Metal Mage 9

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Metal Mage 9 Page 35

by Eric Vall

  Shoshanne with a baby in her arms suddenly seemed like the most natural thing in the world to me, and as she let out a dreamy sigh and looked up at me with her brown eyes gleaming, I shifted to try and avoid a full-on erection.

  “So cute, I can’t even think about it,” the healer moaned, “but Mason, can you imagine what I could do? I can do anything. I can just see everything and heal everything.”

  “Okay, I think you’ve had enough Rosh,” I snorted. “We can’t have you removing the wrong pieces of flesh tonight.”

  “Oh, I’ll be just fine,” Shoshanne giggled. “Remember why? Because I can use my healing staff to dilute the Rosh! I can do that!”

  The healer stood up and flipped her curls over her shoulder as she blushed proudly.

  “That’s right, I can do that!” she announced to no one in particular. “And you know what? I’m a fucking great healer.”

  Shoshanne tripped over her high heels as she strutted off, and I had a gaping grin on my face while I watched her go.

  “You want me to walk you back?” I hollered after her, and she managed to turn around without tripping over her own legs, too.

  “No, you do everything,” she informed me. “I do walking. You do drinking, and I’ll cut up the mages.”

  I furrowed my brow as she nodded decisively, and then she toppled right into Deya, who had her arms filled with bracelets, swords, and satchels of coins.

  “Walk me back,” Shoshanne snorted.

  “Okay!” Deya giggled, and the two tottered off toward the lanes.

  “Yeah, it’s definitely time to go,” I muttered to myself, and I ducked under two mages wrestling from the top of their friends’ shoulders.

  Then Kurna sprinted past without a shirt on as four young mages attempted to catch him, and I didn’t even want to know what that was about. I just wanted to wrangle my women before the Rosh had them all doing something they’d regret, and even though I was pretty drunk myself, I thought I did a decent job of pacing myself this time.

  I could walk in sort of a straight line, at least, which was more than I could say for Cayla and Aurora, who were zigzagging around the clearing and carting two brimming mugs of Rosh. They teetered around as they giggled into each other’s ears with Stan eavesdropping and shaking his head, and when they saw me coming, Aurora gasped and dropped her mug altogether. Then she dragged Cayla with her to run drunkenly across the clearing.

  “You saved a baby?” Aurora demanded as she skidded to a stop in front of me.


  “Some guy named Sebastian says you saved his baby,” Aurora slurred and glared up at me. “You never told me that. Why don’t you tell me any of the sweetest things you do? Just because I like burning men alive doesn’t mean I don’t like sweet things. I like sweet things.”

  “She likes sweet things,” Cayla mumbled as she sipped her Rosh.

  “Hold up,” I chuckled, and I steadied the drunken half-elf. “First of all, I tell you pretty much everything, and Shoshanne saved that girl, not me. I just sponged up blood.”

  “But your invention brought her back,” Aurora insisted. “You’re a baby saver!”

  “I’m not surprised,” Cayla said with a stoic nod, but her eyes were at half-mast from the Rosh now, and she curled her hand around my bicep as she let out an approving moan. “Look at these muscles. These are the muscles of a baby saver.”

  “Baron Flynt,” Aurora mused, “king of the babies.”

  “Oookay,” I chuckled. “We should probably get--”

  “Our baby would be king!” Cayla suddenly realized, and her lips slowly curled into a scheming grin. “Our baby would be such an incredible king. No one would be able to deny him.”

  “He’d be so scary,” Aurora snorted. “Aww, our baby would be so feisty, though! Mason, our baby would light people on fire with one hand and electrocute them with the other!”

  “Our baby would lead an uprising like this world has never seen,” Cayla murmured, and her icy blue eyes glinted with a kind of greed I’d never seen before.

  “Yeah, let’s pull the reins in there,” I tried, but the women just kept on going, and I suddenly felt like I was on a train that was careening out of control.

  “And Mason would be so sexy as a dad,” Aurora murmured as she eyed me up and down. “He’d be so strict, but goofy. I bet he’d let the baby ride around on Big Guy and kill things. He could make mini baby guns!”

  “What?” I scoffed.

