glance at Tom, Bertie hurried over to Ichirou.

  “You should have told me you were hurt. Why didn’t you?” Makoto demanded as he continued to turn Cherry Blossom the geisha into Natsu the devoted servant, and Bertie couldn’t help watching the odd couple as he hurried across the room to tend Ichirou.

  “You needed to fight. And besides, I could never be certain you really cared. You always kept your distance.”

  “I’ll keep it no longer. Even if I have to resign from the palace guard to till the ground to provide for us.”

  “Us?” Natsu’s voice waivered, and Bertie swallowed past a lump in his throat.

  Not wanting to disturb Makoto and Natsu, Bertie kept his head down as he hurried around the bed to gaze down at Ichirou. His lover’s face was pale and drawn. Bertie sat carefully beside him and took his hand, his stomach knotting at its iciness.

  Bertie’s breath caught in his throat as Ichirou’s eyelids fluttered, and then Ichirou gazed up at him, trying to speak.

  “No, my love.” Bertie feathered kisses to Ichirou’s cheek. His beloved’s cheek was as cold as his hand, and Bertie would give all he possessed to be able to crawl into bed beside Ichirou to warm him. “Don’t try to speak. The danger is past. We’re calling for a doctor to care for you.”

  There was a crushing pain in Bertie’s chest at the thought of Ichirou succumbing to the vampire cat’s attack. He shoved the notion forcefully away, focusing instead on Suoh’s assurance that a victim of the cat’s evil could recover.

  “Cherry Blossom, Natsu. He … protected me.” Ichirou panted the words between labored breaths. “Give him … my ring. To symbolize … he has royal approval … within court.” Ichirou twitched a bejeweled finger, and Bertie slid off a ruby ring.

  “Makoto. Ichirou wants Natsu to have this.” Bertie held out the ring, and, as Makoto took it, Bertie may have seen a tear that slid down the soldier’s cheek, but he pretended not to notice.

  “This will keep him safe in the palace while Ichirou-denka recovers. Takeshi would try to throw him on the streets.” Makoto bowed his head, then slid the ring onto Natsu’s finger.

  “Well, now he can’t.” Bertie smiled as Makoto kept hold of the other man’s hand.

  “I know a little of western courtships.” Natsu smiled as he looked at the ring, a wistful look in his eyes. “Are we betrothed?”

  “Yes.” Makoto brought the ringed finger to his lips. “I was a fool, but even a fool may learn wisdom.”

  A soldier charged into the room, his eyes widening at the sight before him. Makoto sat up straight and fixed him with a stare.

  “Fetch the palace doctors. Hurry!”

  “Sir!” The soldier bowed sharply, swiveling around and almost knocking Hayate to the ground.

  Relieved that Tom had Hayate back at his side, Bertie tenderly brushed Ichirou’s hair from his cheeks, smiling at his beloved, and whispering words of love and encouragement as he waited for the doctors to come.

  When they did arrive, it was pandemonium. Bertie couldn’t understand what was being said, and Hayate was only half-listening to be able to translate for him. The doctors milled around Ichirou, Natsu, and Tom like bees at honey jars.

  Finally, Bertie relegated himself to the sidelines and watched bemused as the physicians dashed to and fro. Makoto’s voice boomed out frequently, but since Bertie didn’t understand, he just sat on the floor, out of the way, and waited.

  Then soldiers came in and Bertie was pushed even farther aside. Not wanting to be in anyone’s way, Bertie retreated into the other room. His head in his hands, Bertie sat on the floor in the corner, his back against a lacquered chest of drawers, as the shock and horror caught up with him.

  He had no id
ea of time passing until a touch on his shoulder drew him back into the present. Makoto gazed down at him, a deep frown on his face.

  “Have you been here all this time?”

  “I was … in the way.” Bertie felt oddly detached from his surroundings. “Ichirou, and the others…?”

  “All being cared for by the best physicians we have. As you should be. Natsu was concerned for you. Keitaro and I are soldiers and used to fighting and bloodshed. You are not. When I checked in on Ichirou and found you hadn’t been to see him, or your friend Tom, I knew something was wrong.”

  With Makoto’s assistance, Bertie rose from where he sat, but his legs wouldn’t support him. To his shock, Makoto scooped him up into his muscular arms. It struck Bertie that he really should protest, but the words wouldn’t come.

