Rule of the Monk; Or, Rome in the Nineteenth Century

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Rule of the Monk; Or, Rome in the Nineteenth Century Page 10

by Giuseppe Garibaldi


  Before continuing my story I must remark upon one of the most strikingfacts in Rome--viz., the conduct and bravery of the Roman soldiery.

  Even the Papal troops have a robust and martial air, and retain anindividual worth of character to an astonishing degree. In the defenseof Rome, all the Roman artillerymen (observe, all) were killed at theirguns, and a reserve of the wounded, a thing unheard of before, bleedingthough they were, continued to fight manfully until cut down by thesabres of their foes. On the 3d of June the streets were choked withmutilated men, and amongst the many combats after the city was taken,between the Roman soldiery and the foreigners, there did not occur oneexample where the Romans had the worst of it in any thing like fairfight.

  Of one point, therefore, the priesthood is certain--that in every caseof general insurrection the Roman army will go with the people. This isthe reason they are compelled to hire foreign mercenaries, and why therevenues of the "Vicegerent of Heaven" are spent upon Zouaves, Remingtonrifles, cartridges, and kilos of gunpowder.

  Silvio was received by the triad with exclamations of joy. Aftersaluting them, he turned to Attilio, saying, "Our men are at hand. Ihave left them hidden in the shadows cast by the marble horses. They butawait our signal."

  Then Attilio sprang up, saying, "Muzio and I will go at once to thejailer, and secure the keys. You, Dentato, guide Silvia and his men tothe door of the cell, and overpower the guard stationed before it."

  "So be it," replied Dentato; "Scipio (the dragoon who had introducedSilvio) shall lead you to the jailer's room; but beware Signor Pancaldo,he is a devil of a fellow to handle."

  "Leave me to manage him," replied Attilio, and he hastily left theapartment, preceded by Scipio and Muzio. Such an attempt as they wereabout to make would be a more difficult, if not an incredible thing, inany other country, where more respect is attached to Government and itsofficers. In Rome little obedience is due to a Government which, alas,is opposed to all that is pure and true.

  Dentato, after summoning Silvio's men, led them to the guards stationedat the entrance to the cells. Silvio waited until the sentinel turnedhis back upon them, then, springing forward with the agility that madehim so successful when pursuing the wild boar, he hurled the sentinel tothe ground, covering his mouth with his hand to stifle any cry of alarm.The slight scuffle aroused the sleepy questor-guard, but before theycould even rub their eyes, Silvio's men had gagged and bound them.As they accomplished this, Attilio appeared with Muzio, convoying thereluctant jailer and his bunch of keys between them.

  "Open!" commanded Attilio.

  The jailer obeyed with forced alacrity, whereupon they entered a largevaulted room, out of which opened, on every side, doors leading toseparate cells. At sight of them, a soldier, the only inmate visible,approached with a perplexed air.

  "Where is Signor Manlio?" demanded Antilio; and Pancaldo felt the gripof the young artist clutch his wrist like iron, and noticed his righthand playing terribly with the dagger-hilt.

  "Manlio is here," said he.

  "Then release him," cried Attilio.

  The terrified jailer attempted to turn the key, but some minutes passedbefore his trembling hands allowed him to effect this. Attilio, pushinghim aside as the bolts shot back, dashed open the door, and called toManlio to come forth.

  Picture the sculptor's astonishment and joy when he beheld Attilio,and realized that he had come to release him from his cruel and unjustincarceration. Attilio, knowing they ought to lose no time in leavingthe palace, after returning his friend's embrace, bade Muzio lock up theguard in the cell. As soon as this was accomplished, they led the jailerbetween them through the passages, passing on their way the soldierswhom they had previously bound, who glared upon them with impotent rage,till they gained the outer door in silence and safety. Dividing intogroups, they set off at a quick pace, in different directions. Attilio,Muzio, and Manlio, however, retained possession a little while of thejailer, whom they made to promenade, gagged and blindfolded, until theythought their companions were at a safe distance. They then left him,and proceeded in the direction of the Porta Salaria, which leads intothe open country.


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