  “Yeah, he’d be arming them at the age of four,” Cayla giggled, “and he could build them their own house so we can still have sex as much as we want without being interrupted. A baby palace.”

  “Alright, that’s just--”

  “Ours would have blue hair, though!” Aurora suddenly gasped, and her cheeks flushed as she grabbed me by the vest. “Mason, blue hair and--”

  “Silver eyes, I know,” I groaned, and her lips were begging me to kiss them now.

  What the hell it was about Rosh that made everyone lose their minds, I had no idea, but suddenly my lethal women were just spouting off more and more about the babies I would give them, and Aurora blasted right through every adorable combo she could think of.

  I crinkled my brow as she blushed and giggled over little girls with metal and Ignis powers, and when she sighed and leaned against me with a wistful smile, I felt my body temperature skyrocket to a thousand degrees.

  “Our baby would have black hair and silver eyes,” Cayla decided. “He’d have metal magic, and riches, and inherit Cedis, and Falmount, and--”

  “I can’t do this,” I finally blurted. “We can’t talk about this, why are we drinking Rosh? This is such a bad idea. Look, it’s late, the sun’s practically coming up, and do you realize we left Jagruel less than a day ago? We need to sleep, and we’re going home.”

  “But why?” Aurora moaned, and she pulled me flush against her before pulling the collar of my shirt aside. Then she started a heated trail of kisses down my chest.

  Everything they were saying seemed to funnel straight to my dick, though, and with the Rosh coursing through me, I was suddenly overcome with a raging desire to make it all come to fruition right here in the damn market.

  “Because I can’t stand in the middle of Falmount talking about babies with you guys,” I muttered through gritted teeth.

  Cayla burst out laughing as Aurora collapsed against my chest in a fit of giggles, and I took a steadying breath as I tried to clear the direction of my thoughts.

  “You’re blushing!” Cayla informed me, and Stan nodded from the top of her head. “Why are you blushing?”

  Then I clutched my hair, and with the resolve of a man ten times my size, I managed to pull the women off me and turn them toward the lanes.

  “Aaaand we’re going home,” I informed them, but the way they giggled at the command made it that much more difficult to douse my raging libido.

  The fact they just kept carrying on about our babies didn’t help either, and by the time we finally tripped our way into the house, our hypothetical kids had destroyed the Master, taken over Nalnora, gained thousand man armies, and invented machines that could melt whole bodies into puddles while their other machines could reform those puddles into more Stans. Those Stans also numbered thousands, but Cayla decided they were for dancing with instead of killing things, and Aurora wanted to name half of them Ston and the other half Sten.

  I could hear Deya and Shoshanne giggling in the bedroom, and as I shuttled Cayla and Aurora through the atrium, I caught a glimpse of the elf’s naked ass lounging on the bed.

  “Our baby would be so cute,” Aurora slurred, “it would blind people.”

  I sighed heavily as the giggling abruptly stopped, and when we entered the bedroom, two naked beauties were gaping dazedly at me with piles of stolen jewelry lining their necks and wrists.

  “What baby?” Shoshanne drawled.

  “Our baby!” Aurora informed the healer as she draped herself against me.

sp; “Our baby is gonna be so handsome, women will just faint,” Cayla announced, and she stood there swaying in her leather corset. “They’ll faint the second they look at him.”

  Deya and Shoshanne furrowed their brows in unison.

  “They’re just on a bit of a tangent,” I muttered as I cleared the rest of Deya’s loot from the bed. “Apparently, our babies would be scary as hell.”

  “Well, our baby would be the scariest,” Deya immediately challenged, and she brought herself up onto her knees with her hands propped on her naked hips. “Think of it! He’d be like my brother, but with Mason’s magic. He’d kill everyone! He’d be glorious!”

  “Woah,” Aurora muttered with wide eyes. “That does sound scary.”

  “Ours would be just as deadly,” Cayla scoffed. “And he’d be a royal, so … you know. Power.”

  “Oh, our baby would have so much power,” Deya assured us with a know-it-all nod of her head. “Halcyan weapons, rune magic, magery, and dragons. Our baby would have pink hair and silver eyes, and he would hurl fire daggers at his enemies while he leads his fleet of dragon warriors.”

