The Waste Land

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by T. S. Eliot

  Chout (ballet), 184

  Bergson, Henri, 169, 186

  Chu Chin Chow (musical), 142

  Bertrand, Aloysius, 159

  Churchill, Charles, 173

  Boileau-Dexpréaux, Nicholas, 159

  Church of England, 170–171

  Bottomley, Horatio, 142

  Cinema, 142, 168, 184

  Boutique fantasque (ballet), 184

  Cino da Pistoia, 198

  2 6 7

  2 6 8

  i n d e x t o e l i o t ’ s c o n t e m p o r a r y p r o s e

  City of London (financial district),

  Duchess of Malfi (John Webster), 167


  Duncan, Raymond, 191

  Clemenceau, Georges, 137

  Cleveland, John, 150, 194, 201

  Ebeneezer Temperance Association, 148,

  Clumsy, Sir Tunbelly, 141


  Clutton-Brock, Arthur, 170

  Ecclesiastes, 162

  Coalition Government, 138

  Einstein, Albert, 183, 191

  coal strike (1921), 183

  “Elegy for John Oldham” (John Dryden),

  Coleridge, S. T., 151, 154


  Collins, William, 150, 156, 198

  Epstein, Jacob, 183

  Colvin, Sir Sidney, 170

  Epstein, Jean, 199

  comet, Pons-Winnecke, 183

  Everyman Theatre, Hampstead, 184

  Congreve, William, 184

  Corbière, Tristan, 200

  Falsta¤, 141

  Corneille, Pierre, 180

  ferocity, aesthetics of, 168, 169. See also

  Court Theatre (London), 189

  surprise, aesthetics of; violence,

  Covent Garden (opera house, London),

  aesthetics of


  Firbank, Ronald, 186

  Cowley, Abraham, 147, 150, 156, 174–175,

  Flaubert, Gustave, 151

  177, 193, 195, 200–201

  Forbes-Robertson, Sir J., 167

  Cowper, William, 173

  Frazer, James, 189

  Crabbe, John, 173

  Craig, Gordon, 184–185

  Gautier, Théophile, 147, 150

  Crashaw, Richard, 193, 196, 200

  George V, 183

  Creevey, Thomas, 186

  Georgian Anthology, or Georgian Poetry,

  Crothers, Samuel McChord, 136, 137

  137–139, 145

  Cruikshank, George, 169

  Georgianism, 164

  Cuadro Flamenco (ballet), 184

  Gibbon, Edward, 159, 160, 186

  Gilbert and Sullivan, 167

  Dada, 141, 144

  Gioconda, La ( Mona Lisa), 162, 165

  Daily News (newspaper, London),

  Gladstone, William Ewart, 185–186


  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 145

  Dante Alighieri, 145, 153, 160, 198

  Golden Bough (James Frazer), 189

  Darling, Charles John, 239

  Golden Treasury, 146

  Darwin, Charles, 191

  Goldsmith, Oliver, 173, 198

  Denham, John, 159, 173

  Good-Humoured Ladies (ballet), 184

  De Quincy, Thomas, 159, 163

  Goossens, Eugene, 188

  Descartes, René, 141

  Gosse, Edmund, 136, 170

  Diaghilev, Sergei, 146, 184

  Gourmont, Remy de, 161

  Diderot, Denis, 190

  Graves, George, 142, 168

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 186

  Gray, Thomas, 150, 156, 173, 196, 198

  Donne, John, 146–147, 149, 162, 192,

  Grierson, Herbert, J. C. 192

  193, 196–197, 200, 201

  Guinizelli, Guido, 198

  Drinkwater, John, 137

  drought (1921), 183

  Haldane, Lord Richard Burdon, 183

  Drury Lane (opera house, London), 183

  Hale, Robert, 142, 168

  Dryden, John, 147, 148, 154–155, 161,

  Hardy, Thomas, 147, 190

  172–182, 198, 200

  Hazlitt, William, 176

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  Herbert, George, 193, 195, 200

