If I Love You

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If I Love You Page 5

by Tmonique Stephens

  Noah’s truck was gone. Not even his tire tracks remained. Was he even here? Did last night even happen? She remembered his hands on her body, his mouth on her nipples, his cock driving deep between her spread thighs.

  Yeah. It happened. And he left. Without a word. She shouldn’t be upset, but damn, it hurt. He left her like she was some hoe he picked up in a club. Thoroughly sated, she hadn’t heard him leave. Disgusted with herself, she snorted and shook her head. Lesson learned. Across the street, her elderly neighbor waded out of his house with a shovel in his hand.

  She needed to get over there before the man had a heart attack. A glance inside her grandmother’s bedroom confirmed the comforter withstood the night. Begrudgingly, she admitted Noah had done a good job.

  She couldn’t think about him now. There was too much to do. She ran to her bedroom and dragged on some underwear and a pair of warm leggings paired with her brother’s bulky sweater. Actually, it was good that Noah wasn’t here, she thought as voices filtered from outside. The last thing she needed was all her nosy, well-meaning neighbors, in her business. All from her grandmother’s generation, they knew Kensley from birth and had tried to fill some of the void left by Nana’s passing. They’d love nothing more than to see her married, pregnant, and remaining in the house. That wasn’t going to happen. Once her security clearance was completed, her butt would be on a plane to Italy.

  The sound of a Hemi engine caught her attention. She rushed to her living room window, and sure enough, Noah had returned. He parked his truck right next to her house and rushed over to Mr. Walters. She couldn’t hear their conversation but figured it out when Mr. Walters shook Noah’s hand returned to his home without his shovel.

  How dare he show up and help her neighbor without her permission. She shoved her feet, no socks, into her boots, dragged on her coat, and yanked open the front door in time to a black, white, and gray dog bound out of the passenger side of Noah’s truck. The thing was huge. It flopped into the snow, rolled around, then burrowed beneath a snowdrift.

  She marched over to her nemesis—aka—Noah. Never mind the incredible sex. That was beside the point. She wasn’t the first woman to sleep with the wrong guy, and she wouldn’t be the last. Actually, it was a rite of passage. Apparently, she had several rites of passage with several different guys. Noah being the latest.

  Oh look, all her neighbors were outside their houses, cataloging their damaged homes and chatting each other up. Oh look, they noticed her and Noah. Mrs. Hughes waved…not at her, but at Noah. Wait! What was he doing? Where the fuck was he going? He had a bag in his hand from Gristel’s bakery. They had the best chocolate croissants in the world.

  He handed the bag to Mrs. Hughes, had a quick conversation, gave her a hug, then headed Kensley’s way. Collar flipped up, shoulders hunched against the cold, he strolled across the street with a predatory gait that was close to a prowl. Mrs. Hughes watched him go with a smile plastered on her wrinkled face. She checked out his butt, and Kensley couldn’t fault her. Noah had a fine ass. Seeing it in a pair of jeans was good. Grabbing it while he pounded into you, better.

  Uh oh! The dog popped his head out of the snowdrift and spotted her. They both froze. She liked dogs. The only reason she didn’t have a pet was because she hadn’t gotten over Lovey’s death. She loved that mutt. It was a cross between a beagle, and God knows what else, and the most faithful pet she’d ever own. Kevin, Nana, and Lovey. The three most important beings in her world, brother, grandmother, dog, gone. Not fair.

  “Bear, to me,” Noah yelled.

  The dog ignored him and trotted over to her. Tail wagging, tongue hanging out the side of his mouth, he was the fluffiest thing she’d ever seen. He came right up to her and stuck his nose in her crotch. Well, hello to you too! She shoved him away only to have him dart around her and sniff her butt. She shoved him again only to have him pounce on her. Knocked into the snow, he had free reign to slobber all over her face. And she loved it. She couldn’t stop laughing and petting him.

  “Alright, Bear. She’s not your new toy, and she needs to breathe.” While holding a box in one hand, Noah used his other to grab Bear’s collar and pulled the beast off her. “Sorry. He’s a puppy and doesn’t know how to control himself.”

  “A puppy?” The dog was already full-sized. She climbed to her feet and dusted the snow off her body. “What breed is it?”