  “Pink hair! So cute!” Aurora gushed, and I realized my lover must have been beyond super drunk, since she was forgetting that any child Deya and I had would be a half-elf, and Aurora knew how hard it would be for them. Hell, life would be hard for all of us if Deya bore my child.

  “Oh! Yes!” Cayla giggled. “Pink hair … uhhhh … ” The princess was never one to accept defeat, but I could tell by her furrowed brow that she was having trouble topping this one, and I glanced between the two women as I tried to decide which one was more blitzed right now.

  “Can our baby play with your baby?” the princess finally asked, and Deya nodded sweetly.

  “I love your baby, he can take over the world with mine,” the elf assured her.

  “But what about Shoshanne!” Aurora gasped.

  “Me?” the caramel skinned beauty giggled.

  “Such a beautiful and smart baby!” Cayla cheered as she put her fist in the air. “With just the darkest and curliest hair and big brown eyes.”

  “Ohh, and that skin. Mason has nice skin, and so does Shoshanne.” Aurora wrapped her arm around the healer.

  “You both are quite drunk,” Shoshanne giggled.

  “Mason and Shoshanne’s baby would be a genius,” Deya pointed out.

  “That’s what I said!” Cayla gushed as she clapped her hands. “They have the bestest brains!”

  “Also, those lips and eyelashes,” Deya purred as the three women stared at Shoshanne’s blushing face. “Soooo pretty.”

  “You three are incorrigible,” the healer scoffed as her face turned red.

  “And the best blushes too!” Aurora laughed, and both Cayla and Deya both joined in.

  “Would their baby have copper or sandy colored hair?” Deya asked.

  “Oh, I can’t wait to find out,” Cayla sighed as she brushed her fingers through Shoshanne’s curls.

  “I should be getting back to work,” Shoshanne sighed. “This was fun, though.”

  “Alright,” I chuckled, “now that that’s settled, we should definitely lay the whole subject to rest and--”

  “It will only take a little bit!” Cayla laughed. “He already pours so much sperm into us when he fucks us. You can work in an hour after he’s filled you up.”

  “I guess I could--” Shoshanne started to say as she glanced at me, and somehow, her blush got even redder.

  “Because all of our babies would join together and conquer everyone,” Aurora said with a devilish grin. “We all need to get pregnant right now! This is going to happen. Tonight.”

  “Yes, please,” Cayla said.

  “I agree,” Deya giggled. “Just the thought of bearing Mason’s child in my womb makes me--”

  “We’d have to stop drinking the tea,” Aurora blurted.

  “What tea?” I asked, and my brain spun as it tried to keep track of this conversation.

  “Easy!” Cayla said. “We’ll stop tomorrow. Will it mean that tonight will be the night?”

  “Are you all listening to me?” I groaned.

  “This is the best idea we’ve ever had,” Aurora panted.

  “I dunno if--” I started to say, but the drunk half-elf kept going.

  “Mason, our babies could conquer your world, too! And the other ones! You said Nemris had other ones right? They could save all the worlds!”

  “I mean … yeah,” I mumbled, but then I felt my belt buckle being undone, and I glanced down to see Cayla naked and kneeling in front of me.

  “Whaaat are you doing?” I chuckled, since I hadn’t even noticed her take off her clothes.

  “Have you not been paying attention?” Aurora huffed, and I turned to see her as naked as the others. “You’re giving us babies so they can take over the universe.”

  “What?” I yelped, and I tried to move away, but Cayla shoved me flat across the bed.

  “Shh … ” the princess growled with hunger. “Lay there and get hard for us. Then … give us all of your seed. Put babies in us, Mason. I’m dripping wet just thinking about it.”

  “Meee tooooo,” Aurora hissed as she crawled over next to me and started to rub her fingers down my chest toward my cock. “I want your baby so bad.”

  “Oh, please,” Deya gasped before she began to plant kisses on my chest. “I want a baby, too. Please, Mason?”

  “Hooold up,” I tried. “We … we are not having babies, just … pause for ten seconds. You’re all ridiculously drunk,”

  “I’m not,” Deya argued between the kisses she placed on my chest.