  Manners, J. Hartly ( Peg o’ My Heart), 167

  Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, 192, 195, 200

  Margate, 183

  Hogarth, William, 169

  Marlowe, Christopher, 147, 172, 196

  Homer, 149, 160

  Marvell, Andrew, 146–157, 170, 192, 196,

  Horace, 149, 179

  198, 200

  Huxley, 139

  Massine, Leonide, 184

  Masters, Edgar Lee, 137

  Ibsen, Henrik, 167

  Melbourne, William Lamb, second

  Incorporated Stage Society, 166

  Viscount of, 186

  Influenza (1921), 183

  Mencken, H. L., 135

  “Metaphysical poetry,” 192–201

  Johnson, Samuel, 151, 173, 194, 196, 198,

  Middleton, Thomas, 194


  Midshipman Easy, 141

  Jones, Tom, 141

  Miles Gloriosus, 143

  Jonson, Ben, 140, 147, 150, 154, 166–167,

  Milton, John, 147, 148, 150, 154–155, 156,

  172, 192, 196

  160, 162, 175, 176, 177–178, 180,

  Joyce, James, 165, 186, 189

  198, 200

  Money, Sir Leo Chioza, 167

  Keats, John, 137, 145, 147, 157, 170, 173

  Monro, Harold, 136, 139

  King, Bishop Henry, 192, 194, 200

  Montaigne, Michel de, 196

  Morris, Margaret, 191

  Lafontaine, Jean de, 147

  Morris, William, 152–154

  Laforgue, Jules, 139, 146, 199–200

  Mozart, George, 140, 142

  Lane, Lupino, 142, 168

  Murry, John Middleton, 169–170

  Lee, Nathaniel, 178

  music hall, 140, 142, 168

  Legend, Sir Sampson, 141

  Levey, Ethel, 141, 168

  Nation (periodical), 169

  Lewis, Wyndham, 169

  Newman, John Henry, 159, 160, 161

  Lindsay, Vachel, 137

  Newton, Sir Isaac, 191

  Little Tich, 140, 142, 168

  Nichols, Robert Malise Bowyer, 139

  Lloyd, Marie, 139–140, 142, 169

  Nijinksy, Vaslav, 184

  Lloyd George, David, 137

  Lombard Street (City of London), 171

  Oldham, John, 173, 181

  London County Council, 171

  Overreach, Sir Giles, 141

  London Mercury, 169

  Ovid, 150, 179

  London Wall (street, City of London),

  Oxford Book of English Verse, 146, 192


  Lopokova, Lydia, 184

  Palladium (music hall, London), 139

  Lotinga, Ernie, 140

  Pater, Walter, 162, 165, 187

  Lucretius, 148, 179

  Pavlova, 184

  Lynd, Robert, 167, 170, 183

  Peg o’ My Heart (J. Hartly Manners), 167

  Phillips, David Graham, 137

  Mabie, Hamilton Wright, 137

  Phillips, Edward, 173

  Macaulay, Thomas Babbington, 186

  Phoenix Society, 140, 141, 166–167

  Macdermott, Norman, 189

  Picasso, Pablo, 140, 188

  “MacFlecknoe” (John Dryden), 174–175

  Podsnap, 138, 142

  Maida Vale (road, London), 143

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 145, 154, 159, 160,

  Mallarmé, Stephan, 164, 176

  163, 195

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  i n d e x t o e l i o t ’ s c o n t e m p o r a r y p r o s e

  Pope, Alexander, 147, 148, 161, 173, 176, 177

  Stravinsky, Igor, 184, 188–189

  Pound, Ezra, 139

  surprise, aesthetics of, 149, 154, 174,

  Prior, Matthew, 193

  175. See also ferocity, aesthetics of;

  Propertius, 150

  violence, aesthetics of

  Proposed Demolition of Nineteen City

  Swift, Jonathan, 147

  Churches, 171

  Swinburne, Algernon, 162, 180–181

  Punch (periodical), 169

  Taylor, Jeremy, 161

  Rabbi Zeal-of-the-Land Busy, 148

  Tennyson, Sir Alfred, 137, 138, 141, 145,

  Racine, Jean, 180, 200

  147, 162, 197–198

  Raleigh, Sir Walter, 165

  Théâtre du Vieux Colombier (Paris), 184

  Read, Herbert, 139

  Thompson, Francis, 193

  Repplier, Agnes, 136

  Three-Cornered Hat (ballet), 184

  Revival of Criticism, 139, 170

  Times Literary Supplement, 169

  Robey, George, 168

  “To His Coy Mistress” (Andrew Marvell),

  Romance (Edward Brewster Sheldon), 145


  Rossetti, Christina, 193

  Tourneur, Cyril, 194

  Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 145

  Townshend, Aurelian, 192, 201

  Rowlandson, Thomas, 169

  Turgenev, Ivan, 163

  Ruskin, John, 163

  Twain, Mark, 174

  Sacre du printemps (Igor Stravinsky),

  Ulysses (James Joyce), 165, 189


  United Grand Junction Ebeneezer

  St. Michael Paternoster (church, London),

  Temperance Association, 148, 167


  Saintsbury, George, 192

  Van Doren, Mark, 173–174, 179

  Seldes, Gilbert, 189

  Vaughan, Henry, 193, 200

  Settle, Elkanah, 174

  Vergil, 160

  Shadwell, Thomas, 174

  Villon, François, 154, 175

  Shaftesbury, Arthur Ashley Copper,

  violence, aesthetics of, 169, 180, 194.

  first earl of, 174

  See also ferocity, aesthetics of;

  Shakespeare, William, 147, 151, 167, 175,

  surprise, aesthetics of

  176, 194

  Volpone, or the Fox (Ben Jonson), 140, 143

  Shaw, George Bernard, 183, 184, 188–191

  Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet de, 159

  Sheldon, Edward Brewster ( Romance), 167

  Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 137, 147, 157, 173, 198

  Wallace, Nellie, 142, 168

  Shewing Up of Blanco Posnet (G. B. Shaw),

  Waller, Edmund, 173


  Webster, John, 167, 194

  Sitwell, Edith, 139

  Western, Squire, 141

  Smith, Logan Pearsall, 161, 162

  Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, 139

  Sokolova, Lydia, 189

  Wilde, Oscar, 190

  Spenser, Edmund, 176

  Wilson, Woodrow, 137

  Spinoza, Baruch, 198

  Woolf, Virginia, 186–187

  Spoon River Anthology (Edgar Lee

  Wordsworth, William, 137, 147, 157,

  Masters), 137

  160, 173

  Squire, John Collings, 138, 141, 170, 183

  Wren, Sir Christopher, 170

  Star (newspaper, London), 166

  Strachey, Lytton, 185–187

  Yeats, William Butler, 139, 147

  Document Outline


  Introduction A Note on the Text

  The Waste Land Editor’s Annotations to

  Historical Collation

  Eliot’s Contemporary prose London Letter, March 1921

  The Romantic Englishman, the Comic Spirit, and the Function of Criticism

  The Lesson of Baudelaire

  Andrew Marvell

  Prose and Verse

  London Letter, May 1921

  John Dryden

  London Letter, July 1921

  London Letter, September 1921

  The Metaphysical Poets

  Notes to Eliot’s Contemporary Prose

  Selected Bibliography

  General Index

  Index to Eliot’s Contemporary Prose




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