  “No arguments. I shall take you to my quarters and get a physician to come and tend to you, especially since Natsu is concerned. It will help him to heal knowing you are being cared for.”

  The breath Bertie had taken to form an objection came out in a tired whoosh of air. He could hardly argue with that, and he really didn’t feel strong enough to.

  “He’s a good man.” Bertie settled his head against Makoto’s shoulder. “You’re a lucky man.” Bertie yawned. “I envy you both.”

  “I know how fortunate I am, Bertie-chan.” Makoto’s voice was soft and soothing. “But please don’t worry about anything. Things have a way of working themselves out. The last thing Ichi-chan needs to worry about is you falling ill. He needs you.”

  “He needs me.” Bertie whispered the words. If Ichirou needed him, then Bertie would be there. Just as soon as he felt a little stronger.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It took the rest of the next day and part of the one after for Bertie to feel well enough himself to visit his friends. Hayate had visited him briefly, as much to be able to assure Tom that Bertie was recovering as to see if there was anything he could do.

  What Bertie really wanted was to see Ichirou, but the prince was still very weak and under constant watch by his many physicians. Since Bertie wanted some private time with Ichirou, he opted to wait a little longer, in the hopes his wish would come to fruition.

  When he walked into Tom’s room, Bertie was delighted to see Tom sitting up and eating with Hayate’s assistance.

  “Bertie. Come in. Hayate said you were recovering well. The physicians are happy to let me get up and walk around a little now, and my appetite, as you can see, has returned.” Tom greeted Bertie with a smile of such genuine affection and welcome that Bertie had to swallow around the sudden lump in his throat.

  As Bertie approached, Hayate rose from where he’d sat on the edge of Tom’s bed and stepped aside to allow Bertie to sit and take his place. As Bertie hugged Tom, the feel of his friend, warm, solid, and alive, helped assuage the tight, cold knot lodged in Bertie’s stomach.

  “I’m so pleased to see you recovering, my friend.” Bertie murmured the words against Tom’s shoulder, and Tom’s grip around Bertie tightened.

  “Same here. I couldn’t rest until Hayate told me how you were recovering. He was getting impatient with me, but I told him that you and me have been friends for a long time.”

  “That’s true. Hayate seems very fond of you.” Bertie eased back and Tom met his gaze levelly.

  “And I’m as fond of him. I wanted to ask you, and now seems as good a time as any, if Hayate can return to England with us? I’ll pay you back the additional cost. You have my word on it.”

  “No need.” Bertie twisted around enough to be able to see Hayate who nibbled at his lower lip. “It will be my pleasure to allow Hayate to return with us. And I’m sure Father will know someone who can make use of Hayate’s skills. Ballooning trips are very popular at present.”

  “Thank you, Bertie-san.” Hayate bowed low and Bertie nodded in return.

  “I hope you and Tom will be very happy. I take it you will be moving in with him?” Bertie looked back at his friend who nodded.

  “Yes. I’ve already proposed to Hayate and discussed becoming engaged before we leave here. But Hayate has no family and wants us to return to England before we take that step.”

  “Congratulations to you both. I’m very happy for you.” Bertie meant it, even though a pang of jealousy twisted in his gut. “Have you had updated news today about Ichirou and Natsu?”

  “According to the physicians tending me, both are doing well. Makoto has hardly left Natsu’s side, and Ichirou promoted Keitaro to captain. He managed to pop in and see us earlier, to let us know that Suoh is adapting well to being free of his curse. Keitaro looked a different man, he almost … glowed.” Tom shook his head, obviously unable to come up with a better description.

  “He looked very happy.” Hayate perched on the other side of Tom, taking hold of Tom’s hand, and the couple smiled at one another.

  “That’s wonderful news.” Bertie kept a positive tone in his voice and hoped his smile looked sincere, given the ache in his heart. “Everything seems to be working out very well for everybody.” Except for Ichirou and me.

  In truth, Bertie was pleased for the others, but a small, selfish part wished that he and Ichirou could have a happy ending of their own. Fixing his smile resolutely in place, Bertie stood up.

  “Right. Well, I don’t want to overstay my welcome, or tire you too much, Tom, so I’ll get going.”

  “Are you sure, Bertie?” Tom frowned, and looked intently at him, but Bertie refused to let his smile waver.