  “Giant Malamute.”

  At least he was friendly and gorgeous. Mrs. Penny, wife to reverend Penny, the pastor of the largest Baptist church in town, passed by with her poodle on a leash. Luckily, Noah still had a hold on Bear. “Stay.” Surprisingly, the dog listened. “Good boy. He’s learning.” His gaze strolled up and down her body.

  “Hi, Noah and Kensley.” Mr. Penny waved.

  Great. Just great. How is it possible to have a walk of shame in your own driveway? She glared at Noah. “Why are you here?”

  His head cocked to the side as if she’d spoken Chinese instead of English. “I bought you breakfast.”

  “And the neighbors. Now the entire neighborhood knows you spent the night,” she hissed.

  An eyebrow raised over his chestnut-colored eyes as if to say, So what.

  “You don’t have to live here.” With Ma and Pa Judgment on every corner, she didn’t add. “Everyone in town will know what we did,” she snapped. Also, having this discussion in full view of her neighbors wasn’t wise, but neither was inviting him inside. Ugh! Living in a small town, one gave up their anonymity. Everyone knew the exact moment you took a dump. Plus, the color and aroma.

  Noah took a slow perusal of the surrounding houses. More people were out and about checking their properties. More than a few waved. Noah glared at her. “It’s okay to fuck me but not be seen with me?”

  She didn’t like the way he put it but, “Yeah.”

  He snorted, and a smile curled the corner of his mouth. “I should be upset, shouldn’t I? Instead, I want to know why.”

  Oh God, why couldn’t he slip away in the night like most men after they’d scored?

  “That bad, huh?” He handed her the Gristel’s bag and the large coffee. “Come, Bear.”

  She couldn’t let him leave like this. “I woke up, and you were gone. I thought—”

  “Had to get my dog. He doesn’t do well left alone for long periods.” He walked back to his truck.

  She really should’ve let him go, not trail behind him. This was what she wanted, him to leave. Except… He opened the passenger door for Bear to leap inside, then watched her approach. Arms across his chest, he seemed impossibly bigger. Her tongue-tied. He didn’t seem angry. In fact, she couldn’t read him. Nobody could. That’s what made him such an enigma in high school. Cool to the point of being cold. No one knew what he honestly thought. It kept all the girls trying. He hadn’t changed at all.

  “This is a small town,” she explained.

  “I know that. I grew up here, just like you.”

  “Reputation is all you have in a small town.”

  “I know that, too,” he deadpanned.

  “Well, I’m glad you understand.” Now they could go their separate ways. “It wasn’t bad. Last night,” she quickly added when he just stood there, blinking at her. “It was…” Beautiful. The best sex I ever had. Something I will never, ever, forget.

  Rough fingers captured her face. “Not over.” He kissed her, tilted her head back, licked into her mouth and nibbled on her bottom lip in full view of her neighbors. By the time they came up for air, she had not a single thought left in her head.

  Dumbfounded, she watched him climb into his truck and drive away, only realizing how she looked standing there when she noticed Mr. Hughes saluting her with the coffee Noah had brought him.


  “Hey, Kensley. What can I do for ya?”

  Shipmann’s Hardware and Handyman Services wasn’t Home Depot. It couldn’t compete in any way with the home improvement superstore. Good thing the town didn’t have one. Not that i
t mattered to Kensley one bit. Hammer, nail, and a wrench, that was the extent of her hardware knowledge. She fixed bodies. Not windows.

  Only eight a.m. and the place was packed. She’d been here an hour already, and finally Mr. Shipmann, the younger—considering sixty was younger than his ninety-year-old father handling the register—eyed her with patience he must have had on reserve for his female customers. “A tree limb broke a bedroom window last night. I need a tarp or wood or something.”

  “The tarps are in aisle four. As for windows, we don’t keep them in stock until the summer. We have some plywood panels to nail over the window. I may be able to get out to your house…umm…maybe…I can make it out there after we close at ten tonight.”

  “I can do it now.”

  All her muscles tensed and not in a bad way. A slow pivot brought her face to face with her nemesis… who she’d screwed.

  Was a man still your nemesis when he’s spent the night between your legs? By invitation. And he’s given you the best orgasm(s) of your life?

