Amongst the Immortals

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Amongst the Immortals Page 22

by Luigi Robles

  Pycca couldn’t hold back her tears any longer. Fain sounded as if he was right there next to her.

  “And if these indeed are my last words,” Fain’s recording continued, “I want you to know that it was you. It was always you. I had dreams about all of this being over, leaving ESAF and having a normal life next to you. Of course, if I should be so lucky. I knew that having you by my side was already pushing my luck. But it was you. Those last few days that led up to venturing into the machine territory were hard. I hope that you were busy enough not to notice how much those days sucked. And now that you aren’t around, I’m in pain. I miss you dearly. I wish, I wish…” He sniffled. “I wish I could call you from wherever I’m at, even if it was just to hear you breathing. One can dream, right? I don’t want to make this too long, or harder on you than it already is.”

  Pycca sobbed as she heard the message would be coming to an end.

  “So just remember me, OK? Go and live a happy life. Please give my regards to your parents. Let them know that I was really looking forward to meeting them. And know that no matter where I end up and how deep into space I drift away, I will be thinking of you until my last breath. Goodbye, Pycca.”

  Pycca had half-expected to be crying uncontrollably by now, but she wasn’t. The last part of the message had triggered something in her mind, and the only word she kept thinking of was drifting. Then she dared to ask the question, knowing that the answer could possibly have the worst repercussions of her life.

  Could it be that Sodenia is drifting away somewhere in space? Pycca thought. I mean, it makes sense. Maybe it’s just badly damaged and can’t make it back.

  Pycca’s heart throbbed at the possibility. She began to see a faint glimmer of hope. The fact that the threat of the machines was gone meant that something, at least, had gone right.

  Green had told Pycca that the search efforts for any remains of Sodenia were ongoing. But the problem was, Pycca hadn’t been involved.

  “How stupid,” Pycca said as she got up and stumbled once again around the living room. But this time she had the determination to either find her backpack or a light switch.

  She found a light switch, and then seconds later she found her backpack. She desperately dug through it, trying to find her phone. As soon as she found it, she looked through her contacts and found Mikey’s number on board the ISCO. She glanced at the time; it was 0330.

  “Screw it,” Pycca said as she dialed his number. “He can sleep once we find his friend again.”

  Mikey answered twelve rings later.


  “Mikey, it’s Pycca.”

  “Oh, hey, Pycca, what’s going on? What time is it?”

  “It’s 0330 something,” Pycca said, “but that’s not important. How are we looking for Sodenia?”

  “Well, we’re looking for the ship’s signature and searching for any distress calls.”

  “Wait, that’s it? Are you kidding me? Dammit.”

  “Well, I’m not sure what else we can do.”

  “Write this down.”

  Pycca spent the next half-hour giving Mikey a long set of codes for every energy signal that could be related to Sodenia, including Kya’s. She must have given Mikey twenty additional ways to locate Sodenia.

  “OK, that was the last one,” Pycca said.

  “Besides punching them into the ISCO search beacons, should I send the list off to the allies? Want me to call Green or Truman? I mean, I’m sure they’ll say yes, especially coming from you. But I just gotta make sure.”

  “If you can call them. I don’t think I can deal with that right now. Just make sure you send them out.”

  “OK, so who am I sending them to?”

  “Everyone we know, everyone that’s willing to help us search for the ship that saved their behinds.”

  “OK, I’ll do that now.”

  “Thanks, Mikey.”

  “Do you really think we can find them?”

  “I don’t see why not. Sodenia was fully packed with supplies, and there are many ways the ship can be sealed up if there’s any breach. If they are still out there, we will find them.”

  “OK, I’m on it.”

  Pycca hung up the phone and turned the light back off. She tried to lie back down on the couch, but sleep would be impossible, that much she knew. So, she went over all the code signatures she had given to Mikey a few more times, and before she knew it, the sun was beginning to rise.

  Feeling her stomach growling, she decided to make herself a cup of coffee and try to find something to munch on. But as soon as she got up from the couch, her phone rang. It was Mikey. She quickly grabbed the phone and answered it.


  “Pycca! There was a match! No, wait, I should say there were a few matches.”

  Pycca’s chest sank into her stomach, and her knees became weak.

  “Are you sure?” Pycca asked, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to handle disappointment.

  “I’m positive. I checked it a few dozen times before I called you.”


  “It’s far away though, near the galactic core.”

  “Have you told Green yet?”

  “No one knows but you.”

  “OK, I’ll call you back.”

  She hung up the phone and searched for Green’s number. She knew that Green would agree to assemble a search and rescue fleet, and Truman would also back it up. Politicians wouldn’t interfere, as they too would want Sodenia back on Earth. A fiery hope began to burn inside Pycca as it dawned that there was a strong possibility that she would see Fain once again.

  “Wait until I see you again, Fain Jegga,” Pycca muttered with a slight smile. “You’re going to be in for a whole world of trouble.”

  Also by Luigi Robles

  Book 1 - Sodenia: The First Space Bastion

  Book 2 - Sodenia: At the Edge of Chaos

  Book 0 - Space Bound Zero Hour

  Also Available Now on Audible




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