  “Quite sure. Make sure he rests. Hayate.”

  “I shall, Bertie-san.”

  “Excellent.” Bertie felt a brief pang of guilt at playing on Hayate’s affection for Tom, but Bertie knew his friend was shrewd enough to quickly realize that something was troubling him. The last thing Tom needs is to worry about me while he’s still recovering himself.

  Although Bertie didn’t consciously intend to head in the direction of Ichirou’s suites, he soon realized that’s where he was. With a soul-weary sigh, Bertie started to turn when a familiar voice called out to him.

  “Bertie-san. I was on my way to your suite. I thought you may like to visit with Ichirou-denka. He’s been asking for you.”

  “He has?” Bertie’s heart leaped for joy. “Are you sure he’s well enough to see me?”

  “Very. Takeshi, naturally, has been taking command of things while Ichirou remains incapacitated. If it hadn’t been for his interference, I’d have got you in much sooner.” Keitaro dropped his voice, glancing around as if to make sure no one else could hear. “I think Ichirou would recover far more quickly with you at his side.”

  “Even if I could just see him.” Bertie was almost breathless with delight, and Keitaro nodded.

  “Come quickly. While Takeshi is busy elsewhere.”

  Bertie didn’t need any additional encouragement. He was already trotting toward Keitaro and they moved quickly through the palace’s corridors to Ichirou’s suites. Bertie waited impatiently outside, while Keitaro ducked inside. A moment later, and Keitaro opened the door, indicating for Bertie to come inside.

  Without hesitation, Bertie darted forward and went straight through to Ichirou’s bedroom. The sight of his beloved, with a hint of color in his cheeks, sitting up and smiling was almost too much for Bertie.

  Unable to speak as he fought to hold back his tears, Bertie ran to Ichirou’s bedside. Kneeling beside his lover, Bertie buried his face against Ichirou’s shoulder and tightly clasped Ichirou’s hands.

  “It’s all right. I’m recovering, my beloved Bertie-chan. I was more worried for you. You battled the beast. Please, kiss me, my love.”

  There was no way that Bertie could resist such an impassioned plea. Dashing his tears away, Bertie sealed his lips to Ichirou’s, letting the feel, the taste, and the scent of his beloved seep into his soul.

  Although Bertie felt it should be him comforting Ichirou, it was his lover who stroked Bertie’s hair and whispered words Bertie only understood
through his heart as Ichirou waited for Bertie to regain control of himself.

  Finally, Bertie felt able to ease back and gazed into Ichirou’s love-filled eyes.

  “I was so worried about you.” Bertie rested his palm against Ichirou’s cheek. “I thought I’d lost you. What was that beast we fought?”

  “A vampire cat.” Ichirou fingered his throat. “They often take human form to prey on the unwary. To have got past my many wards and protections, she must have been welcomed freely into the palace by someone whose authority within the palace rivals my own. From what Makoto can gather from Felton, Takeshi recommended her as the seamstress who would obtain for him the contract he so badly wanted.”

  “Then Takeshi must have known what she was.” Bertie clasped tightly to Ichirou’s hands. “When I saw you lying there, with Cherry Blossom, both of you unmoving, I thought I was too late, despite my dream to come to you.”

  “I cannot prove Takeshi’s involvement.” Ichirou shook his head. “There is nothing to say he knew of the creature’s true nature. When it attacked me, I remember thinking of you, of our love. Then Cherry Blossom fought the creature, despite being badly hurt. Her actions, and yours, saved me. Makoto described how you attacked the vampire cat. You were so very brave. I have already rewarded Natsu. I gave him and Makoto my blessing and will provide a suitable wedding gift for them to ensure they have money enough for Natsu to enjoy a life of comfort.” Ichirou brought Bertie’s hand to his lips and kissed the palm. “I have heard about Suoh. Although I promoted Keitaro to a captain of the royal guard, I don’t think he will stay here much longer.”

  “Why not?” Bertie asked.

  “This isn’t Suoh’s world. His world is that of the mountains. He has family he hasn’t seen in a very long time. I think Keitaro is biding his time, waiting for me and Natsu to regain strength, then with Makoto back in his normal role, Keitaro would be free to leave with Suoh and start his new life. And I will be glad to let him be free.”

  “You have a generous heart, Ichi-chan.” Bertie drew Ichirou’s fingers to his lips and kissed them.


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