  “You should be resting your leg,” was better than reacting to the man or saying what she really wanted to, which she wasn’t quite sure what would come out of her mouth.

  “I’m here like everyone else for supplies and food.”

  How hungry could he be when he had Gristel’s only thirty minutes ago. “A hardware store for food? No one comes to a hardware store for food. Nails, yes,” said with heavy sarcasm.

  “There’s beer and chips in aisle nine,” he said with a smirk, then ignored her. “The plywood can go in the back of my truck, Rick.”

  “Sure thing, Noah.” Rick slapped him on the back and took off, clearly relieved as other customers vied for his attention.

  Kensley glared at Noah, annoyed he’d one-upped her about the beer and chips, and pissed about the plywood. “I did not agree with you helping me.” Her phone rang. She fished it out of her pocket. “Dr. Fitzroy, I’m sorry. I’m at Shipmann’s trying to get someone to come out. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “It’s an offer you can’t refuse,” Noah’s smug ass gloated.

  She ended the call. “I don’t want you at my house.” Which was kind of ridiculous after last night.

  His brow knit together, and the corner of his mouth curled, mocking her. “Why?”

  She could’ve clung to Kevin being her reason, but that was too hollow an answer. She hadn’t forgotten, but maybe, she’d forgiven.

  Without a plausible answer, she shrugged and rolled her eyes. He folded his arms across his broad chest in a stance clearly meant to intimidate. “Look. Do you want help or not? Rick’s not getting to your house until sometime late tonight, if at all. That gives plenty of time for all kinds of critters to get in and make themselves at home. By critters, I don’t mean the four-legged furry kind.”

  He wasn’t wrong. However, that didn’t mean she wanted him back in her house, especially without her. Noah spun, giving her his back to snarl at as he walked to the cash register. Oh look, they had easy access beer and chips at the checkout line. Noah snagged two cases and two bags of chips. Ol’ man Shipmann flashed a rare grin at Noah and rang him up.

  Rick exited a side door pushing a trolley with four large plywood panels on it.

  “Add the plywood to the bill,” Noah said.

  Ol’ man Shipmann nodded, and his knobby fingers flew with surprising agility over the register.

  “No, you don’t. I will not let you pay for my wood!” By the time she’d fished her wallet out of her purse, Noah was already in the parking lot folding down the rear door to his flatbed. Ol’ man Shipmann stared at her with his rummy eyes, disapproval turning his mouth into an upside-down U. The man had never liked her. Not even when she moved back home to take care of her grandmother after she’d graduated from nursing school.

  “How much was the wood?” she demanded. Ol’ man Shipmann screwed his lips together, like a puckered asshole. “Fine!” She didn’t have time for this. She plunked down forty bucks.

  “Feminist.” Ol’ man Shipmann spat with the same vehemence he’d denounce the city council when they raised property taxes at the last council meeting.

  She stuffed her wallet back into her purse, spun to leave, and ran smack into Mr. Jeffrey Hamilton, president of the largest bank in town, and her almost father-in-law.

  “Kensley.” She didn’t miss the surprise in his voice or his startled eyes as he tipped his hat to her. “Good to see you.”

  “And you,” she said, her focus over his shoulder on Rick and Noah. She had nothing against Mr. Hamilton except he raised a shitty son.

  “Eric is back in town, permanently,” he said as if it were something to celebrate.

  Her gaze cut to Mr. Hamilton. “Yeah?” she said with little interest.

  “Yes.” He rocked on his heels, a habit she’d noticed when he was determined to get his point across. “He’s got his head on straight now, and he’s back to make amends.” Mr. Hamilton continued.

  Amends, huh? She took that to mean daddy had cut him off, and he was running low on funds. She got it, it took a while, but she got it. Eric was a fuck up, and she was the good girl assigned to keep him legit and in line. She was the tool to give him respectability after all his fuck ups, maybe even help get him elected to office since she was the daughter of the mayor.

  All daddy’s plans had gone up in flames when Eric ran away with Meghan, the Serta queen.

  Kensley should’ve known better. Meghan was the stereotypical ex-cheerleader It Girl that every guy in high school wanted…and most of the football team had. Which made them want her more. Go figure. Slut trumps good girl every single time.