  “You were just robbing the entire town,” I groaned. “You are so drunk!”

  “Me neither,” Shoshanne purred as she shimmied out of her robe and then kneeled on the bed.

  “I just sent you back with Deya because you were too drunk to--”

  “But I’m fine now!” the healer giggled, but as she crawled onto the bed toward me, I could tell she was having trouble maintaining her balance.

  “There is no way the four of you are going to remember this,” I continued. “This is the Rosh talking. You don’t know if--”

  “I know exactly what I want,” Aurora huffed.

  “Same!” Cayla giggled as she tugged frantically at the buttons on my pants and finally wrenched them down. “I want your baby in me right now, Mason.”

  “Well, either way, we haven’t made any babies yet, right?” I continued. “So, I don’t even think we can, we--”

  “It’s the Dalium tea, like what Aurora said,” Shoshanne purred as she finally made it across the bed, and when Aurora pulled my already rigid cock out, the caramel skinned beauty let out a wanton sigh of approval.

  And all the women quickly followed suit as they stared at my cock.

  All this talk about babies had made it the hardest I could ever remember, and it was already dripping precum like a mountain spring after a winter thaw.

  “Ohhh,” Cayla moaned. “That’s a very hard cock.”

  “A very proud cock,” Deya whispered.

  “A cock that knows it’s about to give four women babies,” Aurora giggled.

  “A proud and hard baron cock!” Shoshanne stated, and the other three women moaned with approval.

  “Wh-what tea?” I tried to get my question answered again as the half-elf tightened her hold on my shaft and began massaging me.

  “Dalium,” Shoshanne murmured in my ear, and then I felt her hot lips on my neck as the sweet scent of her curls washed over me. “Most women just drink a cup a day, but we do at least two, since you fill us up with so much of your seed. But we don’t have to take it.”

  “No, we don’t,” Cayla whispered as Aurora began to lick the base of my titanium-hard cock. “We’ll just stop drinking it, and then your sperm will find us very fertile.”

  Then Deya giggled as she tucked her silky body alongside mine. “Cum as many times as you want in each of us. Then we can all have your ba

  “Thissss could be a bad idea,” I heard myself groan, but my mind was in my dick now because Aurora was slowly dragging her tongue from the base of my shaft to the tip.

  “No, we want to have your babies,” Cayla purred, and she pulled my hand over. Then I felt her slide my fingers along the incredibly wet lips of her pussy, and my mind officially shut off. “See how wet I am? I want this so bad. We all do.”

  “Please?” Deya begged in my ear. “You always give us what we want.”

  I nodded as both Shoshanne and Deya’s tongues trailed down my neck with lusty moans, and as Aurora slipped my fingers inside of her dripping tunnel, Cayla mounted me and poised herself against my cock.

  “Don’t hold back,” the princess murmured. “Cum as many times as you want. Give me a baby, Mason. Give all of us babies.”

  “Uhh, are you all sure?” I asked again, even though they had just spent the last five minutes trying to convince me.

  “Yesssssss,” Aurora groaned as she, Deya, and Shoshanne hungrily watched my cock slide deep inside of Cayla, and all four women’s breasts began to heave more urgently as the princess roughly forced me fully into her with a grating gasp.

  “Fuckkkkkk,” I growled as her tunnel almost immediately began to tremble and grasp at my shaft. I knew she was going to climax in a few more thrusts, and I felt my mind start to drift up out of my body and to the ceiling.

  It was possible my four beautiful, but very inebriated, lovers were just messing with me, and they would drink their tea tomorrow morning and none of them would get pregnant, but there was also the possibility Aurora and Cayla’s drunken plan was what all of them really wanted, and I’d plant my seed in their fertile wombs tonight, and they wouldn’t drink their tea tomorrow.

  What would four babies mean for us? I knew it would make life hard in some ways, especially with Deya, but I also knew it would be wonderful. I loved these four women more than I could possibly explain, and I would do anything to make them happy.

  And if that meant we conceived four children tonight, then I guess I was okay with that, so I reached up with the hand that wasn’t fingering Aurora, grasped Cayla’s smooth hip, and got to work on giving my women what they wanted.


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