  Kensley eyed Mr. Hamilton with disgust. God works in mysterious ways, and he’d definitely intervened and saved her from a disastrous marriage. Respect your elders, her grandmother’s teachings hadn’t gone to waste. That was the only thing keeping Kensley from telling him to go screw himself. Plus, she had an audience. Always in this damn town, she had an audience.

  Mr. Hamilton’s contrite expression was the perfect balance of sympathy and regret. One she’d seen multiple times on his son’s face. “He’s sorry for everything, Kensley.” He’d lowered his voice, but not low enough for those closest not to hear and spread the gossip. “I’m sorry for everything he’s put you through. You’re a good girl.” He buttered her up like jam on dry toast for his son’s return to her good graces. As if there was a way for that to ever, ever, happen. “And you deserve better.”

  Ain’t that the truth. “Yes. I do deserve better. So, tell your son to stay away from me. Far, far away.” She left before he gave a response.

  Rick took off as she approached Noah’s truck, leaving him to finish tying down the plywood. “I did not agree to this,” she shouted at his broad back and was ignored. He didn’t even turn around. Dealing with her ex’s father had used up the last of her patience. She didn’t like being ignored, especially not like this, in public. She wedged herself between him and the plywood. Rather, he allowed her to wedge herself between him and his truck and barely gave her enough room to glare at him. With her head tipped all the way back, it wouldn’t be long before she got a crick in her neck.

  His five o’clock shadow was now a midnight beard, which made him more rugged, sexier. Especially with his jacket open and the top two buttons of his plaid shirt undone, showing off his strong neck and a hint of pec. Focus, Kensley! Eyes narrowed, nostrils flaring, she gave him her best dagger stare, which had no effect judging by his neutral features. The staring contest was pointless, but she wouldn’t buckle. The corner of his mouth lifted, smirk or grin, she couldn’t tell though her hormones adored both.

  “Go to work, Kensley,” he said in a most reasonable tone. “I don’t need you to babysit me. Your jewelry is safe.” She wasn’t worried about her jewelry because she didn’t have any. He leaned in, close to her ear. “Can’t say that about your underwear. Top right drawer in the dresser is my guess.”

  Words, so many words la
nded on her tongue and fought to be the first out of her clenched jaw. Finally, she managed to grit out, “You can go screw yourself.”

  “More fun screwing you,” he whispered.

  He was too close. His face, his scent, his presence, drowned her senses. And his lips… The memory of them on her body assaulted her. She promised herself it was over, a one and done thing. But one little kiss wouldn’t hurt, wouldn’t mean she lied to herself. One more kiss wouldn’t mean anything.

  She leaned in, went to her tippy toes. Bear’s barking snapped whatever trance Noah had cast. That’s when she noticed ten people milling about the parking lot waiting to view the outcome of their argument, including Mr. Hamilton. One of the Bradley boys even had his phone out, recording everything. By noon, the gossip would be all over town.

  “Fine. Follow me.” She practically threw herself into her car. She had to drive past her house to get to the clinic. No way was she giving him her keys. Fuck that. She’d let him in and head to work, then check on him during her break.

  Kensley took the lead, driving down the road at a sedate pace while her blood boiled. She hated being treated that way. The ‘Little lady needs help’ way. Treated as if she were incompetent. Couldn’t do anything without help. She was a fucking RN. Saving lives was what she did. So, what if she didn’t know the business end of a hammer. Not true. She could pound a nail as well as anyone, maybe not with much accuracy, but the nail wouldn’t tattle.

  She glanced in her rearview and fumed at the oversized behemoth filling the mirror. A part of her realized the irrational tilt her emotions had taken and didn’t rein them in. Cutting loose felt good, made her blood surge through her veins. It had nothing to do with Noah Kirby.


  “Be nice, Kensley,” she grumbled. “He really doesn’t have to help you.” Some of her ire cooled. Maybe he wasn’t totally an asshole. Maybe he was simply a guy helping the nurse who helped him.

  Wouldn’t be the first time that happened to her. However, a misguided charity case isn’t what she wanted to be for any man. She glanced in her rearview again. Especially not one that made her come more times in twelve hours than she ever had. Mind-melting orgasms. Her pussy throbbed in agreement.


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